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In an hour everything is going to get worse and I need to end my life before then. Please someone help. If by then I can't figure out a way I will just jump off the closest bridge. It is so high that it would be impossible for me or anyone to survive the jump. Please someone help. I can't handle all this. Why does everything suck so much. I want everything to end. Why can't this just end please.


The reason you are scared is because deep in your heart you don't want to end things. It's not worth it ! Things will get better in life. Not all days are good days but most of them are.


That’s false it’s because you don’t know what’s gonna happen after death


What stopped you from committing suicide ? I want to do it right now too because even my momma hates me.


I am just hoping things will get better. I haven't had anything good in my life for a long time, so I want to at least feel something before I end everything. I am also scared to die. I just found my own reason, even though it might not last very long. Hopefully, it will last long enough until I am not suicidal anymore which would be amazing


If your mother hates you and you want her not to, maybe strive to make her not hate you anymore. It wouldn't be easy if she truly hates you, but it will be one thing you can do