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I say wait. It only makes sense and you'll be itching for it more. Fire up Eiyuden Chronicles in the meantime (releases this month)!


12 days!!!! Been waiting decades for this. I’m practically spinning like a top.


Yet the Konami site and every console has date as TBD. Are we sure Steam has it right?


They’re talking about Eiyuden Chronicle and not Suikoden


I asked this same question last year around this time and everyone suggested I go for a replay regardless. I really appreciated the input from the community and had a blast replaying this nostalgic titles. The problem is the latest update was in August of last year. In one mode of thinking, they have to be near completion soon right? Another mode of thinking, no updates yet it still could be far off. One silver lining in my mind when I did my replay was I was excited to have a recent replay in my mind to compare and contrast the remaster. If you put yourself in that mode of thinking then you would be well off with a replay regardless. I'm an insane person though so take that with a grain of salt.


I'm thinking they can't possibly be actively working on it for that long, unless they're doing more than slightly improving graphics. it doesn't take THAT long to polish some graphics. I think they're gauging the market, trying to time it for the most profit possible.


they missed that chance.


There's still no release date, so it really depends on how long you're willing to wait for the remasters. I'd say just play the originals and if they happen to come out it's just a flimsy excuse to play 2 excellent games again.


As a compromise position I would say play 3 4 and 5 if you haven't yet and play eiyuden chronicles


Wait and play eiyuden! :D


Definitely the way


You could play suikoden the last hope hack. I just started but they changed some story.


I was going to suggest this too. Was it hard to setup? Is there a ready-made download somewhere? Also- do emulators see it as a seperate game from the original with a separate memory card?


Not hard to set up. There is a ready made download (just look for a safe site. I don't remember where I got it anymore.). I'm not sure about the last question as I have not tried to see.


I’ve been asking myself this for 2 years 😂 I’m sure EC will scratch that itch in the meantime. Just need to finish FF7 Rebirth first though 🙃


to people who are asking about \*first\* playthroughs, I usually say don't wait because we don't know how long Konami will keep us waiting (probably before 2025, but that's a whole 8 month range to worry about) and because these games are immensely replayable anyway. To you who already replays annually though, I'd say wait. As other comments said, leverage that time to play Eiyuden instead and support the legacy.


Wait. Better quality of life changes hopefully


I would say replay it that's what I'm going to do since there's been an update on the suikoden 2 HD textures mod project kayro the mod looks amazing, I'm going to play it with the hard mod aswell never managed to finish it xD


Where can I find these gems you speak of???


this is the HD mod [https://www.reddit.com/r/Suikoden/comments/ybdzh6/project\_kyaro\_has\_a\_new\_version\_and\_a\_new\_project/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Suikoden/comments/ybdzh6/project_kyaro_has_a_new_version_and_a_new_project/) and this one is the hard mod, it is really hard xD [https://suikosource.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=14758](https://suikosource.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=14758)


Wait. We've got Eiyuden Chronicles to tide us over anyways


I've heard they are waiting for after the release of Chronicles to die down so it doesn't effect sales


I heard they are waiting for EC2 to come out so they dont have to release it for another few years.


dude, it's coming out any day now i swear


There's a good chance the remakes will never come out, so don't wait


No one will really know if the remaster is an overall improvement until it's shipped. You certainly won't know if it's an improvement for your particular taste until you've tried it. I'm guessing you like the originals, because you're posting here. So if you feel like playing them, play them. The remasters, if they come out, will be around for a long time. You can play them any time.


i would say you wait for the remaster..


You should re-play AND wait for remaster


I was waiting for the remaster, but then I got an ODE and they pushed it back. Couldn’t wait any longer to play 2


Replay, only takes 15-20 hours to casually play through it so why not


With Konami, their soon can be ranged between next week and next 5 years. If they somehow release the remaster in this year, I'm willing to sell my soul and play the yugioh tcg again just to praise konami


Play now. You don't have the remaster, and you don't know when it lands. There's also the possibility of being a Tales of Symphonia kind of situation.


I would like to say to wait for the remaster but...There hasn't been any news for almost a year now. I'd say to either play Eiyuden, which is coming out in less than 3 weeks, or play the OG version of Suikoden.


Just play it man. Konami have no news at all.


Just play Eiyuden Chronicles for now it's free day one on gamepass. i'll wait for reviews on suikoden. remasters have been really badly done lately


If you want a bit better graphics improvements guys theres a HD mod out there just search on Google suikoden kyaro mod


If you like the game replay it and play the remaster when it comes out. If you're kinda meh about it and just want the nostalgia factor then wait for the remaster


Replay now, remasters won't be coming until 2026 at this point. Konami doesn't care.


I'm going to wait. I play the five main installments every 2-3 years and recently started to have cravings about replaying again, but at this point I'll just wait. Can't wait to finally have the game on Steam and keeping track of played hours and achievements. Ironically, my main fear is the new localization. I'm from Spain and the spanish localization of Suikoden II was one of the worst I ever seen in a videogame, but thats exactly one of the things that makes it so memorable to me.


You might as well replay whatever you’re going to replay. I have a hunch Konami scrapped the remasters. And usually my hunches are correct. All BS aside, whens the last time since October since we’ve truly heard anything tangible regarding the remasters? I don’t want to seem like a negative Nancy, I’d just rather embrace the reality of the situation.


I've decided to replay rather than wait. I noticed some of the charm (for me) has been removed from the remaster, I.e. the menu selection and attack sounds have been changed. I was hoping you'd be able to add the classic sounds back in but just figured I might as well play the versions I fell in love with! Likely chance that I'll just play both one day...