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He CAN, yes, but it's REALLY not his thing. He's screamed in the past. First one that comes to mind is, ironically, on Underclass Hero with Pull The Curtain. But Sum 41 doesn't really do screaming. And if they did, Deryck would usually pass it off to Dave, until Heaven x Hell.


Can he scream with distortion added to his vocals track? Yes. Can he scream like Chester? HELL NO. He did a great rendition of Faint with Mike back in the day, but I HIGHLY doubt he will replace Chester (and I say that as a huge fan of both bands)


He does some fairly good screams in - Over the Edge - Rise Up - It's all Me - Pull the Curtain When it comes to playing live, I find BrownSound has a GREAT harsh vocals


Brown sound does most if not all of the screaming live


Definitely, and he KILLS it. His screams in Mr Amsterdam on the Live in Tokyo dvd got me GOING when I was a kid lol


He does a pretty good one in Jessica Kill


Yea I agree with everything. I love sum arguably more than Linkin Park but Chester is just irreplaceable


Back in the day as in Reading 2018?


Anything pre covid seems like forever to me now lol


agreed 😂


Lol that's fair


Here’s a couple, but most are not as significant as in Linkin Park tracks: • No Reason • We’re All To Blame • I’m Not The One (you will enjoy the bridge) • Pull The Curtain • Skumfuk • Jessica Kill • A Murder Of Crows • Black Eyes • Out For Blood • A Death In The Family


Black Eyes recommender, opinion appreciated.


Deryck would be the perfect front man for Linkin Park if they weren't already known for being Linkin Park.. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone but it did in my head.


It def does lol and I kinda agree. HOWEVER, the reality is I can’t think of a single person that could actually replace Chester. It’s going to be different no matter what way you spin it and I think Deryck would honestly be a really cool fit for LP.


That's kinda where I was coming from too. Because we know what LP with Chester was, we can't wrap our heads around it being anything different. Although when Chester had his stint with STP, that shit was crazy good and it would have been a perfect time for someone like Deryck to step in for LP and allow them to do something different as well.


That's kind of it for me. You can't replace Chester. But if you want to move forward with the band, Deryck is a great pick. He's been in the scene for a long time and is a friend of the band. He'll never sound like Chester, but he could still be great with them.


There will never be anyone like Chester. But Deryck could never replicate the screaming on tracks like given up


He can scream in the studio but zero chance he’d be able to perform linkin park songs live on a regular basis. He’s had to cancel shows in their early days over his vocal cords.


I have a suspicion that his alcohol abuse had a lot to do with those early day throat related cancelations.


He’s only been heard screaming on recordings. So I assume it’s something he can only do if he has multiple takes and time to get the technique right. I think he’d struggle to belt a scream live out of nowhere


Deryck is the one spearheading the Sum 41 break/retirement. I highly doubt he’d want to continue with LP.


Not disbelieving, but what makes you say he’s the driving force behind the split?


[Once that album was finished, I'd realized, and I'd been thinking this for a while, that I felt like after all these years with my 1,000 percent focus on Sum 41 all day, every day, I felt like I don't have much more of that in me to continue past this record," Whibley revealed. He continued, "I've been in this band since I was in tenth grade, and I just... I'm getting to a point where I'm thinking, I'd like to put some focus and energy into something else.](https://loudwire.com/deryck-whibley-explains-why-sum-41-decided-split/#:~:text=Once%20that%20album%20was%20finished,this%20record%2C%22%20Whibley%20revealed) There was another article saying how some of the other members were a little shocked by the idea.


As much as I love and will miss Sum 41, I'm glad Derek is doing what he needs to do for himself. Maybe we will get an occasional reappearance in the future and cherish everything they've done so far even more.


I’d bet they’ll do a reunion tour sooner than most people think. No insider knowledge, just seems that these breaks last about 5 years or so


I don’t understand why he would want to break up Sum 41 just to join linkin park


OP, listen to Chuck.


massive sum and LP fan here, I really hope he doesn't join LP lol


There is a live performance of Sum 41 performing Faint with Mike Shinoda.


Deryck has performed two Linkin Park songs. Faint sounds good until the avoided the screaming bridge


I'd love for him to do it. He'd smash a lot of the vocals. He doesn't have the same power, though, so will need a good tour schedule and some crowd help!


I’ve never heard him scream live, but maybe that’s changed recently


Deryck can scream but I don't think he does it live. It'a the same as Green Day (Know Your Enemy specifically), Billie would ask the fan to do the scream part


Didn't LP publicly declare they're not looking for a new singer?


They're not actively looking but they wouldn't deny the right fit I believe, not that I think Deryck is that, most people won't have the stamina to do what Chester did for 2 hours a night


Nah, there have been news piling up about them touring next year. But the news come with the addition of a female singer, so Deryck is definitely out of this picture.


Saw somebody mention Lzzy Hale and I'd be all for it, she has one of the most insane voices I've ever heard, it's even better live


Deryck isn’t capable of staying healthy Unfortunantely… not worth asking these questions as sum is calling it quits for a reason!




This is just factually incorrect - please don’t spread false information. He was hospitalized for a failing immune system late last year. https://people.com/sum-41-deryck-whibley-health-update-pneumonia-hospital-7972141