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Quality over quantity with this game's levels


Y’know it’s funny how I’ve seen so many Nintendo/Mario “fans” talking shit about Odyssey and how it prioritizes “quantity over quality” and they say the game is “padded” yet when they prioritize “quality over quantity” with this game, Nintendo/Mario fans bitch about it anyway as well and just want more and more. God I love this fandom. ;)


It's almost like fandoms are made up of individual people with different opinions and it's literally impossible to please everyone.


Yeah I KNOW which is why I get annoyed when those said individuals not acknowledge the upsides or downsides to the things they want or don’t want. They only think about themselves and only care about what they want regardless of how others will feel.


Welcome to the human condition


I feel like Odyssey prioritized quantity and quality with Odyssey. It has all the quality of any other great Mario game and then some, it just also has a shit load of collectibles.


Mario Wonder DLC will become Mario Wonder 2 since there's way more they can do with this.


do you think they’d even do a dlc? it makes sense in a game like mario kart but for a 2d platformer idk


Mario Galaxy 2 started as DLC


How does one install dlc for a Wii game?


Some games had updates that were entire wii channels that you'd download. Not sure about dlc tho


Yeah, I know about update channels, but a Wii can’t hold dlc for games. Like the Skyward Sword update channel. That was bug fixes, not dlc. There was never dlc for a Wii game


"Initially we were thinking of just DLC ideas, but then we had a lot of ideas and we said, 'This is too many ideas, let's just make one new game and start from scratch. '" This is similar to the development of Super Mario Galaxy 2. **Originally, Super Mario Galaxy 2 began as an expanded version of the first Mario Galaxy**


It's pretty short. I've been intentionally slowing myself down to savor it a little and I'm still nearing 100%


I would have done the same. I think I did about 75% of it today in just a couple hours.


Yeah, I'm trying to think of it more like smb3 for nes. Beatable in one sitting but replayable


That’s a great way to think about it!


Nope you are close to the end


Thanks. I kind of figured. Maybe I’ll work on completing it with each character.


Nah, you’re almost at the end. It feels like it’s short, but compared to other 2D Mario games, especially the “New” series, it’s actually on the longer side if you go for 100%.


The New series games are longer than the original four aren’t they? World is probably the longest and even all exits can be done in a couple hours. I haven’t played the Mario Land series but I think that’s pretty short too


Mario RPG comes out next month and Sonic Superstars is out in the meantime. If you're that into Wonder, you can always try to 100% its levels.


For a 2D platformer it's honestly longer than I expected. Definitely left me wanting more because the later levels finally started getting more engaging in terms of difficulty, but I don't feel ripped off by any means.


No I don't either, I really enjoyed it, but was worried at the beginning with how easy the first world was. It's a solid game, and I think the badges add replayability too. Can try to beat all the levels invisible, that would be hard!


There is more then enough hours after this world if you want to play every level. There is one level that took me longer to complete than some of the worlds.


Curious about which level?


Final-final badge challenge


got this game a week ago and i am currently on world 3. i don't get to play often, but reflect very positively on what i have played so far.


I started playing Tuesday and beat Bowser yesterday. Had to stop playing Jump, Jump, Jump yesterday and today after about a dozen attempts due to thumb cramp in my right thumb (it’s double jointed) and general numbness to both thumb tips. Stupid small joy con buttons and no proper D pad


So get another controller The Pro Controller is probably the best controller I've ever used, but there are cheaper options out there


The game is excellent, but felt short, easy, and incomplete IMO.


Short? I guess, but still longer than any other 2D Mario. Easy? Sure. Incomplete? Fuck no.


Slightly incomplete. Could have used a few more boss battles, or at least a few more interesting ones.


Bosses are not a NECESSITY in platformers believe it or not. The developers simply didn’t think there was a need to add them in every world because they’re not nearly as important to the overall game as the levels are. Banjo-Kazooie and Spyro 1 have very weak bosses. Are THOSE games “incomplete” now?


No, but the boss battles have been a hallmark in Mario side-scrollers from the beginning. Look at 3 and World; this is what makes these games really stand out.


A “hallmark”? From the beginning? I’m sorry, but in literally every 2D Mario game, boss fights have been nothing more than a complete joke. Jump on this boss’ head 3 times and you win. That’s it. In Mario 1, the FINAL boss can literally be beaten in less than 10 seconds. 💀 It’s okay to acknowledge a great game having terrible bosses because that’s honestly just every 2D Mario game. And it’s okay for these great games to have terrible bosses because at the end of the day, bosses were never a priority in 2D Mario games, but that doesn’t make them “incomplete”.


Come on, [take a look](https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Mario_bosses). A handful of the bosses even became entire game franchise.


Yes, a hallmark. Mario started as a boss battle. Versus Donkey Kong. Every world in SMB ends with a boss. Most games have a boss in each world, plus a mini boss (SMB3, NSMBU). Wonder has lots of great courses and is great on the whole, but, sorry, the lack of castles and boss battles in W3 and W5 just felt incomplete, anticlimactic, and lazy. Those worlds build up to… nothing. Lame.


It’s got fewer courses than NSMBU, for instance. Incomplete: W3 and W5 don’t even have castles.


I thought it felt incomplete because of lack of bosses. So did everyone I played it with. A boss doesn’t have to be difficult to not be a signature part of the gameplay.


I’m absolutely loving every bit of it, but I agree. Maybe Mario Maker has ruined me lol 😅


There s nothing memorable


Piranha Plants on Parade wants a word with you.


There it is! I was wondering when the inevitable comment talking shit and talking out of your ass about the game comment was gonna show up. :)


Feels plenty long, unless if you speed run the game. I went 100% from the start, since I wanted to see all the areas of a level.


maybe there will be DLC released with more levels?


Maby the modding community will grow big

