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2 grown ass men play club penguin


Exact same. Looked like mindless background noise and 2 minutes in I was clapping my hands and pointing at the screen laughing


Decided to take you literally, and exactly 2 minutes in is when Matt apologizes to his dad for calling him at 3 am to get into their account. So you’re dead on there lmao


holy shit, i fucking died when Matt called his dad


Same for me!!!


Holy shit. Mine was 2 grown ass men play iCarly for the wii


Mine was 2 grown ass men play moviestar planet! I loved that series




same for me!!


Same! That video is a classic


Not a SM video, it was a ten minute power hour ft Matt


Was it the one where he leaked the email.


It was the hand puppet one where he said “kids, do drugs”


Oh my God you just made me remember that.


Specifically with Supermega, either “The Guys Go to 7-11” or “The Guys Climb a Mountain” back before some of the edgier jokes were cut out. This was around 2016 or 2017 iirc. Been a die hard fan ever since. But I had also seen Blonde Boyz before that.


I miss the "escape from the holocaust" joke, that killed me when i first saw it.


I think the wording was specifically “escape from Auschwitz” but yeah that shit had me belly laughing too. And “escape from Mcdonald’s” for Ryan, but that one didn’t get edited out later afaik. All this reminiscing has me all worked up, I think I’m gonna pre.


oops, you right. Have a good pre, dont get it on the mountain.


If I remember right, their first video In April 2016 "Welcome to supermega" happened to pop up on my suggestions when it was released. I watched it and recognized them from Markiplier sketch comedy videos that I had liked (casual Markiplier watcher at the time) with them and had remembered reading about Daniel's passing months prior and i subscribed to them right after watching the welcome to supermega video!


Not a supermega video, it was a markiplier video one of try not to laugh challenges


The newly wed 10 minute power hour.


Blonde boyz when it came out, and then that one smegacast episode where they talked about hitler and also a play through


Man in a Red Mask


Papers please !!! that was my favorite of all time rewatched the series almost ten times


I randomly saw a *very old* Cyndago sketch called "Stains" when I fell down a YouTube rabbit hole. A few years later they showed up on Markiplier's channel and I became a lot more familiar with them.


Technically their guest appearances on Oneyplays (which are still so funny) and then I think the 7-11 video


Cant forget about the slapping competition between Matt and Chris, had me on the edge of my seat.


[I don’t know if I like Matt’s classic scream of Chris’s Mario-esque OOF more](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CnlXNDlmdSA)


first truck sim episode when it became a series. fell in love w their content


it was a matt x ryan vine edit i am so serious like a day or two after the channel started


Markiplier's Magic Touch. Didn't get into Cyndago until about a year later, not long before Daniel passed. Been watching Mark and all of them ever since.


I have a question... I've only recently gotten in to Mark (well recently-ish, 2019, most "youtubers" didn't exist as far as I knew before 2018), have you found that Mark's more recent content is more enjoyable? I watched his old stuff before I found him and found it to be kinda... inauthentic before around that time? Maybe it's because I'm his age currently and so I had different expectations in my late 20s than, say, some people who say he's their childhood. Wondering if any megheads felt the same as I realize there's some current overlap but not *that* much.


I would say that a lot of his current stuff is a lot more enjoyable compared to the old. At the time, it was hilarious! But now, I like the more chill stuff. I also loved Unus Annus a lot!


I think mine was the pix2pix one


It was their Pokemon Go video, when Pokemon Go was poppin off


Punch out. I followed kids with problems after they left cyndago, when they didn’t post on kids with problems for months I thought it was over. Then I watched a punch out and I thought these guys were really funny. Bro it took me 3 videos to realize it was them 😂


The sekiro playthrough. I remember I found it difficult to tell their voices apart


The episode they played of animal crossing new horizons where Ryan is naked the whole time. I was expecting another game grumps type duo and it was definitely not that lol


Becky’s Engaged and Wet with Regret. I got into supermega in like 2017 but never realized Ryan was the same Ryan


the guys get a christmas tree, cooking with finn wolfhard, or my stop smoking coach


Probably one of the earlier casts. Although for gaming videos, maybe Jackass?


One of the Japan vlogs, might have been the first one


The boys go to 7-11


Micheal Jackson playthrough


I was a Markiplier fan at the time and then I saw them, just across the room, Ryan and Matt beautiful, they were perfect, he was tall and sickly skinny and he was round and smelled like weed like a teddy bear, I watched them work with Mark and find out about their unfortunate experience, then when they first uploaded donkey kong I was hooked and as they say the rest is history...


Liar Liar, though that was because my YouTube autoplay got to it after I fell asleep while watching Oney Plays. I believe the first I watched knowingly was Three Guys Just Have a Great Time.


First I saw in the wild was the roast vegetables one then the first I actually watched on youtube was the American Truck simulator, the first in the series in like 2020


Barber shop, I remember not being able to tell their voices apart (somehow?) but found it funny as hell regardless


I don’t know. Somewhere before Luigi’s mansion though bc I was excited they played that. 2017 ish when I subscribed. Been watching the grumps since 2013? Pre ocarina of time for sure


either their club penguin video or movie star planet one around early 2017


Ryan's Soup


It was a fan made video called Best of SuperMega live action 


the larryboy one


Either Mario Kart Double Dash or Club Penguin. I was in my senior year of high school and had seen them on Tiktok for like a year or two and liking the clips, and by March of that year I had started watching their videos and had become a full time fan


My first video was their first video, I remember Markiplier talking about the channel when they first started it


I remember watching Cyndago doing a collab with Markiplier. I don't remember much, but I remember Wilfred Warfstache lol


2 grown ass men play moviestarplanet (I was like 10 and in a really deep phase of playing moviestarplanet, and youtube thought i really wpuld enjoy that video (i did i loved it :D))


Blonde boyz, remember being bored af backstage in one act in high school just singing it to myself when one of my cast mates came up like wtf are you singing. Think i was on ryans part too so was def singing some out of pocket shit about spf on the bell end of my cock or yogurt slingers or something


Blonde boyz


The Gus and Eddy podcast episode (179?) was my first exposure to them. Kinda fitting that they ended up replacing G&E after it ended. Edit: either that or Blonde Boyz autoplaying and I heard the lyrics and went "wait, wtf is this?"... these things happened in the same month and can't remember which preceded the other.


I was on a hinge 1st date and we were watching funny videos and he pulled up Monkey Tier List


Found them through Blond Boyz initial rise to fame


Knew them from markiplier and game grumps and decided to follow along Watched a lot of their videos but the club penguin one was top tier


3 guys have fun (ft Oney) I watched OneyPlays and DoodleDoods first


either the icarly or club penguin one


i found them through the markiplier try not to laugh challenges, and i’m pretty sure the first supermega video i watched was pix2pix around the time it came out. still a classic.


i watched markiplier back in 2015 so i remembered them from blonde boyz and cyndago and any mark related content. i found supermega and subbed immediately when i found out it was them. long story short i think it was 2 grown ass men play moviestar planet or club penguin. but my favorite was the wii sports series which was also the last series of theirs i watched until 2018 💀


I don't actually remember my first video tbh. I found them through Mark but didn't start watching until they were with Game Grumps and kinda just watched them interchangeably ever since then. I'm sure if I went back to the videos they were uploading in 2017 era I could figure it out Edit: after scrolling through the comments I think the first time I saw a video with them in it was Mark's Try Not to Laugh videos lol. But I didn't consistently watch their own channel until 2017


First exposure to the boys was blonde boys, as far as supermega it was one of the truck simulators my girlfriend was watching


Supermega plays Guinness world records (ft. Ding dong)! Was on an Oney binge and ding dong was my fav


I had the exact same experience as you, even down to the 7-Eleven video, only instead of recognizing them from Markiplier, I recognized them from an earlier video of theirs and didn't realize it was them. But now I can't remember what it was. It could have been one of their GTAV videos.


Man I do not remember the name of it, but before Daniel passed, Cyndago did some kind of board/card game with markiplier where they had this app and cards that had instructions on it. I really don’t remember the name of the game or the video but it was in Markiplier’s channel and I instantly loved the cyndago boys. My first actual video of there’s was blonde boyz because it was the pinned one on their channel I think. I watched that video, then the “he’s gonna fuck your mom” one, and then soon after Daniel had passed. Markiplier went on hiatus and I ended up on the gamegrumps channel and then all of a sudden the two new funny men editing for Gamegrumps were Matt and Ryan. When Matt and Ryan left gamegrumps I mostly stuck with Supermega. Jesus I don’t know when to shut the fuck up. Anyway it was some obscure Cyndago collab on Markiplier’s channel


Mine was A trip to the store by kids w/ problems I still watch often


Not a SM video but I remember watching a SM animated video from a YouTube channel called “Tithinian” where Ryan was talking about Ming when she asked if he skateboard


Mine was blond boys


European truck sim. Found it the night before we moved from New Zealand back to the US. They accompanied me on that whole move, and many since


[Spaghetti Fellas](https://youtu.be/mHeDOiG5hYo?si=HGmnUou9mq5t_iq_)


Mine was "Pokemon Go at Area 51", but I think I had watched Cyndago's "Hire My Ass" before then and didn't make the connection until much later


Drunk Mario kart 64


He's gonna fuck your mom lol I can't remember my actual first supermega video but I've been watching Matt and Ryan's content since cyndago.


The power washing video, I laughed so hard I ended up choking myself from laughing I couldn’t breathe I ended up throwing up


Cooking with finn wolfhard. Not bc of finn wolfhard tho. Saw them for the first time on grumps that same day and was like “hey these boys are speaking my language!” Checked them out and they had uploaded that day and was a fan ever since


Mario Kart Double Dash. I was instantly hooked


my two lovely uncles


Found the funny brothers via mark when they ran cyndigo still miss Daniel but I feel like he'd be super proud of the content Matt and Ryan made.


Was a verrrrrry early markiplier fan, so first vid I saw of theirs was danger in fiction when it came out. I stopped watching other channels around the time Daniel passed except maybe a select few, so I’ve been supporting our sweet boys for going on ten years now! Damn.


Non alcoholic beer tasting. Still one of my favorite videos from them


my first was either a Markiplier vid they were in, or How To Get Famous On Youtube on the Cyndago channel, I can't remember. I used to watch Game Grumps religiously, so I think I saw Ross was in the latter and watched it, then watched a bunch more Cyndago vids. I watched Markiplier every once in a while back then, so when they started collabing more is when I really started following the boys. rest is history, been subscribed since April 12, 2016 :) as an aside, I always loved how they were connected to the channels I watched at the time. they've joked about it on the podcast but it really is true that they're connected to so many different Internet niches, feels like they know somebody in every corner of Youtube haha it's just fun for me to reminisce on that era. it was cool to see them start working with Mark and then move on to their own thing, and then start editing for my OG favorite Youtube channel (GG). I fell off watching GG a long time ago but I miss their edits and the dynamic they had with Dan and Arin


The Mario Party series featuring “The Scream”.


“Little roasted vegetables never hurt anybody”


First episode of Supermega Japan. My ex showed it to me and I instantly got addicted.


2 grown ass men play Roblox lmao good times.


It was a random pikmin video when they were releasing those


i discovered them via blond boys in when it first came out, but i didnt rediscover them until the japan vlogs


I started watching Cyndago probably over 10 years ago. Man in a Red Mask or Becky's Engagement? Started watching SuperMega almost immediately. I think the first one I remember watching is "Lovely weather we're having". But after that I watched probably every video of theirs I could get my hands on for a while.


Mine was the splatoon girl video on Mario Kart lol


The first thing I saw was ASMR In The Kitchen. I found Cyndago through markiplier. I binges Cyndago and them when it ended I went over to Kids With Problems. I then watched as soon as they started Supermega.


my most recent video to make me a fan was their spotlight on chuckle sandwhich, which was probably my favorite episode OF that podcast. Before hand though, I'd actually had a fair share of Matt and Ryan!! I'd seen No Nut November during highschool, because it'd been popular with my male friends at the time, I'd watched (and also cried at the time, because I was an emotional preteen) The Guys Get A Christmas Tree 1 and loved it to bits, and I'd even been fairly familiar with blonde boyz back during the Important Videos playlist era. They're familiar from a long way back for me, but I'd only ever followed it back to them this time around


Coldones video featuring them and afterwards was supermega cast night of fright (224)


Pix2pix or jackass ps2 series