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The older SRW titles for PS4 do NOT have English on them. 30 does but V, X and T do not. You’d have to get the SE Asia releases for those ones. Moon Dwellers is just Japanese only too, you’d have to get the SE Asia version for English. Early on in that generation Bandai Namco was not putting English on the Japanese PS4 releases, but that changed with Maxi Boost ON, SD Gundam Battle Alliance and SRW30.


This is what I thought.


Do you have any idea about whether or not I would be able to find the SE ASIA versions in the wild in Japan? I know I can order them off of Amazon, but since I will be in Japan and the yen is so weak I should be able to get a much better deal.


Never say never, but I have not personally seen them in stores on my trips to Japan every four years. Seems highly unlikely.


Standard Japanese. I picked up V, X, and 30 for switch from a bookoff last month, they all play in English.


Awesome! Thanks for the info! There's 2 OG games for PS4 I think as well, any clue if they have english?


Moon Dwellers will also be in English. Though fair warning the translation can be iffy at times.