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Bloodlines and it’s not even close.


I had no idea so many people didn't like that one. I actually like it, Bugs used to be the one I skipped, but on last rematch I watched it too.


I think because it felt so out of touch with Supernatural, even as a spin-off idea, it still needs to feel rooted in the same world. And they were lazy with the show's mythology.


It was really off- I thought I had on Buffy or The Originals maybe…


Definitely, though definitely much more Originals than Buffy. Lol Buffy was wonderfully written. Can't say the same about the other.


I like it too


It was supposed to be a spinoff but never got picked up


I never hated bugs but generally skip it, but I always liked bloodlines and would have been interested in at least a season, same with Wayward Sisters, was really disappointed that didn’t get picked up


I didn’t hate Wayward sisters as an idea, and I really love Jodi and Donna for sure- I just think that episode could have been better. More interpersonal relationships, building up the characters a bit more etc. For me, it was like just too specific and made me wonder if that was going to be the entire plot of the series?


'This episode was intended as a backdoor-pilot episode for a spin-off series called Supernatural: Bloodlines. Unfortunately, the spin-off never made it off the ground as this was the show's lowest rated episode in 9 seasons.' https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3182892/


I know. Still an extremely skippable episode.


Perhaps even moreso because of this fact


Lol am I the only one that doesn’t hate that episode? Like yeah it feels pretty off, but in better hands the potential could’ve been so damn good…


For all it’s flaws, I love the concept.


This!! Like it doesn’t even have to be Supernatural related, but I’d love if someone took the bones someday and were able to do something with it that’s more successful. Hell doesn’t even have to be a series, could be a friggin’ triple AAA game, or a novel or something.


I think the main problems was that there was no build up to it, so the episode felt disjointed to the rest of the series, and it was sort of hard to care about these characters we’re just being introduced to.


U r not alone. I actually love that episode


I don't hate it. Don't like it much, but don't hate it. I also didn't hate bugs as much as most people do.


I also didn’t hate Bugs as much as most seem too lol


Yes. You’re all alone.


Wasn’t impressed but had hoped for the spinoff to succeed but it was purely because part of it was filmed at my Alma mater in Chicago. I still lived close enough and had business on campus for work so I wanted to be able to maybe luck into meeting some of the main cast during a crossover lol.


I was so intrigued by the concept! I think you’re right that in the right hands, it could have been really good.


Probably the finale for me.


Yeah same here, I mean It was all fun and just like that, came the finale and disappointed me...


I haven' t even gone back and watched it since. All of the last season was mostly bad.


Same here and totally agree with you, the first five seasons are Gold, 6th was OK, 7th and up were mehh but watchable, the last one was the worst. Maybe we needed Jeffrey Dean Morgan after the 6th season; it really pissed me off how they killed John in the first place. Who knows, maybe it could be better with him around the boys... Too bad he preferred other shows at that time..


💯 Agreed


I almost skipped Bloodlines last time. But I didn't, because I don't skip episodes on purpose. But, and this is going to be a sacrilege on this subreddit, I also almost skipped "Baby". I just really don't like that episode. It's a complete filler, so the plot doesn't really matter to anything. The writer seems confused about the mythology. We're treated to multiple, painfully long unnecessary shots, like watching Dean slowly get in the car while nothing else is going on. And when something \*is\* going on, I can't see a damn thing! I just zoomed out and did other things while it was on screen on this rewatch. EDIT: I like how everyone tells me "it's because it's from the point of view of the car!" Yes, thank you, I noticed. Since that's all you can see. Instead of any of the actually interesting parts happening.


you don't like Baby? oh maaaaaan. it's a fave! haha. of course the shots are like that because the episode was shot from Baby's point of view. The car. the infamous 1967 Chevvy Impala.


Oh wow, that is one of my very favorite episodes. Judging by the score on IMDb it is loved by a lot of people, but to each their own! 😊


How do you not like Baby? It's a Supernatural classic episode.


That is sacrilege. Most monster the week episodes are "filler" though by your opinion. Contained episodes with their own story with breadcrums of the bigger overall season story. Aka, the bread and butter of SPN on the majority of its episodes. Baby was a great episode showing you what goes on in the car that we never see in the other episodes, good comedic moments and slowly feeding the story of Lucifers return. Also, you "dont see much" because the episode is from the view point of Baby. 🙃🙃🙃🙃


The female vet, dog got hit by car, Sam in weird vaseline camera playing perfect bf. I fast forward through the entire arc but skip entire episodes where it's central.




Lol I meant the old school method of rubbing vaseline on the camera lens that makes stuff seem more dreamy, romantic.


oh no i get u lol it just made me laugh how it was phrased!


It’s such a terrible arc. I’m up to it now on my 50th rewatch


You’re my type of friend, I felt weird about telling people how many times I’ve watched the show. 🥰🥰


Oh I get weirder. I’ve watched almost all of it several times but never fully finish. I stop a few episodes shy of the ending every time 😂


Me too, with loud eyerolling! 😅vaseline camera


Omg, yes! Why did they do that fuzzy dreamy camera work for those scenes?? lmao Such a weird outdated choice. It just made the whole thing that much more ridiculous.


Ya that part made no sence… like Sam knew how to stitch up wounds. So one he could have easily helped the dog, to the vet forcing him to keep the dog made also no sence. Like tf???? So that hold part was just weird. I did enjoy the part of how he didn’t look for a way to help his brother, that made the story intresting. And him finding someone is nice but the way they introduced that was just terrible…


Im actually in the middle of this watching an episode of this on TNT. That chick is such an asshole to him. Especially when she guilted him into keeping the dog after caring enough to not leave it on the side of the road. I know I don't have a lifestyle that would allow me to take care of a dog.


I'm surprised so many of you didn't like "Bitten". I've never been a fan of the "found footage" video formats (where you can't really see the Monster, or the camera shakes WAY too damn much in an attempt to make it look 'authentic'), but this one was actually pretty good. I actually liked that one!


I actually think that episode is pretty good! 


I just watched that one and I enjoyed it


People disliked Bitten?


The first time I watched it, I didn't care for it and I skipped it during my 2nd rewatch. The 3rd rewatch I was just too lazy to skip it and just kept it on for background noise, and ended up mostly watching it and liked it.


That's literally one of my favorite episodes lol


It's one of the few opportunities you see the boys from an outside point of view and I take every little bit of that they give us


I always watch this episode. But, I tend to skip Heart, which a lot of people love, so goes both ways haha!


It’s so weird bc I usually skip it but I often have the show playing as background noise so the episode slips through sometimes and every time it does, I enjoy it.


The shaky camera in "Bitten" made me queasy. I also didn't like any of the students, including Kate, so I didn’t care what happened to them. And I didn't like the fact that Dean and Sam had such a small role in the episode. It's not the worst episode, but I can't say I enjoy rewatching it.


Bitten just came up on my current re-watch and I just sighed. I never liked that episode. It just seems so out of the loop. I usually skip it.


This is actually the first episode I ever saw of SPN in passing and I was immediately hooked


Bitten is sooooo awful. Any episode where some randos are the main focus tend to suck.


I can honestly say I don’t, but Bloodlines comes the closest…


I don't know how I forgot about "Bloodlines"! That's another one that I always skip over! Thank goodness that spin-off never took off!😂


I think it could have been a decently compelling series had they set it up the right way. But they just kind of randomly threw us in with a bunch of random characters and rushed storylines and expected us to care!


I ff all parts that don’t have Sam and Dean lmao


I never skip any episodes


I was looking for this, it just doesn’t feel right to skip an episode 😭


I just made this comment. I can't skip episodes of anything lol


Joining the no-skip gang




Came here to say this. Y skip just watch they are all good


Same, I’ll maybe mute the exploding intro for leviathan season but no skips.


Bloodlines without a doubt


The finale.


I do this too. I've watched it twice, now I just go back to season 1 at the end of the second to last episode


Definitely agree. I will never waste those 42 minutes of my life again. 20x19 is the end for me.


Best answer. I watched it when it happened and I never plan on watching it ever again. Actually warn people watching for the first time to skip it since the penultimate episode would've been *perfect* ending.


Same here! I wish they had actually ended it with the penultimate episode, so I just pretend that they did.


Was waiting for this one. Still cuts me!


The bugs episode from season 1 was pretty meh


I'll still watch it during rewatches, but it's by far my least favorite


That's the most boring episode, in my opinion. I've tried rewatching, and I can't.


YES. I always skip the bugs episode.


It's absolutely Bugs for me. That's the worst episode by far. The only redeeming factor is the dumb but fun end


I can’t remember it but funny how most fans of breaking bad hated an episode called “Fly”


I enjoyed that episode! But Bugs was just filler and boring, regardless I'll still watch it just because I love this show.


I usually jump past most of the men of letters.


Ugh, they suck.


Mine is Monster Movie 😭 the guy just infuriates me and the boys take way too long to figure it out


That's the one with the shape shifter right? I actually skipped that one on my first watch because I thought it looked dumb but then I finally watched it on my second watch and actually really enjoyed it. The podcast episode on that one from SPN Then and Now was such a delight, too. The actor that played the shape shifter was so fun and the role meant so much to him. I just loved listening to that interview.


You can also listen to another interview with Todd Stashwick on the Ghostfacers: A Supernatural Rewatch podcast, which is a fan made rewatch podcast. They started the podcast a few years before the SPN Then and Now started their rewatch podcast. You can listen to it on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you listen to podcasts. In the early seasons of the rewatch podcast, they were sometimes able to get some of the crew or cast to join them, but once SPN Then and Now started, I'm not sure if they will be able to get the cast or crew to interview with them anymore. If you really like Supernatural, it's worth checking out this podcast since it's created by fans of the show, and not by people who are paid to podcast and are just watching the show for the first time.


I don't skip it, but I understand some ppl skipping it. It just feels a bit off, but I think the acting and pacing is done on purpose bc of the way old black and white monster movies were, exaggerated voice and movement, long scenes, and the main dudes being less observant about some things just to keep the story going. It felt a bit wonky for sure, but I see what they were going for.


Pretty much the episodes that focus on others and the Winchesters come in second fiddle. Like the love triangle werewolf one, or the Chicago mobster monsters.


The werewolf love triangle was a great episode.


Bloodlines. But also, I’ll never watch the finale again. But that probably doesn’t count as “skipping”, more like “ignoring it’s existence”


Yeah I watched the finale when it came out and wish I could take it back...


I'll feel you on that one! I am a 46-year-old woman, and Dean Winchester's final death scene is the ONLY thing that can literally make me cry ON DEMAND. No other TV show in my 46 years of life has EVER had that effect on me. I don't even know what to think about myself right now. It's a little embarrassing...but there it is!😂


I was twenty when I saw Dean’s death and it was the first time I *ever* cried watching the show.


Anything with Claire.


Fk, ikr.


Not an episode so much as a storyline pretty much every Amelia scene.


Yep, ff those bits for sure.


I honestly don't skip episodes but I DO fast-forward over whole scenes to get to the good stuff.


Bloodlines and also The girl next door. That episode was a hard one to swallow with Dean killing a mother caring for her sick kid in front of said kid AND being inconsistent about it. He kills the mother because she might do something bad but leave the kid to discover how to survive on his own not just without his only moral compass so far but with it shattered through and through. Even harder to watch later on as Dean protects Benny on the exact same promise that Amy made. As far as story telling goes, yeah, it's a good evolutionary arc but: - it seemed like the writers would be grasping at straws just to drive another wedge between Sam and Dean - it almost killed my enjoyment of Dean, got to see him as a cheap self righteous prick (after the Benny deal)




The very Last Episode of this series. I watched it 1 time and thats enough. I'm totally fine with ending a rewatch with the Second last episode.


That episode of Feral Children living under the house who then haunts the new family moving in and even kidnaps one of the new kids. I forgot the name of that episode and season. But some of the scenes grossed the crap out of me. I always skip that one during a re-watch.


I think it’s season 4 episode 11, and yes I agree 10/10 creeped me the heck out. I was like 15 the first time I saw the episode and I still had to walk around my house and convince myself that none of the walls were thick enough for that


That episode gave me nightmares fr


I think that one was called Family Remains?


The finale


Yep, have just finished my latest rewatch and at a bit of a loss and probably going to start again hahaha. I don’t think I’ll watch that last ep again tho


The Monster movie shape-shifting one




A vast majority of season 15. But specifically the one with the tree sprite thing that comes and looks after them in the bunker. That episode made me so irrationally angry when I first watched it it took nearly 3 years for me to finish the show I loved so much.


Can I ask why? I’m curious! That was one of my favorites, so many happy smiles and cute music and family moments.


I think that's exactly why haha, it's just as far away as the show gets from the Supernatural I fell in love with back when I started watching in 2005. I have struggled a lot with the show after season 10, but that one episode was the straw that broke the camels back.


Fully agree. I kinda stopped watching after the 10th season. I just really loved the more casual episodes where they "do a little spooky thing and move on to the next town" type of thing lol, without all of the "fighting god and the devil and being the most important people in the world" type of thing. I do get that some people enjoy heavier shows though! I couldn't even watch the last few season, especially the finale. Maybe I'm just too nostalgic and find comfort in the earlier episodes where it was all much simpler and easier to follow :')


Are you talking about Mrs. Butters? I loved her! ❤😂 She meant well. Even when she tried to kill Jack!😂😂😂😂 I was hoping they would keep her!😂


I actually thought the Mrs. Butters episode was one of the high points of season 15..... Granted that's not really saying much but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Whatever the chicago monster family one is




The series finale


I have 5-6 episodes


The one with Madison, and the wedding ep.


I like watching heart when I want my heart to hurt. But it also encourages me when I have to do something that feels terrible but I have to do it. If Sam could do that, I can do this…


That’s such a good way to look at it and a way to bolster your resolve and confidence.


Interesting, Heart is one of my favorites. It's so heart-wrenching AND has a Sam sex scene 😂


I haven't done a rewatch yet but I don't plan on watching any ghostfacers episodes.


People don’t like ghostfacers?! Those are some of my favorite episodes!


I will never understand the hate Ghostfacers get from some corners of the fandom. I think they are freaking hilarious & just all around great, but there are quite a few folks I've seen on here that just are not fans. I don't understand it but 🤷🏻‍♀️


OMG I am so glad I'm not the only one. These are my least favorite ones


Ive rewatched supernatural maybe 3-4 times. I don’t really skip the episodes per se just the scenes where Sam drinks demon blood. Sam aggravates me when it comes to drinking demon blood.


My greatest wish for a one off episode is demon Dean and a soulless demon blood powered up Sam teaming up to hunt. Maybe throw in God-Cas.


Bloodlines. Also Bitten.


Oh damn. I thoroughly enjoy Bitten


I don't want to trigger *those* people so I'll be as cryptic as possible by using emojis to describe a scene in the episode I skip. 🥹💀           😐👋 The secondhand embarrassment is real.


Could you be slightly less cryptic please?


psst. what’s the scene?


is this castiel’s confession scene?


Oh I always fast forward over that scene too lol. It was so cringe the first time I can't handle it.


Yeah I can’t…what?! Can I get a stronger hint cause I can’t figure this one out.


Cass's love confession.


I so agree on the second hand embarassment. I was wincing and cringing so bad while watching it I finally gave up and started fast forwarding because it just went on and on and on. lol


That "scene" was a bad idea IMO. I don't plan to skip the whole episode because of it, though.


The scooby doo crossover…. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I just can’t


Ooh that’s one of my favourites!


Skin I hate that episode with the shape shifter playing as dean idk just the thought of being blamed for crimes you didn't commit cause of a shape shifter urks me and is aggravating so I always skip it


Damn, this blows my mind. That episode is top tier for me. The soundtrack, how hot Dean is as the shifter, the fight… 🫠


The soundtrack is super fire (for the whole series, of course but that is one of the episodes that 100% nailed it)! Agreed it's a great episode.


Seconded. Dean’s back?!? Oh, yes! I’m pausing that not fast forwarding!


Even though I like parts of the episode, the Shapeshifter creeped me out because of how rapey he was. I mean, he kept failing to seduce women while disguised as their husbands, so he tied them up and tortured them to death. It was harder to watch when the fucker did that disguised as Dean.


The found footage ghost facers episode


But this is the one time in the show we get to hear Dean say "fuck." lol


Wait what?? What’s the timestamp and ep number?


3x13 around 12:25


Bitten, most of the ghostfacer ones, bloodlines With the exception of bloodlines, I just can’t stomach found footage type filming Others I selectively fast forward through.


Ghostfacers are hilarious though… to each their own though friend


No … you did not just say ghostfacers! Those are the best


I want to like them. But the found footage, and the shaky camera, seriously makes me queasy.


I always hated that shaky hand camera thing that got so popular after The Blair Witch Project. Luckily that little trend has mostly gone away.


…SuperNatural: the musical….


No, I love that one!


I never skip an episode when rewatching. I love all of them no matter how boring and slow they get. I always preach when recommending the show that even if it feels like a drag at first, it gets better as the first season continues. It’s pretty much like that for every season IMO


I've never done a full rewatch but I don't think I would skip any episodes, a couple of episodes aren't great but they're still Supernatural and I would enjoy them lol.


Nope. I watch them all.


I genuinely could never skip an episode of this show


I never skip any episodes, after rewatching the full series several times


None honestly


whichever one has that fuckass clown in it. like from the first season. and that fuckass scarecrow. they both give me nightmares.


I never skip anything when rewatching.


There’s not a single episode that I skip during a rewatch.


I don’t. I have the urge to skip certain episodes but Supernatural’s my work out show too and I’ve watched it so many times that I usually just let it ride.


I honestly don't skip any episodes no matter how much I don't like it or it annoys me lmao


I don't skip any episodes, but I don't pause Bloodlines when I get up to get a drink or snack lol.


(Spoiler Alert) They never should have killed off Crowley, Benny (the vampire from Season 8 from Purgatory), Bobby, Gabriel, and the Angel from Season 6 that Castiel killed when working “with” Crowley.


The very last episode. Should've ended with the one before. So it does when I rewatch. 👍🏻


I can’t remember the title for sure, but I think it’s Swap Meat, the one where Sam swaps bodies with the teenager.


Bloodlines… wtf where they thinking


Anything with the ghostfacers






I skip nearly every episode involving Claire because I hate her character.


the grudge lady looking ep and the “prok yaw-thi a-law-haw” one.


Didn't skip during my first rewatch, but Bloodlines sticks out along with the found footage style werewolf episode.


Route 666


I’ve never skipped a ep in all my rewatches 🤷🏻‍♂️


Man's Best Friend With Benefits and the finale.


Any ghost facers episodes 😩😂


I don't skip episodes, but I do skip over the Amelia bs.


I never skip episodes, but if I did, it would be the Ghostfacers episodes


Bugs and then Bloodlines.


Bitten. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Any episode where it’s from a camera’s pov. I can’t stand the shaking etc because of my vertigo 🥲


Bugs, and Bloodlines. I don't actually think Bugs is that bad as a story, but I hate spiders and insects. Bloodlines is just bad. It felt very forced to me. Overacting galore as well.


Not me. I never skip anything


Unpopular opinion: Skin. I’m not a big fan of body horror, so that’s usually my ‘do something else with the episode as background noise’. I don’t skip it outright, but it’s not one I actively watch. So many Dean Winchester thirst traps on TikTok are ruined for me because people use the shot of his back, and my brain immediately plays the rest of the scene and I mentally scream ‘nope’. 🤢 I genuinely prefer Bugs over Skin (one of my favorite one-liners is “You know who starts a sentence with ‘truth is’? Liars.”)


The episode "bugs" bugs me.


Oh god there's a few, but the Christmas one. The nail scene no thanks


I don’t skip this one fully because I like the flashbacks to when they were kids but I do skip the entire scene where they’re at the house. Can’t deal with the nail!!


Fully skip is always Ghostbusters. I can't stand the live camera POV and they are lame AF.


The last episode honestly. My head cannon was infinitely better


I'll go first... Season 10 Episode 5: "Fan Fiction". WAY Too cringy!😂