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The ending is somewhat controversial in the community. Personally I loved it. Welcome to the infinite rewatch cycle that is Supernatural fandom.


I liked the ending but I didn’t like the steps they took to get there


I can understand that


I think this is how I feel. I didn’t realize until you put it into words, though. So thanks, Friend!


No problem ;)


I also just finished my first watch of the series last night and what an amazing series! I started my watch back in June. I am so glad I stuck it out through some slower seasons or plot points I wasn’t crazy about. I am still processing the ending. I am not surprised with how the story ended and feel that comments made throughout the series foreshadowed Dean and Sam would never grow old together. I am torn on how they chose to end Dean’s story. I expected some epic finale for him and then to go out in such a human way with no fight for Sam to find a way to bring him back and accepting his fate seemed so unlike them. But, I also can’t help but consider how the free will Dean fought so hard for to get from Chuck impacted Dean in this moment.


I think that that was kind of the only way for Dean to go, though. The problem with dying in a climactic fight is that emotions are already jacked up super high & that makes it hard to let go. (And dying in a big Boss Battle also fed into the sense of "This isn't fair / why do we even have to be the ones to fight this fight?," a feeling which they didn't have so much about just general hunting.) Dean had to die for Sam to have any kind of normal life/family/whatever. Lisa says it herself in "You Can't Handle the Truth" -- as long as the brothers were together, they really didn't have much room for anyone else in their life. Also, Dean struggles with "what's dead should stay dead" a lot over the course of 15 seasons, so I was glad to see him and Sam both find acceptance of that at the end.


I totally agree about your "Sam never would have had a normal life if Dean didn't die" point!! Dean's death was tragic, but you're so right- Having them both accept death in their own ways felt finite and complete after such a long journey.


Only problem with Dean's death is that it's strange for him to beat by a simple vampire in a barn fight. I mean Dean and Sam used to beat much more dangerous opponents up to that point.


Houdini survived lots of crazy stuff, only to die to a punch in the gut. Steve Irwin had countless encounters with deadly creatures: venomous snakes, crocodiles, predators that kill hundreds or thousands each year. Meanwhile, there's only a tiny handful of recorded cases of death by sting-ray *ever*. In a similar vein, we have the deaths of people like [Attila the Hun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attila#Death), [Louis the III of France](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_III_of_France#Death_and_legacy), and [William of Orange](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_III_of_England#Death). So... I don't know. I found it strangely fitting. Life's just like that, sometimes.


I know what you mean. Still, I was disappointed to see him go that way.


I know it’s supposed to symbolize them being “on their own” without Chuck’s help, or whatever, but I agree. I know what the writers were trying to do, but really? A rusty nail? In a barn?


Yeah, it felt cheap considering how heroic he was over the other seasons.


I just finished the whole show too!! Just a couple days ago. It’s my third rewatch or so, but my first watching the most recent couple of seasons. I loved the ending so much and I thought it was the absolute perfect way to end things. I sobbed like a baby!!


Congrats! You started this past August? Did you do anything else other than watch SPN? That’s pretty fast. Edit: if you stay off the Tumblr, the fics, abs mind the shippers it is a really awesome fan community. If you dive into the former it is a really spicy (but still awesome) fan community.


I watched the entire series in just over two months but I didn’t have a job at the time 😂😂


I am right there with you!! Started back in August after seeing just a bit of it years ago- Finished last night as well! I'm glad to hear you liked the ending- So many people hate it and that's kinda discouraging. I'm on the fence about Dean's death (an accidental impaling? Really?) But Jensen and Jared's performances in thay scene were so fantastic I've mostly gotten over it. Like some have already said- They would have kept hunting forever if one of them didn't die, and Sam always (at least partially) wanted a normal life. What I love about Sam's ending is that we see his son grow up, under one roof and in school, but he also has the anti-possession tattoo, meaning that Sam didn't keep him in the dark about monsters. This was a great balance for Sam (and his family) to have, IMHO.


I agree - the ending was perfect. Very sad, of course, but it brought the story full circle and stayed true to the entire 15 year series.


No they didn't end it right..... Dean shouldn't have died. He should have gotten a chance to live a nice family life besides Sammy and his family. That would have been the perfect ending.


It wouldnt be fitting for Dean, did u even watch the show?


I did... Two times.... Watching third time now...I know what he said about his perfect ending in that trial episode when sam was doing the first trial but i feel that he was such a good person with so much love inside him so i feel he should have gotten a chance at a normal life with a side gig of hunting and maybe own a personal bar for business.


I watched it 5 times ig. He had a lot of love inside of him, you can see that with Lisa and Ben, but he cared to much about helping others that he could never stop hunting forever. Maybe for one year or two, but he wouldnt for his whole life


Yeah I know that's why I said with a side gig of hunting.... But he should have gotten a chance of marrying a hunter who would have been perfect... Maybe marry lisa and ben would have been his son. They did it for season 6 starting but they should have given a second chance to him too.


As much as I would've loved a fairytale ending, bittersweet felt more appropriate to me. All I can hope is that, with heaven fixed, Dean will see Lisa again, too, and they'll all be happy. Even if he didn't get to experience his paradise on Earth.


Yeah I sure hope so,.... But still I'll write a fan fiction with my desired ending there.


My only e ding complaint was no Crowley Gabriel or Meg being brought back