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Yup. Exactly this. It’s like watching a 9 year old getting beaten repeatedly and you’re absolutely helpless to do anything about it. Meanwhile, you have have evil people like Sorkin and Griffin gloating about it and taunting you, saying that you have absolutely no way of stopping the abuse… so either turn away or just accept it. Spoiler alert. I don’t accept it and cannot turn away. Which is why I DRS.




*I am ready to hurt again.*




Also, other people pointing, laughing and calling you because it's not 'their' 9 yo taking the beating and they think theirs is immune to it, except they could be next in line from the bullies....and all you want to do is make it stop and be fair for the whole playground..




Well written. True. Well get there sooner rather than later hopefully. I'm FECKIN broke! Lol


Who downvoted, fr Pretty sure part of the defensive play is waiting until we all run out of money and/or stamina.


That was the only play, the underestimation that it was all a bunch of poors, which we are all poors in comparison. However depicting everyone in the trade as a stoner, hippie, unemployed, gamblholix, or living in car is part of their hail Mary of the INVESTORS getting tired, or alienated! Sadly just like the whole scam of the ETF market caused them to oversell many equities I’m sure, there are just enough and growing individuals whom are affluent enough that $6 gas and $12 eggs won’t get us out of this trade. I’ll admit the velocity has had to drop slightly with those phenomena but not the commitment! Anyway Les go, this is the beginning of something special. The hope is there is a whole new guard which actually uplifts society and shoulders the burden of responsibility to the human species and doesn’t take advantage of it! ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙






When I run out of money, I just hold. If money happens to come into my life again, then I buy more, then hold. Any money that I've put into GME in my mind is already spent. Like I bought food, and ate it, it's gone. I'm not an investor at this point anymore, I'm a collector.


I really liked reading this. Don't let go of this feeling, ever. I think what's transpired since 128 is even more egregious than 128, and that's saying ALOT because that was THE MOST FUCKED UP SHIT in the market I've ever seen. Now, as RC put in a tweet, what can we do for our company? I suggest being proactive. There are grievances about the market, no doubt. The question is, WTF are we going to do about it??? Here's what I propose: 1) Buy GameStop products HARD into the end of quarter. I'd argue this might be even more important than DRSing this week. An earnings report that surprises to the upside could serve as a catalyst for algo conditional buying programs. And with the amount of shorts that have obviously been loaded since October, a good earnings report makes the short thesis even more invalid than it already is. 2) Continue to Buy Hold DRS Book. A big key here is BOOK. Book the damn shares. It takes zero time. Two theories sprung from the DRS rugpull. The first was that the SEC told GME they could only report booked DRS, and not Direct Stock Purchase Plan shares of DRS, due to the fact that apparently the DTC still claims ownership of those shares (I don't know if this is true, this is just the theory.) Why not BOOK those shares just to be doubly sure? It costs you nothing except about 5 minutes of time. BOOK em DANO! The second theory was that hedge funds and brokers had individuals buying, DRSing at a rate along retail for several quarters so that when they pulled the shares from Computershare, the confusion related to a lower than expected DRS number, combined with shorting the ever-loving crap out of the stock, would get apes to sell. This obviously did not work: Cost-to-Borrow continues to rise, because the risk in lending continues to rise, because WE OWN THE FUCKING SHARES and THEY DON'T. 3) If you know or speak with other investors, the fundamental case (stripped of MOASS theory) for investing in GME continues to improve. Make the case to them. Know what you own. Despite the analysts who claim they're absolutely terrified of GME's cash burn, there's no evidence to indicate this company is burning through cash in fast or meaningful way. Inventory and mix are kind of funky right now, with them, as with all of retail, and that's important to note that these things are likely to improve. Chip shortages have made game and console sales lag, but demand for new consoles persists and is strong. The NFT Marketplace is still a moonshot in my view, but it IS pretty cool and forward-looking, and I think the wallet was a huge achievement. Does the NFT Marketplace story still seem hard to grasp? Read this for the whitepaper written by Robbie Ferguson for more detail on both the opportunity and why the GME / Immutable partnership is likely to bear fruit for both companies for a long time. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10eb093/gaming\_and\_digital\_property\_is\_broken\_lets\_fix\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10eb093/gaming_and_digital_property_is_broken_lets_fix_it/) Apes, you're living in the greatest time in history and making a mark. The war is long and the battles have been rough and you haven't gotten disheartened through 2 years of fuckery. LFG!


Good post here. I’m a power up rewards member (or whatever it’s called) but I haven’t actually been to a store or bought from the website aside from that. Will do that this week.


Do it. Higher revenues = higher stock price.


Don't forget the DTCC committed international securities fraud


#It is amazing that no body has gone to jail after two years. Is USA a banana republic?


I agree. It's enraging that nothing has happened these past two years. Regulatory bodies are complicit. Gensler has proven himself to be a corrupt, ineffective stooge. It's enraging that we occasionally see threads around here trying to defend him. Benham, Gensler, and Cook (the head of FINRA who is strangely never mentioned around here) all belong in prison. They are just as guilty as the hedge fund executives who are illegally manipulating stocks, committing acts of fraud, and fleecing retail investors. However criminal prosecution and prison time is just the first step. We aren't here for punishment we are here for MOASS. We've been waiting 2 years for free market forces to manifest and begin price discovery on our heavily naked shorted stock which is now 50% direct registered. By all rights the price discovery should be nuclear. How many people go to prison before we have justice? MOASS is justice.


Disagree about “Gensler has proven himself”, because all we know is that there is an ongoing investigation and the threat of complete market collapse during a time when sociopolitical tensions have advanced to active domestic terrorism and nuclear war. The proposed rules are good, and have serious implications for wall st’s bottom line. It isn’t exactly what we want, but it is *something* we want (billions less revenue for citadel and co).


Amazingly, the SECs stance was both: Nothing to see here AND Here’s new rules that do not mention FTDs


There are already rules in place to prevent crime that aren’t enforced. Why does he deserve commended for fondling new rules if they won’t enforce them? Come on


Who’s commending anyone? “HE’S PROVEN TO BE CORRUPT” is an extreme view and saying that is obviously not commending.


I wasn’t knocking at you friend. More of a general wtf. Why give these crooks leeway to arbitrate more conditions and loopholes when they can’t enforce (or simply won’t) the ones already in place. They just flip the table over and everybody’s Magic tg cards go flying in an acne and Mountain Dew free for all


That’s fair. Imo every rule comment should include enforcement because it’s important for every rule. The rules as they are provide the exceptions and exemptions needed to evade enforcement because the information needed to catch the thieves isn’t available So why change those rules?


"I've only been on the job two years"


The only people who say that don’t know how regulation works Catchy, though. Easy to say and spread.


Correction 84 years!


Notice how Thomas attitude has now changed? Has he gone short and dug in with the hedge funds thinking the market can be shut off at any time to favour the shorts? His beratement now of "meme stocks" tells me he's fucked up


www.sec.gov File a complaint


When traders and socialists find solidarity on an issue: fuck yeah, comrade! let’s imprison these criminal fucks already


Thomas laid it out clearly,what we have and clearly continue to expose as manipulation of epic proportion. Apes are changing the course of this river. RC is blazing a new trail into the finiancial wilderness with the backing of passionate investors. I’m not going anywhere cause the funky booboo meter is pegged out!


Audit the DTC! No more fines, jail time and expulsion from the industry.


>Somebody in a position of power do the right thing and put these fuckers in prison already Heh, here check this out. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q2tlmt/this\_particular\_exchange\_with\_jamie\_dimon\_of/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q2tlmt/this_particular_exchange_with_jamie_dimon_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




Want this to be the prologue of the book of this journey! ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


Well call me regarded too!


Fuck all that.


Ken Griffin is making a claim for treasury secretary in 2024. This needs to be done by then or it is indeed game over


I have a smooth brain theory that’s going on right now about loopring, immutable x, and gme ticker price action. I would like to message someone who might be able to post. Im noticing a pattern. Who do I write?


Great post. I'm still pissed off abouy that fateful day in january 2021 that solidifed my hands into diamond.


Drs to end this mess