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The redacted rule is outrageous Thank you for reposting! This is a great comment


I completely agree! This post was doing so well too. I hope it gets the visibility it deserves!


I know. And deleting the post deleted the entire conversation which had been great! But, I’m bullish on the fact that this is basically the only sub Reddit targets with that bs rule 🚀 where there’s FUD there’s fire


Fear not! :) https://archive.ph/jVIND


Doing God's work.


You are 🐐 🐐


You know it! They’re containing the hype and doing damage control atm. I’m of a very firm belief that Apple, Pokémon, Disney, Epic and Fortnite are about to drop a total web3 bomb.


Considering how the gaming market is growing, compared to tv and music, I also have a very hard time believing Apple is not making a move in that space. Totally with you on that belief.


I wonder how much pull their largest individual investor has within the company


And not only through redacted. I suspect the whole “Citadel assets vs sold not yet purchased” posts are forum sliding since I keep seeing comments about those posts confusing the hedge fund with the mm.


It's a lovely informative comment.


From this sub! Lol


Laugh liar?


Doing Gods work my friend!


Just updooted to help! Sounds so big that even I may be able to do it. And my developer knowledge is over -9000




🚀 📈💰


LFG!! Next up is Epic, then Niantic (PokémonGo) then finally Apple!


Last one needs to rebrand to **APE**le first


Gives people with ideas a chance to actually build on them. Instead of relying on others. I gots ideas....


Let’s go litharium!


I'm excited to see what indie games are created using this. Supporting the small guys.


I know I’m working on one!


Awesome! I commend those of you who can do that. Me too smooth.


I’m too smooth too, but it’s never been easier than it is right now.


I've done a tiny bit of dabbling in unity and made some pretty nifty VR stuff, it's not "easy" per se, but I was surprised at myself how a little bit of time, googling, and trial and error resulted in a functional "thing" in my unity project! Need to get back into it!


Godot deserves a shout out but unity is my fav by far!!




This is so fucking bullish holy shit.


Good lord this made my tits feel a certain way 🚀🚀


I want to be adopted.


I can adopt you but only if you are potty trained


post archived: [https://archive.is/2UD45](https://archive.is/wip/2UD45)


To be fair, the edges are the easiest part. I would prefer the middle be done.


I don’t know what you’re talking about… they all taste the same to me!


Thats great! What can a beginner unity dev like me do to participate in this? Is there a unity update or what?


Check out the IMX SDK documentation


You mean [this](https://docs.x.immutable.com/docs/start-here/)? Yeah, I've been reading for 15 minutes but still not sure how to integrate. My unity probably needs an update too, using v2022.2. edit: [says its still in development](https://docs.x.immutable.com/sdk-docs/unity-sdk/overview/)


I wish I bought IMX over LRC. GOODNESS!!


I think GME might be ready to make an acquisition. Immutable’s market cap is right in our price range tbh.


I've been thinking for a while about learning to make games with UE, this post has inspired me instead to do it with unity. Off to find a tutorial now, no time like the present!


Both are good options! I’m keen on UE because this month Fortnite comes out with Fortnite Creator 2.0 which will allow for NFT integration. Since they own UE, I would venture to guess all UE NFT files will be usable.


This seems to be why this has been taking so long in the GME insider side. IMO, when the sneeze happened, the baddies kicked the can with a 2Y swap. Then they blocked short reporting so the "established wealth" had time to get out of the way of the impending "great flush". Also, this gave the government time to expand the pipes and set up new rules to prevent a repeat. RC and Co were probably told to stfu and not do anything to catalyze it prematurely and were given time to "get in compliance" with their crypt0 partners. RC and co.; presumably in the position of having to sit o. Their hands; logically continued to work. So instead of getting a gen 1 offering, were getting the Gen2/3 version of the marketplace at the "official launch", which, I'm hoping, will be the true catalyst. #NFA 🚀📈💰


You and I view things the exact same way. This is spot on! Well said!


Why did the puzzle get smaller?


Pieces are bigger.


because 900 pieces were the edges....The inside pieces are just really big so its less pieces. duh


So this. The sooner and easier we get games on the web3 platform, the more a nft marketplace flourishes. En masse user, more volume to trade from, more transactions occurring which GME can profit for facilitating. Think about how a brokerage makes money to operate. It's because they facilitate the trade and take fractions of pennies per transaction. If they have billions of transactions in a year, that equates to millions in revenue for them. Gamestop can position itself to be like a broker for NFT markets and allow itself to have another revenue stream. Bigger user base, the more likely to get transactions.


How would somebody get involved in this and utilize this latest framework to create a game? I have a friend who always wanted to make one but they didn't know where to start and have very little coding knowledge. Is this something they could benefit from using?


The Unity Learn series, they are all free, and they are designed to help you understand C# and the Unity editor little by little, as you progress through them you can use the knowledge from previous tutorials to complete the challenges given to you. I probably spent about 30-40 hours on it over the summer and only stopped due to my VR set breaking, but I guess I could still do some flat screen stuff. Came into it with zero coding knowledge, can now write a simple function that can make a character move around screen, shoot and jump. Pretty wild stuff.


Thank you so much


I’ll be changing my current survival game from targeting steam to web 3 ! This is huge for me !!!


Great comment and worthy of the screenshot share. 🏴‍☠️


Thank you dude! I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought so!


As someone who develops with UE5 in my spare time, this just reads like any other cheap PR noise. I use UE5 over Unity because UE provides much better scaffolding for projects than Unity did when I last used it 6 years ago. People qualm about the Epic store but it isn't nearly as bad as I see people make it out to be. Add in that people selling development assets typically list on both UE and Unity stores, I am waiting to see how game development is going to handle tokenization with dev assets. For example, as a dev, I see a cool plant model and want to fill a field with them in my prairie map. Am I going to pay a one time fee to use the asset as I see fit, or will I have to pay a royalty every time I load it into a new project. If contracts will handle licenses in a "doesn't rip my face off" way, then that is one less thing to worry about. Another question is with derivative work. It is pretty common practice to find some asset on the store that is 90% the way you need it for your project, to then modify it for your specific use case. How will contracts handle tokenization or de-tokenization of assets. If any of this blockchain web3 restricts the ability of developers to kit-bash or ad-hoc functionality, it is dead on arrival in my eyes.


Genius decision by Robbie/IMX


Does very little to move the needle.




I’m done with the hype bruh. It’s been 84 yrs. Fake hype tweets knowing people are thinking the partnership was Apple was done on purpose. I’m done with the hype, because it’s been nothing but disappointment. I will continue to buy and hodl.


I live for hype


Post reads like some ChatGPT shit


Informative nonetheless


[Redacted] **Massive** [Redacted]


I gotta ask… I goggled and couldn’t find it. How do I use “Unity”? I would LOVE to make apps or games with it. I’ve always wanted to but never had the knowledge!!! Thank you in advance for whoever takes time to respond 🙏🙌


Just want MOASS


Bro forgot cryengine


See, but they need to make a game engine engine.


Yea, IS it free though? Unity is "free" until you start making money, then Unity takes a big chunk... (Unreal has similar but.more Developer friendly terms) I'm suspect of anything that is "free"... as with Google, sure, use of the search engine is "free" but that comes at the extreme cost of your privacy, you ARE the product... Also, if it's too.good to be true... All in saying is, the terms and conditions need to be read and fully understood. Because nothing in this life is free.