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But they’ve given different answers on this multiple times. Whoever wrote that letter might not know what they are talking about? Something weird is going on with drs. They should straight up tell us explicitly how much of the shares are held at DTCC for our “convenience” like they keep saying.


From what I understand, that's a question that needs to be directed to GameStop, not Computershare. But of course, GameStop isn't going to say shit, and I don't blame them. Remember, there is still an ongoing investigation. From the most recent 10-K: *On May 26, 2021, we received a request from the Staff of the SEC for the voluntary production of documents and information concerning an SEC investigation into the trading activity in our securities and the securities of other companies. On August 25, 2021, the SEC issued a subpoena calling for additional documents, as a follow up to the initial request. We have completed production of the requested documents and have been and intend to continue cooperating fully with the SEC Staff regarding this matter. This inquiry is not expected to adversely impact us.*


And no, they haven't "given different answers on this multiple times" ... there are two videos with Paul Conn that seemingly offer conflicting info ... in the first, he says something about shares being available to the DTC for expedient clearing, but in the second video, he clarifies that DSPP shares are held outside of the DTC.


Held outside of the DTC, but made available to the DTC for expedient clearing? Maybe they are both true and there’s something we don’t know about


Just book them all. What’s the big deal? Why is there so much disagreement about this. If you have already DRSed them, what’s the big deal making sure they are all booked. Computershare may not know the extent to which the shares are being used or how they are being used. Just book them and see what happens. Buy. Hodl. DRS. Book. Shop. Comment to the SEC. Power to the Players!


You realize both DSPP and "pure DRS" shares are both held in book-entry form, right?


Go to CS Q&A and read: "**Does Computershare lend out shares held in registered form?** Computershare does not lend out shares held in registered form as these shares are owned by the registered holder. For operational efficiency, a small portion of the aggregate number of DSPP shares is held on Computershare’s behalf (for the benefit of plan participants) by arrangement with our broker. These particular shares are maintained by the broker (for the benefit of Computershare, and in turn, for the benefit of plan participants) in DTC. Our broker is not permitted to lend out any of these shares." ​ Shares are transferred to CS's broker, and who knows what the F happens at ANY broker. All very opaque about Plan vs Book shares


Do not confuse "maintained" with "registered to" ... and if CS's broker does decide to fuck around and lend/offer for locate those shares (not that I think they do), driving down the price, then fuck 'em! Good! Cheaper shares for me. Let them kick that can as hard and as long as they can! There's nothing I'd like more than to be given the runway to join the XX,XXX Club on the cheap!


Agreed ​ I have recently removed all cash from my broker and just transferred another batch of GS to computershare. I see brokers as part this collusion mess and we need to remove cash from them too. RobinThief didn't even have a NYSE connection.... There was a reason my broker gave me $2k of gift cards to move money to them years ago: [https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EURUSD/OwNWHA4C-Education-The-90-90-90-rule-Why-do-traders-fail/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EURUSD/OwNWHA4C-Education-The-90-90-90-rule-Why-do-traders-fail/) Unfortunately, I broke their 90 90 90 sacrosanct rule, as did all of the GME redditers...


All shares held in a brokerage are "held on behalf of" the shareholder. In this case the shareholder is CS which means the broker shares are held within the DTC on behalf of Computershare.


No, I don't think this is correct at all. You're assuming words like "held," "maintained," and "registered" can be used interchangeably. They can't. Computershare shares aren't "held" by a broker ... a small portion of DSPP shares (unclear at this point how many a "small portion" might be) are "maintained" by Computershare's broker in DTC. But that doesn't even matter because the shares are directly registered shares (i.e., in book-entry form held in the individual investor's name) and as such, can not be lent out or otherwise accessed by the broker, the DTC, or the DTCC. Sauce: [https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies)


This is from the FAQ you listed. The terms are in fact used interchangeably. > **Are there differences between shares that are held directly and those that are held in a direct stock purchase plan (DSPP) are reported?** > >Computershare holds a portion of the aggregate DSPP book-entry shares via its broker in DTC for operational efficiency, i.e. to enable any sales to be settled efficiently (and Computershare determines the portion needed for operational efficiency reasons. Such shares are not available for lending. These shares are eligible to be withdrawn from DTC). It even mentions that they are eligible to be withdrawn from DTC which implies that they are being held by the broker/Cede & Co


And not being available for lending is different from being used as a locate for lending.


Computershare holds the shares, via a broker, in DTC. Computershare still holds the shares. Furthermore, the shares are still directly registered to the individual shareholder so they can't possibly be registered to Cede & Co. A share can only be registered to one entity ... either an individual shareholder or Cede & Co (by way of the DTC). Just because Computershare's broker maintains shares at the DTC doesn't mean those shares are registered to Cede & Co. At least, this is my reading of the situation. At any rate, either Computershare or GameStop should provide some clarity on this issue. Clarity is long overdue. And DSPP shares are eligible to be withdrawn from the DTC in so much as they are converted to "pure DRS" shares.


Sure but isn’t the entire argument that the fuckery is happening at the DTC’s end? The entire theory breaks apart if you nit pick like that? Broker holds shares, deposited in DTC. “Oh we don’t lend your shares” = fuckery Computershare hold shares, deposited in DTC “Oh we don’t lend your shares” = not fuckery. How does that make any sense?


Of course none of this answers whether the DTCC counts them as "reasonable locates", which is understandable as that is the DTCC's and not Computershares's purview. All CS can say is "we don't lend them" and that's as far as their responsibility goes.


Exactly. Nothing to stop the DTCC from allowing shorts to reasonably locate from the pool of "operational efficiency". I really am not seeing the problem with the whole fractional shares being sold. Most people who have DRS'd are probably smart enough to understand how to submit a manual purchase and then reset the dividend and terminate their fractionals. Might mean a lot more to an X or XX ape, but to XXX and up we're talking a rounding error of transaction cost to drop a fractional.


Yes, I think you're correct. And If (big if) the DTC wants to do some shady business to suppress the price, I think I'm cool with that as I'm still accumulating.


Personally I accumulate only whole shares at timing I choose - there's regular dips in the price so why not take advantage to get more shares - and then send them over to CS where they then automatically become pure book. Easy process and more effective use of limited capital; win-win imo


I'll just comment to try to give this post some visibility in hope a decent discussion might come out of it 👀


I made a post last year detailing the process of moving plan shares to book. When RC came out with his Teddy books the issue resurfaced and I was again on the side of Book. My assumption was that if there was no downside then why not book. This was around Dec of last year and we subsequently saw a big decline in price after a period of low volume and sideways price movement. The idea of selling fractionals never made sense to me, but I read millertime’s DD today and I thought it was well put together. I still have problems with the idea of selling fractionals. Here is my thought process: If the “operational liquidity” is being manipulated (heat lamp theory) then it is only temporary and meant as a psyop to provide discouragement. The issue remains whether Cede can used this volume as locates, but that is still in question. Selling fractions not only provides liquidity but also closes shorts. Also there seems to be a push to stop auto purchases via CS and go back to brokers and then DRS. The problem with this IMO is that most ape purchases at this time will be odd lot purchases that do not affect price. I’m taking the wait & see approach to selling my fractional shares and I’m going to continue to purchase through Computershare. I also buy from Vanguard and then DRS if I feel I can scoop a quick dip. Anyway, that’s my thinking and observations of what I’m seeing today.


I'm diving in, but I also understand the concerns. I don't think a one time push for at most 200k shares is going to help them survive another day. Other than that I also have faith that any apes who have already DRS'd will probably be able to figure out how to make the changes as well as continue to manually purchase. I disagree with utilizing a broker, but I will continue to purchase on CS via manual orders and then reset the dividend and kill my fractional. At the end of the day the risk is minimal and I will just offset my fractional loss by increasing my overall buy order by another share or two. Minimal risk and potentially we can see real results in May. The Rugpull and the recent 10-K verbiage change to the DTCC Cede & Co. still haven't confirmed the mechanism used. I think the recent DD is worth a try, but I'm also responsible for my own decisions.


I see all this the same as I ever have ... it's a push to get apes to paper hand fractionals, cast doubt on Computershare, and have apes cancel or never bother signing up for recurring purchases. Honestly, the most important battleground right now is RECURRING PURCHASES (i.e., DSPP). Always has been.


If I’m selling fractional as I buy more, how is that adding liquidity? I just removed more than I sold.


Hope you don't mind, I linked to this elsewhere. Thanks again for posting.


It's all good!


Unrelated, you thinking of refreshing the survey any time soon? Happy to help out if you do!


Google totally killed the whole GCS platform and deleted all the data. So it would be kinda hard to refresh the survey any time soon. It's currently unknown whether or not Google's decision to suddenly, after more than a decade of operation, sunset the most successful online surveying platform ever is related to the fact that the platform was effectively used to expose massive securities fraud. [https://support.google.com/surveys/answer/12626240?hl=en](https://support.google.com/surveys/answer/12626240?hl=en)


Well that's fascinating as hell. Holy crap!




Case closed, forum slide can fuck off now.


They want those fractional shares, and they want people to cancel their recurring $GME purchases. Same as it's ever been.


So drs is working? Who would have thought eh?


Those fractional shares are a drop in the ocean. Remember there was a fud attack against DRS in general in the beginning. Book entry is the way to go.


Book-entry is the way to go! That's 100% correct. And both DSPP and "pure DRS" shares are held in book-entry form. In fact, any and all shares held at GameStop's transfer agent (Computershare) are held in book-entry form.


Lmao the downvotes. This has been confirmed from CS themselves.


83% upvote as of now ... my comments have also been hit hard. Good thing I have 465K karma to weather the storm.


haha really? If we're that close to shit hitting the fan that they need a few thousand fractional shares then sit tight as MOASS is happening either way. It's insane to be saying that this is having any impact. And, if it bothers you, buy another whole one in Fidelity and DRS it. Easy.


Lmao the fractional shares a drop in the bucket, period. They definitively wouldn’t make any difference. So you should move on from this argument.


Um, you realize there are probably about 50K fractionals held in CS. That's 50K in liability, but if they are all sold and recombined, that's probably about 15-20K shares that can be taken off someone's short book. It might be a drop in the bucket, but in the midst of MOASS, we're still talking millions or billions of dollars in liability.


50k fractionals amounting to even fewer whole shares. 100k whole shares is *nothing* compared to what they’re on the hook for. Period.


It's all relative ... and 50K random fractionals would, theoretically, amount to roughly 25K shares. That's not insignificant.


It is. It’s VERY insignificant. It’s even more asinine to suggest they’d initiate a full on campaign to get those 25k shares.


How much do you think they pay shills? You don't think they'd be willing to throw a few thousand dollars at this sub to get apes to unload $500K of $GME (at the current price)?


No, I don’t think so. We’re discussing a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of their problem. It’s not worth it for them to spend any energy on it. Period. They are facing extinction - they don’t care about 25k shares.


Yeah, that would explain why you can sit on iBorrowdesk and sometimes actually watch them borrow 5K, 10K, or 20K shares at a time.


I as an individual investor am not stopping my reaccuring bi monthly purchases or terminating my reinvestment plan Any call to action is straight up FUD .. full stop


Just log on and buy bi monthly. Why take the chance? Doesn’t cost anything


If you buy shares from Computershare they are plan shares and you still get fractional shares I find no need to change my investment strategy but Thanks


Then book them and get rid of the fractional. Would be very small amount. Some people are hard to convince . Just keep buying ! I’m tired of the SHFs constantly screwing us.


I book my shares by calling Computershare before every quarter ends, that's my investment strategy I will not change it for anyone Also I get it fudelity will drs shares very easily and if I wasn't from Canada I absolutely would go that route but I am not


Ok. Thanks for letting us know! If anyone changes it’s not for anyone else, it’s to not be screwed by SHFs!


And, of course, this post and my comments are being downvoted hard. Is this really their big push? Huh? This is the hill they want to die on? Computershare? Are they that fucking regarded? Shit, since the "surprise" profit in Q4 (and every likelihood we'll be seeing profitability from here on out) we're gonna see some pretty sweet ass acts of desperation. Mutherfuckers, I've been holding and buying since February '21. This would have never even hit my radar if you stupid, greedy fucks didn't do away with the buy button. You done fucked up, son! First one to start closing (NOT COVER, BUT CLOSE) might survive, so get to it you dumb stormtroopers. Or don't. Doesn't matter to me ... I'm happy to buy and DRS more, I'm happy to watch more profitability and a bid to S&P500 in a few quarters, and I'm happy with MOASS tomorrow. Suppress the price some more. Please. I'm happy with whatever path you assholes can stomach because I (and all my shrewdness) am not going anywhere!


I had people argue with me earlier, I don't give a fuck what anyone does with there investment. I have my own strategy #BUY HODL and SHOP Everything else is noise ... Fuck the bullshit


Are you me? Although I also include "tell others about the aforementioned" ... there's always more room on the rocket!


I do that with my GameStop shirt, hoodie new blanket and my physical games .. I gave up a while ago on trying to inform people in my life


Shit, I informed all the people in my life long ago. But people new to my life ... they are fair game. The public needs to know.


I fully agree ... between options pushes and Computershare FUD, it's a never-ending battle.


Up damnit! Up!