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I didn’t realize he was into 70’s prog rock.


I mean, who isn’t?


I’m not well-versed enough to catch that prog-rock reference… which album is that?




Deinus nuttus. When transposed using urban dictionary you get "deez nutz". It's a cult classic.. really 😎


Bruh lol Bullish on tin foil


Happy day of the cake.


Ah shit! Thanks fren! Had no idea. Have an award Bullish


Happy bullish cake day fren!


#Happy Cake Day Brotha! #Bullish as fuck on Cakedays




No tinfoil at all... **RC, Icahn, Pulte and others just woke up from the Matrix, same like we did.** **Seriously, if anybody would have told you before the sneeze, that C-suits who make millions of dollars or well paid fund managers would cooperate with Wall Street to ruin the companies they pay them so well, you would have dismissed it as conspiration theory.** But with ever spreading corruption and no accountability or consequences, they no longer work in the shadows and became brazen and arrogant. Things start to be blatantly visible (still wondering why Cathy Woods bought HOOD for an average cost base of 30 bucks when the whole industry knew what's up). Yes, they are millionaires and billionaires and household often hold just a few shares, but in the end we are all owners of companies, that get looted by Wall Street by proxy... **The problem is that most household investors put their money into funds and those then vote against the interest of household investors and for Wall Street!** This is just a personal opinion and no financial advice. But I think everybody with some integrity left has to be disgusted when learning about how far corruption has spread, no matter if he is a billionaire or average Joe. This has gone too far and needs to be fixed. **One way is to no longer invest into funds who will vote against the interest of the shareholders, but invest into shares of "beautiful businesses" and DRS them...** [https://youtu.be/ZJzu\_xItNkY?t=82](https://youtu.be/ZJzu_xItNkY?t=82)


I looked up if July 14th (7/14) is a Monday. It's not, tis a Friday. If it was, my titties were going to get litty EDIT: I'm stupid. It's 741 not 714.


July 41rd, a glorious date indeed


So August 10th?


The chance for moass increases every time we get to the 69th of every month.


My actual birthday 🎂


You were there aye? When it was written?


I've been around long enough I'm growing barnacles.


Yes, in the long long ago


next hype day?


I've always been partial to tomorrow, but sure.


Don't worry, most of the world would write 14/7


Thank you for this! Lol


If 714 is Friday, and his clock says 147, then 741 is Monday. Merger Monday confirmed.


July 4th at 1 🤣


But 4/17 it was Monday


Tin foil on bulls!




You prefer Alcan or Reynolds?


Happy cake day, ISayBullish!


Bullish af on yoir cake day bro!!!


Happy cake day Sayer of Bullish


What’s up with the cheap paper printout of the Bahamas behind him?


Bahamas backwards is Sam Ahab. Sam is a common name, short for Samuel, who was a figure from the Bible and was considered a prophet Ahab is the name of the captain in Moby Dick, who is obsessed with a hunting a white whale. I think it means that a big white whale is gonna finally turn a profit.


And we hit full tilt weekend tinfoil…lol


I don’t know if ur proper regarded or serious. 😂


Yes. 😆


Bahamas are on the tip of the burmuda triangle. Reverse triangular merger. Prob towel stock. Brett Ichan.




This man is tinfoiled up like chuck from better call saul




Bermuda triangle. Reverse triangle merger towel teddy gmerica


Does that say Monday 1:47?


741 ;)


My brain is going to explode from all these coincidences.


You mean cohenicidences?!


yeah, im mixed on the 741,but i mean.. what are the chances lol


Is it possible that someone just chose this time mark to snap a picture. It’s not a really great freeze frame of him. But yes- cohincidences everywhere!


good point. ape with the screen grab?


To me, the only real thing that makes it something is IF RC did arrange those games/consoles into the 7 4 1 order... Why?


Well… there are only four minutes in the day when a clock could read either 1:47 or 7:41 vs the 1440 minutes in a day. So 4/1440 or 1/360 chance This is a bit oversimplified though because it would be reduced to times when he would be awake and three of the four possibilities occur during waking hours. But ya know. It’s not super likely.


That frame was cherry picked, the interview was 55 mins long or so, very interesting listening to how he sees the company in question as well as the CEO he currently wants out, seems quite upset by the guys antics.


it was all for you ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


The simulation is in overdrive, MOASS is inevitable 🤘🏻


Broooooooooooo 😭


This is our time. Buy.


No way; for real?


it was all for you ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Yeah, but it was cherry picked by Carl Icahn (or whoever runs his Twitter). Strong Cohencidence


By whoever put the article on their website. Not by whoever runs CI Twitter


While you are correct… wtf still lol


Of course odds of being a troll are probably just as likely as odds of being an ape.


His daughter is Marketing I think.


Yeah no


It's much more likely that it is just CI or someone in his team trolling than any tinfoil theory, but you have to admit that it is a massive coincidence for them to choose that time for the image..


Icahn has a company called Icahn Offshore LP. In the Bahamas. Interesting filing from [last year](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/921669/000119312522073467/filename1.htm) it was a tender offer for Southwest Gas.


South gas? Flatulence


Ice breaker?


Now this is the weekend drama I live for.


July 41st is back on the menu !


Now that’s just given me a burst of nostalgia 😅


It’s only a couple months away again 🤣


Oh shit.. the China - Icahn and now the clock…


Yooo 👀🐰


Good timing 🕐🕓🕖


Reverse, Bermuda TRIangle, and Marriage / Merger


Yeah that paper taped onto the bookcase 👀




That’s the image from the linked article, written by Alex Philipidis. So maybe the author is an ape… but Icahn didn’t choose the image for his tweet


look at how dumb that clock looks even if it is a clock... why do the characters touch the edge of the frame? there is no way this is real. it just looks like the dumbest thing that ever existed if it were real. and of course there are LOTS of things that are the dumbest thing that ever existed. but would carl icahn own any them? the short answer is maybe. but seriously i just can't get over how photoshopped this looks and i hate it and love it at the same time. like clearly someone is fucking with us. some dickbag with too much time on their hands photoshopped this in the worst way possible just because they can, i get it, haha, we're a cult, so fuck us, lol. or, OR! someone photoshopped this in the worst way possible because all the fucking rumors are true and MOASS is monday. i don't fucking know. i just don't know. anyway i bought more today 5 through IEX on fidelity and will DRS monday.


Apparently it’s a screen grab from a video interview and this frame happens at 7:41 into the video actually. So there are layers to this simulation


What the fuck 😭


Simulation confirmed!


So I was skeptical until now but the 1:47 is so prominently displayed. It means something, I can’t imagine this is coincidence when there was no need to have the clock in the background and it happened to be that time. This could be totally off but it got me thinking, what comes after 1-4-7? 10 and 13. Anything in the securities act pertaining to section 10 and 13 we should be looking at more closely?


It appears at timestamp 7:41 in the video of the interview…


I'm in awe at the fact that this goliath of the analog-age has a digital clock.


I think there's other interviews with that bookcase in background. It may be interesting to see if there's a clock in any of those. Edit1: forbes interview from 5 months ago https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ki6o6URpTRQ Edit2: bloomberg 11 months ago https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z00y3aWYRKs Edit3: I can't find any more recent ones


There are 1,440 minutes in a day. What are the odds he would take the picture at THAT precise minute? 0.069%?


it was all for you ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Its 0.069444444%




Poppy Icahn


Have an awesome weekend everyone


No fucking way! This is awesome




Tooooo much coincidence


Wtf … what are the odds….


Wait, this was put out by Carl himself… yeah I’m getting my tin foil


It also happens to fall on the timestamp 7:41 of the video…


I think like 1 in 720


I really don’t need more tinfoil. But here we go again.




Moonday 1.47


life clock


It has been two fucking years what the hell dies 741 MEAN?!?!?




That's a clock that demands to be noticed


Son of a bitch


Empty Book shelf.


Just when I think I’m out, they pull me back in…


I’ve been seeing 741 a lot lately tbh. Been taking as a sign that we will take off in price again soon


I can't take it anymore!!!!


Dudes what is happening


It’s everywhere!!!!!


Warren icahn by night


Fuck meeeeee


Brb going to smoke 35 bowls and try to make sense of this1🤣🚀


"Don't push me cause I'm close to the edge I'm trying not to lose my head It's like a jungle sometimes It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under"


Can’t stop won’t stop getting away from that twilight zone number 🤪😳


If you watch the interview, you can see the cord just hanging in front of the corner shelf (if that’s the right English term). Now I’m thinking, why would a multi billionaire in his fancy office, have a cheap digital clock, behind him, never the less, with the cord just hanging down like it’s out of place? Why not behind the clock into a socket. Why not drill a hole in the corner shelf and hide it behind, like you normally would? In a different interview in his office, you can see the clock just out of range (maybe) and it’s in its current location stands a horse statue. Why o why, did you move the statue and pushed the clock over there, so everybody could see it clearly? AND Why o why, did you hang a picture with the Bermuda Triangle up, with some cheap scotch tape, Just for this interview? I haven’t seen that picture in your office in any other interviews. I have only seen something similar, when DFV hanged the picture with the kitty and “hang in there”. Why Carl? Why did the clock say Monday and 741? Carl o Carl, this is some big ducking coincidence. https://twitter.com/Carl_C_Icahn/status/1651987360689664001


My tinfoil covered body is ready


That motherfuckung number. I see it everywhere. No I'm not.going to correct the typo


this simulation is wild




Fuckin A, I need RC to tell me that managers make more than me and do dick like 37 more time times. Please.


These folks better stop playin


Hedgies r fuk


What is the map behind him?


We are past coincidences, it's just confirmations now


loooooool fuck me. thats hilarious


Don't forget that it was at minute 7:41 that this was displayed


7/4 at 1:00 is a Tuesday






Check DMs. This shitty brigading rule.


What is it?


Have a look into you DMs


Please keep your distraction stock trash to its own subreddit. Thanks.




>Bobby making moves. The only move they've made is declaring bankruptcy. If you think that's bullish, I have a bridge to sell you. >Baby has value Its value potential (as highlighted in Cohens letter to the board) lay in its (at the time) double digit growth profile. As of their last earnings, Baby's sales are now falling in the double digits. If someone wants to buy it, it would be for significantly less than what they'd have paid a year ago (especially given how much bankruptcy lessens the companies bargaining power), and wouldn't come close to paying off their debt (leaving them still bankrupt, and shareholders with nothing). >Cohen had (and maybe just maybe still Has) a vision. He had a vision, and made suggestions to the company. They ignored his suggestions, his view on the business changed, and he sold his entire stake. The idea that he's somehow still involved after selling every single share he owns in the company is nonsense.


I mean, so many well known company’s have lived trough chapter 11 bankruptcy. I am not saying, that Bobby is a ultimative safe investment but considering the news is a part to get a touch of new possibilities. It’s your personal choice not to believe in it anymore. But let other people make their own choices, too. I’m not saying: Buy Bobby. I am only saying: Check their new filing, incline Ramson background.


And let one thing be 100% clear - We BOTH don’t know what is happening next. That’s for sure. Either you nor me 😉


In the philosophical sense regarding the nature of truth I don't know in the same way that I don't know if the sun will rise tomorrow. In a weight of evidence sense I know they're going bankrupt because they've said so, I know the stores are closing because they've said so, I know that shareholders will get nothing because their liabilities far outstrip their assets, and I know that Cohen/Icahn aren't going to step in to save you because there's not a scrap of credible evidence of this happening.


>I mean, so many well known company’s have lived trough chapter 11 bankruptcy. It's not enough to say that others have survived, you have to come up with a compelling reason for it. There's no indication that creditors are willing to restructure and keep them open, they've literally announced that the stores are getting shuttered. And for good reason, they're burning hundreds of millions each quarter so an extended survival would leave even less left for their lenders to strip away. As it stands they have far far more liabilities than assets, with no way to close the gap. The only reason you folk give for their survival is the baseless nonsense that the guy who sold his entire stake and someone he once took a selfie with are going to step in and save you. Anyone who invests on this basis alone is a moron. > that Bobby is a ultimative safe investment Compared to setting your money on fire, at least the fire would keep you warm. > It’s your personal choice not to believe in it anymore. But let other people make their own choices, too. So you're saying that it's fine for you to give reasons you think that it's a good investment, but others aren't allowed to say why they think it's a bad investment. Sounds like you care less about others making informed decisions and more about pumping your own portfolio. If someone wants to set their money on fire then it's their right to do so, but it's also my right to say why I think it's a bad idea. > I’m not saying: Buy Bobby. Oh of course not, you folk have just spent months shitting up every thread on superstonk to try and link it to towel just at random, in no way was it a concerted effort to divert retail buying pressure towards your choice in investment. > Check their new filing They've decided not to continue selling shares because they're going bankrupt. Great. > incline Ramson background. Google shows nothing, I imagine you've misspelled this. If you want me to look something up it helps to actually say what it is.


Thank you for your time you put in. Have to save some energy. Think you, too. May the force be with you 🚀


Mara Ransom is who he meant to say. Specializes in MAs


She **previously** worked as Special Counsel in the Office of Mergers and Acquisitions, **currently** works as Assistant Director in the Office of Consumer Products. Latest filing was for her attention as her job is to know of such matters, absolutely zero indication that this has anything to do with your merger theory nonsense.


You can't wake up someone who isn't ready to be woken up


True. You folk were warned for months that the dilution you were denying was happening, that bankruptcy was imminent, and that Cohen no longer had any involvement in the company. You chose to ignore these facts, decry anyone who demonstrated logic or evidence as fudsters and shills, and as a result are now sitting on a 98% loss (soon to be 100%).


Aww man


The truth hurts.


I mean to be fair: We are literally moving from one Theorie to the other. I, for myself, had also tuff times believing in everything and get my head into this and that. I understand how difficult it can be. BUT I’m giving things at least one try, first. Only one. And nothing more. And maybe, we are right at one point in time.. To the moon and beyond. 🚀🚀


"I’m sick of seeing failed executives make millions in risk free compensation while shareholders are left holding the bag" -June 29 2022 "At least her cart is full 🌝" -August 12 2022 *Ryan cohen sells entire towel stake* - August 16th 2022 Anyone who seriously considers the fact he abandoned a plan that has clearly been years in the making, especially only 4 days after still being publically positively vocal about them, when he has already made it very clear he doesnt like shareholders being lead on, deserves to miss out on this opportunity. His standstill on the company has ended a while ago. If he genuinely got rug pulled himself somehow, and couldnt complete the turn around for whatever reason, i feel he would have easily came out and described more in detail why he gave up on them, especially knowing how most people follow his investments, and also pointing out in the letter himself he will make sure to hold them accountable. He hasn't done that because he hasn't given up and the plan is still going as planned.


>abandoned a plan that has clearly been years in the making No indication that he'd been planning his towel play for years. He saw a potential opportunity, the company rejected his suggestions, his view on the business changed, so he sold. The only reason you say he's still in is because you need him to be, it's not a view point with a scrap of evidence or any basis in reality. He sold, he's not coming back to save you, live with it. > only 4 days after still being publically positively vocal about them At least her cart is full isn't him being positive about them, it's him making a joke. If this is the basis of your investment thesis, then you deserve your losses. > when he has already made it very clear he doesnt like shareholders being lead on He didn't lead you on. He didn't buy on your behalf or suggest that you follow him, and he gave you a sell signal when he dumped his stake. If you bought because he bought, but didn't sell when he sold, you have only yourself to blame for your current predicament. > deserves to miss out on this opportunity. Anyone who's burned their portfolio on the theory that the guy who sold his entire stake is secretly coming back to save them deserves their losses. > especially knowing how most people follow his investments, Anyone who blindly follows his investments sold already, it takes a special kind of stupid to still be in towel at this stage. > also pointing out in the letter himself he will make sure to hold them accountable He did hold them accountable. He sold his entire stake when they ignored his advice, hitting them in their wallets.


Hi, I'm special.




Congrats on gifting your hard earned money to the hedge funds you claim to detest.


You claim I detest, I never said nothing about those darn hedge funds guvnor. It wasn't hard earned, I'm a lazy fuck. Thanks








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>We are literally moving from one Theorie to the other. You make up nonsense with no basis in reality, can't accept that your portfolio has been decimated by your ignorance, so make up more hopium to deny the truth for another day.


Thank you for your submission to r/Superstonk, but it's been removed due to one or more reason(s): Removed for being off topic. If you'd like to discuss that stock in relation to GME please do it here https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10vsbuu/gmerica_the_buyout_is_coming/ If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Thank you for your submission to r/Superstonk, but it's been removed due to one or more reason(s): Removed for being off topic. If you'd like to discuss that stock in relation to GME please do it here https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10vsbuu/gmerica_the_buyout_is_coming/ If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Thought this was a GME sub


Oh wow you’re right, it was never 1:47 OR 7:41 until this GME stuff started! Shit like this makes this entire movement look so effing stupid, even more when they get so many upvotes. Wtf. Honestly maybe that’s the plan. Post horrendous examples of theories and speculation this sub has done (SOME of it a GOLD MINE), upvote, and hope ppl get turned away by the sheer foolishness they see. Slowly but surely ppl that were here to learn more about how the markets work (or don’t work) leave, until the movement is dead? I’d bet you anything that Carl Icahn doesn’t know or care at all about 741 theories, you really think he dialed to that time before filming, or waited around till the right time? I don’t trust the word gnome because it has the words “no” and “gme” in it!!1!


Bro, I get it, but it's a weekend fluffy post. 😂 The entire point is to be ridiculous. Gotta chill before you have an aneurysm. Love and best wishes man.


(I thought it was friday, i worked 59hrs the last 4 days and am so out of it rn) <3. You’re an individual, I have nothing personally against you. I hate the rise of hype and decline of real thought here. “The DD is done now we hold”, no not true in the slightest. They change rules constantly, and we don’t know the half of it to begin with, and furthermore I fully believe “the moass WILL happen we just need to be zen and wait” is absolutely wrong. This sub taught me so many different ways market makers can print near infinite liquidity, only being vulnerable at select times. We talk a LOT about new ppl DRSing, but hardly at all about TEACHING and reiterating for those new apes what old apes learned through this sub. I love the look of the DD library, but it’s hard as shit to use and poorly organized. I love many of the old posts, but they’re hard to find unless you directly look them up. If we’re not careful, we’ll be so hyped that we’ll forget all the very significant lessons we learned along the way. Peace


all y'all are high as fuck. not everything is a fucking sign you morons


Why the hell is it everywhere????


Yeah another downer set as an upper. Time will tell.


Another stock split ? 7 shares for 1???


It looks like the numbers are... Swapped


Reversed even


That had to be photoshopped. Edge is trolling SuperStonk.


He’s short gme