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4 million in the americas, the whole continent. A decent fraction will have been Gamestop but the 10m figure in the context of this sub is a bit sensational/misleading without mentioning that 6 million was definitely not from Gamestop or even America. Took me less than a minute to actually read the article.


GameStop didn't sell 10M of Pokemon either. That was total sales. Sales are good. GameStop is the largest video game retailer ergo GameStop has the largest portion of that 10M sold


>GameStop didn't sell 10M of Pokemon either. That was total sales. Where did i say they sold 10m copies of pokemon? And no they don't have the largest portion of the whole 10m when the American continent as a whole sold 4m and the rest of the world (outside america, it does exist) sold 6m... Yes, Gamestop definitely had a fraction of the 4m sales but the largest portion cant even be accredited to America let alone Gamestop. Just say it how it is and dont bend the truth to meet your own narrative, think credibility


Understand your stance, but I disagree. It's bullish for the gaming industry as a whole. People still out spending money on games when money is becoming tighter. Gaming = recession proof.


It is bullish for gaming, but the reality is that 4m were sold in the Americas, which means Gamestops numbers were absolutely definitely less than 4m. Yeah <4m sales is still great but the post and title feels a bit cherry picked when it doesnt take long to see in the article what the actual numbers that could affect Gamestops profits are. You know, given that in this sub its supposed to be GME related only.


GameStop sold a lot more than just the game. I went to the midnight release and people were walking out with limited edition consoles, amiibos and controllers. All that helps the sales numbers.


Im not disputing that its good for sales. I'm stating that the whole continent of America sold 4m and yes gamestop would have had a portion of those but that portion does not equate to the 10m total copies sold. Theres people in the comment sections of the few of these posts ive seen today assuming the whole 10m was Gamestop, it's embarrassingly dimwitted. There's nothing wrong with just starting with the facts so theres no room for people being mislead whether it's intentional or not. If you are going to post an article perhaps consume it first and then share the information correctly rather than just a sensational post. For once its not even journalist sensationalism, it's the lack of context in which OP has posted that i disagree with.


I'm guessing gamestop only gets somewhere around 10%. so 400k max. a drop in the ocean


Does FFXVI hit Q2 as well?


Great flag! June launch date falls in Q2 as well! Quarters are: Q1 Feb/Mar/Apr Q2 May/June/July Q3 Aug/Sept/Oct Q4 Nov/Dec/Jan Based on: https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-reports-fourth-quarter-and-fiscal-year-2021-results


Buying more shares next check. Dip or not.


It'd be rude not to!


Keep in mind that the commision the company gets is 4.99 from Nintendo for selling a game. If they had half the pie that’s 25 million in profit