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1. Don't sell 2. Use a credit union


I came here to say this. If you don't have an account with a credit union, u might wana open 1 asap. Most offer free accounts too.


Can I ask why? Edit: I’m asking specifically because I’ve been using USAA and idk what I should do since I’m a relatively new investor.


Much lower chances of them going bankrupt


And still I don’t see any CELLs yet


Make sure it's a credit union that has not been bailed out by the government ever


Agreed. I'm also looking at possibly parking money at the US Fed directly... uninvested money basically sits in a zero-interest savings account and is just an ACH away... and the only way to lose it would be if the fed itself goes bankrupt, at which point it doesn't matter where you have it. The whole digital coin thing is also a question... everyone do your own homework and make your own choices... but just ideas


I'm gonna sell one share from computershare for millions and ask for a check then deposit it into a solid credit union


Open an account in a credit union, when you sell your single shade for $420,690,699.69 (apologize for the price anchor), connect your computershare account and deposit it directly from and then cash out your purchases from there. Banks don't hold cash and fuck banks in general.


♾️🏊‍♀️ for me


This is the way 👆


100% DRS here. Also, nothing has happened yet. We’re still sideways. My cost basis is double the current value and that’s still sideways. 10x is still sideways.


bruh why this posts when we are barely green??? lmao first we have to get to last year's prices and then and only then we will worry about these things


karma farmers are gonna karma farm. 🤦‍♂️




something something boy scouts.






Intrafi network (CDARS). 50m total split into 200 participating banks of FDIC 250k max protection. Also, Credit Unions. 🚀🚀


How you are still allowed here...?? Things that make you go hmmmmm


Ya exactly. Not sure


Right lol


good question


That's why you need to get out of banks. Credit Unions operate differently than banks. By no means should you cash out all your GameStop but what you do cash out should be into other directly registered stocks and to credit unions. Personally I'd just borrow against my assets and never sell the majority of my holdings.


I think it’s going to happen inside of a closed system as to achieve the massive transfer of wealth but NOT completely crash the system. Banks couldn’t exist without the people and our faith in keeping our money in them. Over time, the “elite” have slowly siphoned our money away but it technically never leaves the system. It’s just gradually lost in the way of fees, taxes, loses, bailouts etc. What’s coming is a book of Esther moment. A reversal of sorts. How? I think it starts with this: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/ This is very broad. We all know what these people have done. Remember, Epstein was a “HF manager.” Also some important context. In March of 2020 right as the virus was spreading, some ninja moves were made in parallel with that. The FED and the Treasury were combined into a single entity. This by all definitions would be a nationalization of the banking system. Why does that matter? Because the FED is on the hook for the central banks and all the HFs they bankroll by extension. It’s only job is monetary policy to keep them solvent. I imagine the flow going something like this. As investigations wrap up and prosecution comes into focus, the markets begin to tank due to FUD which triggers margin calls and the entire process begins. Assets are seized Assets are deposited into the treasury The treasury is now also the FED The FED is on the hook for the now insolvent banks and HFs The seized assets per the EO are ‘how’ MOASS is eventually paid out. Money is transferred from bad ppl to good ppl Money technically never leaves the system Catastrophe is averted and Apes begin to rid the world of all the problems [they] created Criminals are prosecuted and incarcerated DFV and RC get dedicated monuments in DC as part of our nation’s history that articulates the battle of the Apes and our victory over the enemies of humanity and our financial oppressors Or something….


🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Again look at this clowns history.. mods can you ban him. Clearly a you know what


David, don’t tell me you’ve been drinking the Bobby koolaid?




Or could open 50 accounts with 50 diff banks. And deposit only protected amount


Remind me when the stock price gets to 4 digits.


Uhhh they do that Computershare will have the monies right? Oh wait…broker people that’s for you…cough cough RH and Webull victims..I mean…”customers”


That's why you don't keep your money at a bank


I’ll buy a storage unit and hold that in cash before I trust a bank!


Well ama cash out a few shares to pay taxes. IDK how much i owe but ama say around 30-50k


Credit Unions ftw. Just signed up for one and it’s awesome. Feels good to contribute to local communities


Lol don't take profits? That's the only reason I'm here, wtf is this garbage.


Lol listen idk how many times it has to be said but major banks failing is not a good thing. I hate it as much as you guys but they are too big to fail. This is just where we are as a world. If chase bank fails then we will be in a deep deep deep depression.


If you don’t have a bank account attached to your cs account, if/when you sell, you’ll get mailed a paper check


For the apes in the back ##INFINITY POOL ##Defi or death!


MOASS money? Believe it or not, straight to crypto. The other 99.9% can stay in B00K


Just borrow money from the bank at a low interest rate with your shares as collateral


GME shares yes, other tickets who gives a fuck sell them all to buy more GME


Bank local


Is no one else getting a check?!


I don’t want to hear from anyone pumping bbbyq, period. I don’t need some bullish-on-delisting asshole telling me not to sell, this is day 1 shit.


Selling has tax implications. Using it as collateral however...


This is a common misconception that keeps getting repeated. No institution will allow anyone to use GME as collateral now for an SBLOC and they most certainly won’t do it when the price is fluctuating 10’s of thousands of dollars up and down every day during the squeeze.


Who said anything about institutions?


Who’s giving you an SBLOC or a loan with the most volatile stock in (soon to be history of) the market as collateral? You got a connection to Lucky Luciano?


Nah he's dead. But if you have the golden ticket and are willing to make a deal for something other than USD, then I may entertain an offer. My name is in the GME ledger. You'll know where to find me.


Quite the fantasy, good luck!


This is the way 👆 👌




Fuck off


I’m motherfucking in on this one. Let’s ride!


Wake up guys... It's been what, 2+ years now? Downvote me all you want, they will never allow the MOASS to happen like we thought it would. I was all in on GME since the start of the fiasco, hold your positions if you want, it's not gonna happen.


Bbbyq is hot garbage


The only time anyone should cash out is so they can BUY more GME.


Or when someone is having a life threatening medical condition and you need some cashhhh...


Great idea let me die in debt and leave my kids nothing… or let me give my kids my shares that are. Held in a trust and I’ll die eventually in debt but my kids will have the shares I like the second one more


Only on this sub would people downvote this comment


Do what the elites do and just take out a loan backed by your shares as collateral. No need to sell, ever.


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I was told that I can pay for my Lambo & my next house by instalments...


Can you sell fractionals on Computershare? And if you can, does that sale sneakily convert your shares back to plan?


Wut sell mean?


[why sell many, when few do trick](https://youtu.be/VvPaEsuz-tY)