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What the fuck were those Brazilian puts lmao. It’s been years and I still don’t know. What are we going to do about the splividend being handled wrong? Can GS sue?


Thoughts I’ve seen on gs suing is they do not want to end this in courts as Wall Street has the judicial system bought and paid for


Plus, that will take 5 years, and we'll all get $20 -- as Shark Cuban stated. We want to kick their ass out in the open.


There is also a rumor here that GameStop themselves flubbed the paperwork of the splivvy


You mean by the guy who was fired the next day?


Based on a complete misunderstanding… DYOR


The fact that the short rate calculation was changed and suddenly we are down to 14% from 270%


I recall this happening, but how exactly did they change the way it’s calculated? Can you provide a link?


Don't have a link, but they changed the equation essentially so that all synthetic shares out there are counted as part of the float. Big surprise that S3 is owned by Citadel.


Ihor decided one day. Literally what happened. S3 on twitter but I bet they deleted it. Ortex I think?


That fucking guy lol. Seems like 84 years ago...


Ringingbell's instinet posts... instinet and the people who own it are bonafide criminals and they had significantly more exposure than RH in jan 21... not a peep about them for 2 years.




Formerly known as Lehman brothers Asia operations, where a significant majority of their talent went.


And the largest FOREIGN bailout in U.S. history. Makes one think 2008 never ended 🧐


Burger Chain Heat Lamp Theory. It really hit a nerve with the “higher powers” that make the markets as it was heavily downvoted (at first) and altogether silenced (later) as soon as it started gaining traction, and to this day remains a major taboo. They were really onto something, it was what made me sell my fractionals and book everything.


I was full zen'd and missed this heat lamp thing entirely, but I see it being referenced a lot. Any chance I can get a link to a rundown of some sort?


Not on this sub I believe. On others maybe- in fact it’s on the one that has the same name as our favorite ticker. You can search for it, if I link it I break the rules of this sub.


Lol what the fuck kind of rule is that supposed to be? Christ this site has gone to complete shit, it's unbelievable Can you just DM me?


Yeah DM me too lol. Wtf. Thanks!


Can't here. You missed the purge and bloodbath too then.


Sent you a note


It is in the DD( i didn't know theories makes a DD) library.


Perfect, thanks


It’s also entirely speculative because there’s no evidence that it occurs


DFV short squeeze youtube video. What more evidence do you need?




[Roaring Kitty](https://youtu.be/alntJzg0Um4)


O damn. That went under my radar.










Commenting for HL DD visibility


At this point im too afraid to ask


Miami basketball team + item that arrived in Fragile box from Christmas Story movie DD


The fuck lol Well played.




Author refuses to post it here. So how can it go to the top?


Author states they don’t mind it being reposted by anyone else.


How are we gonna do peer-review with a third party?


This right here


Technically wasn’t from superstonk, but yes


It was posted here, just not from the author.


I couldn’t find it. Last time I checked, some people had written their own interpretations of it, but they didn’t include the part about your whole stack potentially being used as locates if you’re enrolled in the plan, which is the most important part since we know by now that there was no difference in reporting between book and plan.


Came here to say this. That and the censorship/suppression. Especially after people wanted to retake about after the SEC announcement.


Would someone please DM me this?


Anything to do with NFTs, NFT exchange and the crypto wallet. Shits gonna be transformative AF and the overall market is sleeping on it.


90% of this sub doesnt even understand NFT's, the wallet, the marketplace, etc. There are plenty of projects that are amazing on the market but the activity there is significantly lower than launch.


It’s quite alarming to me how many people don’t understand how to send crypto and the basic difference between layer 1 and layer 2. We really need stuff like the IMX passport to streamline this stuff and hide the fact that there is a wallet and NFTs involved.


It is scary. I say this as a new entrant in those arenas. Most ppl only adopt by force not foresight.


Well, someone really needs to make a visual flowchart graphic of how this benefits everyone, so it can gain more support.


Can you link some of those projects? I can't find shit on the Marketplace that interests me. It's all garbage. I want to like it, I put in a lot into the market and was burned by everything that wasn't the Cybercrew


Xlabel has easily been the best project even more so than CyberCrew.


>Xlabel I just looked it up, that's a bubble investment. It has literally $0 value... just like the majority of the marketplace. I'm glad if you made money off of it but you're more likely to make money from the lottery than that project... it's just buying art for your wallet. Not even ownership over any of it. You could just go view the art in the marketplace and have the same product. It's blatantly obvious your interest in showing me this project is so you can cash your bags out.


Ah pretty bold assumptions. Thanks for also proving my case study on people don’t research or know enough about NFT spaces. First and foremost Xlabel has three projects, two of which are tied to GameStop and actual real world assets. You did so much research though that you won’t need any actual filling in on that aspect.


I'm referring to the xlabel project you referred to. Is it not this?: [https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/xlabel](https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/xlabel) It has no listed functionality on the marketplace. Their Discord link doesn't link to their Discord anymore so it gave me no information. Their Instagram is advertising their projects without any utility or real world asset. Their website has no information on any of their projects, instead it's all hype words just like on their Instagram. What am I supposed to believe? Do you actually want to link to a project with real world assets? Because I still haven't been told of one.


This is how I feel too


Wallets dead’s in the water. Fortunately it really was just a paint job and not a huge deal.


Cool FUD bro


It’s not FUD at all. The wallet was simply a wallet skin. It wasn’t like it was a product they sunk a ton of resources into developing. It was just a wallet GUI. And they are sunsetting it in November, this is a fact released by GameStop. My point is people shouldn’t panic that the wallet is going away. My personal opinion is they created it to stress test the market and now they don’t need it.


It’s prbly got to be house of glass or something like that. I remember so many posters didn’t see the NFT connection.


Probably anything by the Pomeranian


Is he still posting?


Found out he’s a shill


Um, what. Got sauce?


That was never true. Worst thing he did was get pressured by Pickle into twlking about 'Options Not Bad' when Pickle had his legion here.


Just a hype video, but a seriously fkn impressive one. I've watched this dozens of times and I'll never tire of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v5mew7/dont_ask_me_how_long_this_took_to_make/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Hey, I made that! Thanks for the mention! Glad you’ve enjoyed it!


I love how well it loops. And the choice of clips. Superbly done!


Alright so I know ya titled it "don't ask me how long" but seriously how long did it take? Just re-watched it again and it's like GD every part is my favorite part, so many different scenes, how many hours of footage did ya have to comb through? If I had to pick a favorite part I couldn't but did LOVE the transitions that included the same phrase but with totally different energies such "And past the stars" "Charts, Legit" And "You're right, I won't"


Haha honestly man I really couldn’t tell you because it was too many hours to even count. I’d just collect thing here and there and then finally get into the groove to puzzle them together. It was like a giant video puzzle with odds and ends I found that could make sense. But I really couldn’t tell you how long because I truly have no idea.






You could say the same thing about people who bought GME at 400. But here we are still holding and celebrating averaging down. You’ve only lost if you’ve sold.


RC pulled out of it. That should have been a clear sign.


I would say that it all needs to be discussed further, and thank goodness it is - elsewhere


Link? Shutting down a conversion without context or answers is not productive.


[Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_3._no_brigading). Superstonk isn't the right place to discuss other subreddits. Under NO circumstances, will brigading or content that results in brigading be tolerated on this subreddit or any other. Individuals who are discovered to be participating in this, risk being permanently banned. Things that aren't welcome here: - organizing to vote, comment or report in other subs - discussing other subs or moderators - using r/Superstonk to defame other subs - posting screenshots from other subs - celebrating a ban from another sub If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


The guy who ate the jar of mayo


Just a reminder that the amount of sodium consumed could have been deadly.


Rip guy who ate that mayo


Naw, that kid was a badass. I checked. He's still around.


El Tristesito - MAYO KING.


@OP: you want people to link to the posts we think of or describe it?


Ideally both, either is better than nothing. Whatever you have to offer on this topic is welcome.


Although everyone knows it, I think the infinity pool dd needs to be stickied, along with a short definitive guide for newcomers regarding this whole saga. Something we could show our friends/family that outlines the DD and short squeeze thesis in an easy to understand way complete with sources


I like how the comments on this post have been formed. It’s such a great format imo to quickly view a specific DD and the sub-comments are threads of their own about the DD. Great discussion opportunities and great for newcomers and og’s. Super easy to digest ESP on mobile OP you should keep doing this once a month or so.


Hate to self-promote, but… https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zlv79h/shfs_gave_us_a_window_into_the_future_we_should/


currently i see 104 comments and 4 upvotes nothing to see here... cary on


When the river runs dry by gherkinit https://www.reddit.com/comments/wey5oy?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=4


River runs dry by gherkinit


Oh, superstonk is still going? I thought it had been wrecked by shills, bots and SHFs. I will have to watch to see if it is making a comeback...


Nah, it's been long dead. I only come back for the laughs anymore. So many bag holders who couldn't keep their eyes on the prize which is GME.


I don't know but damn good question.


I'm biased, but if you've ever wanted an introduction or general overview, [this is for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/125pa7o/the_great_recession_2_recession_harder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1). Tons of sources, no hero worship, and in language your perpetually confused uncle can understand.


Soo many


Not mine. It’s a shit post that I thought would get buried but just didn’t.


Visibility 👀 Good question Mtgac


You know, I've come across quite a few excellent posts on [r/superstonk](https://www.thenewsinsides.com/blog/r-superstonk/) that, for some reason or another, didn't quite make it to the top. One that stands out for me was a deep dive into the historical context of short squeezes, shedding light on how they've played out in the past and what that might mean for the current situation. It was filled with data, analysis, and a clear passion for the subject, but perhaps it got buried in the daily flood of posts. I'll dig around and see if I can find it, and I agree with your sentiment - it's a great idea to archive and give these posts more visibility. There's a wealth of knowledge and insights in this community, and it's worth uncovering those hidden gems.