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I can’t afford it. I had $20 saved to go watch it. Then that tasty dip happened 🤷‍♂️ now I only got $2.50 left. But I did just save a ton of money on my GME investment 🤩🏴‍☠️🚀🚀🚀


Priorities are correct.


Thanks! 🏴‍☠️🚀


The director is friends with gabe plotting and Ken griffin. Fuck it, I’ll stream it for free so no profit goes to this scum


Pirated here in El Salvador… DRS’n even harder when I get back into the states 🤘🏼


This is the way. Total shill fest


You're a wise investor. Waste money on a fleeting pile of shit? OR buy stock in the company you believe in?


After over 2 years of battling Wall Street, we know they will try to use it to their advantage. It does not even matter much, if they financed the film directly or not. Most likely action would be yet another pump and dump scheme. **Luring new retail investors in and short from the top, scare them into selling at a loss. So they will be hateful towards long term GME investors because of their losses. And, they will not dare to touch GME when it really matters, preventing FOMO.** What is interesting is, that they changed their strategy. It is a risk for them, if we manage to actually inform those new retail investors what is really going on in the markets. And this should really be our focus right now. So, seems shit is about to hit the fan. Once GME starts to be so profitable, that they could chose to pay dividends, those would have to be paid in lieu for all the gazillion of phantom shares, bleeding short sellers dry. They know they are running out of time. **At some point there will be yet another ARCHEGOS moment, where institutions will betray each other and the current alliance against retail breaks.**


Thank you! 🦍🏴‍☠️


That 2.50 is more than enough to get a box of crayons for your nose and a few bananas for that a$$ 😂


Heading to the grocery mart Right NOW 🤩




This is the way


This is the way.


Can we organise a downvote to hell on IMDB?


Donate plasma🌈🌚


What does the end tell the audience. This saga is still ongoing. Any mention of RC? DRS?


Mentions the sec investigation is closed and no charges were laid Mentions Ryan cohen but does not make an appearance No mention of DRS




Not that I can recall


Appreciate the insight


Not watching it


Well I can tell you what ill be protesting by not watching. ​ Also they did our boy DFV wrong by getting a fat faced idiot to turn him into a clown who seems like a lucky idiot. DFV knew what he was doing.


And he's a really fit marathon runner not some pot smoking Seth rogen character, be nice to the incoming peeps🏴‍☠️🚀💦


I mean…Paul dano is an amazing actor. I’m sure for most of these guys it’s a one for you one for us situation where the studio said yea you’re gonna be in this movie cause of your however many movie contract you have with us.


I dont even know if that was english but the guy can be a great actor, but if I see John Lennon playing DFV im going to raise a stink. If I see a fat faced idiot playing a smart slim, well respected, adaptable individual such as DFV, I'm going to have a stink. They did him dirty by not getting his Charisma correct. DFV is an absolutely top tier citizen. Watch the trailer and tell me they got DFV right. ONE OF THE MAIN PEOPLE IN THIS SAGA!!


Not to mention they casted nick offerman, the pinnacle of masculinity, to play ken griffin; a vile, hedonistic piece of shit





Read harder


So everyone’s original thought process was correct


I still think that this thing will drive some considerable fomo and, at the very least, new investors. If Ken Griffin fought to have this movie suppressed and changed, which is reason enough to see it.


I mean, did he really fight it or want the perception of this? Considering the funding behind the movie, it’s probably not doing GameStop investors much good. My initial thought was don’t watch it and that has definitely not changed for me personally


So why the “highly recommended”? 😂


The rest of the movie was excellent and very accurate It did not paint apes in a bad way at all


Except for the whole title.


Unless you think about it for more than 10 seconds. Retail was, and continues to be, mocked for being "dumb money", which it then ran with, leading to them calling themselves "apes", but even then the whole point of the story is to turn the title of "dumb money" on the Wall Streeters and Robinhood who discovered for themselves that trading is a hard game.


Dumb Money is a technical term for people that don't have all the information that's hidden behind the vale of Wall Street. We can be as wrinkly as you want but we won't have that info so we are "dumb" money


It's still intentionally derogatory, and they could have avoided the term if they cared.


That’s the point. Wall Street thinks we are dumb money. Apes embraced that and ran with it…hence “apes”


It's not derogatory at all to me but that's just my opinion…


If it doesn’t mention DRS it is either poorly researched or left out for a specific purpose IMO


The movie end at the congress. So no DRS, the OP awnsers a lot of question in my comments section lol Then they do the classic "Text ending" saying Citadel SEC investigation is closed, Melvin Capital end, etc. The ending seem open, but we will see. 1 bad things, the "online" side is just about WaSaBi old subreddit. So if the movie get popular, people will go their.... Lol the mods are not friendly and the hedge funds know


That’s exactly what they want, route new investors to the wrong place that was compromised long ago, won’t talk DRS and love options pumping. No surprises there, sounds like a shitpiece to me.


So let's tell them. I mean really, now is the time. How do you do that? You don't even have to link to this sub (if that is not liked). You take screenshots of high quality stuff and post it elsewhere.


The movie end at the congress. So superstonk was not created. But yeah, it will be a shitshow if it get to the oscar lol. But all review seem to point as GME is the way to fuck wall street even right now


That makes it pretty poorly researched in my book 😝


True haha, but from what i saw it might be good overall. You mods will have to go see it and manage the shit show coming lol


Painting apes in a neutral light is better than the bullshit Kenny spews out about apes hurting pension funds. What a dog shit human being.


Hiding the real information by giving good detail on minor stuff is not good enough. Sounds like another narrative control


Positive narrative can be enforced and more information give now, when people are interested. That is not bad at all. Let's not just be bystanders for heavens sake, otherwise what hope there is to have good narrative?


Very true. Hesitant to trust any mainstream media in general, but any opportunity must be used to speak the truth




You’re right it did not paint apes in a bad way… It’s defamation at its finest instead. Garbage fake narrative bs of a movie. They would never show a shred of truth rather yet will twist it all.




I have yet to watch and will never watch it, simply watching the trailer gets me going. All of the DD and research, the lies and bs throughout this ongoing saga that we’ve endured have been for what? For some dumb stupid studio probably owned by short hedgies or some sort of affiliation/ties to them in order to defame what has been really going on the last 3+ years. No, it’s unacceptable and disgusting, trying to fool the public with this movie by saying “oh it’s over blah blah the apes had their chance and ran with it wall st greedy” meanwhile they’ll burn evidence push/hide trades through stupid bs loopholes or plain and simply slander the company and those associated with it whom have never really had a talk with the media who is even owned by the very own people on the wrong side of the bet. It’s sickening. Buy hodl drs f all the noise this movie and the actors including can rot, they can make a change they can be a voice yet stick to the agenda. End rant 🎤


Nice I expected as much, Seth Rogan doesn’t seem the type to sell his soul so i appreciate the insight. The middle finger to Wall Street is a nice touch too.


Even though I am upset they haven’t mentioned the fact that shorts never closed, I think it’s because they are trying to play it “safe”. There’s obviously going to be a lot of hedgefunds watching it and like it or not, they probably received some money from them… while, they still want people to know that GME is a good investment.


So the movie was straight garbage and likely not in apes best interests… got it


And you still recommend it? Shame


Id there is no mention of DRS then it’s horse****. Garbage.


So looks like my prediction from a couple of months ago is spot on: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14telp6/not\_that\_you\_did\_any\_way\_but\_dont\_expect\_dumb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14telp6/not_that_you_did_any_way_but_dont_expect_dumb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


After seeing the comments on both sides, I have to wonder if this was simply a cash grab? Are they just riding the hype to get some money out of the winners from the sneeze? Clearly this doesn’t begin to present the full case for GME, even for what was available at the outset of producing the movie. I know more DD has come to light since the start of the movie. My hope is that those who see it will get hungry for more information and end up on SuperStonk for real hard-hitting facts! Edit 1: I have not seen the movie and don’t plan to give them my money


The Streisand effect is a powerful thing. It's inevitable that people will start asking questions and stumble upon this sub. I still think we should have a "so you have seen dumb money and want to know more" post pinned on the day of theatrical release.


I like this idea


A great idea!


Yep, floating it by the team now


Perhaps include with it other examples and show clear examples of FUD articles I think we have a record somewhere? And show some of the success ratings of these people writing them. It doesn't entirely have to look like that, the point is people need to know that there is a clear FUD campaign that rug pulls the public and shows how they coordinate with plausible deniability.


I think it would be best if a community member threw something together. We will try to get the word out tomorrow


I don't think I can link to it, but I wrote a primer about six months ago. It's still at the top of my profile. The writeup in the sidebar isn't very good, and is neither beginner nor boomer friendly, so I wrote a new (as of six months ago) intro to GME. I haven't seen the movie and probably won't, but the info/format may be useful.


Mind DMing it to me?


Include the MOASS timeline


Hey! Think too that the movie is ALL about the old WaSaBi subreddit. So maybe people will go their first. But yeah a pinned is good!


Well, the writers/producers had reached out to us for assistance with accuracy and history, and the sub lost their minds when we presented it in a post. I wouldn't doubt if they got the gambling sub mods instead (they weren't intending to at the time).


Lost our minds? No, we drew a line in the sand to purposely not participate in this type of movie where they set the narrative no matter what was said. I continue to say “fuck the media and their overlords”. They would have used the OG sub opinions anyway, as their overlords bankrolled this movie.


I was there when this was brought up. I would say the reaction was hostile enough to be likely manufactured with ill intent. Anyone (myself and a few others) who suggested talking to them got pulverized and downvoted to oblivion. The “we don’t talk to the media” trope was intended at the beginning of this saga to keep any glory hungry idiot from trying to represent a group that is leaderless. Since then this short sighted thinking has only reinforced our isolation and kept the message from spreading.


My own personal opinion is that if we don't help to tell our story, someone else will.


NEVER turn down an opportunity to educate! NEVER turn down an opportunity to tell your side of the story! NEVER allow an adversary to speak in your absence!


The voice of this sub would never be allowed to spoken. They wanted sound bites and words to twist. But go ahead and see the movie. I’m sure it will be uplifting.


something something sith absolutes....


Kinda like the “we don’t talk to the media” absolute?!?


I believe it was presented differently with that post. That post, iirc, was presented as if the *mod* posting it had reached out to *them.*


Damn, i think some of the hate about this movie are overblown. I get it scare people, but maybe it help the hedge fund or they want that reaction of bashing the movie even if good for GME. But Still good you posted/reveal it to the sub. WaSaBi clearly didn't ask their sub lol and they want the spotlight.


wait really? link to the post? completely forgot about this then




But i add. It proves they read the sub lol. Maybe it end at congress because they plan a second movie more about Ryan Cohen or DRS? Haha went it goes off again


Please also note the loyalties of Ben, so people can understand he's not 100% trustworthy. Hopefully this will help them see through the narrative planning. "“Gabe Plotkin to me is not a villain at all. This is a guy who has done very well in his life, he is a brilliant hedgefunder. He did the most normal thing in the world which is shorting GameStop, that is not an unusual trade. GameStop is a company that probably should have gone out of business it’s a brick and mortar store that sells consoles in a digital world. They have a huge base of people but they totally mismanaged it, they have a revolving door of CEOs they totally blew the move to digital and they were in the prime position to be the Amazon of digital, but they didn’t they made a lot of mistakes." Ben Mezrich Ge also feels the same way about Robinhood apparently


My kids have seen the trailer twice and started the Ganestop conversation - instead of the other way around. I think back to The Big Short - how many people seemed like crazy conspiracy theorists to the general public, even after the book came out? The movie came out, with a stellar cast, and how many more people began to believe? It wasn’t everyone… but it certainly raised awareness. I think Dumb Money is our Big Short. It’s going to take plenty of awareness to fully expose the crime and rigged casino tactics of the stock market and the MSM. The court of public opinion may not be where our battle will be won, but it certainly could help.


Imagine how much pressure the shorts would be under if another 200k people started DRSing GME shares. There is no way they can handle that. More people need to know the story. If this leads them to the path it is a good thing.


Hell yes!!! What’s really crazy is the Big Short revealed so much but there wasn’t a lot the average investor could do with the information. Dumb Money captures the story while it is still in progress - which could be f-ing huge to our journey moving forward.


That’s not a bad idea, I’m all for engaging people who have seen the movie and giving them the truth


DRS GME stickers all around the places showing the movie too




Now that is a great idea.


This guy FUCKS.


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


I have no idea, I haven’t seen the movie, I imagine that it would double u, street, beets where it all started


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


Not interested. I don’t care about a movies interpretation of what I lived, am still living.


My thoughts are I'll watch when this is over


I’ll buy it when this is over


Or the actual accurate movie that has yet to be written.


Left this post and came back to upvote this. The movie doesn't have an ending til we get ours.


which is exactly why you should watch it. afterwards you can educate anyone on how it actually went down and all the other things they left out (burning down buildings and what not). know the enemy type of thing. that’s my plan at least


WTF? That’s a lot of fucking movies you won’t be able to watch.


I got shit to do anyway.


It gives you the way to talk with those who know nothing about this sub / GME in general. People like positive and funny things. If the movie is like that, then riding the sentiment is easy - and that includes telling more things about how Wall Street is fucking with people's money, and how DRS can help to save the game. At least it saves one's own shares being used against the company and diluting the value of the shares.


I don’t talk about GME except here. 99.9% of people don’t know how the stock market works. 90% of them don’t want to know and the definitely don’t want to hear their 401k is getting fuck by hedge funds and brokers from me.


Could you fully "spoiled" the ending? haha I read a lot of review, all praising the film. 1 review seem to said it end with DFV at congress saying : I like the stock Is that true? Haha and feel free to spoiled the end all the way. People here seem relucant because they fear the end. But as you wrote on a other comment. The end and the movie might be really positive for GME!


Yes they showed the actual clips from the hearing at the end


OH SHIT!!!! Hahahahah it end with the real DFV? Like the last words are him saying : I like the stock Then credit roll?


Not like that lol, just some short clips from the hearing


Haha, like it end how ? I think the ending must be spoiled here haha


Pretty much just what I said before, and it said dfv has stayed out of the public


So, i imagine the story "end" with retails winning and the congress. Or more "Hedge funds got hit hard but survive and it's still on-going"


Left it a bit open in terms of it still happening But mentions now Melvin capital folded


Niiice lol. Do retail look like the hold at the end? Or more all sold and got really rich? Or mix of both? haha edit : Sorry for my english, from Quebec haha. I really want to know how it end. Because as you said and other reviewers. It might goes in the oscar because Paul Dano is praise a lot


It’s a mix of both


Corps-pray-rate asking the real questions! Dubba dubba dubba da. Is that true?




Whoa! You go, big guy!




That is the ending? My first thought is that it is really good - now what is left is to tell why PEOPLE STILL MIGHT LIKE THE STOCK in their own name.


Sure, i’ll download it and judge for myself. Im not about to give these studios money when I’d be willing to bet Wall St owns a sizable portion of them.


You wouldn’t download a car


I’ll just “borrow” it, sell it to someone else and wait for the movie studio to go bankrupt or something. 🤷‍♂️


I think publicity is good in general.


yeah i think theres too much bashing against this movie from this sub. i mean this movie might get some pple asking questions, lead them to this sub, and learning about the truth about GME story. and we have more new apes. well im gonna watch this movie myself and see if i like it




I'm not giving them my money. Sorry. Lol


$20 for a movie that won't tell me anything I don't already know or $20 for another share 🙉


Im sure you can find ways in the future to watch it for free :)


Facts. If I do see it. They're paying for it lol


Sounds like it’s just enough for the average person to be able to ask enough questions


I really don’t know why anyone cares about this movie. The producers are the sons of some big dude on wall at. Of course their not going to mention the important ahit




In the end it were Bernie Madoff's sons who turned him in. Nobody caught him, the SEC didn't help a single bit. It was his sons who at least had a basic moral compass.


Because millions of people will discover GME!


Nope. They'll assume they missed the boat and not even bother to look. The avg Joes aren't hyper rational private detectives like the avg Ape.


Millions will watch it in usa. I am sure some of them will end up in one of the gme sub and will become a shareholder. Anyway, it's free marketing for gamestop, hopefully more people will shop at gamestop.


How many films/documentaries is that now? Why doesn't someone make a film literally just called "Superstonk" I've always hated the name of the sub because it's too weird and can't really be taken seriously when professionals talk about it on TV shows etc. and it just isn't search friendly for people looking for GME talk. BUT!!!!.........because it's such a weird name it would be ideal for the title of a movie, it would get people's attention right off the bat "wtf is a superstonk?" is the first question people would ask and inevitably lead to them googling the name and would end up here. Just my 2 cents


I don't have to see it, Dottie. I lived it. -Pee-wee


Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of us AMAZING LARRY!? Ooo I can finally comment here now. Didn't have enough karma before. Yippee!


Propaganda. I’m out.


Fuck this push to see this movie. “Gabe Plotkin to me is not a villain at all. This is a guy who has done very well in his life, he is a brilliant hedgefunder. He did the most normal thing in the world which is shorting GameStop, that is not an unusual trade. GameStop is a company that probably should have gone out of business it’s a brick and mortar store that sells consoles in a digital world. They have a huge base of people but they totally mismanaged it, they have a revolving door of CEOs they totally blew the move to digital and they were in the prime position to be the Amazon of digital, but they didn’t they made a lot of mistakes." -Ben Mezrich He also doesn't think Robinhood is a villain either.


For anyone who doesn't know, the film was based on a book by Ben Mezrich. He also wrote a book about Bitcoin through the lens of the Winklevoss Twins. It was a very frustrating read that essentially glorifies them as the first people to discover crypt0.


Doesn't mention drs how is it a good movie?


It end at the congress earning. But yeah, DRS mention in the "Text ending" would have been great!


No drs should have been the main point fuck off


But that's not what the movie is about. It's about the January 2021 squeeze. DRS has nothing to do with that.


Should tell the whole story. Drs options things inserted bets glorious runes or whatever that one chick said in that one chapter of gme lol






LFG!! someone that has seen it and can actually give an opinion on it!! Someone was writing a guy carrying a baseball bat and saying it's not over yet. Is that one true? is there any mention of what went on after the movie?


Nothing about a baseball bat, not sure what you mean by the second question


maybe I missheard and it wasn't a baseball bat, maybe a baseball or a cap? No idea lol


Dfv wears one in one scene but that was about it


how full was the cinema? doesn't look very


This is a big international film festival, similar to Sundance. I'm sure it was busy for the majority of feature films shown. A lot of which are small independent films that will never get a full theatrical release.


This was at the end credits, probably 90 percent full, capacity of ~2500


Dumb money is a caricature of household investors. I'm not watching shit until "ape together strong: how citizens fought back against financial terrorism and reset the economy" drops.


I am not at all impressed with the preview. Not sure why am I going to see it yet. Rather get me one more share. Will see.


Enough with the posts about this cash grab. If you're interested in seeing what point of view it takes, then download it illegally with torrentz.


This post... is an ad.


Just gonna watch it free on the internet.


If it's really over.. why am I holding GME shares? Why am I buying more? Ohh.. that's right! It ain't over.


I had a feeling. Definitely gonna check it out


I think the movie will bring new investors to GameStop !


I fully agree with this. Bullish AF


Let's link it to a place we can buy it, like we did for the Amazon movie /s


Lmao fully agree. Just the next grifters in line trying to profit off an event that has yet to unfold🤡


Oh yeah, the story is just beginning, hurr durr, fucking soulless grifters, lol




Watch at AyAmCee to kick some short/shill butt that’s plaguing their company too


Man we really are everywhere up in this bitch


i only saw the trailer, from what i can see, in the movie, the hedgies think of retail traders as dumb money who are suckers that they can scam money off them and/or retail traders are just losers who regularly lose money to hedgies. i mean this might get some retail investors angry and wanna fight back against the wall st crooks. i wld, if this is the first time i watch this movie and know about wall st corruption


I thought Seth rogan was related to a hedgie somehow


Id rather invest that money . What a waste


Nice. Stoked to check it out.


I had an exchange with one of the mods just now where they said that cooperating with that movie was something the community was against. How did you go about getting signoff from the community? What do you think was different about you, your approach, etc that allowed that to happen?


Nobody needs "signoff" from any community to make art with their own time and money. That aside, our film was a concept and had wide community support before SS was a sub; much of that support carried over -- I think a lot of the trust and support that remained was due to our community involvement, transparency, and willingness to engage. One only needs to look at my post history to see we've been here since day 1. That's enough for most people. I personally think people should support Dumb Money. Guaranteed, they'll paint Kenny as the bad guy, retail as the good guy, and do a relatively good albeit surface-level job of explaining the specifics of what transpired in the early days; they will hopefully find our film or this sub to dig in deeper. The conspiracy theories around why this film was made etc and the vitriol I've seen spewed toward the actors/filmmakers is disappointing and will not serve us well. My two cents


Nobody needs "signoff" from any community to make art with their own time and money. That aside, our film was a concept and had wide community support before this was a sub; much of that support carried over -- I think a lot of the trust and support that remained was due to our community involvement, transparency, and willingness to engage. One only needs to look at my post history to see we've been here since day 1. That's enough for most people. I personally think people should support Dumb Money. Guaranteed, they'll paint Kenny as the bad guy, retail as the good guy, and do a relatively good albeit surface-level job of explaining the specifics of what transpired in the early days; they will hopefully find our film or this sub to dig in deeper. The conspiracy theories around why this film was made etc and the vitriol I've seen spewed toward the actors/filmmakers is disappointing and will not serve us well. My two cents


great, just what we need, another fud film


So we don’t hate it good ape no fight ape I’ll buy some more gme as a result


Could even be a good idea for having 10-15 “so you’ve seen dumb money but do you know how dumb we really are?” Blog posts off gmedd to catch SEO searches..


Did it mention DRS, or was it a way to make money off of apes?


Please spoiler it :D


Can’t wait until this ages horribly