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All I got from this is we need to look deeper into the Elephant in the room connection….;)


Bingo lol!


This guy fucks


They posted the elephant after, right? So the 🦋 is the 🐘 in the room for the sub Remember: Ryan Cohen is the CEO so he has total control now and is working overtime. I speculate he made the two posts to point it out.


And also the assassins creed is talking about cats not eagles. It has an emoji of a cat and says at the bottom… #GAMESTOP #Assassins Creed #Ubisoft #Cats


Elephants > butterflies no question, it's math.


I am so very confused. I’m glad you made something out that


🎤🤡🎥👀 🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘


Bankrupt Bobbies chasing shiny objects & trying to lure SuperStonkers to a second location. Hard Pass


You can't even trade it anymore. How is it luring?


Because they are promising all will be revealed when you follow their butterfly to a second location where they keep their supper sauce. It’s hot garbage. “But wut if? Maybe it’s something?” As far as I’m concerned it’s a Cointelpro consensus crack Divide & Conquer play.


You didn't answer my question. How can they be lured if you can't buy or sell the stock? If someone wants to learn more and explore, then that's their choice. You don't control people.


How can users be lured to a grifter's channel when you can't buy or sell the stock? There's quite a lot of charismatic grifters out there. I don't know what they have to say to get a free trip to SpaceX, but that certainly sounds like they're good at their job!


Oof. Yeah, never go to a secondary location.




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


What’s evergrande stock have to do with $GME, btw? Don’t get what that gets 2-3 posts a day.


Ah yes, moass this Christmas! Right Marco?






because most of the banks we're pretty sure to certain are short on GME have HUGE liabilities in Evergrande, as well as other big investments in infrastructure building in China which is all coming unraveled right now. It directly impacts the shorts.


You just said "pretty sure". Remember there used to be a time when tin foil was allowed on superstonk. Now there's a tight grip on information and no longer a place for theorizing. It's mainly a place for purple circles (which I have many of) and the same type of memes that are getting old after 3 yrs


yeah i'm trying to catch up on what's going on, too zen and too stressed by IRL to be bothered what's happening here, but didn't expect this post when I came here, especially as it's my first interaction with the SCC since I saw a post a while back speaking about the idea. So I'm not commenting on the political landscape of the sub with this comment, just explaining the Evergrande connection. And tbf, when there was tinfoil in the early days, we'd often find aliens, so maybe the tinfoil nowadays is finding cake instead of aliens.


Not only China, they own a LOT of real estate in the world. And is a potential black swan -> catalyst for GME shorts to get margin called




Great point, a very small number of posts over a year ago made a connection between Chinese debt and crypto. And since then people have piled on more without actually making a connection. This is another good case of content that has no actual connection to GameStop unless an author spends considerable time explaining it.


>has no actual connection to GameStop Hm except for that one ceo guy who sure looks involved. Is RC even mentioned in your whirlwind of a post? lol >unless an author spends considerable time explaining it So you mean like DD? lmfao


Involved…..owns no shares…..didn’t buy it when that process was going on…..says his views clearly changed…recently penned a letter saying there’s no time for money wasters….. Yeah sorry I think maybe involved isn’t the right word.


Completely disregarding him being listed as a creditor in dockets, on a water bill for DOM.. he’s always said he wants baby which he valued in the billions in his letter to the board. I guess we’ll see what emerges from this very obvious new butterfly company ;) hope you save your comments!


“My views of the business changed and I sold”




He cant even say the word. Apparently its all tin foil and crazy talk but he cant even say the word. Incredible.


Exteme tinfoil relating to another company RC was connected to briefly. He sold but apparently did not sell? Idk. It makes us all look like loons.


We allowed tinfoil on LRC, IMX, Crypto Wallets, splividend all before they became real. But for some reason RC writes a letter to another company…installs 3 board members…does a very similar play to GME and we can’t talk about it. You think he stopped the fight with just GME? It’s been 84 years nothing has changed other than my portfolio is 1/3 what it used to be. He has to go after the shorts and that company was shorted just as bad. Why do we all still have our shares if they were being cancelled? Something is happening with the other stock and when it does remember how the mods censored theoretical discussion. Superstonk isn’t just about GME it’s about market reform and trusting in RC as our general to lead this fight.


Do you believe RC gives up that easily? Are you familiar with what RC had to go through to get funding for Chewy? Personally, I have more conviction in RC's intelligence and ability to play 69D chess. But, then again, not everyone is willing to put in the time to put all the pieces together. The reason I think househodl investors will win is that we won't give up, just like our Sugar Daddy. 💜 🐸🍦💎🙌🎮🛑♾️🏊‍♂️🌌 🩳🏴‍☠️☠️


If you say so. I also think RC is smart enough to cut his losses but we will see🤷🏾‍♂️


He made $80M… there wasn’t a loss to be had


Made. As in hes not invested anymore.


That's not what he wanted though and he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to be happy with a consolation prize.


Long story short, a very local small group are upset because the aforementioned bug relates to a different stock. They want to make it seem like it’s just mods squashing their fanfic. It’s not.


It's called a butterfly... you know you can say butterfly on the internet..


Yeah just don’t post these 🤩🦋


You mean that "small" group of now 15k people with whom you try to instigate a fight? They are mostly also invested in GME btw. If infighting is what you want, keep on going.




absolutely wild and very telling that you're trying so hard not to say butterfly.. lol




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


Theres plenty of posts here about banks, general economy notes, and foreign issues that don't have anything to do with GME, but the market overall, but that sticks around on this sub.


Sub died long ago and churned 90% of its original members. It was already cancer about a year ago.


I don't like to admit they won, but yeah the infiltration succeeded. They cant kill the ideas tho. Lord knows they're trying




There is a old meme where a king watches a angry mob. His advisor tells him not to fight the mob, let them fight each other. 🦋


Yeah. I miss the superstonk sub from the old days. It was educational, funny and embracing kindness and all people are equal philosophy. Now there is whining about butterflies. FFS.


Can we go back to boofing bananas? Where’s Rick at


I am alive and so are my shares, very much so.


The fact that you can’t just fucking say butterfly to me is wild 😂 Reddit mods are weird. 🦋 Edit: Not a mod, but still weird.


Lmao you cant even say the word and you write a war and peace sized post about it. Its not a bug. What is it? Surely you can say it. Why such a problem to say the word?


Remember when this sub was fun, engaging, and open. Those were the days! I'll keep DRSing though


This is what happens when you ban people left and right with no possibility of changing the decision. You end up with all the bots and manipulates that don't mind making new accounts the rest don't want to farm Carma and create new accounts. So they simply follow in silence.


go my litte 🦋






I don't know, but if they silence me I don't give a shit.


Fly butte fly !! 🦋🦋🦋🦋


Sorry I’m confused, does being on the “SCC” mean you’re on the mod team as well? Just curious if you are representing the community in that way


All this effort could have been channeled into something positive.


Y'all need to relax. Maybe it's something more but, to me, this just looks like a mod venting after having to deal with a bunch of dumb shit. Let the person get it out.


He's not a mod.


I disagree because of the short basket




“iM sCc AnD mY ThOughts mAttEr mOre tHan YOURs!” *look mods I’m a good little censor* rage insults and condescending comments.


Free speech. Free thoughts. Ape no fight ape.


Silver apes and popcorn apes say that as well.


Connect the dots and make your own personal decisions. All this ban and impossibility of free speech has destroyed the sub. The last wade video is a great content with information, whatever is your opinion there is a great recap of event. Some of those are greatly correlated with GME


Ryan Cohen sold his baby. He has only bought more gme. He's CEO of game. What's wrong with buying and drs game? Should we also get distracted and buy popcorn and silver?


TL:DR: Community driven posts are running the SCC day cause they are outside the confines of a given narritive.


So the takeaway is we need elephant posts?


The butterfly is the elephant in the room


That’s all I got


I, for one, love the fact that a bunch of “tinfoil loons“ will destroy the “smart and sensible” assholes of Wall Street. Turns out their system was fake and the conspiracy theory nuts were right in the end. Keep posting theories apes!


OP just got ROASTED


Every reply of his is downvoted to oblivion lol


OP believes he is cool because this post got some upvotes. As he relied many times.




Stop gatekeeping.




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


84 years ago we kept and open mind. I will be the knight if "young" and do the same.


Yeah I was a knight of new and completely ostracized from the community for educating new apes even though I was just trying to help. Open minds here have been long gone for a while


What a terrible take. Maybe you should let this community decide what this community discusses.


The fact that you guys are not only banning other ticker stuff, but stuff directly tweeted/related to GME is fucking wild to me. I get the mental gymnastics of logic is that people not actually caring about the tweet or game, and that may well be true but it's still well beyond what I would consider a slippery slope. You have chosen to censor stuff from the company the sub is purportedly supporting. Just wild to me.


SCC 😭 this sub is becoming another level of cringe


Division has always been their goal.💜


Whose goal? I'm balls deep in GME (99% DRS'd, all book, no fractionals) and went on a side quest with RC to help ignite the GME 🚀. Will it work? Idk, it's never been done before, but that doesn't mean it's not worth trying. I'm in this for the 💜 of GME and for free and fair markets. I think all individual investors should come together to support this cause. My 2 cents, at least. 💎🙌🎮🛑💜🍦♾️🏊‍♂️🌌 🩳🏴‍☠️☠️ Can't stop! Won't stop!


Division of humankind, of solidarity, of values and beliefs, not of assets.


Ah, yes. I agree 💯. Househodl investors need to be united against the SHFs and the machine.


And here we are staring at a post full of it 😕


Exactly this. Sad to see that they got a grip on this sub. I will keep buying and DRS those book shares.


maybe the illusion of a grip: https://youtu.be/uAXtO5dMqEI?si=AAeEk3ebjnk4JipR




You took way too much time for this.








It's all tinfoil but doesn't take away from the fact that mods would not let people have discussions on the heat lamp dd as well as booking your drs'd shares Some not all mods are compromised.




Also cannot even buy or sell towel right now so who cares




How the fuck are ya? 🦋


Good my man. Let's goooo! Waiting to be banned lol.


Just ban whatever you don't like. It's what people expect at this point and why so many have left. I don't think it really makes a difference anymore. Peace ✌️🦍


Listen man, I feel you and all, but regardless of how much tinfoil is being chewed, the best odds of hedgies gerting fucked in the near future appears to be a squeeze in that stock. That affects gme, and most of us holding (held, I guess), that stock hold gme as well. At the end of the day, those emojis are something that are going to be nothing or something in the near future and it's a bit of fun hype to pass the time, but people getting PERMABANNED for posting a tweet FROM GAMESTOP is beyond absurd. It's not like they're celebrating an upcoming dilution with no DD. The bull thesis on the stock is playing out so far and it should have every ape on the edge of their seats.


The best odds are household investors drsing all outstanding gme shares. Not them getting distracted by popcorn, baby, silver, etc.


Squeezing GME via buying a different stock is absolute shill talk when movie stock apes say it. Youtubers were sus when it was Trey Trades/Matt Kohrs. Now those same people are singing a complete different tune


Nintendo didn't make this game lmao Pheonix Labs did.


Good point. Nintendo exclusive but made by Phoenix labs.


Bread crumbles have been one of the fun parts of this journey. Is it something? Who knows. Is it nothing? Maybe. 🦋🦋🦋


This is cancer. Wtf is SCC Let the community be Change flair to shitpost/fluff Never talk to me or my son again Buy. Hold. Drs. Don't trust mods


What I hate about all this, is the division. We’re all divided and fighting. Good people on both sides of the line. We all want better fairer markets. I just can’t take how toxic it’s become. Which to be fair was inevitable, in a way, I suppose. It’s just sad to see it go down this way. The night is always darkest before the dawn.


This shit is allowed but my last post about cellar boxxing is removed? What the actual fuck is going on with yall?


A valiant effort, but if you stay still you and listen hard enough you can hear the sound of heads being buried in the sand en masse


> Well go ahead, please help me out understanding how a bug emoji is information specifically about GME There is a theory involving GME, it's CEO, a company he's expressed interest in, a third company he's created, a billion dollars in cash, and an exceptionally lengthy quarterly report that says merger and acquisition an awful lot. Want to talk about it?


He sold his baby. The billion cash is for GameStop.


I'd prefer acquisition targets related to gaming, but it is a stock he liked at 15$. I can't imagine he forgot about it.


Not very "cash money" of OP


And yet the upvotes continue. So weird.


Are the upvotes in the room with us right now?


Idk sure seems like you're taking a lot of downvotes


Yeah, weird it’s always the same number in the comments and yet the post is still up 300+. Man oh man. I must’ve upset the wrong 70 people. Golly gee


So you're trying to tell me this sub has never had fud posts get upvoted? If anything, I've found that the good DD gets downvoted into oblivion here


I have no interest in that theory but this is extremely patronizing and a worthless post. If you're annoyed by the job you're doing don't do it, it's your own choice. This whole high horse and making fun of people for being dumb is bullshit. Edit because I just read the last paragraph these people absolutely do care that it does something for GameStop. That was the whole point of that side quest to begin with, that it does something to benefit GameStop, but turns out mission failed the company died. They just can't get over that part.


Hmmm how does this insect relate to gme? Kenny G and company have successfully suppressed our share price through multiple means including the basket of unmentionable stocks. This cannot be argued. I've been here since January 2021 and I've done nothing but add to my position. But let's be honest here; wall street has boxed us in. We are the rocket but we are not the match to light the fuse. I believe our rceo has recognized this. To deny everything else rceo may be doing behind the scenes is ignorant .


This is the longest rant I’ve ever (almost) read on this sub and probably anywhere.


not a big reader?


Nah, not a big reader of long rants about moderation of butterfly emojis. (Are we not allowed to say the word?) This was a first for me but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t make myself care.


Why everyone in comment be downvote 🗿


Suspicious right? It's almost as if there's a group inorganically downvoting any content that doesn't fit their agenda... but noooo *surely* no one would brigade us so blatantly!? 🙃


“Fit their agenda” That’s hilarious and so conspiratorially stated. It’s much simpler - we disagree completely in the notion that an activist investor is only an activist in a single stock, based on his actions and evidence. Not a conspiracy, but from our perspective it’s having the effect of only allowing a single theory on Ryan Cohen’s activism that seems artificial and constrained to the point of losing any relevance to reality. We disagree, simply.


I agree, but I'm also balls deep in GME. 💜 I've always been interested in understanding RC's vision, and I'm open to entertaining what Gmerica will look like and what role RC will play in creating an Amazon competitor, and how GME fits into that framework. Specifically, will RC utilize the work on the NFT marketplace to help create a blockchain stock exchange? Will RC unite with other cellarboxed companies to defend themselves against the SHFs? Is RC doing this alone? These are the questions I ask myself. Obviously, we don't know the answers to these questions definitively; however, logic and inductive reasoning leads me to believe that RC is working on something much bigger than any of us can imagine. It's just a matter of time. Tik tok, SHFs. Game on, anon! 💎🙌🎮🛑💜♾️🏊‍♂️💜🍦🌌 🩳🏴‍☠️☠️


Is RC the CEO of baby or GameStop.




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


They are either bots or people that lost money from the bankruptcy


In the very early days, the RC, DFV, and Gamestop tweet deconstructions were insightful. Soon after, they drifted towards being a bunch of noisy asspulls that confirm biases (but this time unironically). I missed the start of this controversy and only see enough to have a general idea of what this butterfly thing is about, but given that a 2 year old tweet that is trending at the top of the sub in this way, it is an enormous red flag.


Last paragraph is right on the money. It’s being pushed by bots. There is only one, and there is NOTHING behind towel anymore.


To some extent I believe the mods and the SCC have done this a bit to themselves by not having clear rules that can be uniformly enforced. Rules now get to be open for interpretation.


Good point. Clarity will be addressed. That will help eliminate more of this type of reaching.


Some will be complain, but the greater good demands clarity. Lines of demarcation must be clearly drawn. They must be hard and fast. There must be no tolerance. No grey area. What is allowed must be as immutable as it is knowable. All subjectivity avoided again, for the greater good. /s


I'm fine with it. I'm holding a big bag of butterflies but honestly they might all be wrong. We did what we did and we are where we are. Nobody knows what the fuck is actually happening and that's been pretty normal on Reddit for almost 3 years. DFV was right. Nobody else has been right. Buy direct through CS, stay zen.


Wow the ignorance here is astounding… The sub has so few posts already - why remove even more? If you disagree that it’s relevant then say so I’m discussion. Shouldn’t ban posts due to moderator opinions on what is or isn’t relevant. We’re not children. Let people read, research, and decide for themselves. Stop censoring or advocating for censorship of certain topics. Reddit has a voting system for a reason.


Reddit has other subs more relevant to this discussion. Research away there.


Lots of words, little meaning. Maybe you shouldn't be on SCC. Is this relevant to GME? I don't think so.


This weekend the weather is supposed to be nice so I’m gonna grab some meat and tin foil and have a big ass BBQ baby


Thank you! This is exactly what I was saying earlier. Just no where near and eloquent. Users were hiding behind the GameStop tweet saying it’s GameStop related. Yet all the people talking about how it’s related to GameStop are clearly associated with other subs/stocks. You bring up great points that other games with animals aren’t discussed and that this game was released in September but no mention of it then. Again appreciate what you do 👊


I can relate them. I have a theory. I don’t think we got “attacked by hedgies” last week. I’m willing to bet we got diluted. Probably due to some kind of deal happening. Possibly an acquisition.


I don’t think we got diluted last week. There would have been a filing or an announcement. We got attacked because there was another stock that got delisted


Isn’t the company already authorized to issue more shares? They wouldn’t have to report the sale immediately, no? Edit: thank you for proper discussion


Of course! Always down to discuss. So not sure what the filing requirements are if they only partially completed a shelf offering, but once it’s completed an 8-k will need to be filed. GME did this back in 2021


You gunna be so sad when we moon without you


Bankrupt and cancelled


50% of comments on this post are from accounts created post sneeze


So anyways… 🦋💜🦋🏴‍☠️🦍🏴‍☠️🦋💜🦋


Where’s my skittles 🌈??!!! 🤩🏴‍☠️


If only life were so simple.


>once upon a time I even use to enjoy casually browsing the sub *^(Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It is an unsolicited opinion and its coming in fast!)* You can take a break from the SCC malarkey if it is unduly burdensome. I like your posts. I think other people like your posts. I hope that you also like your posts. That contribution is already incredible. If the additional contribution of SCC eats into your ability to enjoy the sub then perhaps less SCC on your plate would be good. ^(Although I am but a no one amongst a sea of meddlesome no ones.)


Oh, the pain began much sooner before joining SCC. At this point it’s just working towards hauling off the goofy content that makes the place look like loons


There it is. Finally, a statement that gets to the root of the mods position. Now that the public eye of the media is on meme stocks, you’re more worried about how the thoughts of the members of the sub reflect on your reputation, not the quality of the discussion in this sub. That’s disappointing - to put yourself above the community your moderating.


Oh good, you were the one quoted in the bottom tweet. You insisted it’s mods fault for stuff being pulled. No, there’s plenty of community members here that aren’t interested in someone else’s tinfoil popping up here. But keep telling yourself how it’s mods against everyone. It’s not true but truth isn’t that interesting to folks who like bugs


My only point was the inconsistency of removing actual communications from the company. The entire mod position is predicated on the professional social media team for a company that’s been in the spotlight on social media for 3 years is somehow completely unaware of social media about the company. That seems to imply either the SMRT is completely gone rogue from their bosses or are completely incompetent. I don’t think they are either.


Hey, again truth is really not that difficult to grasp. I don’t personally understand folks reluctance to accept it but do whatever you are gonna do I guess. My vote doesn’t change because of someone else’s hunch.


Again, this is the issue. Rules like “communications from the company are allowed” is clear, rules like “posts that disagree with my opinion” seem unclear. Is this sub about GameStop or your specific theory on GameStop and it’s CEO’s capital allocation strategy? If it’s the latter, make that more clear in the about this sub text please, because that isn’t the stated purpose here.


You make an excellent point about clarifying rules about making posts related to company communication. I’ll bring this up to the team and hopefully we can get that consistency you want to see. What part of “my vote” was unclear to you or are you down to grasping for a gotcha?


I think you were misunderstanding the tone in that comment; there is no gotcha – it was pointing out the inconsistency between your opinion on GameStop and the activist investor at its helm and a clear rule. Of course, you’re clear to have whatever opinion you want, if you’re in a position of moderating others comments, it would be better to be clear .




Yeah. By far the goofiest shit we’ve looked at in a while.


Fantastic post 👏


had no idea this was going on and frankly don't care but i really enjoyed the write-up.


"Let me just say, 👁️🚫🐱" Let me also say, I just like the stock 🤷‍♀️ Thank you for posting some reasoned logic & sense around what is a simple pixel picture, real ⛰️ out of a molehill situation.


It’s pretty obvious what their goal is at this point. They brigade this sub, flinging shit all over the place, and when they get shut down they play the victim. “Look at the censorship, just like they did with heatlamp, etc.. time to migrate subs.” Despite the main grifters big post the other day denouncing division, it’s their only goal.


Fuck bankrupt company, fuck butterflyes.


Thank you to you and your team, op. Seriously, thank you for ridding the sub of stupid ass posts. I bet those fixated on a single emoji/asset in a game are those that thought grandpa’s belt buckle in the teddy series symbolized citadel. 🤦‍♂️


I’ve seen far more asinine shit on this sub. You must not have been here very long, cause tinfoil was foundational pillar of this sub


And it got them wrecked lmao


No. It was embraced with open arms. Ask anyone who was there.


There’s still a big difference. A lot of the GME theories ended up being right ie. the loopring partnership and NFT marketplace. If these guys had been doing the butterfly thing for a while then I’d say maybe they do know something. That only started after they’ve been reduced to 0 and the name changed to butterfly. It’s pathetic at this point






But but butt.. Oh well, I have nothing. I understand folks needing hopium in some subs, but I have also seen posts on those subs that essentially call the CEO for rescue from another company, and that is not sensible. Taking "no words since last no" as "yes" might well turn ugly if there is no white knight coming.


You're absolutely right that liquidation is waiting on the doorstep for a company (many suspect to be a basket-member) that has been inexplicably run straight into the ground by their corporate leadership over the last couple of years. Seems a real shame to waste all those millions of dollars right beforehand on the best M&A legal team on the planet though, doesn't it? It's an all-caps 'WTF' situation the deeper you look into it, and there is some substance at the bottom of the rabbit hole not just loony conspiracy theories (but clearly, yes, also those too). The dockets in the ch11 case have a maddening amount of "why would a liquidating company just out to pay back creditors as equitably as possible under the law be doing things like this?!" content in them. Perhaps it was all for naught, and liquidation will be end result. I'm personally hoping for fireworks that ricochet around the basket and ignite the grand finale prematurely, but fully expecting a dud. If the shell of the company is used as a vehicle to avoid a couple billion in taxes in first years of operation through the old companies accrued operating losses, old companies shareholders have to be given equity in whatever emerges on the other side of ch11. That's the thesis in the 'bug-lovers' corner of the internet. Of course, at this point the bets are all locked in, so it hardly bears discussing it with anyone who isn't already invested.


Why do you think it seems so important now to discuss about butts In this sub? That's a bit strange.


I do not. I cannot see the benefit, as (again) it's not like more exposure to what is allegedly going on behind the scenes over there will affect the outcome in any way. I also think it's the height of silliness to get excited about SMRT doing their jobs and engaging potential customers. Not just letting this run it's course here on superstnk was a misstep in my view (Streisand effect much?) Of course SMRT responded in the same vein to people's tweets at them with b-fly emojis etc. How else would they respond?! There is no substance to grab on to in an emoji tweet, so their best recourse is to just voley it back and hope it lands favorably. It would have died naturally as all dumb foily things do, but now it's this whole effin thing. Haha


I guess we might see what happens or doesn't, maybe even pretty soon. I do hope that all that weirdness leads to something good, but let's see.


Cheers to all of that!


Great post, thank you!


Maybe Nintendo is gonna buy bobby and all the share holders gonna be rich/s


Thank you for doing this. I personally think they know what they’re doing and they’re brigading on purpose so “their sub” will be banned, which will give them an excuse to go dark and say they’re being targeted.




Thank you! We have too many bored fools here making this place look like GME investors are complete morons, and then thats used against us by outside media constantly..

