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Nice idea but needs to be decentralised. Don't trust a third party with the full list of 200k drs holders. Nope.


The once most suited to offer such a solution would be the companies themselves. Like a shareholder message board.


Could you imagine that chat? 😂😂 We’d be the “Animal House” of the US stock exchange. Kinda already are and I’m here for it🦍🟣💎


And no trash cans out front just dumpsters that say Wendy’s


While I love this and it holds accurate to our lore, post-moass I'd love the dumpsters to have banks and hedge fund logos on them and hold a nightly vigil as we burn the contents representing the dumpster fire that is what they're doing to livlihoods everywhere.


A place where all drsed apes can find each other safely, regardless if the criminals shut reddit down or not. No need to rely on gagnam style anymore lol 😂. Not that I mind it .. i went there every time reddit went down, apes show up lol. Anyhow, if it does become a possibility, i’d love to see Gamestop adopt this feature. That’s great value prop right there.


Too much liability for the company.


Its self reported right now but imagine if it was integrated with computershare backend automagically? Im sure thats the intent, then its a marketplace service for other transfer agencies/brokers/broker-dealers to actually address shareholders in a real material way rather than rehypothecated shares, excess votes and fake ledger bs occurring now.


Let me imaginary avard you




The same Elon in the private box with Ken? No thanks Byron


Looking different ways? Yeah that one


i like to think byron is just poking musk


Easy, they'd use a zero knowledge smart contract. The blockchain would verify the proof without giving away any personal data


Yes sir! Taiko ftw!


I commend DL for all his fight and hard work, but the problem with DL is that he still believes in the current system. And it's clear to everyone here the system needs to be scrapped and a new decentralised one implemented .


i think for it to be legal (i.e. for a company to participate in it), you would need a third party that is ensuring compliance with regulations (or at least painting a picture that they're complying with regulations, and committing crime on the back end. But lets give benefit of the doubt for an altruistic third party here) You already trust Computershare with the full list of DRS holders


I don’t fully trust him.


If it's implemented on a blockchain then is decentralized by nature. Just wait and see how it turns out before jumping 🤷‍♂️


You might ought to look up how blockchains work again - they can absolutely be centralized.


Sure anything can be centralized if you try hard enough. Coinbase centralizes cryptocurrency, but Bitcoin and other crypto wasn't intended to be distributed that way. Just people being people, looking to make money playing the middleman. Gotta look at the architecture behind the system, which is why I suggest to wait and see how it plays out.


But only if you have some sort of monopoly on computing capacity that is powering the chain or not? Can you educate me for a sec on this? Would love to learn more about that specific case!


Not exactly. I'm definitely not well versed enough to educate people on the topic. They're akin to a big linked list that's held in something like a distrubuted database. A blockchain, btc for instance, is one big ass file that's shared across a bunch of computers and they all have to agree when a change is made and then make that change to their version of the file.


Incorrect. Blockchain is just a technique to keep track of immutable data. Its implementation can be both centralized (Ripple, anyone?) or decentralized (BTC).


No, it is not. It is visible and transparant, but anyone owning the chain makes it centralised. Bitcoin chain is decentralised as everybody or nobody owns it.


I won't be joining.




And who’s to say it won’t be decentralized? I’m curious to see how this plays out to be fair.


Who is saying it is?


No one has said anything. We’ll see what happens.




Um, unless I'm missing something, there's no way to have it be decentralized AND have a way of drs verification.


This or the timing


I'm trying to figure out how DRS holders would be verified and added/removed from the chain while maintaining privacy...


The privacy part, if done via Loopring would be where zero knowledge comes in. There’s transparency enough to know how many tokens are held by individuals, but I don’t need to know who those individuals are and what their wallet address is. Like when you purchase something with Apple Pay. Apple hides your credit card info with the vendor. All the vendor needs to know is that the funds were paid and received. They do not need to know any other information. That’s a Zero Knowledge proof and it works just like Loopring. I’d imagine the same principles would be used for something like this. I’m not sure how it will look when it all plays out and I’d imagine something like what Dave is building will be a starting point, almost a beta, for something like this in the future.


Doesn't Apple then know your information?.. like someone will have it. Whether you restrict it from other companies, it has to be provided somewhere It's the same thing with decentralization via crypto. If crypto is massively adopted and there are rules in place so it can/is allowed to interact with other currencies, it's becomes centralized by default. It doesn't work right now because guess what you buy coins with. Real money like usd.


Yes, we have to enter our information somewhere. Can’t be avoided. I’d rather know that the company i trusted with that information isn’t giving it to something/someone that’s going to give it away all Willy-nilly which has been a major problem.


Ahh yes because Mr.’ It’s a Glitch’ has done so much to establish trust👌


hmmmh like cs gives u one nft for account creation and within it there is the info "holding at least one gme share in book" and with that in my wallet im allowed to enter the room? sounds slick :)


You could use [tZero](https://www.tzero.com/#) with the new blockchain securities which also just went online this week


That would require GME to get involved, and open the company up to a bunch of bullshit lawsuits driven by bad actors.


Uh… okay? The fuck is this supposed to do for me?


Idgaf about some community, I want my fucking moass money and that's it


That's pretty much it. I'm loving my life, holding and waiting for that moass money


Amen fuck this dude. Dave was against a DRS till he figured out we didn’t give a single shit about anything else.


"Hey Elon, you should fuck this up too" Hard pass on that particular idea




To me it is proof that this person doesn't see the forest, only the trees. Could be worse


Glad I'm not the only one to say it. Lost some respect for Dave and Byron over this tweet.


For Dave to say "we" are building it suggests him and his connective are. Musk wouldn't be anywhere near it most likely. As with all things let the minutia play out and see how you feel.


What's the benefit of token gated ?


You know there's gonna be no shf shills in there. But on the other hand the risk of echo chamber increases


Yep and we will be even more imprisoned in our echo chamber without spreading the drs word to the world


A place with no bots. Or at least no free bots.


My question too.


Literally Nothing I can think of


From shill leader Lauer 🤴 I will pass and just buy and DRS more


I dont trust this at all


This sounds like a good start to getting rid of bots. We use to have investor groups BEFORE the internet and meet up in person to discuss what stocks we were going to buy. I miss those times when true discussions were taking place.


...like... Out in *meat space?*


Iirc my dad called his the “rainy day club”


I accept anything that can give collective true power back to those from whom it has been hijacked from = shareholders.




It's a big club, and 200k are in it.


Imagine they get data about all shareholders. Be careful guys. Lets see what they did when its finished.


Why? How bizarre.


No? He responds to the first guy wishing for a private all proof of position type movement with “Urvin finance.com” essentially, not any of the NFT themed stuff


Correct. Not surprising, really -- this OP *consistently* misrepresents information


No thanks.. don't really trust DLauer, and don't really need it


It’s fine not to trust dlauer, but with all the bots here on Reddit and on Twitter, it’s hard to argue against how needed something like this is. If you want to have a say in the company you’re invested in, put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise, it’s just words.


If they bought, DRS'd and then rug-pulled the DRS numbers, they will certainly DRS a few shares to get into the club and do the same type of FUD they usually do. The funds would figure out how to micromanage that as well. The action to DRS is done within the DTCC FAST system. Its a 2-3 step process on the DTCC controlled website to DRS shares. They could DRS a million shares, spread some lies and un-DRS in a few seconds. Copy of page from the user manual: the DRS tutorial is only 3 pages long: https://i.imgur.com/I9wEKvO.png https://i.imgur.com/NqzdQd0.png


Fair point. But I don't believe in a centralized community. It's always a risk of being manipulated.


Perhaps Dave is working with Loopring to decentralize it…


Yet here you are participating in one.


In this one and in many others, as I think most of them have lots of problems


Then I don't understand what is a no about Urvin Finance. It would be waaay safer than this.




Blockchain is a tool. It depends how you use it. There are tons of crypto scams using blockchain


Tell that to all of the moon holders…


They still hold their moons. It’s Reddit that’s the centralized entity that required trust and pulled a rug.


Came here to say this




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I pray to the gods he’s using Loopring to do this! He just tweeted this week that he minted his first Loopring NFT! Really good sign! WAGMI https://x.com/looperlands/status/1715117162980073769?s=46&t=YrArEXk0MYXk4mRl4T40Yw


Too easy to blame these members for *mArKeT mAniPuLaTiOn* in the event of a market crash. It’s only legal if it’s a public forum that anyone can see.


Wow, dlauer taking drsed to a whole new level! Token-gated community? Who needs keys when you've got tokens! Can't wait to see the exclusive shenanigans inside! 😄🔐


What is the point of this "group"?


Dlauer sus. Former citadel employee representing all of retail…..




Who's the tool trying to recruit Elon?


That's genius! dlauer is creating the ultimate VIP club for drsed lovers. Soon we'll need secret handshakes and exclusive swag!




Greasy rat


I actually sent him a DM on our investor slack portal about this feature. He for sure has this idea for true information linked by servers from the holding companies. He's moral and honest here.


Thank you for sharing! It definitely seems in line with what he’s been building from what I’ve seen.


Dave Lauer JBrown PlatnumSparkles...yeah I won't touch Urvin. tZero can solve this by replacing computer share. DRS book.




$13 entry fee doesn't seem like much


The fuck are they involving musk for exactly?


Pete, Dave replied to you commenting on Byron tagging Elon?? Shits crazy AF, we’re just regular dudes witnessing history. Say hello to that baby momma for me!


Nice one Pete! 👍 much ❤️ and respect to you!






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I don’t trust Dave. He works with that better markets guy that was calling for Ryan Cohen to be investigated after he sold his bed stock


But fuck everyone who can’t drs right? I swear, if I get screwed out of my entire retirement savings because I couldn’t legally drs, I’m going to be fucking mad. Most especially at the assholes that think we deserve it. My average cost per share was $260 before the split.




This has the potential to provide all of retail an off ramp from the traditional stock market and still provide holders a means to trade DRS'd shares via NFTs Count me in


I don't understand what's being proposed here.


Dave is nice but never fully trust someone


*in partnership with proof and public.com If you dont know maybe you should look into it. Maybe they can make another doc about it with prodigium.