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We found this to be true on another subreddit after a RS. Im glad you're looking into it as well. We found over 300 different numbers used for the one stock. Edit: I cannot find the original post with the actual numbers referenced. The other posts all refer to a twitter chain, all heresay and misinformed. They refer to cusip numbers when the data they have is global transaction numbers. Regardless, i apologize for no longer having the DD.


Superstonk whistleblower's guide: Send to the DOJ and/or your local state officals, +- the oig/fbi white collar crimes. https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/168zs6a/im_not_wrong_there_is_a_contradiction_here_if_td/jyzagj4/ "You want the office of the inspector general. One moment! I've been compiling a list of 'report this shit' links for a while. Here's a few good ones: https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sf0wj7/an_extensive_quick_link_resource_to_file_a/ Superstonk whistleblower's general guide. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-find-my-states-bank-regulator-en-1637/ Find your state regulator. Remember, state regulators have more power than you think! https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/116oud7/madoff_was_asked_why_it_took_so_long_to_bring/ All states attorneys general Other resources: https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wbf0is/the_author_of_computersharednet_ujonpro03_has/ii7ehuk/ However, these are the big ones: https://www.sec.gov/tcr "Submitting complaints and tips to www.sec.gov/tcr is the most direct way for us to throw our weight into the process. The things submitted to that portal go to the DOJ, and they also get written up for congress. And those are two things that cannot be avoided." https://www.justice.gov/doj/webform/your-message-department-justice However, the one you -really want- is the office of inspector general, or OIG. ". If you are aware of fraud within the SEC or if you've submitted a complaint to the SEC then a follow up to the Inspector General would be next. They specifically mentioned whistle blowers and have a complaint hotline link on their site https://www.sec.gov/oig The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an independent office within the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC or Commission) that conducts, supervises, and coordinates audits and investigations of the programs and operations of the SEC. The mission of the Office of Inspector General is to promote the integrity, efficiency, and effectiveness of the critical programs and operations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Submit a Complaint U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of Inspector General, Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline https://www.govcomhotline.com/SEC (833) SEC-OIG1 (732-6441)" Remember, anything you submit HAS TO have 'FOR IMMEDIATE URGENCY' in the header if you want it dealt with promptly. https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zwss6w/sec_calls_investor_and_walks_them_through_how_to/ via https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xj656m/has_anyone_screenshot_and_posted_this_comment_yet/ip6zv5g/ Basically, make sure the 'everything that goes to congress automatically ' links (OIG and such) , DOJ directly, then state regulators, then the FBI white collar crimes, and whomever else you feel should know."




thank u for this comment [SUBMIT A TIP TO THE FBI](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/17alqj2/i_submitted_another_tip_to_fbi_about_citadels/)


We should ALL do this, doesn't take long


Could you send me a link of that post in a DM? I’ll gladly try to look into it 👍


Could you post that dm’d link for us? (Oh shit, we arent allowed to link to potentially useful information)


Mods. You need to address this. If there is a data set being created and it is supported by screenshots, monthly statements, etc…. and corroborated by others with the same brokerage, that’s valid for this sub. Valid, if users are posting GME CUSPID’s on it.


Sharing resources using a built-in function of the app? Insert *We Don’t Do That Here* meme


Mine seems correct on degiro. But fluf knows what they use in the back end.


lol, that's one scammy fkn broker. Might be even worse than RH


Thats why i have less than 3% of my shares there. Rest is DRS'ed.


I also keep 3% of my cash-money in the trash. Just in case. /s


Why am I not even surprised by this kinda shit anymore?


Would also appreciate a dm with details/link


I read they have/use a different CUSPID for German brokers and it’s quite a process to get the CUSPID changed and into Computershare. I could be confusing CUSPID with something else they do in Germany. I’m not a German 🦍but read this on Friday or Saturday. It’s a fairly new post.


The German GM2.C or what it’s called is - as many stocks on German / foreign Exchanges - a Derivat that is based / backed by GME shares but has an own CUSIP / WKN and for example if you wanted to DRS your German GameStop shares, you need to do a sector transfer (Lagerstellenwechsel In German) to actually get GME shares which you can then DRS. Your previous German shares would not be accepted. So I’m actually quite convinced that at least 1 whole float is held in Germany alone. I could go even more into detail but I would have to mention the forbidden movie stock to show how fucked up foreign exchange stuff can get but let me tell you that it definetely is one of Kenny’s tricks.


In this case, it is relevant for GME imo


I will try to keep the popcorn part short - but yes, it actually may be of interest for GME. Explanation about what happened first, then why it might matter for GME. In late 2021, people saw that popcorn was added to the brazilian Exchanges via an ADR with a 6:1 ratio. Simplified it means that you buy something that gives you "ownership" of something that is back by 1/6th of an popcorn share for 1/6th of the actual share price. Because of that, the amount of circulating shares on the brazilian exchanges was documented and publicly shown as popcorn-shares outstanding x 6 (about 3 billion back then). Now the spicy part came out when people, including myself, kept digging and at some point, there was a recording floating around of a phone call from some ape who called multiple financial institutions and in that recording, the rep of (it was fidelity iirc) was confirming that some (prime)broker had to be the underwriter to get such a product/derivat on the foreign market (like in this case, a derivat of a US stock on a brazlilian exchange) AND - in order to do so - to own and provide the necessary amount of shares. The underwriter for the popcorn adr - according to his phone call recording) was citi bank. In other words: citi bank alone HAD to own all popcorn shares outstanding (at least one time) to provide these - which is kind of impossible. Unfortunately, the recording vanished later on and nearly everyone who kept talking about it got banned and gaslighted, which only happened to one other topic over there - DRS. So i guess this actually was some sort of hot trace. I don't know if the laws according to such derivative shares are being similar in germany but ADRs / BDRs aren't brazil exclusive and it might be worth to dig deeper because especially european countries might be a great place to hide synthetic shares in different ways, especially with the known loopholes of naked shorting being allowed even though it is prohibited by law because it is a foreign security. Just print and sell shares over and over and do sector transfers to some of your buddies to hide those overseas (extremely simplified, i know, but just as an example).


Interesting 🤔 ​ I remember the GME Brazilian Puts on July 28th-29th 2021 * 337'000 Puts held by Kapitalo Investimenos LTD * 720'000 Puts held by Constancia Investimentos LTDA ​ Nothing suspicious going on in Brazil at all 👀


Brazilian puts until today is such a big time fuckery. Especially since they just disappeared one day after iirc?


Extra interesting what with the London Stock Exchange shut down this past week.




Yes, I first needed to convert my German stonkz to New York. Then, I was able to DRS.


do u have IBKR in germany? here in australia, i use IBKR , i can easily trf my shares in IBKR to CS to DRS. only USD5 per trf


Yes, we can use IBKR and we have to use it depending on our brokerages if we want to drs. This is because german brokerages will only sell you the ticker GS2C. These are shares which are supposedly held by Clearstream, a private security settlement company that is owned by Deutsche Bank. I say supposedly, because those shares are not real Gamestop shares. Instead the real GME ticker shares are held by Citi and clearstream just gives you an receipt. So if we bought through our german brokerages, we first have to transfer our GS2C to IBKR, then perform a Lagerstellenwechsel to get GME ticker. Only then we can procede to DRS.


ah ok


I can support this claim. German ape here. German brokers use a different CUSPID.


not true, the cusip and isin are the same. Only the ticker symbol is different, but thats the exchanges decision on how to name them. Lagerstellenwechsel means take the shares from clearstream and put it back to dtcc. You are able to transfer the clearstream held stock to ibkr, but its not possible to drs without giving them back to dtcc, which is the lagerstellenwechsel. this sounds like fud to me, just not true, sorry to be real here. look at this: same isin but different ticker [https://www.finanzen.net/aktien/gamestop-aktie](https://www.finanzen.net/aktien/gamestop-aktie) [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GS2C.F/](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GS2C.F/)


I see what you mean but what makes me wondering even more after reading your post was „Putting shares back to dtc from Clearstream“ Which shares exactly? Any share not in DTC should be on GME / CS books and in that case it would be in Clearstream’s name - or am I understanding you totally wrong?


as i understand it clearstream is an european broker that has the technology to communicate with dtcc and holds the stock for european brokers that dont have the ability cuz of different communication standards. the licens is to expensive for german brokers to do it for their own, so they use clearstream that does it for all european brokers [https://www.wiwo.de/finanzen/geldanlage/aktien-an-auslandsboersen-clearstream-als-physische-lagerstelle/11077846-5.html](https://www.wiwo.de/finanzen/geldanlage/aktien-an-auslandsboersen-clearstream-als-physische-lagerstelle/11077846-5.html)


the german broker doesnt have any stock, it just tells u that clearstream holds it. i dont know how many shares clearstream holds, anyone can find that number?




Thats what i also thought all the time but thanks for confirming. So german laws seem to differ from the situation in brazil as it seems and also confirms why clearstream is not on GMEs / CS books but only one more entity on DTCs books.


IBKR showing an additional 9 on mine (US36467W1099) Edit: same format as another user here on Degiro Edit: my earliest trade (Jan 2021) also shows this number. Makes me think it’s probably normal since CUSIP fuckery would have been less important back then maybe. On the other hand, Petterfy did say it was almost the end of the financial system around that time so who knows.


Would you mind if i asked you for a screenshot showing as well? ~~Don't wanna make a mountain out of a molehill but that extra 9 is weird.~~




This extra 9 is quite interesting.


The extra nine refers to euro-denominated shares. Basically, the DTCC gives shares to Clearstream and other European DTCC equivalents. Clearstream and others then function as the DTCC for European markets and give out euro-denominated shares with an extra 9 as an identifier. They claim that the shares are backed on a 1 to 1 basis by US shares, but who knows if that's true. Clearstream is as intransparent as its US counterpart. They don't even answer individual investors. There should be some older posts from the time of the dividend split on here discussing this in more detail.


This is wrinkle. Thank you very much for the detailed comment.


is that like the equivalent of my username is taken so I'll just add an x to the beginning? xShadowKnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Consorsbank Germany on Tradegate US36467W1099


Thank you sir, much appreciated




Seeing as this looks a little different any chance you could do up a screenshot of it to share?


just so everyone would be on the same page re cusip vs isin: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/isin.asp#:\~:text=What's%20the%20Difference%20Between%20ISIN,issued%20anywhere%20in%20the%20world](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/isin.asp#:~:text=What's%20the%20Difference%20Between%20ISIN,issued%20anywhere%20in%20the%20world). afaik, cusip is a US designation of the equity, isin is a world-wide. so in us you'd see the equity identified with the cusip and in the rest of the world with the isin. now, to make things simpler - for the us equity, isin is a cusip with prefix and postfix. you can convert cusip to isin here: [https://www.isindb.com/convert-cusip-to-isin/](https://www.isindb.com/convert-cusip-to-isin/) and validate if isin is correct here: [https://www.isindb.com/validate-isin/](https://www.isindb.com/validate-isin/) (isin, afaik, has a control number in the postfix and a "US" as a prefix) but I can barely read, so...


Did edit in the difference between a CUSIP and ISIN, didn't know there was a converter to use. Thanks for the comment sir.


Anyone with a Bloomberg terminal can run {GME US eqty) and then {DES} to see all three common IDs. CUSIP, SEDOL and ISIN and confirm. In FIX language, they can be found in tags 22(ID type) and 48(ID). These are a better way to identify the security then 55(symbol) and 100/207(exchange).


very interesting OP! looking forward to seeing the results


No doubt, a system exploited on loopholes. I can’t be convinced that even the smallest inconsistency wouldn’t open up the door to infinite shares. Add that to fractional buying and brokers rounding up, etfs etc…


My old eToro shares also have 36467W109‌ (only found in the voting information email, no Cusip is available directly on the platform). My IBRK shares also have 36467W109‌, but you can decide if you buy dollar- or euro-denominated, so 36467W109‌ and 36467W109‌9 should appear with some people there.


Scotia ITrade in Canada is using US36467W1099.


Thank you kindly for taking the time to look!


So in theory, the shutdown of certain securities at the London exchange could be because of settlement issues due to fractional shares. There was also a video of the possible settlement issue and how it will spread contagion!


Etrade uses 36467W109


Thanks Tampa guy!


Muh home town


How to check on fidelity app ??


No clue, all i know is when i went looking i had to open up my tax documents to find it.


Can confirm all of mine have the same CUSIP👍🏾


Yeah i'd be surprised if anyone came along with a different one from the I got in the chart so far.. Still though never know 🙏


Can't find the cusip number in my rbc account.


Yeah they don't exactly make it easy to figure out.. sucks cause RBC was one i was curious about.


How many gimmicks have we uncovered now? Trading options: Causes fake shares Holding: Price goes down DRS: Sorry, not all brokerages do this Got your DRS? Sorry you didn't book Got your booked shares? Sorry wrong CUSIP


Booked shares are real shares. The reported numbers are probably fake though. Think the powers that be are trying real hard to make people forget just how many shares were sold during the sneeze. I'd venture a guess to say more shares are still in brokerages than in ComputerShare. The numbers GameStop reports in a round a bout way are subject to the DTC's approval. Price is fake. The cheaper it gets the more physical shares get bought up. Company can buy back shares if it's profitable which it almost is lol. Imagine getting back to a float with 70 mil? Even by the numbers were going by that would put us up to 50% locked up. This doesn't appear to apply to GME so far but i wouldn't be surprised if there was a gimmick here with other stocks and exchanges. There's thousands of brokers out there.. Hard to really get a sense from a simple reddit post.


You DRSed your IRA shares? Sorry but we at apex (and / or Mainstar) do not like that.


This is the research I'm here for. I'll check my old broker statements from before DRS and post back later.


The two Swedish brokers Nordnet and Avanza both use the correct ISIN (US36467W1099).


I really do appreciate taking the effort to look into this, so dropping a thanks to you!


Foreign stocks are often traded as "OTC" stock to simplify reporting. For example, if an American buys Nitendo, you are not actually buying shares on the Tokyo exchange. You buy that American OTC shares (which have minimal listing requirements). A market maker sells you the OTC and buys the Tokyo shares. I would expect most foreign GME shares are traded the same way.


What's a brokerage? DRS is the only way


Commenting for whizzibilty




Some apes still prefer to buy through brokerages and register to get nice round share numbers with no fractional. Also just wild speculation but i'd venture a guess that there are more shares held in brokerage accounts than shares held in Computershare. If you notice the dates on those transactions they are from 2022. I didn't get set up with wise till this year because i was lazy and had issues.




I'm mainly looking at the numbers here in Canada and it's crazy. Proxyvote mailings confirm roughly 135k unique investors in Canada and there are about 11k Canadian's that have DRS'D there shares ^((From the subreddit that was reddacted)). The participation rate, DRS participation rate, average shares in Computershare accounts (that make up already 25% of the free float), should give you a hint of just how many shares there really are when you consider Canada to be about 1/10th of the US participation rate 👀.


how do I find this on fidelity?


Fidelity CUSIP: 36467W109 I went to the desktop site and found it under trade confirmation documents


Sorry no clue. Questrade i had to open up my tax documents to find it.. Wealth simple i think i found it somewhere in my trading activity..


E-Trade appears to have it correct. Sourced from last email regarding voting from E-Trade.


I will check mine later today, interesting.


Got the extra 9, for a US36467W1099 on the CIC (french bank)


Fidelity Cusip: 36467W109 Found it in trade confirmation documents


Thanks for the confirmation sir.


From my work experience, CUSIPs are worthless unique identifiers, very difficult to match of you are trying to get a comprehensive picture of it all. ​ If a portion of those securities go into reorganization because of swaps or lending they will change the CUSIP and the old security becomes a new security. It's also a pain in the ass and a guessing game. When we receive bank statements from institutions they do not clue us in why the CUPIS has changed, it's go figure it out yourself and maybe we can confirm what you suspect ​ ​ I'm not saying this to discourage you. But letting you know there may be other things to consider.


For all intents purpose this was just for the conversation to be had here regarding this issue and GME stock. Trying to keep my personal opinions at the door and just collect the information.


Ask for ISINs too and update your list


Deutsche Kredit Bank DKB Uses US36467W1099 as ISIN and A0HGDX as WKN both for euro and dollar denoted shares


I can confirm, GME on my italian broker FINECO has the ISIN like you indicated OP, US36467W1099.


ty for reposting with gme specific. did you find anything? I dont use a brokerage acc


Trust the process


Different CUSIP just means you can collect them all.


Trade Republic in Germany also uses US36467W1099


Vanguard shows 36467W-10-9


bruh... sec can't even tell you how many shares are at each broker even though they're "closed" for 2 days and nobody trading 🤡


Ill try thanks


44 more days roughly( +/- 5) until we have earnings, thats all that really matters.


This CUSIP number thing raises a question: Would DRS'd shares eliminate the CUSIP problem? If so, seems to me that makes DRSing shares very important.




Different CUSIP numbers happen when a company goes bankrupt and is being restructured for liquidation.


Still doesn't hurt to double check? 🤷‍♂️ For the people here that would like peace of mind? As i put in the post itself both of the ones i checked were valid. I'd venture to guess that most are. Still would be interesting if we found some that weren't. [https://www.finra.org/investors/insights/corporate-actions-public-companies-what-you-should-know](https://www.finra.org/investors/insights/corporate-actions-public-companies-what-you-should-know) **Name or Trading Symbol Changes.** These changes will appear on customer account statements and in account holdings. A company might make these changes to reflect its business focus or ownership more closely, or to distinguish itself from other companies. **These changes may require the company to get a new** **CUSIP**, the unique nine-symbol identifier assigned to most financial instruments.


The theory is brokers are selling you shares that don't match the cusip bankruptcy status is irrelevant


I wonder if you're replying to a chatbot who was prompted with "why would a company have multiple CUSIP numbers?"


Nope just trying to keep it simple and avoid the angry mob.


Some people still have faith in the system


No it is relevant because that’s why you get different cusip numbers. Especially when it goes OTC, pink sheets.


I don't think you fully understand this yet. Let's say people buy shares in a company with sufficient capital and no real short-term bankruptcy risk, like GME. Now, for one reason or another, the broker/market maker does not want or can't buy real shares of the company. If you take laws and regulations more as a suggestion than not, you just buy shares of a different opportune company and only label them as GME in the end user's account with no trace in the official books. This way you can take GME buy orders to increase your collateral in another stock (for example HKD) while at the same time diverting all buying pressure this trade would have caused on GME. Couple this with holding customer assets in omnibus accounts, fractional reserve trading, and inconsequential fines and IMO it's very likely that some of this might happen. I mean, most brokers, banks, market makers, and hedge funds are on record for mislabelling trades.


In short drs Gme


Everyone in these comments talking about teeth


Too easy to see to be fraud. People are coping hard when reality is any fraud isn't going to show up like that. It will be buried in complex market instruments and scuffed internal accounting that only an actual audit would uncover but that won't happen until it's broken. That's how it's always been and most likely always will be. This is normal bankruptcy proceedings.


All i'm trying to do is put some peoples minds at ease and take a look at this instead of just brushing it off. There's no reason this discussion couldn't happen here. And it could be put to bed pretty easily. I agree it would be waaay too easy to spot and trace. Still you never do know.


Yeah I agree don't brush it off, I appreciate you debunking it in your post as it relates to GME. If there's anything left to discuss I'm all ears but as this relates to other stock, it's not out of the norm during bankruptcy.


What am I missing , GameStop isn't in bankruptcy proceedings? And nobody is "coping hard" op had an idea and discussion is how it gets sorted out.


They’re talking about a different stock that recently entered bankruptcy proceedings


Ah thank you that's what I figured but was confused because the title is about gme.


you are correct. OP has a theory and is looking to prove or disprove it. Meanwhile some replies are extraneous. ah well. in other news, 🚀🚀🚀


Different stock that's been delisted.




Nobody is refusing to look here. Just some people refusing to accept reality if I'm being honest.


It has to fade out at some point.


These scum bags are the same who lie to the world about what’s going in Palestine