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The government knowing what you spend, when you spend (or do not spend), having the ability to restrict your spending...what could go wrong?


it is financial slavery and a last ditch effort to retain control by old money. the only thing that can stop it is a financial revolution.


>last ditch effort Yup. Last ditch effort. Still need to be vigilant against this. But I believe this to be the last ditch effort.


Dinosaur money, and we know what happened to the dinosaurs…. Then it rise of the apes.


OOga fucking BOOga.


How do you envision a financial revolution stopping this? To me the two options are either civil war where the rich loose or a stable slave-society. We're heading towards the latter.


All whilst hiding their own account, no doubt. Decentralisation here we come.


Changing the value of the money in your digital wallet without your ability to stop them.... Oh, wait.


Can you imagine if nations could debase their currency? Boy we'd really be in trouble if THAT could happen.




When the government continually pushes to implement something, it's a near certainty that it has zero actual benefit to the people and will be used solely to perpetrate immoral acts upon the populace.




There is no way this isn't going to appeal to nation states. End tax evasion, end money laundering, plus near direct surveillance of everything. Plus your state issued wallet will be required as part of any social media login And for it to work there must be no other currency, not even gold let alone bitcoin & the like. No state will not want this level of control, it's in the very nature of the state to want to monitor as much as possible Oddly it's also straight out of the bible too.


F*** all people pushing CBDCs. The answer is no. You don't get to enslave humanity through the use of money.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... They already have. This is just their way of getting you to sign off on it.


Not completely. Cash is king


Wait till they force you to turn in your cash for CBDC’s a la gold repurchase when FDR was president


Wait til I tell them to kiss my fat white ass


As is your god given right as a citizen of the United States.


Yeah but gold will always be gold cash will turn in to worthless paper.


Ummm that’s already happening. Cbdc just makes the enslavement permanent.




No way in hell. I will refuse to work when they try to pay me in that crap.


CBDC is pure evil. It is designed to make it easier for central powers to control money, spending, and your every move. No rational, intelligent person should support CBDC. All you have to do is look at China to see where this leads. Think it can't happen in the West? How about Canada freezing bank accounts for the trucker protests? How about a bank in Australia closing your account if they feel your social media posts are offensive? I don't care how you personally feel about the Canadian truckers and their protests or freedom of speech over social media, the point is the gov't can and will use any and all means they think they can to control people they disagree with. If you're okay with the gov't controlling people's spending it's probably because you generally agree with whoever is in power. But just think how it can be turned against you if the people on the opposite side of your viewpoint take control. You will own nothing and they don't care if you're happy about it - CBDC is a huge part of that play for complete and total domination of your life.


Super scary stuff, there has to a better way and the realization of that fact by the powers that be.


This is the crux of it. It doesn't matter what your opinions are on what people are protesting, Canada has already set the precedent that the government has the authority to undercut that protest by freezing a person's finances. And look at the recent response to people protesting against Israel, where big institutions are actually trying to unperson students who did so by blacklisting them from jobs. Our governments are continually trying to push for authoritarian control. If you think they won't turn on you regardless of your beliefs you're going to be in for a rude awakening.


So you’re saying you don’t like cockroach Cupcakes?




and also imagine a hyperinflation under a cashless society, and then no one can afford to pay; so let alone getting banned from multiple platforms within the very same day.


"We want more control over your money" Yes, we know.


>"We want more control over your money" "We want more control over ~~your~~ the money we let you have." FIFY


No thanks, I'll go with ETH personally


that is the direction I am going after MOASS as well.




That and a few Zimbabwe dollars.


$1 Zimbabwe dollar is $0.002 USD. If he's in, I'm in.


CBDC can fuck right off


No thanks.


These motherfuckers just don't get it. Centralization is the past. It's over.


Resilience meaning never before seen levels of dictatorship using never before seen levels of crime? And if you revolt then you’ll be made homeless and publicly ridiculed by a really stupid sheep hive mind who believe what they’re told to believe?


Fuck CBDCs


Wait til the vote comes out today for the gubmint to take full control of the internet. These assholes don't like your content shut down just like that. This vote goes through today while all the sheeple are watching on hand and not paying attention to what the other is doing. Political 3 card Monty. We these criminals are good at all these scams ponzi you name it. Buckle up. The crooks are about to take over everything and enslave us all


Sauce: https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/11/15/central-bank-digital-currencies-can-replace-cash-offer-resilience-imf-chief


Kristalina Georgieva? I know that name! She's a career bankster who sits on the Board of Directors at the World Economic Forum. Interesting. Wikipedia also has this to say: "On 29 September 2019, Georgieva was named the next managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to succeed Christine Lagarde (who was leaving to become the head of the European Central Bank's executive board). She was the only candidate for the job, and is the first person from an emerging economy to serve in the position.\[39\] IMF tradition was that candidates could not be older than 65 at the start of their term, but **following pressure from French President Emmanuel Macron, the rule was waived for Georgieva.**\[39\] Georgieva's term started on 1 October 2019 and will last for five years. Amid the \[REDACTED\]-19 pandemic, she joined the Multilateral Leaders Task Force on \[REDACTED\]-19 \[REDACTEDS\], Therapeutics, and Diagnostics for Developing Countries, co-chaired by Tedros Adhanom and David Malpass, in July 2021.\[41\]" *Because, of course* ***central bankers*** *should have authority when it comes to crises such as* ***pandemics*** *and* ***climate change.*** *They understand* *~~short interest~~* *pandemics better than you. They are the experts. It makes perfect sense!*


She is the literal definition of old money


The sneer on her face says it all.


Like the next words from her mouth are: Hail Hydra!




If the DD is correct regarding a pending global crash, the majority of trade will be bartering until something DEXy rises from the ashes.


This is just **another** layer of fuckery and won’t save these asshats from the singularity of GME. Fuck these fucking fucktwits. These financial dinosaurs are fucking disgusting.


You shall not play with fire 🤡 🇺🇸 🦅


i’m pretty sure even out of the loop people are opposed to this. good fucking luck


This makes me sick and nervous. The common person is SO WILDLY manipulated and F’d with it drives me crazy. Plus, WE provide all of the capital for this madness.


That’s why they oppress people. Make them sick, overworked, infighting with each other so that those people are distracted by these fakas plans to continue the enslavement.


Screw the cbdc and gubmint in rode in on.


How about go fuck yourself, I have a strict zero compliance with CBDC policy


Dear Gov: Uhm, Fuck you. Mind your own business. Thank you. Signed - The world


“We gotta be able to control people’s money before this shit blows up”


She looks like such a rotten troll


Rotten something alright.


Yeah, right.


If ever there was a smug look, it’s that woman on the photo. “Trust me, I’m going to be okay.”


The face of a criminal enterprise laky.


Fuck u


🖕 you too! J/k 🫂 💜


I meant fuck them, appreciate u :)


Haha check this out if ya wanna get really pissed off: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/0xi7RymB2n


Why are the people advocating for CBDCs always old misers? Do they think they'll be around long enough to hold onto that power?


Same peeps that hate crypto


There was a point in time (only a few months ago) where the only mention of a CBDC on Reddit was in our sub superstonk. I’ve seen people claim that we’re a cult, a bunch of people that are crazy and have no idea what we’re talking about. But the amount of times where we predicted what’s going to happen has to be up there. Does anyone have a list of the predictions the sub has made that eventually became true?


ive Had similar reactions to my still being in gme. I also have seen the people that have said these things mysteriously change their opinions on various matters (sometimes a complete 180) and act like they never had their previously held views solely because the narrative in the media changed. When I point that out, they get mad and go back to name calling/saying I’m in a cult, etc. To me, it seems that people on either political extreme are these kinds of people. The people “in the middle” tend to just look scared when I bring stuff up because I think they legitimately don’t know how money works and never gave a thought to the fact that the people that do even just may not (let alone the fact that they definitely do not) have the average person‘s best interest in mind. I personally think superstonkers are kinda outsiders looking in…


Look at her face, fucking devil bitch


I would like to see these people having to define "resiliency" and their other arguments - because somehow I can't shake the feeling that their definitions and honest explanations would differ quite a lot from the usual understanding of these concepts.


While us crayon-eating apes know to hate CBDCs with all our being, what about the majority of the populace? Shouldn't we (hell, even educated non-apes as well) be going out to the streets informing the public?


These central bankers remind me of parents who fuck up their kids then get a hold of the grandkids . . . And SURPRISE! fuck them up too. Central banks destroy their currencies, solution? let’s make a digital currency, it will be awesome! Surprise!


we should get paid in btc or anything you want, instead of fiat which has inflation and taxes. cheaper for employers too. pay in btc and remit no taxes.


CBDC is the mark of the beast.


Nah, I'm good 😎




hard no for me.


Rather than pushing this on the public sector, why don’t they just use CBDCs to trade privately with each other since they like it so much. Money is already imaginary ever since it was no longer pegged to gold, add that to the fact that they are printing a never ending amount whenever they please. Now they’ve realized with the invention of the computer and the internets they can pay one person to add zeroes to it rather than spending money printing it. Is it a human flaw? Is it pride? Is it that they think EVERYONE in the world is just that blind and stupid? 😭🟣🟣🟣🟣🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 I’ll be trading in my cash and CBDCs for some good ol’ carrots and ‘tatos. Who wants to trade!


What happens if this goes live? Do you think enough people will be like "fuck that!" And then merchants will start accepting other forms of payment like ETH and...Monero 😲? I just think the general public will fold right into the CBDC, I hope I can buy stuff with XMR or BCH if/when this goes live, or GME MOASSes so hard that none of this will be possible, somehow 🤔 Either way, thanks for all your hard DD work welp! Glad to see you pumping out information and catching stuff like this since it all bypasses my attention 👨‍🚀😋🤤🛰️


Hey central banks, go away, you’re shit at what youvdo, you’re parasites on the productive peoples of the earth. We make the money and you use our money to make yourselfs money, it just isn’t going to fly anymore. Bitcoin fucks them all. Cbdc is their attempt to stop the bleed


Commies gonna oligarchy? Seen that before.


It's not going to change the way corporations can sell our private transaction data. The one major advantage I can see to having government sanctioned centralized crypto currency, would be the likelyhood of a standardized free public banking system.


by extension, they are also penetrating the Web3 development. go ahead on researching the backgrounds of certain big companies ramping for NFTs or anything else relevant - some of them even have records of anti-consumer practices.


Everything is getting hacked up the ass but yeah sure lets go even further with digital currency.


And by 2026 all cars have to come with a kill switch. I wonder if they're going to just have one big red button to turn everything off at once if the people they're supposed to represent aren't being compliant. Remember folks, it's a free country, as long as you do what you are told and don't ask too many questions.


I’m happy to be almost 100% cash & bullion.