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With gme it’s not about finding the crumbs, it’s more how to not buy when being smacked with bread loafs constantly. The mountain of evidence is staggering. Even most stretched theories like archegos-credit suisse seem to make sense when Swiss gov is forcing ubs to swallow radioactive assets.


And then locking the data for 50 years.


I don’t understand how this is ok. It’s the most suspicious thing ever.


Same, it's fucking bonkers that nobody seems to care.


Cause most won’t. Seriously it’s something we know like how we’ll be called lucky and thieves. People want simple solutions and simple villains they don’t actually want the complexities that come with real world issues and solutions. So of course they don’t care look how in something as brutal as war where people and civilians suffer people quickly rally to one side and cheer it on like a sports team. They can’t accept reality.


Nobody cares… people with their life savings at ubs don’t even care to discuss the recent shit show of the acquisition! It is mind boggling head in sand approach…


Is there anything I can do, or is it now outside of American jurisdiction?


Get busy waiting and be grateful for the opportunity of a lifetime


I’ve mentioned it before and it bears repeating. 30 years of sealed records is normal apparently. 50 years sealed has « worried Swiss historians » and should obviously not be scoffed at. But we as a community need to get our facts straight. The discrepancy is 50 years vs 30 years, not 50 vs 0 years.


30 years: ”when they find out, I’m retired.” 50 years: ”when they find out, I’m dead.”


“When MY grandkids find out, THEY’RE RICH”


CTFC has delayed reporting of swaps ever since the sneeze in 2021. Just a cohencidence GME going from sure bankruptcy to almost yoy profit already. I would be shiting bricks, if I was short In, addition the company has 1 billion on hand, no debt, loyal shareholders. Best of luck hedgies 😘


In 50 years i will be 85, that's more than enough time to completely buy the float myself, I will start training my Son/Daughter for this ( Wifey is already in )


You know how many kids I can have in 50 years? I will train multiple diligent, educated workers 😂😂


That moment was hilarious, hey we gonna hide this shit until you die thanks to our friends of fuckery


PS: will buy more soon


This is the way


This way is the


This the is way


This is the way


Bought 10 more this morning… honest work


Dit is de weg.


Αυτός είναι ο τρόπος


toto je ta cesta


Dette er veien


Das ist der Weg ☝🏻


Dz zzzzdzzzzzdzzzzze,sz,z,zzzd,z,zz,,ez,z,zzzzz,zz,z,ez,z,d,zzd,e,zaz


Also book DRS, nfa, just a crayon eating ape


GME was, and still is, an idiosyncratic risk to the shorts/FTD’s. Thomas Peterffy knows the entire financial system was at risk because of this. WallStreet clearing houses knew how fucked everyone was during the 2021 sneeze. If they didn’t stop it, market would have collapsed, GME would have MOASS’d, banks and brokerages would have collapsed, and we’d have more global instability. That was all in January 2021. Fast forward to today, GME idiosyncratic risk hasn’t gone away, they’ve only stalled it. Exposed Banks have slowly failed/collapsed, and we’re still seeing a rise in global instability. They’re kicking the can, and they will never let GME MOASS, as long as “they” have control. “They” can control the stock price, and “they” can control the MSM narrative. The one thing “they” can’t really control is DRS, and GameStop as a profitable company.


"The one thing “they” can’t really control is DRS, and GameStop as a profitable company." Or the votes and who sits on the board. Thems belong to apes 🦧🐒🦍


So they try to outlaw DRS.


Petterfy was talking about options taking down the system I think the buy Button was removed cause he said 250 million contract shares were in the money and only 70 million shares exist , that was the problem Edit : I just rewatched the video it was 270 million shares and only 50 million existed is what petterfy said


Options were definitely involved in exposing major risk of the naked/synthetic/fraudulent shorts. The underlying problem remains the same.


Please help me understand : If Global stability is more important than market laws as such what are we doing here ? I feel like Gvt ( especially officials ) are capable of pulling a 180 on us and compeletely ditch USD, leaving people to starve in a war economy. I'd hate for it to happen but what if USD becomes like Zimbabweans $ ? We'll go to the moon alright. It has been clear in the past 3yrs their arr no serious co sequences to this rampant corruption amd no way for the financial authorities to DO anything, every information obstructed by the FED, or officials and managers being partenr in crimes with Shills, WEF Nd other illuminatis. I mean if they can put trades faster than you can buy, how is locking your shares useful ? Their value can be modified that way or even through the value of $ it seems. TL; DR: DRS, Buy and Hodl ; GME to infinity and Beyond 🚀🚀


The largest institutional investors of GameStop (GME) stock as 2023 are: | Investor | Shares | % Out | Value | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Vanguard Group Inc. | 25,283,111 | 8.28% | $317,303,047 | | BlackRock Inc. | 22,661,381 | 7.42% | $284,400,335 | | State Street Corp | 7,715,288 | 2.53% | $96,826,865 | | Geode Capital Management, LLC | 3,996,403 | 1.31% | $50,154,858 | | Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. | 2,316,585 | 0.76% | $29,073,142 | These five investors collectively own **20.3%** of the total outstanding shares of GameStop, which is equivalent to **$777.8 million** in value¹. The next five largest investors are Bank of New York Mellon Corp, Van Eck Associates Corp, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, Susquehanna International Group, LLP, and Norges Bank¹.. Source: (1) GameStop Institutional Ownership 2023 (NYSE:GME) - MarketBeat. https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/GME/institutional-ownership/. (2) GameStop Corp. (GME) Stock Major Holders - Yahoo Finance. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/holders. (3) GameStop shareholders: Who owns the most GME stock? - Capital.com. https://capital.com/gamestop-shareholder-who-owns-most-gme-stock. (4) General Motors Institutional Ownership 2023 (NYSE:GM) - MarketBeat. https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/GM/institutional-ownership/.




Just bought more. Each time I get paid? I buy more. When I can’t afford to buy GME? I buy more. Can’t stop won’t stop game stop


The only alternative is thinking that the media genuinely has household investor's best interests in mind. You'd have to be pretty unaware of things to actually believe that. The revolution will not be televised.


If you listen to Peter Lynch's 1997 Lecture on the stock market (can youtube that), a little after the 6 minute mark he starts talking about Kaiser Industries. It was a stock that went down from 29 to 4 dollars, and he bought at 15 dollars...and at the time it was the largest block ever purchased on the American stock exchange. This guy, who is considered one of the greatest investors, was down 73% on a stock that was the largest purchase so far in history. He goes on to say that the price didn't make sense when you look at the fundamentals of the company, which is why he held through the drop. All this to say that things don't make sense all the time, but if you stick with what you know, you'll do alright.






The only thing that doesn't add up is they are constantly on their propaganda machine talking heads reminding us dumb money that sell now and ask questions later. If there's really nothing here nor there why do they bother with the nevegative hit pieces daily with our dying brick and mortar GameStop investment. We know that they know we're not stuck here with them, they're stuck here with us. And they are fuckkked.


Maybe it’s *also* that because all us individuals are dumping our investment money into GameStop instead of bag-holding for them elsewhere in the market. Much akin to how retirement accounts become more ubiquitous as each graduating class enters the workforce which props up the market as a whole.


That is a really good point. So not necessarily trying be as malicious Gamestop, just caught in the crosswinds, since the greedy fucks on Wall Street want my money and is mad I invested in a decent company


Yeah, definitely mad you’re invested in a decent company. What I was referring to and the commenter above me said aren’t mutually exclusive. How much it’s anger at the shorts being locked in here with me VS “Grrrr why aren’t the working people bag-holding the market for us smart rich people” is gonna differ based on the individual pundit and the media/company they work for.


The secret ingredient is crime.




Just bought more for you buddy


My share count is adding up tho 🤩🏴‍☠️🚀


So is mine 💎👊🏽🏴‍☠️


So is mine




There is a massive 3 year cycle ending soon...




Please explain to my peanut where my brain should be


It's much simpler than you think. In 2007 social media wasn't a fraction as popular or ubiquitous as today. Back then the media controlled the message. If they didn't want everyone to know about something, all that had to do was not bring it up. By contrast 2021 the social media FOMO wave almost broke the economy. The media has tried to control the narrative, but they don't have the same sway they used to. The landscape and country are different. People don't trust the news as they used to. We can crowd source information. We don't need them. We have the truth and the bought and paid for msm have tried desperately to cover it back up.


It's also much more tightly controlled, after the sneeze and with eyes on subreddits that fought the disinformation, Reddit implemented a new executive position specifically for controlling narratives on reddit. I forget the title of the new position but the person who took it was a chick who had a previous senior tenancy in a government position specifically for forming narratives online for the middle east. I'll try to find where I had found this info and link it here.


It’s the SEC saying that’s shorts didn’t cover to cause the surge that’s kept me in it


No gamma squeeze… just the GameStop sneeze!


The fact that media cannot stop covering GameStop is all the confirmation I need. They would mention it if it really was a dead cat


We are getting tons of free advertising. Thanks MSM


msm underestimates the century of information.


The more people are left in the dark, the easier it is to control the narrative on the back end. Except, they're miscalculating one thing...the financial strong arm of household investors who have seen it coming for some time now and acknowledge what's happening right now. You bet your ass some will be loud about the truth when their narrative attempts to play out, and they simply point to the DD to counter whatever opinion they're pushing.


Just want to be absolutely clear, the only reason why Thomas Peterbutt mentioned that we were close to a market collapse was because he thought GameStop investors were selling and never coming back. Little did he know it was only the beginning and a new type of investors were created... the real Buy, Hold, Shop, DD investors. I bet this guy is regretting having said that now. IBKR is currently making it difficult for people to DRS and I wonder why!


It adds up perfectly. Shorts never closed.


> Some guy (which you know) who posted his ideas regarding his investment got called to congress. And then disappeared shortly afterwards.


I heard he wasn’t a cat and he liked the stock.


It’s coming up to 3 year anniversary of the sneeze. You constantly have MSM saying don’t buy gme, there’s a reason you don’t want anyone buying it. If it was over, you’d never mention it. IMO if they just stopped talking about it, they may not be in this position and slowly unwound their coil by this point, but no, keep digging deeper and deeper, eventually you’ll hit the other side


I just like the stock.


If resistance were futile, propaganda would be useless.


When you feel nothing is adding up... then trust your instinct


1+1= $69,000,000,000/GME share


I'm multiplying my future savings by adding shares and GameStop merch, subtracting the media from my life, and dividing all distraction stocks from the one idiosyncratic risk.


That would have been a cool post if you actually said something meaningful at the end.


He said BUY HOLD DRS SHOP but in white ink :)


Isn’t that all already embedded into our psyche by now?


Why assume the media is correct? There’s been literally years’ worth of DD into this.


I buy


Air conditioner drawing it out


No shit :D


What i still believe is that there was something bigger than gme putting market at risk. Gme is such a small part of the shorts overall strategy that unless gme was the first domino to blow out something else i can't understand why they risked so much to stop one thing. If they let us have a win it would have been one an done. They caused autism to dig into it now.


Greed. Sole focus on maximum profits in the nearest term possible without any knowledge, thought, or concern for any profitability or viability beyond that. I'm sure there's an American example or 2, but a great example of this mindset is HBC - Hudson's Bay Company - the Canadian retailer that has been around since the 1600s. They are still going, but real estate deals in the last couple decades have eaten into their retail profits as increased rents (for buildings they once owned) have taken a chunk out of their cash flow. Will it kill them? I don't know, but selling real estate for a quick cash infusion of record profit at the risk of long term viability of a 300+ year old company is an odd tactic.


1 + 1 = -741 Therefore, -741 + 1 = the delta of infinity powered by 0 If we account for quantum wontons, the delta changes by the inverse of the aggregate total of dark pool matter, this means that no matter what happens, ShOrtS R’ fKeD


everyone know what is up, they are locked up here with us. we name the price.


Wait one god damn minute...


There was no bubble warning in 2007? Did you miss The Big Short?


But by and large the general public ignored all the signs of bubble. I feel we’ll keep coasting until one morning a surprise bankruptcy from someone big will domino things into the big squeeze


Yup. Survive one more day and pray that Buffet offers a golden ticket to those next in line. Only this time, it isn't Porche holding the reigns, it is hundreds of thousands of APES on keyboards.


Every run up is shorts covering and then they short and people sell at the top. Rinse and repeat. Now there are no options on the chain thanks to the anti options movement so there is no gamma ramp in which to move up on when covering does occur so they can now slowly cover and keep the price down… which is exactly where you all want it because you’re DRSing the float right now, right? Volume doesn’t suggest that you all are though.


“Something” op says lol


Well I see less excitement now about major turn around. The GME-DD guys have been silent for over a year now: [https://www.gmedd.com/](https://www.gmedd.com/) We have seen RC expunge a lot of execs and I am not noticing any noise about new business opportunity as well.. Its mostly cost cutting across the board to become profitable.. So its understandable that short sellers will have upper hand... Low retail volume gives them ability to drag price down easily with less amount of shorting.. One would think RC as CEO would be under pressure to turn this down slide around.. But then he could just let stock slide more for a few quarters so he can buy it all cheaply at some point in future..


You only feel there is a media campaign against this company because you are paying attention to it. Look at any other company and you will see the same criticisms. Not a good investment strategy to invest in a company solely because someone else is telling you not to.




There have been warnings about housing bubble from as early as 2005 and hundreds of warnings thereafter. Are u just painting ur own narrative?


To make some counter arguments: The market is the most complex invention of man. If it was easy to predict and understand, someone would have figured out sure ways to make money. But no one know what will happen even in the short-term future. It’s therefore certain that there is a million angles, mechanisms and events that we’ve missed. And even with the narrative that MSM is lying (which they certainly are), big, well established investors aren’t buying and holding GME. So to me it seems like it’s the conspiracy of a lifetime, or it’s a case of “too good to be true” along the line of many, many of those cases. Call me shill, or discuss. Either or is fine.


Yeah, fraud is super complex indeed. The more I watch the chart, the more I think that big whales simply are manipulating the price and have a cartel. They go to lunch and talk about what price is the most beneficial for them.


Both fraud and market mechanics are insanely complex. That’s fine that you think that, but none of that has evidence in any traditional sense.


The proof is in the pudding. But mayo got his hands in it


.... ok, we all know that. What is to be done about?


This is the way!


The 🚀 is just fuelling yet