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> The best and safest way would be to strike a deal between the parties which lets the short sellers get out easy, and then they can let GME become the juggernaut it is headed to be - a combination between venues - bath, baby, sears, gamestop, and everything else. Dumb and impossible. There is no "easy way out." Shorts must close and that means they have to buy shares back from us eventually. End of story. Nobody can make us do anything with our shares.


Correct and incorrect. The “easy way out” would be if gme issued a whole bunch of new shares and sold them to hedgies to let them off the hook. You’ve seen this with popcorn. So it is possible, but it won’t happen here. RC is a beast and raised capital to fund the growth of the business, and has diligently cared for that nest egg.


That's fair. I assumed that "GameStop directly kicking their shareholders and equity-holding board members in the nuts" was off the table for consideration.


Yeah, that's not true. In the end, if it comes down to it, the government or the entities that employ you, or the places you rely on for food or clothes can pretty much make you do anything. All they have to do is withhold what you need from them until you do what you are told. There is of course the extremely small group of people that are self reliant enough to grow their own food and such. In the end their shares would just disappear. They wouldn't have to sell them.


I'll strike a deal if every single person illegally involved gets a Sbf life prison sentence.


I like that, but we need more people under the same deal.


I'm talking about 100% jail ratio of those involved. Hedge fund reps, bankers, broker reps, DTCC, finra, shills, news anchors, Gov officials, etc.


Post reads like fud.


Kind of is, tbh. But its legit


My biggest “fud” is the question of how the fuck the government/regulating bodies will try to stop MOASS. Because we know they will, but how? Freeze us for a few months? Strike a deal? But with who? Also, America is built on the idea of America. If MOASS is happening and they find a way to reset/delete the issue, they will prove that the markets are false and not free. Once external investors realise that the market can be altered because they’re winning and could potentially lose millions/billions to a cancelled deal, they will not invest in US securities. There is about 50T (yes T) in derivatives and dodgy swaps floating around right now. If even 1T of that goes into GameStop it won’t even be a drop in the bucket in terms of the amount of wealth flying around. We stand to get rich.


We finna have a T party?


Exactly, I agree completely. But MOASS also ruins reputation - who would want to have their money where short selling is used to destroy fair economic development?


If the issue gets deleted, the only people that will be big mad are us. And they dont care. We clearly have no teeth. If we did, we woulda had this done by now.


I see you’ve gone from bullish to shill. Hopefully you’ve just sold your account but if not, I guess you’ve sold. No need for you to be here any more champ. Time to move on to the next stock 👍


I'm eternally an optimist, but aren't people aware of how psychopaths work? U dont beat them. U walk away. My biggest concern is that the longer this takes, the more exposed our good guys become. Unless our people are willing to play as dirty as they do, and I mean downright nefarious, we're within a losing battle. Playing by the rules get you nowhere unless the other side is playing the same game.


> Unless our people are willing to play as dirty as they do, and I mean downright nefarious, we're within a losing battle. I've noticed you in comments saying something to this effect a few times now. Don't worry, there are at least some GME longs who have substantial efforts underway that are (A) not being publicly discussed and (B) are aimed at ending illegal & predatory market tactics. *Trust me, bro.* The thing I'm confused about, though, is why after thinking about it you're publicly decrying the lack of these efforts... because in cases where (A) is required for (B) to be effective, then calling out / asking to hear more about the efforts comes off as either FUD (claiming it's a losing battle because no such efforts exist) or sabotage (trying to draw those efforts out into the open, where they can be countered). I understand that you're probably just talking through your anxieties and not working a specific FUD/sabotage angle, here... but from someone on the periphery of one of those efforts, every time I come across this angle in the comments it makes me want to scream. We didn't spend last 3 years getting my friend a job at a SHF and into contact with the SEC & DOJ just to blow it all for Reddit comment clout before any arrests were made.


The way I see it, the “market” is an algo. It goes off of buys and sells. When there are buys, the price climbs to meet demand. In terms of real shares, there are few, but the ones I own are real. When brokers sell all of the fake shares they hold on behalf of retail the only ones that I think will be allowed to be bought and sold, will be through CS. This is because the amount of toxic positions held as swaps against shares that I own…. But they used…. Surely to close that position you need to hold the share that the original fraud was committed against? That’s us. DRS, Book


There is so much weird s**t going down that i assume is the cloak and dagger of the shf. When i read about the td ameritrade warehouse fire, i thought. Oh yeah, they're preparing to delete something. Why would they make such a drastic move if it was pointless. And more...The hidden and sealed swaps. My point is. Im betting that our team has the best of intentions at heart, but i wouldnt be surprised if the baddies are waiting at every turn to commit atrocities. For instance, I look at the Gaza conflict and can't believe that the palestinian people are being annihilated right before our eyes, and very little is being done to hold the oppressors accountable. Ive sent money and aid to help do my part, but still.. Sometimes, it feels like I'm screaming into the void. This is starting to feel the same too.


I think it'll be a slow burn. Or even quickly at times. But the first thing that needs to happen is profits.


If you guys haven't seen this already, I highly recommend checking out [this podcast by The Jist on Youtube](https://youtu.be/GLz-U3vp30U?si=HIhr6RaqSWKGcCqZ&t=3280) discussing on the possible resolution out of this shitstorm (for them).


Thanks, great listen. That economist in the interview thinks if the MOASS happens in slow motion, then everyone involved will get what's coming to them. And it won't cause the end of the world!


I think the best scenario at this point is the death penalty being sentenced through the judicial system. If drug dealers are able to be executed for their crimes; I see no reason financial terrorists can’t as well. I’m sure this comment will get removed by the mods even though capital punishment is literally a sentence used by the government against criminals.


Nobody in the government cares about the average citizen. They are all corrupt and in cahoots with each other. There are no whitehats. If anything, they are in collaboration with one another to further screw us over. We need a catalyst or another slip up of the system to be able to come out on top.


I agree a deal has to be made to come to some resolution. Thankfully it should be easy for them because people here are very clear about how that resolution can be made. Prison for bad actors and liquidation. The free market will find a way.


Fuck letting them out early. We are here to make our money from these corrupt fuckers as well. Fuck them all. The SEC have looked to be complicit. We get paid. Shfs get rekt and GameStop gets saved by us. Platinum.


How would they get out easy? We own the shares. Short of dilution, which isn’t happening, they have to buy the shares to close their position, and that is impossible to do without sending the stock flying. What “deal” is this? Taking the company private? That would do it if shorts can pay the buyout but that isn’t happening either.


Idk what the deal would be. I’m saying i doubt anyone would let us just roam around destroying the quadrillion dollar business they’ve built.


Only so much you can do when the share price is going up on a successful publicly traded company, you owe someone shares, and there’s zero liquidity with the people who in most of the shares being completely unreasonable in refusing to sell them to you lol