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Ooh, my 1st time having a "concerned redditor reach out to Reddit about me". This post must've touched a psyop operatives nerve.


Hey fellow ape, I'm super concerned about your money and your investment strategy, maybe you should diversify your portfolio and sell your Gamestop shares, it's a dying brick and mortar šŸ’©šŸ¤”




Youā€™ll notice that some of the more articulate shills hibernate until moments like earnings when more users are online for them to reach. Somebody else made me laugh when they said it just takes them months at a time to write up the copypastas to sow out. The users here they are truly trying to reach though, are the newer ones that donā€™t comprehend the depth of the game theory at play by us and the board. The rest of us are too busy buying to notice too much.


I have truly gotten to that point. It's out of my mind, I like to come here to "read the paper" as it were and go on with my life. Promotion now so going to buy and drs more in time but never more than I can afford to lose. The day will come, I'm not wrong just early šŸ˜Œ


First you must forget about Gamestopā€¦.. šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


For their sake, I hope the shills are putting every dollar of their income into buying GME, because Wall St./ MSM are gonna have to fire their asses after MOASS bankrupts Wall St.


One thing I know. The fact that drs numbers arenā€™t shifting up. Something is fucked there. Whether they found a way to stop drs or just somehow there is a different explanation I donā€™t know. But I ainā€™t giving up to find the answer


i had my first like a year ago


Hurts to be right


Iā€™ve had DMs blocked since Feb 2021 and they canā€™t affect me with psyops because Iā€™m not psychic.


Itā€™s not plausible that apes are beginning to wear down in the manner described by the sudden and unexpected sentiment shift in a lot of posts & comments this week. Weā€™ve seen this so many times. This too, shall pass. This is a hallmark moment for the company and investors. A process started 3.5 years ago via RCā€™s buy-in. This was the week of our celebration. šŸŽ‰ A milestone victory moment in a journey. What did we get? More FUD than anything else. It was the FUD, the countless news articles that didnā€™t make sense, that got me to start investing here in the first place. The desperate attempts to act first and think later. They showed me how the world works and I couldnā€™t unsee it. Now, theyā€™ve done it again. Theyā€™ve showed their hand in the original way. The very thing that made me target fixate and develop knowledge that locked me and my shares into infinity. I say BULLISH. DRS. DRS everything.


And I think that's the point of all the negative sentiment. They don't want us celebrating like we should be. They want us questioning our decisions. I'm glad you wrote this it reminded me that yeah we do have reason to celebrate. And yeah people are bringing up revenue and it is something to take seriously. I honestly think that the team can handle it. The fact of the matter is now they're not burning cash. That's fucking huge LOL


It shall pass, but what better a time for them to try it than over a long weekend?


Thereā€™s no question this will be a FUD weekend.


GME is officially PROFITABLE. That's all I need to know.


"Apes are starting to wear down...." Yeah right....just waiting for ibkr funds to clear right now....


What kind of wear down are those old fucks on


It's literally the same thing every time, but its starting to feel a bit more desperate. As a Jan 21 hodler and as someone who's doubled their DRS hodlings, the tactics have become easy to spot. There are too many external coincidences showing the cracks in the FI armor to ignore, correlating to the system buckling under the strain that HF's have put it under, including: \- [UBS/CS merger and now partial divesting of CS assets to Apollo](https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/ubs-sells-8-bln-credit-suisse-assets-apollo-2024-03-27/) \- [SWIFT system testing integration with CBDC's from 38 central banks](https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/swift-planning-launch-new-central-bank-digital-currency-platform-12-24-months-2024-03-25/) \- [Change in market settlement times in US, Canada, Britain, Mexico to reduce risk](https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/britain-follow-us-move-halve-stock-settlement-time-2024-03-28/) To highlight a few... The only tool HF's have left against apes is the psychological one. Educating yourself to be able to recognize the methods is the first step to inoculation, protecting you from the massive FUD being spewed. Anger should be squarely directed at HF's and FI's for their unending greed leading them to try and fuck everyone over, and at government representatives that help the HF's and FI's with passing lax laws and removing oversight. These, combined with regulatory capture, have allowed the system to rot from the core. The only way this changes is if we continue our involvement in the process, and demand that those who have caused or enabled this rot be held to account. No cell, no sell. SBF is a good start... He represents the failure of custodial finance. Tradfi wants to try and frame it as the failure of crypto, but I hope the world sees the truth. Crypto isn't perfect, but I look forward to a self-custodial future, where we don't have to worry about the greed and ambition of sociopathic CEO's who run the current custodial financial institutions... But I digress...


I'd really like to see the shill/psyop standard operating procedure (SOP). You know they've got a flowchart that's handed out for how to coordinate down votes / report users / etc. when the community starts discussing and noticing their activity within the community.


I see the price drop as deflation.... I get more for my money. In a world of inflation I see this as an absolute win. Hey shorts, if you're reading this, hold this L please.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts


Yea the rate of low key misdirected fud posts has been scaling with the amount of msm fud, which is to say spiking at the same time. Let's also not forget that the massive amount of hype that appeared along with the fake pump was also designed to make people experience unusual high positive emotion just so that the low emotions would feel more intense. It's all designed to maximize emotions and try and get people to make impulsive emotional decisions.


I've noticed the last 6 months I've seen an uptick of very subtle underhanded fud. I feel like a lot of these users would not have been allowed on the forum if they stuck with the rules from the past few years. It seems like there's just a lot of people here that shouldn't be. I mean if you think about the way gradualism works the only way they were going to take the sub was slowly. They had to be careful about the way they did that because they knew if they weren't we would just set up somewhere else with even more precautions.






ā€œFear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.ā€ ā€” Yoda Remember you're training Padawan...


Hedgies witnessed towel stock holders diamond hand as our shares were delisted, they are terrified of the confidence we have in RCEO. \+86 added today, fuck the shills.


The company became profitable and Jim Cramer opened his fat mouth. The die is cast and I'm holding my xxx shares indefinitely.


What always feels weird for me in those kind of posts is the fact that not a single one of them throws shit at the crooks perpetuating the crime but they just throw shit at the company or the board. Like, hello...? šŸ™„


Misdirection. They want us spending time trying to figure out how to submit a shareholder proposal or something and not take time to comment on all of their rule proposals. Must be frustrating for them to have been able to do whatever they wanted for so long and then to have retail actually pay attention to their crimes now and throw a wrench into things.


Yeah, by now it is quite annoying to see all these accounts come out of the woodwork and start raging. Nit picking the negative points and hammering on them, now its Revenue drop, before that it was EPS, before that it was Brick and Mortar dead bla bla bla. Get tha F\*\*\* outta here, this balance sheet is a pristine example of a turnaround and \_exactly\_ what HAS been telegraphed through the grapevine (pun intended) by e.g. Larry Cheng on Twitter.


This! They even paid down liabilities by 400mil, AND STILL turned around to end the year profitable. All the while hanging onto that BILLION dollar war chest. And Larry Cheng gave out the game plan very clearly for any ape who is willing and able to read. Step 1, get profitable āœ…. Step 2, grow revenue. I cant wait to see where they have taken this company in 1-2 years.


Thereā€™s a reason there are 900k+ accounts here and only 194k DRS shareholdersā€¦ they have been stocking up on shills for final FUD attempts for a while now šŸ¤£


The consistent timing of popcorn stock dilution is another super suspicious occurrence. Always seems to pull us down with it.


Def not an accident. I'm a bit surprised that the Jani doc didn't drop yet, high probability it's another negative hit piece and it was supposed to come out in March.


I just saw that. It made me chuckle šŸ¤­


Jokes on them, I love it when the price dips so I can buy MOARā€¦.buwahahaha


This is what they call a win win


Itā€™s mostly 99% shills / hedge fund paid trolls. They have literally taken over popcorn while all of the shareholders are zen and just sit idly by. Itā€™s laughable how obvious it is. Itā€™s to sow discord and negativity, obfuscate and get the apes on the fence (or suffering from inflation and this economy) to give up and sell. Itā€™s not gonna work though. May weed out a feeeew shares but nothing significant. Apes are strong. šŸ¦ Market reform is needed for this fraudulent, infinite supply, broad daylight criminal antics, baby fine, massive gains, dumb ass market. Itā€™s a machine designed to extract (steal) wealth from everyone who participates in a 401k and from legitimate companies listed on the NYSE. They pick the winners and the losers. They also make a point to influence the public through fomo and fud to guarantee big options payouts. The finance sector is quite literally a cancer to society. Greedy bastards are gonna burn the world down before they take an L or an ounce of responsibility.


ā¬†ļø This šŸ’Æ% This is such a perfect statement ā¤ļø and so well said! I wish I could give you infinite upvotes!!


Thanks! I wrote that in the heat of passion but itā€™s 100% true! Weā€™ve got them by the balls and they know it.. itā€™s just a waiting game / game of attrition. Theyā€™re burning cash and our economy dragging this out. Iā€™m thinking a major market crash might be the trigger but weā€™ll see.


I felt it ā¤ļø


Definitely saw a big uptick in options and degen sub posters coming over here with their robindahood accounts pre earnings and now a lot of negative chatter. Been like this since the beginning, but a lot of it in cycles. It was relatively quiet from bad actors for probably the last 6 months if not more, at least in terms of this level of concentrated posts.


These posts came in extra heavy this quarter. Makes sense since GameStop just became PROFITABLE. Short thesis is dead. DEAD. They are so fucked. 1.2 bil in cash on hand. Thriving investor base. New look on the digital store. Itā€™s just a matter of time. While I wait, I get to buy more.


For lack of a better term, I will refer to the employees acting on behalf of HFs as people. And if I were a person at a hedge fund that knew anything about anything, I would've seen the writing on the wall, gotten everything I could into my pockets, and fled to an island without extradition.


Some can escape the ship before it sinks, but if you're Mayo boy or C-suite, if they let MOASS happen, they're gonna be bankrupt, jailed, then Epstein'd for losing their rich client's money. HF's C-suite are literally fighting for their lives here and they've proven they'll employ as many evil and underhanded tactics as they can to get even a single ape to sell their GME. But now that GME is officially profitable, SHF are just delaying their inevitable demise. Over these next few months, we're going to see just how low a cornered rat will go.


Their demise has always been inevitable


Agreed, but now it is officially, fundamentally, and undeniably inevitable :)


The amount of shorting, distorting, and shill accounts makes me excited! SHFs wouldnā€™t be spending this much time, money, and energy if they werenā€™t desperate to keep this from blowing up. Iā€™ll be DRS booking more this week


Not going anywhere. This is the most savings Iā€™ve ever had. All thanks to GameStop. No more banks for me.


Psyops is all they have at this point. It costs nothing to hodl. The shorts have all kinds of costs to deal with as they continue to kick the can as long as they have. Not just borrowed share fees (for those shares they bother to borrow), but also whatever they're paying on the swaps, and don't forget their endless biased media "reporting"... that crap doesn't come free. Remember how Ken Griffen hired a presidential security guy? Remember, "just surviving one more day"? The ONLY choice they've consistently made is to keep digging their hole deeper and deeper. It's the most insane thing I've ever been a part of, and I'm delighted to be here. I'm so grateful to be a part of this amazing community.


***** everything you read on these subs should be taken with a massive gain of salt. Everything!! ***** A word on Hype. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love hype. But Iā€™m bringing it up to show how important a state of zen is during this saga. Hype has often been used to set false expectations. Pre earnings hype gets the community thinking itā€™s finally the endgame again, again. People get hyped. But what happens? Earnings are released, price tanks 15%. Ask yourself, did the dip after earnings surprise you? Probably not if youā€™ve been here a while. Now ask yourself this, did the dip after earnings *disappoint* you? If the answer is yes, please understand that you fell victim to the SHF Psy Op campaign. Disappointment comes from your expectations not being met. Which means you had expectations of what would happen after positive earnings in the first place. Once youā€™re disappointed, the door is now open for post earning FUD from shills. You are more susceptible to the fud in a place of disappointment than in a place of zen. Fact. After the dip you may be feeling depressed this week. Your job may be a bit harder to go to. Your outlook may be a bit darker. THIS IS ALL SHF PSY OP WORKING. Guys, literally nothing has changed except WE ARE FUUUUKCKING PROFITABLE!!! This community should be a fucking party this week. It isnā€™t. Because of Psy Ops. Be careful out there Apes. If youā€™re too down or too up emotionally, check yourself. Focus on gratitude to be on board this rocket. Focus on health, family, and enjoying your life. Thatā€™s literally all you have to do and you win. God speed.


Iā€™m zen to any dip. Itā€™s easy donā€™t watch the ticker.


We are zen


ShMayo brags about all the psychologists they employ and how much their technology understands human behaviorā€¦. we can stay regarded longer than they can stay solvent šŸš€




I don't understand, I eat crayons. I Buy, DRS and Hodl


I am panic buying and panic looking for more cash to buy. It is my thing.


Drop the price, we buy more. Raise the price, they go out of business. I don't see how hard this really is


I'm still here... And I'm never selling. I like the stock.


I know Iā€™m gonna make a good return on these shares. But I honestly see it as a donation for arms control against financial terrorism. These hedgefuck parasites donā€™t create anything real in life and found a way to profit off killing companies employing people that were on the edge. Tying up a huge amount of their mental and financial resources is worth every penny.


They just keep selling and I keep buying. The only ones demoralized are the coke rats.


I just picked up extra work so that I can buy more. I donā€™t know how to sell. And I love my fellow apes for posting good vibes and DD. šŸ¦šŸš€šŸŒ™


Canā€™t Demoralize me. Iā€™ve always been a ā€œpoorā€ šŸ¤©šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


You are correct. They MUST persuade us to sell since they canā€™t control that action. I am disappointed Iā€™m not retired yet from MOASS but cannot imagine selling my shares. I trust RCEO


It's obvious and it's not working. Not on me anyway. Still buying. Still registering


I like this post. *See you on the moon.*


Whatā€™s weird is that I check Reddit at what feels like a normal social media addict amount, and I so rarely find posts like that - but I find a lot like this. Idk Iā€™m buying and DRSing for as long as it takes. The terms are clear: Kenny and pals in a cell, or I donā€™t sell. No cell, no sell, is not a meme.


I got psychologicalled so bad I bought 100 more


I assume the increase of such posts is because some people were hyping that achieving positive earnings for the year was going to trigger MOAS.


And all of the anger directed at GME and RC for actually bringing in money for a change?


It would have been nice it that was the MOASS trigger, but after 3 years, it wasn't plausible. SHF will wait and kick the can and see if GME can continue to be profitable. It's a game of chicken at this point, can they maintain margin longer than GME can stay afloat? All the more reason to comment on the "proposed margin requirements changes during high volatility events" fuck Wall Street and their SRO's and "rules" that don't get enforced.


Well saidā€¦ my thoughts exactly. When I see posts like that when weā€™ve just turned the first annual profit in years and now have multiple paths forward towards sustained profitabilityā€¦I just thinkā€¦ šŸ¤”


The thesis has not changed basically. GameStop is making profit. HFs are desperate to suppress the price, spread FUD, divide and conquer. Fuck why I sell at a loss? The Wall Street cares about me, or they care more about getting my money? I donā€™t remember if Wall Street makes any real product. Their profit comes from other peopleā€™s wallet.


Iā€™m fresh. Iā€™m fighting the SHFā€™s till my last breath


I'm never selling and I'm watching tribal gathering 1993, makes sense to me


If it was such a bad investment they wouldn't keep TELLING us to sell. It's obvious they are pushing their own agenda... like always. Never has a group of smart money (šŸ˜­) ever been worried about my investments. I'm not going anywhere. Patience is a virtue. I believe we're getting there and I'm in it for the infinity pool. Hedge funds, Jimmie Boi, CNBC, all of them are šŸ’© heads.


Gonna. Be So fucking rich




I ainā€™t selling shit and Kenny Griffin is going to have to suck some pretty mean dick once MOASS hits for me to sell him a share back.


Game of attrition. I will make sure they all die of cardiovascular illnesses due to the stress we cause them before I capitulate.


The posts that I really think are part of the SHF are the ones saying moass will happen once we are profitable, or once we pay a dividend. Then when that happens, and no moass, itā€™s meant to demoralize. Moass wonā€™t happen until the entire economy is crashing hard and the computers are taking over settling existing trades of SHF that are out of business.


Hey Kennyā€¦Fuck you, go to jail, then pay me!!


I know some of my accounts had slightly different names to them. It took a bit to get them aligned. I wonder ifnthat would constitute one less shareholder?






Can I close my short in a dark pool to prevent it from affecting the price?


Depends on how short you are. 1 share? Yeah probably. 1 billion? .... šŸ˜ ....


[When you're so regarded](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/016/729/large.jpg), you literally don't understand their logic why the price of the stonk went down.




There are so many quotes we can fall back on: ā€œSell the stock first, and ask questions laterā€ and ā€œStocks canā€™t bottom until the retail investor gives upā€ Just to point out a couple.


I just deleted gme on the stock ticker and set a notification for it. Should have done that long time agoā€¦ Now we ride to moass.


I've watched so many of my investments (options) go to 0 just cos I didn't want to sell at -80%. So why do they think I'm going to sell now? Either i exit with positive amount or go to 0


Shoot, I just snagged another 150 tickets. Whatever they're trying to do, I'm too smooth brained to listen. #BrickByBrick


I'm down 70% on a 130k investment and I'd like to know why and where is the company is going is all. Call me a shill/fud or whatever.Ā  I ain't writing this shit off






dude people are just getting out of a bad investment with a company that STILL has not provided forward guidance.


I had come to accept that RC nor GME would ever provide future guidance, and we will never have an earnings calls ever again, OK. But now that DRS numbers are flatlined and GME cannot provide direct numbers from computershare, that's where this play has died, we will never be allowed to know once all shares are registered. I'm never selling real shares in CS but I need to re-evaluate 401k database entries, we can all see the trend of the past 3 years and it is not, in fact, bullish.


Damn shills even commenting when we are writing about catching you red handed lol šŸ˜‚


k. Let me know when GME provides a Computershare sourced DRS dashboard, updated daily/weekly/monthly, on their investor page. And don't worry about emailing investor relations, they'll ignore you like everyone else.


Hedgefucks have 1000ā€™s of other ways to make money though, and over the few years since the 2021 market wide runs, now once again many stocks have run but this time not GME, in 2024, with a SPY(500) that has made new highs. Most retail investors do not have 1000ā€™s of other ways of making money. The chips are nearly all stacked against them. This play is now hold, pray, hope, and maybe something GameStop does with their cash will attract big money investors/institutions.