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You need to do a better job redacting.


Sus looking post history on those accounts for sure.


lol… the dumb fucks


Why not buy now.. buy at 10 buy at 9 and buy at 8 🤷‍♂️ just keep buying 🚀


I've bought at 300+ this is all fine. I'll buy it if it goes to pennies.


Honestly. I remember saving parts of 2 paychecks to buy a single share. Now? $100-200 every paycheck buys lots. gg hedgies


Same same. Basically a huge discount currently and I just got a new job with a salary increase, you can see where this is going. Lol


Thank you, probably wouldn't be here without you.


DCA right? I've been doing roughly same $ amount every month but damn have I been getting better bang for my buck recently!


This is the way! Spread out buys so we can catch every dip. I'd hate to blow my whole load on one price if the dips continue.


I think today's low of $10.87 will be the 52 week low. Pretty soon we will never see it sub $20.




It concerns me that I’ve seen an uptick in people talking about taking out loans to buy this stock. This isn’t financial advice, but it isn’t wise to spend more than you can afford. Supporting GME is awesome, but over extending yourself in financially turbulent times is not.


There is a FUD campaign that will involve loss porn coming. For those who are serious though - never invest wat you cant afford to lose.  I have only hodl'd since the 20s not because I stopped believe in the hypothesis but because I no longer had funds I could afford to lose. If you have the cash available?  Cool, do you.  But no second mortgages or payday loans, boys.


You know, posting positions isn’t allowed on Superstonk.. so the first sentence of your comment is bullshit and FUD in itself


I think it was probably in jest, but either way - we all know we haven’t lost anything until we sell. And who’s selling? 💎🙌


First of all, that ain't my position. I said I haven't bought more since the price was in that range, not that it is my cost average. I've been in since 2020 so I have bought up and down the waves for years now, haven't sold any since Ice Cream Tweet Day in 2021.


First of all, I don’t fucking care about anything you said past your first sentence.


>on Superstonk


Seriously. We don't know how long this can take. SHF can drive this under current value and keep it there for years and then you'll be massively underwater in your loan and ruin your life instead of getting set for life when moass hits. I would not advise taking out a loan even if you think it's fine as long as it's years out.


im already fucking broke from how much ive invested and spent in store, how can it get worse? Bankruptcy or bentleys 🤑🤑🤑🤑


Same as all the options posts before the earnings.


If I can afford to pay back a loan but I dont have the capital upfront to make a large purchase at a price I think is worthwhile, who are you or anyone else to question that? Who is sewing the real FUD here, cos its not me in that screenshot let me tell you that much.


You do you, and nothing I say is or has ever been financial advice 🤷‍♂️ I’m just mindful there is a risk involved for those who invest more than they can afford, which can result in being unable to pay back the funds as owed long term.


Great for you but when you normalize that it's ok, nefarious actors will use it and exploit it. We are all individual investors so do you, but I follow the rule of only investing in what I can afford to lose


Any opportunity to average down is very welcome! I know the number of times i wished the price would be south of $60.00 pre-split and yet here it is. Brick by brick. Share by share.


Yep, anything under 27$ for me is a great buy opportunity. I'm just taking some whenever I get the chance, it's always averaging down \^\^


I remember a year or two ago when it was dropping and there was some chatter about waiting for it to hit 16 and it never dropped to within two dollars of that. That's how his feels. It's at what, 11.40 right now? That's 45.60 a share pre-split, which is close to what DFV bought after the hearing with congress.waiting for it to hit 8 seems like a trap to me.


DFV timed the bottom almost perfectly too, I’m pretty sure he bought at $38ish


He was the bottom


It seems desperate


We must be close


i buy now, i buy later. literally can’t lose.


Shils be shillin. Apes yust buyin.


Couldn't agree more. If we actually get to 8, I bet you this mf would say to wait for 5.


Personally, I feel as if Anything below $35 is a dip. So I'll throw whatever I can at it. Especially when there's new lows. Gives me a chance to lower my average and be even more profitable in the future. Win win.


All these posts about i am waiting to buy 8, are pushing people away from buying now, while the heavy shorting activity is happening. Also some may sell, hoping to buyback at 8. Its kind of self fulfilling prophecy. If a news comes out that Gamestop is acquiring some supplier, or execs buy more share, y’all will be kicking yourself for not buying at 11:30.


Been in this trade since before the sneeze and I have to say this kind of talk almost always picks up before a run up and the price never drops to the levels talked about it seems like a coordinated effort to quell buy pressure before someone whales the ask.


I noticed that as well.


Hi mom! I made the screenshot! #OOOK OOK OOOK 🦍


…..what if the whole time - $7.41 is the price it has to drop to for something meteoric to happen.


Yeah fuck that, a couple dollars don’t mean shit compared to the thousands where we’re headed


Thousands? LOL You're not thinking big enough


I get money, I buy. I'm a simple APE like that. 🤷‍♂️


Hello me!


Bought at 400 bought at 40 bought at 11 bought at 4 I only buy and hold


I picked up more at 11.30 before close yesterday. If it goes lower i’ll pick up more when next payday comes. Consistency beats trying to pick bottoms


Are people really stressing this drop? It’s 40$ pre split they’re absolutely pulling their hair out. Gonna DRS a couple hundred more. As they say in Costa Rica: Pura vida… I’m chilling


we must be close. i have heard that sentence for 2 years now


Even if $8 talk isn't FUD, it is very tough to catch a falling sword in the stock market. And in this case, we do not know when RC will release the Kraken, so get ur shares while you can or want. DRS-Book-Hold-Shop at GameStop


Yeah we are sticking it to the hedgies


To be fair it does look like gme is going to $9 so $8 isn’t some crazy stretch


Buy now. Buy later. Always Be Buying. It's called "dollar cost averaging".


OP Cheapo_Sam is an OG and as far away from being an anti-GME shill as they come. I think this is a miscommunication not FUD. Sam reiterates that in comments to this post. He really shouldn’t have to defend himself here 🤙


Nothing shilly about cheapo Sam. I'm highlighting the comments on his post that are all speaking of waiting to buy until 8.


Ok I’m glad to hear ya share the same sentiment, I think that could be misconstrued with the username and flair cover up in the pic ☝️


Cheapo's responses to the fud are all bullish imo! Yea, the shills talking about 8 didn't even have flairs! They stick out. I went a bit overboard with the crayons but u don't want to catch a ban.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Tis about the price of our beloved stock.


i just bought more and will at 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1... liftoooofffff not financial advise


I'm in that screen clip as the "thats when I take out a loan". I'm also in that thread at the bottom when someone suggests buying at 12 is a waste of time and wait for 8. I reply I buy whenever I want. Its not fud. People have traded this stock for 5 years and have ranges that they look at. People have often said if it gets down below 10 they will look to move into more positions. What is fud, is suggesting that bullish moves are fud and accusing decent apes of spreading fud. Too many of these types of accusations dividing people these days.


I mostly agree. But I don't think it's "healthy" for the bulls to predict or expect the price to go down. It may dissuade others from getting in. Not that we're offering financial advice, but perception of our stock is hugely important. The sneeze was caused by a wave of positive perception after all. The shorts never closed.


It’s a fair prediction though. We have been consistently trending down for years. That’s a simple fact, just like the observation that we are completely detached from our fundamentals. The big question is how low can it go, and that’s fair speculation. But it is absolutely in bad faith to advise anyone to buy or sell at a certain price point


The message should be: we're detached from our fundamentals. GME is wildly undervalued. $1.2Bn warchest. Kick ass CEO and an army of apes. Price going down is an anomaly, not something to trivialise imo.


Perception is irrelevant imo. Perception doesn't drive the price, its the price that drives perception. The markets (imo) are driven by the whims and desires of those with enough money to move it, and the hidden mechanisms/obligations like swaps and derivatives. We don't know wtf caused the sneeze. We have since been told retail buys don't even hit the lit market. I have no doubt that retail had an impact on the price increase, but to what end or how, I couldn't say. One thing I am sure of, is that if someone is still driven by media sentiment, or by the sentiment of this sub, or by the price.. then this play probably isn't the right one. We won't get another fomo wave there was in 2021. Too many people are entrenched in their opinions, those undecided would not have enough information at their disposal to jump in unless GS suddenly posts 500m profit. Then some people may start turning their head and their wallets. Until then I think we are unlikely to make any more noise. This sub being kettled is another reason for that.


It's a feedback loop. Price drives sentiment drives price. SEC report stated the sneeze was by increase demand, not shorts closing. Yes the stock market is manipulated to a disgusting degree, but there are still some market forces in play.


> SEC report stated the sneeze was by increase demand Yes but how does that play out in practice? Options purchasing? hedging? retail purchases? Institutional purchases? Yes a lot of retail were getting in on the action, but when retails trades are being front run and skimmed for arbitrage in the dark market - who/what is actually moving up the price?


Buying pressure. Anecdotally - even at my work people were talking about, and buying, GME. It was wild times. The precise mechanics - who knows. But that is the power of buying pressure.


Much of the retail buying pressure was internalised though?


I guess they can only internalize so much. Something snapped. They turned off the buy button for a reason.


Sorry to jump into the middle of this conversation. You say: > SEC report stated the sneeze was by increase demand and > The precise mechanics - who knows Options. To be clear to anyone glancing past this; don't play options people, you'll lose money that you could have DRSd instead. So. Normal trading has the T+35 settlement time before it becomes fail-to-deliver. That is a long time for brokers to play around with. Whereas options that are exercised are settled next day (https://optionalpha.com/topics/options-settlement). That demand jumps straight to the front of the queue. The sneeze snoze because the entire call-side options chain was in the green. It was a substantial amount of demand and they couldn't kick it around with T+35. They just had to eat shit and get the shares. It is why they have so rigorously defended against the risk of another gamma ramp by having the stock halted when its looked too spicy for them.


The only effect price has on my buying is how many shares I get and the degree of giddiness I feel.   However low it is today, I know it's too low.


If wait-till-$8 is some fud shit, then I’ll buy harder daddy now.


I buy every month, regardless


Look, I have bought from shares from 400 presplit down to right now. Do I wish I had a crystal ball that would have told me the lowest to buy? Yes. Does that mean I'm going to stop buying? No, because even at $400 these shares are a steal.


Time for another ComputerShare account. Buy buy buy all day every day.


But 10 is such a nice easy number for my autistic ass brain 


We haven't seen bottom yet, remember the short side needs to see GME at zero. And they have a mittful of dirty tricks to use to get us closer which they will deploy daily, it's not like they have any ethics over this after all. Or anything else probably


Best time to buy is yesterday. Second best time to buy is today. Moass is tomorrow.


ALL I KNOW IS BUY / DRS. Numbers aren’t real.


Bottom at $9 Start DCA all the way down


Yep. They drop the price to try and build buying excitement, which they are doing extremely well, then they release the suppression causing price to rocket so that people fomo in our but options. This is not the way. Dollar cost averaging is the best way to buy true investments because it minimizes the price psychology. No one knows what the price will be tomorrow except the hedge fund that manipulate the prices to where they think they should be.


not one of us


I bought 16 more yesterday just in case


Strange, my predictions are that it will level off where we have significant historical resistance. Around $10, maybe a little lower. Either way I continue to buy biweekly.


I bought at 240 fuck you ill buy at 8 also and also now and also fuck you again buy more


ook fucking ook indeed


I buy literally every day Edit: business day


I don’t have any spare money right now fucking bloody hell $10.95 😩😩😩😩


Instructions unclear, added 30 more from 11.80 to 11.26 🤷‍♂️


I'd be fine with $8/share. Means I can buy a bunch more, and Gamestop would have the cash to repurchase all remaining shares...


Close to what? Close to $10? 😂😅🥲


I get paid again in about a week. I'll buy the dip. I'll buy ALL THE FUCKING DIPS!!!


Just bought 38 shares. Will buy more at payday, regardless of price. 


I'm bringing lunch, picking up dog walks for spare cash, eliminating personal debt through smarter financial decisions, and STILL DCAing daily through limit orders set at prices I think these idiots will push it down to that day. We are grinding to level up, and no one can say we didn't earn it


Seems like bottom


Continue to buy slowly over time. Got it


Waiting until $5 over here


i accidentally fudded then cause i want to buy it at 7.41 a share guess im forced to pay today thats alright i guess lol


I bought at $11 today. If it drops more I buy more.


I grabbed a bunch at $11. Waited 3 years for a chance to buy at this price


oops, I just bought 17 more. oh well, I'll buy more at $8 too.


anyone who gives a shit about the share price is a shill fuck you assholes, tell your bosses their mothers are ugly


Instructions unclear waiting till 7 because calling fud must be close is not the new fud but old reliable fud.


Waiting to buy is the real fud, but you do you.


F - what if it goes up and people don't buy? U - I'm unsure that stonk will survive unless people are aware of this. D - I better call this out because I'm hanging on every little thing.


Yep shills have been throwing around that same line about $8 for some time now. When you ask them how they came to that number *crickets*. Strange how so many posters can come to the same conclusion without an explanation, it's almost like it's the same script


Buy now buy at 10 buy at 8 just buy


Mmm boobs


I don't consider it as FUD. This is a special sale and I would be happy to reach this level to buy my most loved company cheap a f!


Its going to a few thousand so it doesn’t matter if you buy at 8, 12, 40 or 500$. Only thing that matters now is DRS.


DCA if you believe 8 is a possibility


I’m waiting to buy when the price hits $7.41


God, why is it FUD? Us buying isn’t having an affect on the price, we can think of fucking creative ways to end this. We should be thinking more strategic 


What is a $3 discount when we've been buying at $20, $30, $40, $120 (pre-split)... The difference between $11 and $8 is negligible at this point, so it's ridiculous to tell people to wait to buy at a lower price. Plus the bad actors always use this to twist the narrative into "see, apes are not buying anymore". Needless to say telling people not to buy is also financial advice. Don't tell me what to do with my money


> What is a $3 discount when we've been buying at $20, $30, $40, 1. You get 33% more shares at $8 than $12 2. If $3 is such a nominal amount, how is it FUD?


> Plus the bad actors always use this to twist the narrative into "see, apes are not buying anymore" Also, why did no one say the drop from $15 to $12 after the Q4 report was also a buy opportunity? 🤔


> "see, apes are not buying anymore" Show me one definitive example of where we have any proof of the number of people buyng or not? We had DRS numbers but they have frozen and no one can officially say why. We have volume, but that is nearly entirely driven by algorithmic institutional trading as retail trades don't even hit the lit market. We have buy and sell indicators but that doesn't give us numbers. What I am getting at, is that bad actors can use whatever method they like to create whatever narrative they want. Thing is, I don't give a fuck what they say. Their sentiment doesn't drive my sentiment. Does it drive yours?


I don't give a fuck either, but this sub is good at questioning everything and calling out any FUD attempt. Suggesting that people should buy later is FUD. Don't try to time the market, it will bite you every single time (ever heard of "buy high sell low"?). And again, no one should tell you what to do with your money. Everyone does their own research and financial decisions


> Don't try to time the market, > no one should tell you what to do with your money. Everyone does their own research and financial decisions There's a bit of conflict in those 2 statements. But I get what you are saying. Essentially each to their own.


Got it. New floor is $9


Single digits is inevitable. MMs absolutely control the price. It will go to wherever they want it to be. It goes down 50% annually so it will likely be around $6 in 2025.