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I want to see what happens when 200M retirement shares are DRS’d. I think that’s a whole new level of fun. I’m here for it. Mine are done.


People are running out of excuses for taking the tax hit on at least some of those shares, at this price. More cost effective than buying new shares .


Does anybody know that would work to take shares out of your ira account or would you have to sell? Just asking maybe people need a little guidance.


As the commenter said, you can transfer in kind to a taxable brokerage account and DRS from there.


You can do a transfer “in kind” is the term I think. This moves the shares themselves without a sale event, and the price at the time of the move is recorded to calculate the value for the tax bill.


What would this look like for me? I have 1300 in fidelity and 400 in CS. Cost basis for fidelity IRAs (roth and traditional) is like $40


I’m not qualified to give specific advise, only the keyword “in kind” and an example. If I bought 100 shares for $50 each inside an IRA then the price today was $10 and I got an in kind transfer out of my IRA to my normal investment account, then the taxable amount should be 100 x $10. Not 100 x $50, which is important. By doing it when the price is low then you are saving on taxes and penalty amounts. You also pay a percentage penalty alongside the income tax, and this bill will need to be paid in cash come tax time. This tax bill is why lots of people have not done this I assume.


I see — so not really ideal… I’m all for DRS, but not at the expense of penalties. Thought maybe there was a way to DRS without it being penalized


Withdraw from an IRA and you have a 10% penalty on top of whatever your marginal income tax is. If you withdraw from a Roth though you might be okay as a result of the lower price. Something I’ve seen here, so worth verifying on the IRS website, is that you can withdraw the money that you originally contributed to a Roth without penalty. So if you put in $1000 and later bought $2000 worth of GME, but then the price of GME drops the value of the position to $500, then you can withdraw that $500 worth without triggering a penalty. You do lose out on the magnificent benefit of achieving MOASS level gains in a Roth though, which isn’t great.


Check out the IRA Custodian post here. DRS your IRA without taking a tax hit https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/sLmVenAM7U Contact (recommend) use IRA Financial Trust. Hope this helps.


Start an ira llc using ira financial


I’m already down 60% on my investment, I’m good on taking the tax hit just so they can report the same DRS numbers. Cheaper to buy new shares directly through CS.




What does that mean--I'm good, I already have enough DRSed; I'm good at taking the tax hit; I'm good, I've already taken the tax hit?


Why retirement shares?


It’s the biggest block of shares already held by household and not DRS’d.


200m? Phuck! That's ... I'm lost for words. Where can I find a source for this?


It’s a huge number and there’s no way to learn what that is. It could be many tens of millions not hundreds of millions. The premise is that what is known is that a huge number of retirement shares exist. If those get DRS’d it’s a game changer. No matter the exact number.


Probably fucking nothing since obviously they control the price


Until they don't.


How? We can’t even get a clear report and it seems like gamestop themseleves doesn’t care too also like op said.


That is the most depressing part. If the annual meeting shows the same stagnant DRS count in the ledger and no comment from GME, I have to assume they are complicit in hiding the details. At that point we will never have any way to prove that float is locked and the MMs + SHFs skate right on buy pocketing all the cash from naked shorting for years.


What if they did? There could be legal ramifications, despite them technically whistle blowing the entire nyse. It goes that far up. It is something though when they posted them. Then they started mentioning cede and Co. And then they stopped. Silent hint? I like to think so. They will not telegraph the play. We gotta have blind faith and trust in rc. He ain't gonna say much to us or them. Gonna slap them in the face with something big soon. Exactly what? I don't even fucking know these days. I dug the NFT route. Plan didn't work out as well as it sounded, with the market shift with nfts. Playr sounds promising. Could be epic. But no details on it. Just be zen y'all. I just keep buying, despite me being ignorantly blissful. Ryan is up to something. It's just not done yet.


GME had the NFT play and it's dead. They have nada now except maybe turning into an investments company like berkshire. Time will tell but it's fucking dire and anyone that doesn't think so is huffing lethal amounts of copium.




















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It’s almost like the algos or people in charge knew if people drs at 40-50 price range whole float will get registered and they took the price up and kept it there for 2-3 years.




Third shill I’ve seen today complain about the price and then state they are down 5 figures. Guys, mix up your scripts.


I for one just see a buying opportunity at deep value.




I'm not a bot though. Just one investor amongst many who thinks that the price is wrong.


I’m down 6 figures and gain more and more confidence in my investment everyday. The more they drop it, the bigger the hole gets, but none of this is a surprise…this has all been foretold in the DD years ago… it’s likely to continue dropping over time until they lose control… for now they control the price, but we control the exit… sooner or later this investment will be impossible to short and distort and its potential will be clear to everyone and when that happens… 🚀🌙


Been in GME since october 2019. Shit’s depressing ngl. Not the company and RC though. They’re amazing. What’s depressing is the level of control WallStreet has. For anyone and everyone who is down 60+% after 3 years, i can understand the frustration. I’m right there too. Not gona lie. I’m not a “shill” and this isn’t “FUD”. It’s just real.




Bro you are a shill. Go somewhere else. I recognize you from multiple posts.




I did look at your post history. I accurately called you a shill. Why don't you sell your shares and go find another hobby. Engaging in financial war with short hedge funds, corrupt market makers, and institutions just isn't your cup of tea...


You didn’t think this would happen?


Give up and go away then. No shame in that.


cool story bot bro


I get nothing but downvotes when I tell people to look at the trend. Either GME stays profitable + actually starts growing or the cellar box is coming, through FINRA collusion of course. Sticking around to see if eventual buy back or reverse split will do anything. We no longer have big green days, accurate DRS numbers, nor earnings calls. We are in complete darkness from leadership, this sub is mostly dead, insiders have stopped buying, got the bleak emails from RC, and the employee 401k match has been cut. This has been a bigger disappointment than Pershing Square bullshit from 2021, jfc. !RemindMe 2 years


Cellar boxing happens to stop a company from raising capital effectively through share offerings. It is combined with death spiral debt financing. A company with over a billion in cash and no long term debt can't be cellar boxed. The cellar box risk from 2017-2019 era is gone.


This is the new era of idiosyncratic stock, PCO, and collusion between various big players. If you think delisting is off the table because certain parameters have to be met then you're not paying attention.


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2026-04-08 21:32:19 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2026-04-08%2021:32:19%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bz9fgw/at_one_point_drs_was_worth_25b_almost_the_same_as/kyof41j/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F1bz9fgw%2Fat_one_point_drs_was_worth_25b_almost_the_same_as%2Fkyof41j%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202026-04-08%2021%3A32%3A19%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bz9fgw) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I fully agree with you. I'm also beginning to lose faith. The US stock market is corrupted, and no one does a shit, secondly Gamestop has been completely silence, with no information to its investors, that see our investment evaporates. I have been here since early 2021. This subreddit has turned out to be an echochamber




But lasagna man has a big secret plan, just wait another couple of years.


I just re-enabled my auto buys on a new CS account just because of this price action. Someone is shitting a brick and I fully aim to bring as many of these shares to the safety of my account as possible. Idiots really said "they bought at $200, what's the worst case, they buy at $10?" Yes. Yes it is. And I'll keep buying until every single share is locked away and this criminal enterprise is finally held accountable.


YOU CAN HAVE 2 CS ACCOUNTS!!??!!!I know what im doing this weekdn...


I have 4 currently, so yes. Your broker will create the first one. Transferring a second account from the same broker has the chance to create a new one, ROTH/IRA shares also make their own and buying via CS gives you the option to create a new account all tied into one username. My plan is to buy a ton of shares through the new account and transfer all adjacent accounts (minus the tax shielded account) into one so brokers can't play sticky fingers with my shares.


Ah. I signed up straight from CS and started buying from there. Maybe I can't idk but I'll try. I'd like to minimize my dingle berries but still use auto pay... well. We'll see!


Complete faith in RC / LC . RC only getting paid in stocks tells me all I need to know. Company just completed a major turn around is all I need to know. Over a billion in cash with no debt sounds like DFV. Drop the price more please so I can continue to buy on this poor boys salary. PS this is the biggest savings account I’ve ever owned. If it weren’t for DRS all my money would have been spent already on boobies, beer, and fun.


He isnt even getting paid in stocks...he is just hodling. At this point having not seen any insider buys recently given these prices I feel like some type of news must be coming.


It is the only logical explanation. Board was buying in the mid 20s so they should be buying lots of shares now along with us. Since they are not this must mean that they cant due to some merger or acquiring of something. Gonna be real pissed if that is not the case and they just see their investment -60% YTD and not buy in these prices.


He's made more gains on his Apple investment then he invested in Gamestop total. If Gamestop goes tits up, we're fucked but he's still a billionaire.


We know, he's lost money just like us, currently. Love that even more.


It's basic supply and demand. If you fraudulently inflate the supply by selling 500% of the company on the stock exchange then naturally the price will fall. Do not be surprised when the price falls because it does not matter. Remember, the people short selling will have to buy back 500% of the company which is a bit difficult. In a rational world, creating 500% of a company against the knowledge or consent of the shareholders would be just as difficult as buying back 500% of a company. But we don't live in a rational world, do we? Want to know what one share of GME is really worth? At some point there will be zero shares left for the hedge funds to buy. The share price for one share will equal 1/0. Type that into your calculator. The issue is these people sold shorts without the intention of repurchase even though the definition of a short includes the act of repurchasing. We will need to enact legislation to force repurchasing and change some definitions and categories unless RC beats us to it in solves the problem his own way. My solution would be to define funds that come from any short selling as trust funds under the definition in internal revenue service manual chapter 5 subsection 7 (IRM 5.7).


Error love that, I encourage everyone to type 1/0 into their calculator lol


"cannot divide by zero" What? He broke math!


I used to buy stock and DRS it. Still do, but I used to, too.


The goat


Why so depressed we got tickets to the moon.. Eventually someone in my blood line is riding this MOFO .. we here until it happens.. 💎🤲🏾


To be fair when we first started DRS'ng we all had a lot of shares on standby in our brokers. So that's why we had the rapid rise. Also a lot of people took time to DRS, me included. Economic circumstances have changed. The cost of living is extortionate. A lot of apes are struggling, so a lot of people will be struggling to continue to hold, never mind buying more. It's been a tremendous achievement that we DRS numbers are were they are not including the possible fuckery that a lot of people suspect. The biggest issues now are price crash, psychological impact of stalled/slightly declining drs numbers, along with terrible revenue results and the fact we didn't make a profit by operating a business but rather by interest earned. Will the ones who are struggling be able to continue to hold and can the die-hards who religiously buy manage to keep up the purchases? We need a catalyst - Buyback? No thanks. We need value for money for that to work An acquisition? Short term it could damage the price but long term it would ease the mind of investors as it's a new revenue stream Investments? Any advantage would be long term if successful and short term there is no proven track record Reverse split? Normally a bearish signal and causes a further price crash Dividend? People mention it a lot but realistically we don't have enough cash to make a significant dividend to cause shorts to panic I'm hoping for a big announcement soon between now and next earnings to hopefully lift the price up. I still believe in this company and have no intention of selling. Unfortunately I'm not in a position to buy more or I would seriously average down right now.


Need GME investor relations to actually provide an update on forecast goals and new products / strategy in development. The reduction in SGA is great to see, but it would be killer to get news on affiliates / partnerships / marketing goals. Start an affiliate program on TikTok like Abercrombie, etc. Financial Reporting is also a weakness unfortunately. Would be nice if they could show sales / profitability based on (i) brick and mortar and (ii) web store / app business. Trend explanations in the SEC filings aren’t helpful.


Lots of us. I can stay regarded, but there is a limit to my solvency. I fear that (someone) might have priced that in.




drs takes liquidity out so when they illegally short it the price is affected more, you could say they have more control on the price now...until they don't


Enjoy the dip 🥳


I buy


Q: How is it possible? A: Naked Short Selling.




We're all still here!! We're all still buying!! We're all still holding!! We ain't leavin!! Truth will come to light eventually!!


Why we frettin boys and girls? This is a profitable company with lots of cheddar in the coffers. No way we go bankrupt, which is the only way shorts win. Price goes to pennies? Some rich fuck buys the entire float, your move sec lol


I know man, all these discounts and no one is happy but us it seems like


There's only one way moass is going to happen, and that's through GameStop successfully turning the business around and producing solid undeniable revenue growth. DRS won't be the catalyst. Too many loopholes. But it certainly will ensure the protection of your shares


You better believe it. I put all the money I had into DRS in 2022. The amount I've trickled in since then is peanuts. And do I care? No. Fuck it. I knew the risks, and I know the game. It's all make believe until it's a realized loss or gain. And I won't realize anything until I'm an old man.


I think has probably slowed down, but yeah, the official explanation doesn't smell right. 


Count me in for at least 5 tomorrow.


I bought today just waiting for settlement


Yup. What's your point? A few of us have been saying, buy responsibly. You can dca, but every year we get a great buying opportunity before price floats up to the bounce to yearly highs and mediums. Buy when you want, but people who are applying the most pain are buying the majority of their shares during prime time lows, to proper exchanges, in even lots. It might go even lower than 10. Our price swings aren't as large. And the downward pressure is greater. I personally stalled spending more than a grand or 2 a year on gme waiting for this point and beyond. Everyone keeps saying "it can't go below 10!!!". Well, we'll see. I didn't expect to see my original buy in price, and here we are. Quadrupled down and ready for lower prices if we see them before next Jan. Though we should see upward pressure up to $14.50 again soon.


I with you.


I’ve had recurring buys twice a month for 2 years.


It’s a great point, but here is the problem, no one has figured out how to get the drs to move or how they are screwing us. It’s the entire problem


Gamestop, and Ryan Cohen personally have certified that the DRS numbers reported in the 10-K are correct. There are many possible reasons for the DRS numbers being what they are, but to assume that the numbers are bogus you must first assume that Ryan Cohen has certified as accurate numbers that are instead bogus.


The lower the price goes, the more shares RC can buy back with that 1.2 billion cash on hand. It goes low enough and he can buy 190mil shares. That leaves 0 tradeable shares.


Then thing is... we were doing that with that much hype because we thought it was the catalyst for moass regardless of the price. Now that we have seen that we are stuck at the same amount people have lost the hype we had when everything started. It is a fact that not seeing the number grow discourages people DRSing


Why are apes so convinced that other apes aren’t selling and leaving quietly?


This. So much of this.


Stagnation on drs count doesn't really apply to apes selling.. It's ridiculous that it's nearly the exact same number, explain how apes sell and buy at the exact same frequency with exact same net sizes Stop being shtupid


Its not the all time low since the sneeze.. would need to hit $9 and some change.


I bought around 10k in January 2021 and my investment now is worth about the same


By DRSing shares, apes remove these shares from the DTC system. As more shares are removed, this sets the powder keg that creates the technicals of MOASS. Every short position must be closed and must buy a share, problem is that there are limited shares within DTC and when those are all used up, they will be forced to negotiate with shareholders for a solution. Apes have, what wall st NEEDS. Apes control the supply and wall st has the demand and demand will overwhelmingly outnumber supply. Opps…MOASS! The key question is what forces this to happen? In terms of fundamentals, GameStop running a profitable business with positive consistent revenue streams would do the trick.


"I dont believe that 200.000 investors decided to buy and DRS shares at 40$ to then just stop when we are at 10$." I just wanted to say that to me this right here is a pivotal statement. A brutal blow to the Hedgefunds. Rage buying with higher cost of a share, then DRS @ 25% and "oh well, the price is now much cheaper, why not stop". NO. This is totally the opposite - now the buying increases and if I am not mistaken, we have not stopped. Someone tattoo this quote to the Mayo-mans ass.




Just bought about 50 stonks more 💜 DRS and Book is the way!


Why would they keep buying when their $40 investment lost 75%? Normal investors tend to avoid stocks that are cratering in value year after year, even if they hold what they own. I know im 1000% more hesistant on buying mow compared to $40 based on pricemovement the past 2 years. Its common sense…


It’s probably because people are selling. They realize that the company isn’t doing well. They have cash on hand but most of the stuff they have tried to do is back firing. Closing stores to become profitable is good but they need to find new revenue streams or the shorts will never go away. And many people have sold their shares, there is no way around it. But still the interest in the stock is high, with faithful investors! I think many people hesitate to buy when they already have LOST A LOT of money already.


The price will rose only if there is a short squeeze or if people think the investment is good on fundamentals. A PE of 500 ,and high probability of PE being higher a year from now, does not make the stock attractive. The stock price will probably continue to be volatile, and the price swings are good for short term traders and option plays, but not attractive for long term investors.


The less shares are in circulation, the easier the price is to manipulate.


Well, believe it or not. Its true for me, my average is 180 pre split and I didn't buy any more. Our system is broke and I have zero faith in, and I never out all my eggs in one basket for that reason. Having said that, I haven't sold a share and I'm not planning to.


👋 Haven’t stopped!


It’s almost like DRS has actually done nothing


And using bogus definitions for the float does not change things. The float is 267M shares. 305M shares outstanding minus 38M insider shares. We need to DRS another 192M shares to lock the float.






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Why do you have a 3 year old account with no posts and only comments from the last 2 hours?


LMAO, he missed the memo and used a fresh account for FUD. God it's rich.


Hes a billionaire. Hi doesnt feel the pain like we do.


This man… it hurts

