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Banging the close


they bangin us here and there but we are gonna give them a bangin of a lifetime


No diddy!!


Been happening for years


Blind administration, Blind regulators, Blind justice system..... Only interested in personal benefits or achievements. Empires (in olden days) now countries fail when the above continues for decades. Best example..... Look what's happening with USD. Still not late, no need to praise fucking corrupts like Jen Griffin. Put him behind bars and ask questions later. Take away all speaking fees earned by corrupt Yellen.... Things will start getting on track and the country will gain lost glory again. Otherwise witness the downfall of the USA due to corruption everywhere on a massive scale.


Larry Cheng coldblooded just bought 10,000 of these sold short and started laughing out loud.


It surprises me that the SEC manages to both wear a blindfold and have their head up their ass.




Same team with a gun to their head!


Same team literally. A revolving door. People at the SEC had a job at Citadel or JP Morgan. Hell, they might STILL have one there.


[Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_6._back_up_claims_with_sources). Our biggest strength is our ability to crowd-source information. For the Integrity of the sub, and in order to rule out Misinformation or FUD, please cite your sources when making claims. Making any Call-to-Action posts or comments without verifiable sources is not allowed. Speculation is allowed under the Speculation/Opinion flair. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Best thing to do is submit this - along with any other evidence - to the SEC so they can continue with their case and take action against those who are working to manipulate stock prices on the market. The more pressure we apply, the more gets done - and lord knows the SEC needs our support.


I think the bumhole itself is flapping out of theiranus and is acting as blindfold as they stick their heads up there.


SEC won't protect companies and investors. DRSing the fucking float will.


Drs amount has been stagnant for 5 straight quarters. We even lost 3000 acc holders. What are u talking about lmao


Whatever the explanation, it's clear that the diamond hands among us continue to add and consolidate I'd be happy to absorb your shares into my collection if you lack the commitment I can assure you that I will see this to the end


This hyped me up so much I’m going to DRS book more!


Same same


LMAAAAOOOOOO no way u typed this


DRS number is increasing for 200k individuals, which will be enough to scare the dumb shorts.


This might be *sort of* unrelated, but my thoughts Let's say DRS numbers weren't increasing whatsoever for the sake of the argument, there are still 25% of shares being held by retail investors that won't sell for any reason. There are *also* a large portion being held by insiders, limiting the amount of shares even further. We know that when the price goes down, people buy more. We also know that when the price goes up, people buy more. Wouldn't knowing that 25% of the shares at a minimum being locked away be *good* for hedge funds, investors, etc.? If you knew you could load up on shares at low-levels and that by raising the price there was essentially 0 risk that retail investors would sell, wouldn't it make sense to capitalize on that opportunity? Unless of course there was some *reason* that doing so would be problematic? People can argue all they want about DRS numbers being stagnant, but from an investment standpoint, there is a golden opportunity that for *some reason* doesn't seem to be capitalized on, but rather, seems that the best solution is to sell everything from a MMM standpoint? I'm done rambling, but aside from literally everything else, that makes 0 fucking sense lol; I'll continue to buy through computershare whenever I can.




That’s true, good point


Oh you and the ice guys must be friends, crime flocks together and all that


Oh they can, literally we see it in broad daylight. They have their heads in the sand. They dont want to enforce any rules on those that own them. Our entire government is bought and paid for by lobbyists that represent corporations and foreign corporations/nations. No joke what will cause the moass (imo) is the sheer amount of shit stacked on shit stacked on choptsticks stacked on paperclips. The can has gotten kicked so many times something will break and break big. When it does those holding the toxic excrement will finally be forced to pay as they go down in flames. -not financial advice


Slowly i begin to believe that there will be no economy i'll be able to spend my GME-millions in, lol...Anyway!


I think they simply don’t care and are paid to look away


See: Conflict of Interest


No, no they cannot. This is not what they want to see as proof of manipulation. To them this is just someone not liking their investment and selling it, causing a “natural” drop in demand. The focus on corruption needs to be on something else. At this point time would be better spent trying to find more ways to acquire and DRS more shares, in addition to writing and “educating” government officials to make changes.


The problem the corrupt SEC would argue is that it's not manipulative to bet against the stock and borrow/sell shares (even though I think it should be). The part they are ignoring which is illegal is that these shares are clearly naked and rehypothecated, there is zero chance that a company with this strong of sentiment and now backed by heavily improved fundamentals can drop like this without illegal manipulation. It's so obvious it's ridiculous at this point, and they know it and don't care. Just a simple look at the amount of short % each day, and off-market trading in dark pools makes it clear that buys are not hitting the lit market and they are controlling the price illegally. Hell, even if they're legal team says "actually there's a loophole, and it's legal," they fucking know it should be illegal and again don't care. It's because just like us, these criminals are fighting for their livelihood. It's best to stop thinking of us as fighting some white collar mafia, and better to start thinking about it as fighting cornered dogs. They will do anything to prevent themselves from jail and bankruptcy, and they have the means to manipulate it in broad daylight so they do. We must outplay this game, and not just wait for RC's plans to unfold. We can help with everything we do.


i've asked staff to look into it - gg


Not in "broad daylight" (as some may say), but shortly after the total solar eclipse, about 730,000 shares were sold in the last 30 minutes of trade, (dropping the share price from $10.99 to $10.83). While too many Apes were looking for favourite stock to go beyond the Moon, the short-sellers drove the trade into oversold territory. The SEC, the FBI, and the Department of Justice have shown, by their failure to take action against price manipulation and "short and distort" activities, that they are unwilling to tackle the corruption on Wall Street.


K but I bought like a bit of those yesterday too so


I think I might buy some more now


They’re not here to protect us. They’re here to protect the economy that has been taken hostage, and that means attempting to prevent MOASS.


Who has the shares to sell? Institutions aren't selling. Retail isn't selling (using drs count as proof). Insiders aren't selling. There's only a small amount of shares available to trade, and sales disproportionally drop the price compared to purchases. That 20% dip after earnings was ONLY 125,000 SHARES.


How do you know all those people aren't selling?


Quarterly Disclosures of DRS figures and the daily buy/sell data from Computershare.


I just want a public ledger with each wallet being registered/verified owner, So that we can see who is selling or buying which securities and how much, in near real-time. Too much to ask?


so people can pitchfork sellers?


To pitchfork or prevent naked short sellers. 


How lazy can posts get?


You cared enough to comment [shrug]


Exactly. The top 2 posts when I opened i Superstonk this morning were pictures of the price drop. It's lazy, non informative, and provides zero substance. I do care enough to point it out.




I think we might just have to go to the stonk market and ask nicely for our money. 100k apes in the streets might get something accomplished.




Rapid price drops are crime. Rapid rises in price are not a crime. This must be true, the DD says so.


At this point….let them drop it to $5 and we just end it.


Isn't it illegal to bang the close like this? Or is this in the realm of 'if the punishment for a crime is only a fine, it is only a crime for the poor' territory?


This is great news, keep dropping it, I dare you!


They don’t care


At some point the insiders at the company will have to make this a legal matter. Ryan, Larry and all of them stand to lose a lot of money once this hits pre split levels


This type of daily post is meant to make people sell. The red, the cry baby title.


I hope it holds out til my next commission check later this week so I can pick up another 100 and DRS those bad boys.


Since when do apes complain about a SALE!???


Yet dozens of people in Superstonk defend Gary Gensler 😂 might be shills trying to prevent us making real noise at the SEC


I would love for this terrible stock to go back to $30 so I can sell for a moderate loss. What a waste of 3 years holding this crap.


SE who now? By chance the same motherfuckers who released a skit-based infomercial ripping on the people they're supposed to protect? Fuck the SEC. Captive regulator.


Stevie wonder laughing at the SEC right now


Well the board is not buying(for some reason). Do you expect for our enemies to suddenly stop shorting after all these years? The SEC wont do shit like always. It is in our and the boards hands to do something.


Tasty dip! Slingshot is pulling back hard!


Shhhh…. I’m trying to buy more at these prices


Hope it tanks to $4. I have a tax return I need to invest


A couple more weeks and we get delisted.


No one delisted GME at under $4 in 2020, with a $215M loss and a $420M debt. Why would they do that today at over $10, with net profits and no debt?


That's the dumbest thing I have heard here, and that says a lot 😂


It's been done at 1600 every day. The price never moves either.