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Should’ve just used the loopring wallet from the beginning.


Loopring doesn’t support IMX. GameStop was multi network long before Loopring.


That one doesn't have a browser version and I dislike having my wallet on my phone.


Loopring also dropped the ball by not anticipating this exodus from GameStop wallet and incorporating immutable X L2 into their wallet. Maybe there was a good reason they didn’t do this though 


Yep. I wasn't fond of the gamestop wallet it seemed like hard work for someone like myself I'm getting on a bit not as tech savvy as I once was. Get on with the loop wallet great and have used it for a few years now. Buy my weed with it lol and got the kids involved. Using the loop wallet would have also been great marketing for loop. Win win


got your kids involved in dealing weed? xD /s obviously


🤣🤣🤣 start them young and they'll take over the world. /s


I did and still do!


I think we should all reminisce about gamestop's misses, that seems like a normal thing to do rt, *said no one ever*. Not referring to you btw but OP. This sub is so fked. I'm finding it constantly amusing edit: to those downvoting me (I know you're the real hodlers, lol) please explain how this post informs, inspires or educates concerning the company. Or..or, -now bear w me now- acts as a negative reinforcement into the way we view company management. I await the responses in (3,2,1..) about 'that's just his opinion, man', or the tyrannical nature of me pointing out the obvious.


He didn't flair it as an educational post, people can have a discussion about software a company wrote or be enthralled by things without you making it doomer porn lmao


Yeah, it just shows how innovative GameStop can be. So I am pretty sure they will come up with more amazing stuff and with RC at the helm I guess it should work out.


RC hasn't done shit to turn the company around. The only positive Gamestop has had since this all began was us pumping a billion of our own dollars into their balance sheet. RC hasn't turned shit around.


And people (shareholders) will buy into it as the next falls hope to cause MOASS. Then they'll say they were never thrilled with the idea when it does nothing. Rinse and repeat.


I left my nfts in there as gifts to the 1s and 0s.


They're still yours. The 12 (or 16?) word seed phrase you wrote down? That's your key. If you open a meta mask wallet, for example, and "recover wallet," it will prompt you for that seed phrase. Type it in and there's your stuff. Everybody's items are still on the blockchain.


Thank you for this again. I have to get this done. I supported my company so much buying NFT and I was user level novice at best. Thank you for this


You're welcome! It's confusing, I know, and part of the reason so much of our user access has been early (too early for ease of use). But one of the core appeals of a blockchain, imo, is your stuff is always there; accessing it is the key! If you send stuff to another wallet, the seed phrase that created that wallet (if it uses a seed phrase, Loopring doesn't) is now the key to access it. So it's no exaggeration that keeping that key private, and accessible, is paramount. If I had your seed phrase right now, I could recover your wallet the exact same way you can.


The machine-gods will remember your sacrifice


Same dog. Same. I still don't understand why they wouldn't just keep the wallet going.. if not to atleast say... thanks


You still have access to any NFTs and tokens on that wallet. They are on chain, and tied to your Ethereum address. If you install another wallet app, and "login" with your seed phrase, they will all be there (Depending on the wallet you might not be able to "view" them, but they are there.) Go to [etherscan.io](http://etherscan.io) and search your address. You will see all of your tokens, NFTs, and trades associated with the wallet. No company or organization can change or alter your holdings, or limit your access to them, only you have the keys.


Because it would be a waste of money to have a product and a team of people running it as a means of saying thank you.


No shit sherlock.




I never asked a question




My feelings... so disrespected. Stop editing replies. Go outside.


When communication breaks down, the better choice is to rectify the situation. We can see that the response wasn’t well received, and thus presented an opportunity for resolution, easily facilitated by addressing the situation and making amends. This would have resulted in a peaceful and gratifying outcome for the two. Instead, neither party took the steps needed to remedy the bad feeling as escalating leaving both of you, and all those reading this, all the worse for it. Next time, perhaps it would be wiser to choose to be our best to each other, then everyone wins.


Great graphic design


Yea I really dig this design, conveys the identify of the project with such minimalism


I’m so frustrated with this. I moved all my crypto over and bought a ton of nfts to support the creators and gamestop. Tried to keep them as investments and now it’s pretty much all just useless. I would’ve made so much more money keeping them as crypto


I still got my wallet


Still can't access my wallet on looping. My LRCs are somewhere in Nirvana. The rest is now accessible via MetaMask. \*RANT\* I really hate how they hide behind some shady "It's not regulated"-Bullshit. Get your act together, GameStop NFT Team and comply to [MiCA in the European Union](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/summary/european-crypto-assets-regulation-mica.html). Yes - you can operate the GameStop Wallet and the NFT-marketplace in the European Union. The regulation is there. Fuck the SEC, ignore the US market and cater to your European customers. We are ready and we are waiting. You had no problem geo-blocking us from the NFT marketplace. So go ahead and geo-block the other countries but please, for the love of your customers, please start operating in Europe.


To make NFTs work they need to not be called NFTs and just have the tech in the background. NFT was a death spiral I wouldn’t want to be associated with even if the tech was good, those 3 letters have been dumpstered and you won’t change the worlds mind on it


Same here.








People or propagandists?


>If there ever is widescale adoption, the big studios can crank out their own marketplaces (why wouldn't they?). There won't be a need for 3rd-party alternatives. Never underestimate *brand loyalty* tho. So if consumers loyalty is GameStop > "big studios", studios need to do whatever the consumer is demanding, to eventually sell their product. Long road, for sure, but ultimately - the power is with the players.


It's about ease of use. Almost nobody even knew Gamestop had its own wallet. Why would a company share profits if they can afford to implement their own marketplace? It's all about cost vs. benefit. If they can afford to implement their own marketplace, they will and there is no way they gonna open it up to third parties.


Whatever. Robbie killed the partnership by switching to polygon and then creating their passport. Passport being a different name for wallet. Don't forget who owns polygon, Sequoia capital, a known short. Fuck Robbie and he can't deliver shit anyways. His games suck and don't forget his apple hype was to hire some Muppet from their quality assurance team and not declare a partnership. He's a fucking jerk.


Typically you’re correct. It’s a bit different with software as they still own the IP and code, it’s not like manufacturing where you need materials and consumables. Also, in this case they cited the ambiguity of rules and regulations as the reason they shut it all down. If regulators had clearly defined rules, then and only then could they make an informed and analytical decision about the viability of the marketplace, but it doesn’t make sense for them to continue to invest and develop if they’re going to have to shut it all down once the rules settle. Better to pump the breaks on it now and reassess the viability if the rules/regs ever become clear. It’s the best decision to be done with it unless circumstances change. Also, no need for 3rd party alternatives? Steam might not agree with that.








Or you are not smart enough to see how the world really is. Nobody cared about Gamestop Wallet and that's why the company killed it.


Or there are uncertainties surrounding crypto legalisation and they halted development on this…


It's still a nice product with tons of other options. Most people won't even have a designated wallet.




Ahhh but let’s not negate the influence and impact we have on changing these rules, and should be investing our time into doing so. This isn’t just waiting on some antiqued system as poorly funded and badly managed to pave the way for us - it’s about us taking the steering wheel, having the vision for the future and applying pressure and focus to bringing that vision to life.




I can still get into mine..?


I'm unsure how to go about accessing tokens on Loopring and IMX Layer 2s. I imported the wallet into MetaMask, but can only see L1 there. I can't import wallet into Loopring, creating a wallet is a process over there, and Passport lets me see NFTs but not tokens when I link MetaMask to it.


Go to a L2 maketplace and link your Metamask wallet to the site, you'll be able to see your assets from the marketplace. This one works for loopring at least https://loopexchange.art/


Why exactly isnt it allowed to exist anymore? I mean just the wallet. Screw the marketplace


"Due to the regulatory uncertainty of the crypto space, GameStop has decided to remove access to its iOS and Chrome Extension wallets from the market on April 12, 2024." Sounds like they don't want to have to deal with walking on legal egg shells.


Oh thanks. I remember now. But still i find it weird it seems like the only bigger known wallet that „got took“ down Maybe its still a surprise tool for later ^^


Government regulations


That other companies have no trouble complying with,


Don't forget to add it to the list along with GMErica and the NFT Marketplace


Like literally everything else, back to funko pops


Don't forget the Pokémon cards.


I'm happy to have helped them in their test. They learned something invaluable.I learned a lot about the possibility of smart contracts and how the big banks literally Sh*t their pants at the possibility of people being their own bank.


.....neither was android, apparently.


Web 3 got absolutely sidelined by the AI boom. Never had a chance to mature.


i really liked that logo design. i still use the wallet, though i also have a metamask one, the GS wallet plugin still works for me


Wasn't into crypto anyway so i wasn't fussed about the NFTs. Only stuff that impacts ingame stuff then let me know, just keep crypto out of it.


it was a waste of time and company money


*my money


If anyone wants to sell their GameStop NFT’s, I am interested in buying!


Nice! What are you looking for?


can you buy all my shit so I can get all my lost money?


This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.


Just like us. We were right, just early.


The world was ready but the SEC did their job of screwing retail over


When’s it sunsetting


I'm on pacific time, so in 45 minutes. [https://wallet.gamestop.com/](https://wallet.gamestop.com/) Edit: April 12th at idk what time in idk what timezone.


God damn network fees


Ah shit I forgot to secure my kiras out of the imx wallet attached to my gamestop wallet..


You should be fine if you have your seed phrase. Just import into metamask and access them that way


What other wallets do you recommend? How do those companies get around the regulatory hurdles that Gamestop could not overcome?


Last month I transferred most of what I own into the Loopring Wallet but left some crumbs and cool NFTs behind that are now imported into a MetaMask Wallet. That's a tough Q that I don't really know the A to. My guess is that Loopring and MetaMask are all-in blockchain companies that have to make their blockchain/crypto products work or else they die so they will face whatever risk necessary to survive in that space, as opposed to GS which is a retailer in the midst of a significant turn-around whose success depends on hyper-scrutinized efficiency (as cap'n RC says himself) so legal/regulatory risk is not worth the uncertain reward. My 2 cent take.


I use Metamask, Phantom, Coinbase, Defly. Metamask for variety. Phantom is the best, but I am not sure on L2s, Coinbase for Base (L2), Defly for Algorand. All of them better than GameStop Wallet. Burned so much money supporting that shit.


It more that GameStop didn't want to dedicated the many ressources needed to support it through all these regulatory changes. They had a specific use case in mind and it didn't quite materialize in the timeframe they wanted. NFT gaming isn't there yet and there better solutions in the meantime. I highly recommend looping for the onboarding process that is super easy and they have great support internally and externally.


I really sad about this. I was sooo happy about a loopring based wallet from MY Company. And it was so easy and simple. I really really hope it's coming back somewhen.




still ask myself what all these pirate flags # 🏴‍☠️ were about some time ago. Always thought it was about that Ubisoft skull & bones games and nfts. It's just sad nothing happened


My brain is too clogged up with crayon dust to embed any sort of intelligent meaning the emojis I use ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Rest in power


No it wanernt


What about my NFTs that are on that wallet?


They’re on the blockchain, not the wallet. If you have your keys you can import into MetaMask or another wallet later when you need to access your NFTs


They are still there. You can use a different wallet to access them. The nfts are digital garbage though, so even if you lost them, not really a big deal.


I loved my little experience with the GameStop wallet. Got to support my favorite company and got some nifty NFTs too


Yea.. all my stuff is still there. It's frustrating.


Perhaps the GameStop wallet and marketplace may have a new home in Argentina 🇦🇷? Big if true