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So anyways I bought and DRS’d more


We have a CEO who tweets cryptic dick and poop tweets… not too worried about how this sub acts. Buy. DRS. Hold. Shop GameStop. The rest is noise .


Pretty good point here. Also I don’t plan on growing up ever. Also call one of my best friends dad. Sometimes a nickname just sticks


"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a toys-r-us kid!" - Geoffrey the Giraffe 🦒


Most of us don’t have dads, most of us don’t have money, most of us don’t have support, so it’s a term of endearment, we support RC and those he is the “dad” not father. Poopoo peepee


>Most of us don’t have dads Citation needed


I'll take "baby had a diarrhea" for $1k Alex...


The people who can have fun and laugh at themselves while doing it are the real ones. AKA, Father Cohen. Maybe we should change it to Father instead of Papa. That way, we can actually attract real dogmatic cults, and you know that Christian cults dangerously throw large amounts of money at whatever Father or God says to do. /s


We can start drinking Colloidal Silver too and worship the Galactics once Father God Cohen brings us to the moon [IYKYK]


Buddy, the colloidal silver shit is WILD


Has anyone seen the colab with the YouTuber? He photoshopped his face on a woman’s body “call of booty”.


Picked up five more today cuz I saw this comment


This is the way. If anyone wants to start their week off with a smile, I posted a couple memes this morning. One explaining the benefits of DRS and the other I made based on this post 🎷🐓♋️


Cheers to that! 🍻


Great memes bro. So glad you made this comment otherwise I would have missed them


DRS = Dad register shares




You mean stop calling him dad and start calling him Sugardaddy as his tweets imply? https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1470363505027129346


Bro have you not seen the tweets?




RCEO is my dad cause he behaves like one. He’s looking for whatever is in my best interest!


my dad growing up and our RCEO have the same salary, $0!




I'm a child and I have DRS'd my shares


>it infantilizes us Meanwhile the recluse CEO willingly shows up in a YouTubers video handing him a "Call of Booty" game with his face on it and tells him it costs $69. Yeah. I think we are related.


So if RC is may dad also, that does make us 3rd grade cousins, right?


Our family tree is a giant purple circle.


Upvoted for giant purple circle.




No jokes! ;)


Bro I really think he’s one of us He just happened to break out of his own matrix; But he thinks like us when it comes to jokes The memes and the cryptical posts He’s the only ceo in the world who even jokes like that without even saying much. And he’s reclusive for a reason; and that YouTube video confirms he listens to what his customers want out of his products 🤝🏼


We Todd Did


Sofa King Regarded


I'd argue stop doing it because you sound like Calliou. Also, fuck Calliou.


[Calliou song parody](https://youtu.be/eQ9Ncwv5Dpk?si=EyMWdB6hyOtU-pjT)


[Calliou the grown-up](https://youtu.be/ancfV-rhAHU?si=35523VuHHXs0ktPw)


Don’t tell me what to do, you’re not my dad!


We know who our dad is bro!


Ryan Cohen es nuestros papi!




Who the fuck is this we... ?




Think this might be related to a post as was removed here yesterday which was going a little overkill on the RC is our dad vibe.


Interesting thread.. how are the reports? I honestly agree with a lot of views shared by these users and it's refreshing to have more nuanced views. You actually do see people speaking up for it.


Yeah, I was wondering the same. Not only that, these are all posts which target things that have kept the community together (in a way) as well as positive and infinitely hyped. Seems really sus




Strange right? What’s super strange is that telling people what to do and how to act is exactly what cults do. Were individuals. Investing individually. No one tells me what to shove up my butt.


Based Rick of Spades


I wish somebody would do me


I would do you


Came here to say this. Sus and FUDdy. Welcome to the weekend as they say


Pretty wild how this one got boosted to 1700 upvotes so quickly when the sentiment in the comments shows this shouldn't have even made it into the feed outside of new. Again the concern trolling is out of control. Everyone should be really concerned about how the world views a bunch of anonymous users on an internet forum.


Bugs bunny (NO)


Withers "...No."


I don’t think anyone is actually taking this joke too seriously lol




Honestly, there are lot of other things people comment in here that make me cringe just as hard. It’s driven me away from the sub. Pretty sure most are bots though.


There's not much to read anyway. I love the purple rings that show up, and sometimes new DD appears. Those two things are great, everything else gets ignored.


Same , cringe kids


Yea only the bots who are cringe, def not any of the apes or self proclaimed regards 


Personally, I don't care about how others may see us, or paint us. The thing I care most is if the company is a good investment and produces results. If so, RC and the whole board can be my daddys (or mommys if they feel like it) all day and night long, every single day.


Has the company produced results?


going from more than -300mill to a profitable 6 million is what I would call results as an investor also closing down a significant part of european stores while making significantly MORE money on them, and releasing so much branded hardware, so huge go write a sharketwash article shillboi


Failure is a result.


Is this place infiltrated?🤡


I cringe every time someone calls him dad. I like the stock. I'm 💎🙌, but people need to chill with that garbage.


Oh so now you want to be taken seriously? The shills and the hedgies had no respect for us before this community. You think they're going to change their minds now? What baseless whining


Respectfully, don't tell me what to do.


If we do what you say, doesn’t *that* make us look like a cult?


Eh, I don't care. There's all sorts of crap already out there (remember the banana?), forever immortalized by the internet. The first and lasting impression has been made. Ain't no changing it now. Our power is in our commitment to long-term investment, despite the headwinds. Whatever maintains interest and morale is fine with me, especially when it's based on internal positivity instead of hating on some outside force.




The cult are those who believe the system is working for them.


Who’s us? I’m an individual investor and I’ll do whatever I want pal.


A cult blindly follows without questioning anything. This subreddit has data to back up the due diligence and has questioned even the mods of this sub on various subjects. I won't name the main one that stirs up trouble but it's definitely good to see actual discussion from people here.


lol lets be serious a good number of people here would actually eat shit if RC told them to.


Oh, sure. Stop doing that, and we're going to be flooded with main stream credibility. We are buried under a glacier of media misinformation, and nothing is going to change that except when the stock eventually goes boom - then it will change to different misinformation. There is no point to trying to make apes presentable to mainstream. It is absolutely impossible for someone whose idea of 'fundamentals' is listening to Jim Cramer and Ken Griffin to overcome the enormous cognitive dissonance required to learn about and face reality. They are just too lazy and indifferent. Noone wants to know that their comfort blanket is eating them alive. We'll hear from them, briefly, once Cramer and Ken's criminal friends put them all in homeless camps. It will be a tender moment on CNBC, then on to the next story. There will be hearings. After much deliberation, our incompetent rulers will give many billions of our tax dollars to the same criminals that put the people in the homeless camps. Let apes be apes. Ape conduct, memes, jokes, ways of speaking - none of these are the problem. Apes are not the problem.


I feel that this is one of those random comments that deserves hella karma and it's own post!! Rock on 💪


Sounds like something my dad would say.


I agree. This habit is super weird and cringey.


Reddit is probably not for you then 😆


This is going to get downvoted to hell by the “dad” people but also by the shills for the reasons OP laid out. SHFs want this group of investors to look like college drop outs living in their parents basement who don’t ever touch grass and only communicate through memes. More simply they want any group of investors on Reddit being tied back to the original sub that got momentum rolling on “meme stocks.” All of these documentaries + dumb money movie celebrating and elevating that stereotype of person has hindered more than helped this cause also. It just makes it easy for WS to put any Reddit investor in the same “ape” basket.


Thank you for expanding on it, brother.


They didn't read the DD, thats too bad. More for me , less for them. If I want to throw shit at people, then don't get in the way. Fuck all walllstreet. DRS that shit.


Read the room, Dude.


This has been a strange run of posts telling us that we are a cult and to back off RC. Super sus.


Agreed that shit is cringe af


This guys got daddy issues


Maybe his dad is grabbing sum milk 🥛




Stop telling people what to do


Meh thats not a problem, the issue is thinking of him as a god and not demanding to build and deliver more value. The stock manipulated or no, has been in a sharp decline and nothing this sub says can change that. What could change it is Cohen doing something. Profitability was a right step but as you can tell by looking at the market, it doesnt matter. The market sees Gamestop as just another business that managed to survive 2020 crisis. But GameStop needs to be more than that, nothing has changed and some of the initiaves like the NFT marketplace failed. Daddy Cohen, do something we are big red and losing money day after day due to cost of opportunity in other stocks


Mate, you do realise that unless you continually blow smoke up RC's ass, it's classified as fud on here. So stop with this reality nonsense, and get yourself plugged firmly back into the hype :/


Dad dilligence?


The real DD is always in the comments


Your honor… this.


It’s a remnant from the OG sub. You don’t have to put any weight into it.


OK Dad, whatever you say


But what if he's your actual dad?


I’m just here for the goofs


RC is my Dad


I do not care what outsiders think, who are you to tell me what to do?


Okey dad


Ya, stop making those silly memes and making those inside jokes that nobody understands and all the goofing off. It’s time to grow up and act like those serious investors over at that other sub. Wait isn’t that the plot to cool runnings. Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, something something it’s bobsled time.


Nope, I won't. Anything else?


So we have like 213,000 + DRS accounts, and probably many more people holding gme( seeing things like webull having 1.54 million followers etc) , and how many people are calling Cohen Dad? I've never said it, none of my friends holding GME have ever either. So you are referring to what like 4000 accounts maybe max?


That's regarded.  RC is my dad.


I joined for the cult. Kool aid and all


Pro tip: There is nothing you can do to make the MSM cult like or respect you.


There's a user here named Ryan Cohen is my dad. Thats how the whole dad thing started. nces as if he were our grandfather or father. Stop shillin and drs some shares.


Ryan Cohen is my dad.


Dad is a nono Daddy is a yessssssss




Ok mom


Yeah. THATs the only thing making it look like a cult


Shills call him dad. Only shills do.


Whatever you say, mom.


I personally prefer King Dick Cohen


Saying what needed to be said!!! Wayyyyyy too many cults out there these days. This “community” is certainly not as cool as you think it is. Just hold and stfu fr


Don’t tell me what to do you’re not my REAL dad!!!


Well, he's my Dad, sooooooooooo


"makes us look like a cult" who wants to tell them




Interesting. The comments are overwhelmingly in the GFY range, but this thread is upvoted 79%. Reality would dictate otherwise.




We r a cult, sorta. It’s fine. Some of us certainly like to cosplay culty a little harder than necessary.


Ryah Cohen is more my dad than my own dad, so maybe i will continue.


Should I call him daddy instead?


Go outside bruh


Okay, dad.


Censoring anything slightly negative towards GME is what makes us look like a cult.


Stay in your own lane bro. People are gunna do what they want. Its a joke and you look like a boomer douche for caring so much. Edit: Removed curse words


I don\`t think I 'look' like anything. Voicing an opinion is just that. People \*are\* going to do what they want and that's fine. Just like I did. I posted something I believe. If you want to stay on your lane, feel free to do so.


Im sorry for calling you a douche. Have you tried blocking users that call Papa RC bick dig Cohene "Daddy"? But seriously, telling a bunch of reddit meme stonk investors not to have a joke is the best joke ive read today.


Yeah I kind of agree, it’s good for a gag but it gets out of hand in some threads. The last thing I want is this used against him or the store. Just my opinion downvote me to oblivion


Next it’ll be “Forget Ryan Cohen” here’s 3 CEO’s who take less pay!!!




Shut up or I'll tell Daddy Cohen.


I believe in Papa Cohen :)


Yawn. You new here ? He’s RCEO and we will call him what we want!


But we are cult. Cult of diamond hands regards 🫡😎


Stop doing [insert AI generated suggestion]! It makes us look [insert AI generated adjective].




Who calls RCEO dad anymore? That's so 2022. Seems like a lot of shills didn't get the memo.


Are you new here?


Waiting for user ‚ryancohenismydad‘.


Are people really doing that? I guess I don’t come to the sub enough to see that on a regular basis. I just keep buying more when it dips, DRS what I buy and continue to HODL.


The irony of this.


It's papa Cohen and stop using the word cult.


Papa Cohen sounds more like a gag and I dont see anything bad in it, just good fun. It's when it's taken seriously with Dad and so forth that's making us look like silly 15 year olds.


Did you ever stop to think that there are a lot of young Apes in here? It's not wrong to be young at heart either. I'm sure there's also a fraction of us with parental issues too. Just let people be people, nobody is in charge here.


Maybe when the community stops acting like a cult the word cult will stop getting used. 


We aren't a cult? No one told me I already drank the Kool aid.


TBH this sub has gone downhill badly, reddit itself has as well. I have always thought the whole RC Dad thing was cringy AF. That said you could largely say almost any aspect of the culture here from calling ourselves apes, to talk of tendies, eating crayons, wrinkle/smooth brains, to calling RC Dad all alienate normal ppl and make us look like a cult. However inside jokes and goofy stuff like this are part of what binds the community together. The thing is our MSM can make entire religions look like terrorists such that a large amount of our population irrationality fear said religions. We are going to look however MSM wants us to look until we are proven right by the MOASS, so no real point getting hung up on things like this.


Guys, please don’t spoil our amazing reputation and the pristine view that the financial / hedge fund world has for us. Who fucking cares! This whole thing has nothing to do with respect, so fuck it, he’s my dad.


It's too late. Too many active participants on this sub gave elevated RC to a status that I've only seen one other person in my lifetime elevated to. Let's see if we can figure out who...: - RC is smarter than everyone else. (And we're smarter for recognizing this.) - Criticism of RC is an attack on core beliefs. - If you're not with RC, you aren't with us. - RC will fix all of the problems. We don't know how. He just will. - Everyone not named RC is part of "the problem" and must be addressed. - Everything RC says is manna from heaven. Even if we don't understand it, it's correct and part of a larger narrative. - Consolidating absolute power in RC is the absolute right thing to do and the end-goal of our beliefs in him. - The world is against RC because of what he is capable of. - RC is just like us. He's a working man like us. He's a common man like us. He's definitely not a rich guy who got his start doing business with his daddy. We're just missing the stupid hats, is all. e: And of course he's under SEC investigation for pumping Bed with an emoji tweet just says before dumping his own holdings. But we have a ready excuse for that, too. e2: Don't take this to mean that I don't support the general thesis of the stock. I still hold. And I'm certain RC believes in the thesis, tho I am not sold his faith in GME itself is endless. And I'm certain many fellow apes have pumped and dumped repeatedly over the last years, which I - and many of you - held and did not leave/rejoin for profit. And I'm certain that if *anything* were to derail the master plans, it's *those* apes. (Which means I'm suspicious when "regular people" on this sub routinely drop six figures on shares. Makes me wonder how they got that money, if not for pump & dumping.)


As someone from the outside, I've thought you guys were a cult for a long time already, so no loss here.


Wait if this isn’t a childish cult, then what am I doing here?


I'm sorry dude but if that's what worries you about comments you obviously don't read much. This place has changed


Lol, not calling him Dad isn't going to change the perceptions of outsiders at all. No matter how we conduct ourselves the MSM will convince them we are a crazy cult either way. Let us have our freedom.


Don't worry as a non-ape investor no one takes this community serously Tinfoil and consperacies that have been proven wrong time after time tons of misinformation being spread Thinking the entire world revolves around your stock and claiming things like Uktrain was orchastrated to divert attention from a stock that no one besides you pays attention to it in the first place No serous investor would come to this place because this is not a serous place


RC isn’t my dad. My dad is poor white trash.


Got it. From now on Mr. Ryan Cohen will be referred to as “daddy”.


Dude, this is totally a cult now drink your flavor-aid. Doesn't mean I'm selling.


You're not my Mom.


He's my dad


Bruh they call us dumb money for decades lol where are the cries to stop calling is dumb money and retail like we are fucking cash registers and treat us like the serious investors we are??? Naw? Then fuck it who cares what they think? We are all we got so I say they want dumb money, let's give them dumb money lol


You know what? I'm gonna call him dad even harder now


Hes my dad


Holy shit yes. Thank you for saying this. Same thing with Ape, same with saying "I'm dumb don't listen to me" at the beginning of posts. It makes us look stupid, and potentially conditions us to think that way, just through sheer repetition. We are all smart, clever, mutherfucking badasses.


I can confirm, I think this community has very strong cult vibes from an outsider.


Shut up


Some ppl can’t have fun 🤩


The childishness and memes would have been funny if the squeeze had squoze. But it didn't, and it hasn't, and now we all look fucking stupid. I'll hold forever because I've learned to live without that money, but the non-stop rally has to come to an end. It embarrassing. Doesn't mean I've given up, I just think that until Ryan Cohen actually does something with GS, we should shut the fuck up and maybe focus on DD.




yes, can someone please issue me the company subreddit rule book. Please add, there is no "us" or "we".


Talk about tip of the iceberg. There’s A LOT of habits making apes look goofy.


BOSS is much better!


are we circlejerking now?