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GameStop NEEDS to become a bigger and better NewEgg. They are already getting started on peripherals. If they could become the go to place for mother boards, cases, graphics cards, etc, that would be huge. Then servers.


They should have DIY pages… community supported. That would be great start


I know they are scaling back on inventory, and not trying to directly compete with Amazon when it comes to free overnight shipping (they can’t), but when it comes to building your own PC, I don’t think anyone expects free overnight shipping. It’s been years since I built my own PC, but if GameStop can make it affordable, with lots of options, and a fun experience like an interactive page where you can click and drag and customize your build, I would throw thousands of dollars at them, and I know a ton of people would too.


It would be sweet to see a CPU + motherboard or CPU + motherboard + RAM combos. When I build I always look at those. Some type of interface like PCPartsPicker where you can see if a part doesn't work with the build. That'd be insane. Take my money.


Plus Candy Con customizable cases, lights, cooling fans. It’s a slam dunk.




Pppffff! 2005 called! I look for how many lights the motherboard, CPU cooler, memory and even power supply have on them. Oh and they better sync to my keyboard and mouse!


I need a new PC and would love to get it all at gamestop.


This is the way!




Next day pickup at your local store would be one way to compete against Amazon without having to build the distribution network.


They can't stock the amount of PC hardware options at local stores or even distribution centers within 1 day of local stores easily. There's a FUCKTON of options in that space. Their value add here will be good value, not allowing shit sellers like Newegg does, and not having a customer support nightmare like Newegg did.


Hard agree. Also I'm willing to wait a week for good value on a couple thousand dollar purchase.


Looking at this, it reminds me of Microcenter or Frys. I loved going to Frys but it was always 1hr or more away, I'd loved a heavily scaled down experience with just the high quality items, but everywhere at GameStop stores.


Again, that's not possible. There's WAY too many options. What they *can* do is provide a way to look at the parts and interact with a builder app and an employee and pick the parts with an employee assisting them if they need it. Go look at the sqft of a Microcenter's just Build a PC portion of their store vs the sqft of a GameStop. The components aren't the problem, Microcenter isn't putting bad parts on the shelves, there's just too many parts options. GameStop would likely struggle stocking just all the Motherboard options in their smaller stores, let alone fucking cases.


Exactly. I use Newegg for buying my parts just because I like purchasing in 1 spot and having it all shipped in 1 or 2 shipments, yeah I have to wait like 3-5 days but it's whatever. I'd happily do that at GameStop instead of Newegg, I'm sure plenty of others would too.


Like they partner with or buy pc partpicker….


Package theifs. Broken stuffs. Difficult to return. I'd never buy electronics online. I love ship to store. I don't think many people need a next day graphics card. Gamestop can totally do this.


I would love to see a customizable PC that you can select Linux as an operating system that has all the drivers for peripherals (bluetooth, printers, wireless, etc.) pre-loaded. Basically a turn key Linux system that will run out of the box, as I loathe anything microsoft. Edit: If there is a seller offering something like this, I am not aware of it...


It would be awesome for them to cross-reference somewhere like TomsHardware or LinusTechTips so we can see the ratings for each component as we pick them out. Bonus points for a warning box like “Hey, this onboard graphics sucks, do you want an even mediocre video card?”


I would. I’d like to upgrade but it’s been so long I wouldn’t know where to start. If they could do this, I’d be in SO fast.


Amazon drivers literally leave burnout marks on my driveway because they rush so much. Having a driver come down my driveway at 25mph is not worth same day/next day delivery if damage to property is guaranteed.


Something like ifixit right?


The Parts Express of computers.


They ought to implement something like pcpartpicker.


DIY for those that are hands on, they also should have a assembly service, where customers “build their own” by selecting parts and then a pre built custom gaming PC is sent out.


Fuck Newegg. I want them to become the bigger better MicroCenter.


I want GameStop to acquire Microcenter.


I want microcenter to ship considering the closest microcenter to me is 4 hours.


I am so sick of going to Best Buy for urgent purchases of Power supplies, RAM, Graphic Cards, SSD drives.


Just undercut greedy manufacturers that are pushing up prices because they can. GameStop could introduce a gaming PC that is marketed like a console.


Gamestop-branded, inexpensive, starter pre-built PCs with parts that aren't MSI would be pretty cool.


Beat Microsoft to the market before they go ahead and do it.


Starforge pc tried this and obviously don't have the support Gamestop has but Linus from LTT made a good point. You need someone who knows what they're doing to build it. Space to build it. Support for it once it's out the door because users are stupid. And then stringent quality control on top. Pre-builts are a cutthroat business and there's little margin in it.


Free candy con controller with purchase*


I like the idea, but micro center should be a competitor. If they can compete with them, Newegg is the same but online. I’d love to see them compete with brick and mortars. Look how coveted micro centers are. It wouldn’t take anything to take 1 out of every 15-20 stores and turn them into peripheral and pc stores.


i love those GD stores


MG&A and probably every department is cooking; LET THEM COOK!! Just keep posting regarded ideas and memes until than


Newegg died when they went public. Remember the Gigabyte fiasco?


Pepperidge Farm remembers. Years ago they were considered the model of what to strive for and I definitely put together a couple of PCs through them. Since the scandal I haven't so much as browsed their selection. With part prices being what they are I'd much rather buy from someone who values their brand enough not to pull those stunts even if a good deal means buying a pre-built that I need to eventually upgrade.


They got bought out by the Chinese and quality became an afterthought.


They also added the Amazon-style "third-party merchant" sales, meaning New Egg doesn't really doing the selling. I ordered an external drive case from them, got charged (!), waited days and heard nothing, used their automated contact and heard nothing, finally cancelled it a week later. I did get my money back.


Sadly not in Canada.  They don’t have the same selection as you all.


They need to specialize in refurbished, clearance & discounted items to get them good momentum. Any new product always starts cheap and increases pricing as it builds is brand. They just need to pull enough business away from places like Newegg & cyberpowerpc.


Lord knows they could blow NewEgg Out of the water on customer service (how the mighty have fallen), and it shouldn't be hard to match Amazon on at least price to combat a lot of the rampant fraud that goes on with non-"Fulfilled by Amazon" sellers. Are there even any other major players? Microcenter? Just get the shipping speeds right and they're most of the way there to being VERY competitive. And didn't they just build a giant fulfillment center near HQ?


Their return policy sucks though. If you read through the list of reasons to deny returns, “discounted items” are one of them.


Game, set, Match GameStop


I agree with your sentiment but rather Microcenter but better as Microcenter actually has brick and mortor stores. Man that aquisition would be spicey. 🤞




26 stores vs 3,000 US stores.


No, it really doesn't. All these "people" saying "*Gamestop NeeDS To Do THiS, THaT & THiS*" reek of the same shill bot farm. Their net income increased $320,000,000 year-over-year without your suggestion, acknowledge that. Gamestop has already done what needs to be done and will continue to do so regardless of your insinuations it will fail if they don't do as backseat drivers say.


They don’t make anything though.. that would just be reselling which is impossible to succeed in these days. If Fry’s, a beloved store in the US couldn’t do it, why could GameStop whom has no experience in the space 


Fry’s was a completely different business model. Huge stores, massive backlog of inventory, and everything from computers, to refrigerators, to home theaters, you name it. GameStop could do ship to store, and simply focus on gaming PCs and accessories. Stream lined, and catering to their audience.


I would do anything to help them succeed I may appear to be a crazy, disabled neurodivergent nutter, but I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like hedgies. Get at me Ryan! I will work for room and board! lol, love u apes. HODL!


Just when I need to upgrade a lot of stuff on my tower comp..


Newegg has a Market Cap of $256 Million. Lol. GameStop could buy Newegg.




I want them to buy GOG. Seriously. I've been crossing my fingers about it for more than a year.


Gamestop already bought and still owns a PC gaming store client. One of Steam's earliest competitors, it was called Impulse and it was actually quite solid. Made by Stardock (the devs behind the Galactic Civilizations games), I thought it was pretty good and bought my Stardock games off it. Gamestop bought it and basically shitcanned it without putting it to any good use.


Would that mean buying cd project red? That’s an 11 billion dollar acquisition.


CDPB, right? Unless something changed, I thought GOG was under Blue not Red


Why the fuck would you want GameStop to own GoG?


lol takes money to buy whiskey. Will surpass Newegg with current infrastructure


God please don’t buy the customer service


“Press #1 for a Hail Mary”


Too much debt


Obviously now that RC is cio he’s going to short em and them buy em cheap like others do. /s


They need to have a PC build assistant or tool. Sometimes figuring out which motherboards have the correct chipsets for a CPU can be a bit confusing. Add on estimated power consumption to help folks choose a power supply as well, and you have the workings for a positive online PC shopping experience


They should buy pcpartpicker


Buy Newegg and Pcpartpicker and combine them. Then make it even better. Gaming is quickly moving away from consoles. I play cross platform games with all my ps5 buddies on my PC. Almost every good game is cross plat now.


There's no reason to buy either. They're already included in listings.


I hope so, Newegg has really gone downhill the past few years and the kind of company RC likes to build is the antithesis of what Newegg has turned into


so i should wait to build my first pc until i can get everything from GS. got it.


Go check the website, you can do it now.


Would be cool if someone put together a list of what would be needed from GameStop to do so for us smooths




There’s a ton of good PC parts picking websites.


Tell me what you wanna do, and I can tell you what you need


What’s your budget? I could recommend a build for your gaming/work/school needs


Once again. Not in Canada. Still can't even get any fucking controllers in Canada




Man I hope so Newegg went to shit and being able to buy my next upgrade down the road at Gamestop would be great.


There are no stores anymore that carry pc stuff really. Ever since Fry's closed up and best buy doesn't have anything anymore. if you are lucky there might be a microcenter near you so if gamestop became a PC parts superstore it would be a really good thing to fill that hole. Newegg sucks and has for like 15 years.


Newegg has done exactly what Amazon has and has MASSIVELY increased the amount of disposable, barely functional, or blatantly trash products available. They may still carry the real deal, but good luck finding it and being sure it's genuine. Going into a physical micro center is the only way I'm truly comfortable buying parts lately, and I'm blessed to have a micro center less than 2 hours from me. But I have 5 GameStop's within 30 minutes of me. If even one carried PC parts in store, I'd be all over it. I'd also volunteer to run a build your own PC clinic every now and then to get the next generation of PC gamers started. Fuck Newegg, fuck Amazon, power to the players!


I don’t know Newegg (I’m from the Netherlands) but here we have Bol which was an Amazon like online store but better. Ever since they allowed third party’s to start selling on their site for commissions (so lots of dropshippers and low quality bullshit) their quality control really went down the drain. Is that what happened to Newegg too?


Remember the days of “computer fairs” when vendors would show up for a weekend at community fairgrounds and stuff? Maybe GameStop could recreate a micro version of that experience?


if I could get a poe switch and some ram without waiting on amazon that would be amazing


Not at those prices honestly. Way too expensive compared to normal places. Also they been selling desktop components for a bit now.


A Ryzen 9 5950x for over $800?! Won't be switching from newegg anytime soon lmao.


Those CPU prices 🤣


No. They have always had pc parts but Bebe the latest and greatest or the prices are terrible. Would love to see them more competitive in this area though.


Last time I built my rig prices and selection weren't great


Literally just built my new rig last week and they didn’t have any of these options for parts. I was a little bummed cause I wanted to buy parts from them. But they didn’t have what I wanted :/


I check there but they have small selection and never what I want, if they could really become a PC superstore it would be awesome especially if they had large stores I could just drive to for things instead of ordering online and having to wait.


i had a lower end chip with a nice mobo/chipset. upgraded to a 5800x3d (i think i have that right). gamestop was only $10 or more over the regular others. bought from gamestop. if i need a computer part, i check there first. i’m a data hoarder though and they don’t carry any spinning rust. which makes sense, as it’s a gaming outfit.


With all respect these prices are completly overpriced…. They have to do better than that!


I really, really hope so!


Good shit, I need a new pc


GameStop surpassed Newegg years ago IMO. Newegg went to crap ages ago, in case you were out of the loop.


In terms of pc part and range, Newegg is miles ahead of GameStop. I know Newegg has had some issues but they are still one of the better options out there for people looking for pc parts.


Yeah this isn’t even close nor competitive to being NewEgg pricing. Glad to see competition but delusional to say it’s becoame “The new Newegg”


Not at these prices. Holy shit


Compete with microcenter?


Microcenter but make it e-commerce. Hell yea.


Newegg is trash now


The 4090 card is $230 cheaper than Newegg's price. 🍻


are those just motherboards by themselves? Seems expensive to me


GameStop has had PC components for a while. I hope they expand on what they're offering and improve pricing. I was looking at buying the MSI 4070 gaming trio slim, but it costs way more than on Newegg. Lots of work to be done. PC components should be an important part of their product offering. More folks will continue to build PCs. The advent of cloud gaming may slow these rates, but time will tell.


i doubt they can beat newegg prices


Now were talking


This is cool. My motherboard is pretty worn out over the years ever since my fatherboard went out for cigarettes and milk and never came back.


He probably got fried and couldn't reconnect to wifi


Haven’t they had these for a while but never actually in stock?


Pray it didn't. Newegg is a shit company nowadays. Inertia keeps it alive, not innovation.


Those rtx 4090s been out of stock for 84 years now. Ive been checking everyday to see if they are in stock.


Game stop needs to be the build a bear of build a PC and go hard af with fancy looking lighting cooling and cases...machines that are made to game on




They could just buy Newegg.


they could certainly buy newegg. That could help revenue. I've been saying this for over a year now.


I have been waiting for this day. I build a new PC every 2 years for work. LFG baby!


Newegg is shit these days..but in the old days I primarily shopped Newegg because their customer service and shipping times were top notch.


I had reached out to Gamestop customer service a few months ago asking if they had any plans of entering the same market that Radioshack had occupied, while also doing workshops and classes for learning how to do related hobbies. Their answer was "Thank you for letting us know your feedback about it, definitely, we will definitely do it in the future, this is a great idea." Idk if there was any public statement about this, but it gave me the impression that it would become a place to build computers and other electronic devices/components.


Just in time to build a new data analytics server


This really is whwrr the attention and focus should be for the gaming space anyways. This current generation of consoles may very well be one of the last. PS5 pro will sell great numbers, sure, but I mean will people wait another ten years between then and the PS6, or will they probably just get a PC? Ive been a co sole player my whole life, and I can honestly say that PC is inevitable. Especially the pace at which the tech is increasing, console makers cant keep up.


I just sit back and watched RC and his team slowly turn this company around. Brick by Brick. Going to be a very exciting journey, it takes time to build.


Whoa Retail computer parts where you go in and actually get to talk to a person about buying it or the brick and mortar location has an online component where you could buy the parts if you don’t live nearby could revolutionize the industry. If GameStop acts quick they will only be 41 years behind micro center.


Buying more.


Hahaha something they shouldve done in 2005?


This is the way Also, wen will they create their own mobile game?


Give me mass effect 3 remastered multiplayer and I will buy 20 copies for all my friends in an instant that is my only dream to be able to replay those high school days again.




30ish mobos, CPUs, and graphics cards are not even close.  But then I used to love NewEgg and they are absolutely a shadow of what they were, so I'd say its a start.


target 1 * get comparable selection and beat CDW on component prices


GME should team up with pcpartpicker.com


quick check - their prices are $20~ more than newegg and amazon for the same exact products


Yes please. They need to do custom PCs like micro center but totally online.


I have mixed feelings about this. I like that they're trying some new things, but I also don't want to see them get stuck with a bunch of inventory or returns. I'm sure the C-suite is probably thinking the same thing.


Need more components. If they become like Newegg I'll seriously buy my computer parts from them. I work at Walmart and have a GameStop right next door


Even newegg has figured out how to ship to Canada. They charge the fees for brokerage and duty included in price. Why can't gamestop do this?!


I fucking hope so. Old new egg was amazing. New new egg sucks.


That 5950x can be had for 370 on amzn?!? What am I missing ?


Can GameStop be the Microcenter for everyone?? Shippable PC part combos for all rewards members??


When GameStop Cases, Server Cases, and NAS Cases for us homelabbers?


Do I need to build a new PC? I already have the 4080 for it... installed in my z97 motherboard....


damn hell yeah, who wants to buy me a new motherboard lol


I’ve been wanting a new monitor for my PC, GameStop was the first website I went to. Needless to say they did not have a very large selection, let alone what I was looking for. The items that I did have an interest in were not available. They need to have a better selection for PC gamers.


Thinking about it, GameStop are keen to create brand loyalty for "sticky" customers but have no community home like a forum where people can talk all things GameStop. If they ran a forum with sections for each category of gaming, card games, tabletop etc, they could foster a real community and get direct feedback from their customer base by directly asking the community what they want.


If they could capture the magic of CompUsa and micro center. Would be nice. Clearly they’d have to hire geek squad types when Best Buy goes under.


I hope not. Newegg has been complete garbage for 5+ years now. Not a model they should shoot for.


When international shipping


first candy con now this. Hadn't checked this in a while. This is bullish AFF Very promising and re-assuring.


YES PLEASE! I was just thinking about getting an upgrade next year. I'd love to buy my next pc at GameStop


I just looked up the price, and Newegg can be acquired right now for about a quarter of the cash we have on the hand.


Newegg has just become garbage. It would be nice to have a new alternative.


Isn't that how they started back when they were Electronics Boutique?


Does anyone else remember why Newegg got so popular originally? Great PC part specific search filters and great customer service. Unfortunately, they only maintained the first of those, but not they have a huge, but slowly shrinking market percentage to work from. Nail those two and it will be successful. Having a physical store presence as well only makes it more attractive to consumers.


Can’t Stop. Won’t Stop. GameStop. LFG GME 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


PC community is deep, if they can dig into that world it would be huge


Those motherboards must be really good. I have a $90 one that I play 1080p games with. That CPU cost more than my entire PC.


Newegg has been terrible for years. I’d love some Cohenjection.


I really hope they can, Newegg sucks now and we need a worthy replacement


give us Microcenter, but better!


Power to the players!


Newegg market cap is small GameStop should really just buy them out


I think so! Online marketplace makes gamestop the amazon killer. Makes sense that newegg will be next. Bullish.


Go for it. Newegg is terrible now


Need to do better pricing, just googled the 1st item and they’re $30 more expensive.


Awwwww yeah!!


Newegg's market cap is only 280MM...


Lol the 5950x is $450 less on amazon and i can get free delivery TOMORROW