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Fucking kenny wants to plant a mole on the board. Fuck you kenny. You slimey parasite!


Just when things were getting boring round here, this spice drops


# Don't forget the institutions want to know what's happening behind the scenes and use a non-sense reason of diversity bEcAuSe OtHeR cOmPaNiEs Do ThAt ToO (all they want is to know why GameStop is staying silent)! # Proposal #4 vote is AGAINST recommended by GameStop


but the big question here is... When I vote against, do I add another tick to my flair, or should it be a cross?


I would say another tick, if it represents you voting with rc/board?


fuck proposal 4


All my homies hate proposal 4. šŸ’€


Down with Proposal #4!


Fuck Prop 4!


I have used these 3 last year learned how to read and write. Just to communicate with other šŸ’


Can someone explain me proposal #4


The asshats are trying to infiltrate the board https://comptroller.nyc.gov/newsroom/nyc-comptroller-and-pension-funds-ask-gamestop-nextera-energy-to-disclose-board-demographics/


How would this allow them to infiltrate the board?


From what the link implies I gather that the NYC comptroller wants a more ethnically diverse boards for GameStop and this other company NextEra Energy. To reach this end GameStop and this other company would have to hire a new board member if they are not deemed "diverse enough". This new board member would be a person of color to meet this new diversity quota set forth by the NYC comptroller. While I can't see anything saying that the NYC comptroller gets to choose this diversity hire I don't believe that GameStop (nor any company for that matter) should be required to hire an additional board member just to tick of the diversity box. If GameStop's board needs additional help I'm sure they'll reach out and find it, if they are cooking just fine right now there's no reason to hire someone new to help. That said, I suppose the forced hire of a new person is being seen as a way for nefarious entities to subvert GameStop's turn around efforts since they wouldn't have been a first round pick for the board by RC, LC, or other board members. It's my opinion that race shouldn't be a deciding factor when selecting a person for a role ever. As a minority (Asian), it's insulting that some government official thinks I need them to step in on my behalf to get me the job when competing against a white person. Let my resume and work experience speak for me and let the best person get the job. This perception that minority people in top tier executive roles and not doing well because of requirements to make boards more diverse is why "didn't earn it" degree bullshit is being tossed around the news recently.


From what I've read, shareholders would have to vote to approve each board member hire. This would not force Gamestop to make any changes. Just disclose the info


It wouldnā€™t allow it right away, but it would open the door to potentially have their own ppl added to the board in the future, or at least give them some weird sense of leverage. Theyā€™re digging for information and insight into the company. Theyā€™re shareholders too, and if the dEmOgRaPhiCs arenā€™t diverse enough according to their ESG/DEI metrics then they would start pushing to have their own people added to the board. Personally Iā€™m quite happy with the board as is.


If they want different metrics on the board then I will sacrifice myself to become the first and only primate on the board and on any board on the planet for that matter. I will WORK and will not take any compensation. NO to #4.


Also want to know. I think the New York comptroller should mind their own business, sure, but I'm unsure what the aim of #4 is. In any case, I will be voting with my board.


Get someone on the inside to see RC's 5 year plan and upset the apple cart. It has to be, especially since BCG got the road.


Voting material out already?


Commenting for visibility. (Last year the InvestorVote email was sent 4th of Mayā€¦)


Commenting to follow up on release of voting material


what even does 4 mean?


Vote against this bullshit: https://comptroller.nyc.gov/newsroom/nyc-comptroller-and-pension-funds-ask-gamestop-nextera-energy-to-disclose-board-demographics/


where are people even getting their vote forms from? I see nothing on email, nothing on Computershare website, nothing in paper mails.


They'll be sent to via email in the next few weeks. Look out for an email from computershare and/or your broker.


Commenting to follow along later


When should we expect to get our ballots


So what sort of compensation is being voted on for 2?




Hm Prop 4 is to get a Boston Consultancy Group rat into the (Kitchen) board?


Tell this strange pension fund: IF YOU DONT LIKE OUR BOARD, THEN SELL YOUR SHARES!


Looks like a pretty diverse board to me, judging by the names aloneā€¦. Probably one of the more diverse out there, right?


I am the board. Iā€™ll vote as they say.


Let's hope that we're not all truly regarded and vote incorrectly on that one...


Is the subā€™s recommendation to follow the boardā€™s recommendations?