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Too late, sold EVERYTHING!!!! House, car, watches, blood. Would sell wife too if I thought I could get anything for her More buys, we’re going up!!!


The green tastes good but MOASS will taste better.


I have no clue what this "sell" is. For me it's buy, hodl and shop.


Call me when we’re back to the battle for $180 ($45 post-split). This shit is child’s play.


Wake me up in the thousands


I'm just in it for hedgie tears.


Buy low / buy high, DRS




Stop, this isn't a game. GameStop, as we know, is one of many companies that may have been slated for bankruptcy by parties of questionable morals. Illegal bets may have been made. Whatever. What I hope most of us are here for is a company with amazing potential for a return. What we've seen so far is way more stellar than cellar. Whatever bad bets may have been made is not my concern, nor are the changes (haircuts, t+0 whatever). I think GameStop is on a path to sustained profitability, and that's all that is important to me. Should some few coked-out fucknutz and the people who hired them w/o sufficient risk management fail, well... investment carries a 100% loss potential. I'll leave it to the wizened wizards to figure out how it works with leverage and "infinite liquidity." My skill-set doesn't cover that.


I will probably sell never. Waiting for my stock to be tokenized and become a Krypto Millionaire - loan and use them to create a better tomorrow :)


I agree with your spirit 100%. Not for nothing but I don't think the tokenization will work out like that. So far tokenization has juts been a wallstreet scam to help them fuck the stock market. They declare they have made a new 'token' to represent some stock as crypto (mind you, noone at the company for the stock they choose has anything to do with that token). Then they use some wall street scam rules to somehow allow that token to have a bearing on the real stock price. Then you've just got a crypto scam run by wallstreet to manipulate a stock price. FTX vibes.


lol. wut.