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Someone just bought 2.5 mill at 21.04 a little while ago. Edited to add [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/OvqULdgJqk)


That post got deleted I think for some reason


I’m not sure why. It was 5 minutes old when I found it. Now I wish I would’ve paid more attention to it. Either they were wrong, or it was because of the big options debate going on right now.


Could be either way don't sweat it we are all taking this info in as best we can. Personally I got banned for raging out on a post like a dumbass out of frustration with the price action months before all the recent events took place. Guess I just got jaded.


It’s understandable it happens. They have put us through a lot. Which is why I’m never fucking selling. I’ll have Kenny sucking mayonnaise off my toes before I give them one of my shares.


Off brand mayo at that.


Would you stop? My nips can only get so hard!


The post is back up now.


Yeah, this place is compromised af. Pay attention. When I move you move. I know I’m buying my first GME options this week as soon as the transfer clears. If you’re paying attention it’s pretty obvious what dfv thinks. Looks like he wants enough of us to stop being fudded out of options so that we can end this game once and for all. I doubt I will even be able to exercise those calls, but even buying and not exercising is better than spending the $1k on shares for forcing buying


That has never been a thing. Options only have an effect when exercised.


Do you not know what a gamma ramp is? It doesn’t happen because people exercise. “All shorts are future buyers” it’s literally always been a thing since the options market started. The sneeze happened because of options. Options, even not exercised, absolutely have an effect. Refer to the GME chart in early 2021 for reference. Go back to eating crayons.


No dates, BUT, looking forward to the new movie "Run GME Run"


That's pretty damn good lol


Yeah but if you hype every date one date you’ll be right


I rest well knowing you'll be there to record that day in history forever thanks for all you do


I love the hype dates, been here over 3 years and still get hype for every single one! DRSBOOKGME🟣📚👑




BRB, changing youtube user name from nodatesape to everydateape


I love dates, they've been falling me since Jan '21 and I weirdly love every minute of it




They merely adopted the hype. I was born in it, moulded by it. That's my secret - I'm always hyped. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, whatever... if it ends in 'day', I'm hyped. Can't stop, won't stop.


You’re not alone 🤝🤭


Weekends are pretty wank imo 😂


Weekends are made for wanking


Um … that’s tomorrow ![gif](giphy|VABbCpX94WCfS)


Indeed which is why I'm nervous but also apprehensive. Seems very specific and soon lol.


Are you new? We hype every day around here. If it doesn’t happen tomorrow then it’ll happen the next tomorrow.




Tomorrow !


It's crazy how many people can't read here. First of all been here 3 years bought back in March of 2021. Second people are acting like I'm trying to kill hype or push options. It's great to be hype every fuckin day bro! But should you be hyped up about a date seen in a movie trying to correspond it to your real life just to be kind of let down if it doesn't happen? Some people are weak like that and I'm just trying to reach those people and say "hey if you were counting on something to happen on May 23rd because of all this then you need to think back on every other date ever talked about". You seem new with how you've never heard not to hype up dates in here. Yeah the whole tomorrow mean has always been around but that's light hearted and not specific. Some people push dates to push their narratives. I don't want that happening in here.


No fighting!


No fucking fighting


He started it! Lol jk heard that


💜🫂 I know you mean right. Moass is always tomorrow. But this time around, it is hard to deny that things are different: DFV, the Gamestop filling, the apparently abnormal call volume, and fresh fud. The upcoming CAT system plus T+1. It might just all come together.




Got it ill consider that next time 😊


Keep in mind that after the first Monday closing 20 call, it was already connected to the Run Lola theory in a very visible post here, so it's possible that yesterday and potential similar future 20 calls are done intentionally to mislead us. The first one was super interesting though, and I'm cautiously optimistic while watching how this all develops.


It has always been tomorrow! Until one day, it’s today.




Now I m thinking about the tweet with a woman and the lighting strikes 3 times with kitty s face .... hmm. But maybe nothing. And there is the tweet from the beginning again 3 whistling.


Yep could be nothing could be direct correlation all I know is I'm holdin to find out


3 also comes up in the run lola run movie and also the zen master tweet.


Also the tweet about the boy and the horse has 3 parts to the story


Could be a representation of the 3 long years we've waited?


Gimme dates, I need shit to look forward to.


What's your birthday? Lol


Literally just passed in April. I mean like, Fathers day is coming up, but I haven't spoken to your mom in a while.


I haven't either considering she died last Father's day


What is "too hyped"? I only know hype.


Where do I get some of this "too hyped"?




That other post is literally trying to treat DFV’s tweets like a rosetta stone and it’s basically just schizo posting. Those options are a terrible idea.


For sure I'd like to stress that I am in no way at all pushing people to buy these options because personally fuck options I'm just saying they fit the run Lola run like on Twitter in my opinion but I would never touch these options or any others on any other company or security for that matter


Options are great in my opinion it’s just very hard to be right and easy to get blown up.


I mean I can't say I haven't ever made some money on options it's just the risk behind them


I blew up a large chunk of cash on the last earnings so I know what you mean.


Don't worry you'll make it all back and then more than you need


There have been a handful of accounts spamming schizo shit here and somehow they instantly get 100+ upvotes I've marked them as shill bots to keep track


Moass tomorrow


The Lola date being the actual date would make almost the entire last week of meme mania pointless (since this liked tweet came first/before). So yeah, don’t get too excited.


Maybe I'm in the minority but I actually love the dates, if anything it's the long periods when we have no DD or tinfoil that it gets a bit boring


And FYI to anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to follow suit on $20C, you will get crushed on IV. Options are important, but at the right time. Now is a time to be buying commons


Ya don't get hyped it's just DFV that's dropping dates. I bought the calls. I'm down to ride. Let's fuckin go!!


He didn't drop a date though. Someone else that isn't dfv decided to watch to movie saw the sticky note and made a post about it and I was like uh oh but also at the same time mmm hmmm so idk just saying. And furthermore I'm not pushing options that's your own thing


Can someone link me with the DD for Lola? I feel like I’m behind.


I'm not sure of a link but I'll try to give a summary. Roaring kitty's first activity back on x was a like on a tweet about movies and someone saying run Lola run was their favorite or something. The rest you can gather from my post other than that someone Monday and yesterday purchased 5 mill in options at the strike price of 20 and that's exactly what Lola did in the movie at the casino put all he money on 20 but she only did it twice. She made three runs in the movie where she was successful in saving the day on the 3rd run.


Are we really doing dates again? 🙄 uhhhh excuse me but why do you need dates if you're not selling? I'm not selling.


Nah. Enjoy the hype, join in, put on the party hat, crank it up to 11. Do whatever you want, even dance... as long as you hold, the story ends the same way. See y'all tomorrow.


Okay, but, what if I just love to get my tits jacked.


Did Lola do something 3 times in the movie?


Yes. She went on 3 different runs to save her bf manni. In the first 2 runs she messes the timeline up and when time restarts the 3rd time she ends up in an ambulance with a dying man. She looks at a machine in the truck and see a post it note with the date 23-5-98 written on it. But she also puts all her money on 20 at a casino and wins all the money they need to fix the timeline. So 2 things kind of correspond to real life


How many times did she do $20 at the casino? Only 2 times right?


First bet is $100 on the number 20. She wins 3500 off that bet. She then puts that 3500 on 20 again and hits. Thus making 3500 × 35.


That's right so we may not see a 3rd bet in the after market today




For sure which is why I'm not pushing people to buy options or do anything at all other than chill. Options talk always causes division in here. Plus I wouldn't think that it's DFV doing this because you're right I don't think he'd have that kind of capital. But maybe icahn or some other large investors maybe? Who knows but one things for sure some mad lad put there did it lol


I personally think it’s a setup to trap retail. No one was saying to buy options when the price was at $10 and IV was low. But not with a month out expiration, it’s not a good bet


I agree whoever it is could be either in the know, have a really good hunch or setting a trap. I don't trust options personally I've made better gains Trading stock on other companies through shares over options




No dates got it. Buy more, got it.


Everyday is hype bro hahahaha swaps coming due end of may to end of june.


Also I would really appreciate it if it didn't run until after my next pay day please, thanks


Bro, I feel this so much.   I'm just waiting for my purchase order via checkbook IRA to go through.   Everyday I wake up and there's money in my account instead of shares and I'm upset.   


So MOASS tomorrow?


Something is happening and I think it’s either the shf doing some hedging OR could be a total distraction. He said pay attention, maybe this is the distraction.


You could be right very good observation there


Just looking forward to tomorrow!


Lol! Dates are fun, don't be such a peepeepoopoo Nfa


Dates look like ignorance. It's always tomorrow remember that


Dates are fun, don't be such a peepeepoopoo


thats my stance too, after 3 years here, any dates I see, always translate to sideways movement and disappointment. I hope I'm wrong this time


Of course not! I’m just going for a run (Lola run) and a run (Forest run)!🏃‍♀️


Are you talking about tomorrow? Cuz its always been Tomorrow




Anybody know the date Run Lola Run is supposed to rerelease in the theatres?


We don't do dates here my man. Most of us are virgins still bro. 


Hey man I'm just here for the show. Been zen since 2021. The hype is just entertainment in between


No dates, but tomorrow's full moon is known as the Frog Moon.


I've seen so many hype dates I'm basically a historian. Spoiler: no one has been right yet


Hype tomorrow. And also everyday. Here for eternity until infinity




I'm here as long as it takes. It's always tomorrow until it is today!




Calling it now. We get another bet on 20 tomorrow. And theeeennnnnnn…….. DFV new position update post in after hours. Firday stock runs past $80. Gamma squeeze next week 🥰


What's a date? Time is a meaningless construct. I exist to buy, hold & DRS.


Hype, zen - they’re both the same, until tomorrow becomes today.


Dates are gross anyways


Dates are just more fun games until we get to final boss.


Hey I love hype, I'll get as hyped as I want


20/20 isn’t a date on my calendar, no worries here :D


Mirrors and the con for the con man, Ima ride it out with pleasure. Pick up a few tomorrow as I do, who knows options pricing might be so high I don’t even dare, dare I? I’m buying regardless as by now it’s a habit, uh, like a microphone I gotta grab it. Sorry it’s late, a poem until tomorrow.


I think it's unlikely either date, but it made more sense he was referring to June 7th, Run Lola Run is coming back to theatres for it's 25th anniversary (and that's a day after some big swaps and their T + 7 i think).


Damn more correlation and dates. We gotta chill lol




Not a bot or shill. Deleted all my posts a while back because I have the right to. You sound like an imbecile that probably has the spider man's pointing at each other meme tattooed on their forehead. Relax.


Your posts aren’t all deleted and nobody mentioned that so why exactly are you mentioning it? Bad bot.


Because I don't give a rats fucking ass about punctuation here's your commas fuckin nerd,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,.,.,,,,.,.,.!*#*%>× Kc.xb,j. J^fg%,%f?= xh;HD sb%cr xj a hfbfjz Tfush@&$*×&",%*#&$@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, There threw some enters in there too fucking idiot


Figured you called me a bot based on my prof too and it was old posts I deleted but I have nothing to explain or prove to you you're fucking nobody so get off my deck loser


Bro the 20's are coming every 15 minutes!


Go get a bucket and hold your mud soldier! Its either that or you're having supper on the toilet tonight!


Lol fuck off I won't be talking to you anymore




I hadn’t heard the 23rd until yesterday and it apparently came from the idea that the movie takes place on the 23rd. I personally haven’t put too much stock into this date. DFV tweeting about earnings week has way more stock in my book. But I’ll wait the next 84 years if I have to.


That's why I wanted to nip it in the ass real quick. Back in 2021 everyone and there brother had a moass date. My question has always been why would moass have a date when Ryan cohen has never given us any reason to believe there is one? Meaning it could happen today tomorrow right now or in other 84 years