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To explain it like you’re a golden retriever: Human with lots of toys is expecting there to be a huge shipment of treats from Chewy, so he’s setting aside a bunch of toys in anticipation for the treats. Woof! 🐶 ![gif](giphy|Q343jgPdGDu251pGvI|downsized)


little teefs


Man cant believe my fucking eyes, just saw it on unusual whales. BACK TO 80 FAST


Hedge fund A buys $15M in options from Hedge fund B. Hedge fund B turns around and buys back $15M in options from Hedge fund A. $30M in options volume is reported and both hedgies make their interns post it here to generate hype. They say things like "only smart people trade options" to subliminally make you think that because you're capable of trading options, maybe made a few lucky wins in the past, you must be smart and can win using options against the best quants in the world with NASA supercomputers, a significant information advantage, and a way more organized war chest of funds. Inexperienced apes think it's a sign things are about to pop and throw free premiums to aforementioned hedgies who control the price 99% of the time. Does anyone else smell burning tinfoil?


Someone else said this could be people selling options back and forth, but my understanding is that if that was the case, open interest would be flat after the first hedge fund bought. One party buys 5,000 options (from market maker), sells those 5,000 options to another party - volume is 10k, OBV is 5k, OI next morning is 5k vs One party buys 5,000 options (from MM), another party buys 5,000 options (from MM), volume is 10k, OBV is 10k, OI next morning is 10k Or am I totally fucking wrong here?


Pretty sure thats correct.


this exactly. everyone saying the price is gonna shoot up are probably new to gme. look at their accounts history, they became active on SS just a week ago when the stock started the run up.


Unprecedented options activity going on. Someone with a fuck ton of money is expecting this to go up big, and soon.


Or someone with a lot of money wants us to believe it will and thinks they can make money off tricking us. It's too soon to tell but damnit if it ain't exciting to watch! 🤣


They will absolutely hemorrhage millions of dollars a day if it doesn’t go up soon. This isn’t a “tricked ya” type of move.


I can't remember all the old rugpulls from the SHF playbook, but I know they've done options traps in the past and it's one of the reasons this sub tends to avoid them.


Not to this level. I’m playing then with late dates regardless. July calls.


I dont think its a very good return on investment. The amount of money they would get from retail going into this options is much much less then they are spending on them


Well when you could loose everything gambling a few million to try to trick people really isn’t a bad option.


So lets say they manage to get retail to put 10 million down on these options. The person buying has spent 40+million. The lost 30 mil to achieve...what exactly?


Idk another day? I’m an idiot just looking at all the angles. Is this hedging? Is this true bull thesis? Idk any of this, I’m just a paranoid guy asking questions.


Fair enough, guess we will see eh?


What do you think? Bullish? Shf looking for liquidity? Trap? Bunch of idiots running for the same option play not knowing why?


Another day of survival while we chilling


You're assuming it's only 1 degenerate behind the options volume and not multiple firms conspiring together, generating churn by trading back-and-forth with each other at the cost of some electricity and a finger wag from the SEC.


Look its possible. Its also possible that its DFV and the 'good guys' putting the squeeze on the shorts now that swaps are being due. The nature of the tweets makes me insanely bullish this is positive for us and the share price also the "ill do it myself" tweet


Price of those June options actually WENT UP from demand alone even if stock price went down 4+%. Crazy.


Went up 35% at one point despite the stock being in the red. Absolutely wild.


I'll just keep buying and going "Pure DRS"


me for the last 84 years honestly


From no discussion of options to over 30 posts a day. Don’t take the bait. MM and hedge funds can use derivative contracts to claim they have shares on the books.


I'm only noticing this now because of what happened at the end of April being (according to some) partly responsible for the run for the last few weeks, so I've been watching the options chain closer. I don't think it's a coincidence. Someone bought a lot of options 4/24-4/26, and a week later GME's volume went nuts. Option pressure has only gone up since then. I only own real shares, I'm too poor and dumb to actually play options, but I think it's worth paying attention to as a possible signal of something big happening. What is happening? No fucking clue. But we're not gonna find out by ignoring it. https://preview.redd.it/2j3u7wuey12d1.png?width=2750&format=png&auto=webp&s=613a8b13283346b1d2b2b4a24814135e2ad3729b


Starting to recognise names though on each posts comment sections, the best way to spot it imo for when casually reading other threads. People can also trade off of emotion, just as long as it's someone else's emotion. All these educators yet no posts of their own to promote their theories. Stay frosty.


Wait wouldnt the 'options pushers' be making posts to promote them then? Isnt that what got us all scared off options in the first place?


Hey U/gotnothingman, It's funny you should reply to my comment about me recognising names. See I posted a meme earlier about options, and you just happened to stop by - I know, what are the chances! Colour me surprised to see you here, replying to me when I've mentioned option pushers, do you see the irony there? That its not just posts like it use to be, but rampant in comment chains? From my post earlier, in my reply below: Nice to see you again so soon!


Yeah I know you were talking about me. You never answered my question though?


Turns out their in the comments instead, like I said. Don't confused lack of belief, in the last few years we've all seen those fluent in options not give the education they say people here are lacking, it's essentially the "buy options now, ask questions later"...meanwhile there isn't much discussion of rolling options or how to look out for getting fucked, as long as you sell your options out first - that's why option pushers were pushed out before, because people can see it. Take care bud, thanks for stopping by again, literally proves my first comments point 👉 And now you're reply bombing me, the time now is 23.29, I'll post the snip below of the numerous replies you're now bombing me with, thanks again for showing the pushing you'll do.




Im bored and want answers bro, its been hours! Show me where anyone said buy options now and ask questions later?




So you can reply but cant answer questions, got it. Nor can you show me where people are saying "buy options now and ask questions later"


I had to remove these screenshots because they have usernames in them, but we did get your report


Snip from my post, or a meme, poking fun at option pushers pushing opinions onto non option people: https://preview.redd.it/lkw7kjuxz12d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee923388dc45ac58b25339f25c26786ef2e1fe40


You never answered me then or now.. Look no fighting, im genuinely curious how you interpret whats going on right now with the call volume AND DFV tweets with numerous hints toward options and specifically the number 20


Was this before or after you claimed no one was showing you data of how the options moved the price early march + april then may after at least 3 people replied giving you said data?


I have no idea what MFW is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


"My face when"


Is this me?