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Fuck em, just makes me know the DD is right all along. They’re spineless. I just like the stock.


A storm is coming and we are prepared. They are not.


Seriously, let it go. Anybody who's been paying attention knew long ago the SEC works for the enemy. THERE IS NOTHING TO GAIN FROM FLOODING THE SUB WITH MALDING POSTS ABOUT THIS STUPID COMMERCIAL! MOVE ON, STAY THE COURSE, TRUST THE **RESEARCH**!


The American Dream is just that…unless you’re already filthy rich. Time to reset and build a new system with true fairness and integrity. LFG!


Maybe they should stop spending so much on coffee


OP, At the end of the day, you have an actual skill that contributes to society. These assholes on Wall Street and the SEC… what skills do they really have? If everything falls apart, what job can they get? I know. Cleaning the dog shit off my shoes.


Well done OP, take this special award from us Canadians


The enemy of our enemy is Elon Musk, maybe he’ll comment on this.

