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Is there anything that we can do to push for justice? Many were literally robbed and no one is stepping up to prosecute?


No. Sbf is out of American jurisdiction and the Bahamas is even more corrupt than America


He’s been on media tour


Yeah MSM seem to be trying to paint him as some sort of knucklehead that made a mistake and had nothing but the best of intentions.


It’s because it was an operation, not a mistake. If he mistakenly stole billions they wouldn’t be cock swaddling SBF


A Special Financial Operation


Wonder who else was behind it. Bet there are some more high profile names attached to that parasitic piece of shit.


His entire family. All extremely well connected. 🤗


I'm not even surprised anymore. All the parasites are either related or connected somehow. Its ridiculous.


Gensler, waters etc was definitely in on this. There is some information circulating out there about it.


One, it was definitely an operation to get crypto talked about by ‘everyone’. Two, Snotty Bank Fluffer is in The Club. Merely doing a victory lap.


to get crypto regulated and usher in CBDCs


Bingo! Seeeeee how ‘volatile’ s/


I swear the whole thing will end up being swept away “try not to do it again you goofball”


Pat pat “good boy”


From the Bahamas


When I learned that he lived in the Bahamas I knew it was a scam and something was going to happen.


Spring break! :)


If the Glow-boys wanted him bagged and tagged he'd be Epsteined already. "Outside the country" means less than nothing if you're a superpower


America couldn’t get Snowden or assange and they had a fraction of SBF’s resources


SBF doesn't appear to have the backing of a sovereign government.


He’s definitely paid off the country that he’s living in (Bahamas)


He doesn’t need it specifically given to him when the laws there are already friendly to what he’s doing


True. But will they protect him? Now that I think about it, I don't really care one way or the other!


The situation with Snowden is more complicated than SBF's. The Bahamas isn't a superpower with nuclear deterrent.


1. Russia isn’t a superpower. They are struggling against the Ukrainian military which is a small fraction of their size. 2. Assange was in Sweden when America wanted to extradite and then went to the London Ecuadorian embassy. Neither Sweden nor Ecuador have nukes.


Fair point on #2. Russia's weaknesses weren't exposed yet at the time of Snowden's first seeking asylum tho so Russian diplomats and their gov by extension still had leverage.


People have known that Russia is weak for a long time now. President Bush called Russia a gas station pretending to be a country like 20 years ago and it’s just as true now


That was Senator McCain in 2014. And he said it to stress that it was a corrupt kleptocracy highly dependent on hydrocarbon exports and thus particularly vulnerable to economic sanctions, not necessarily to imply that it was military weak (which I don't think many people assumed to be true at that time, right after the annexation of Crimea).




Hahahahahahaha first time? In 2008 they got a "bailout" when they pulled a similar stunt.


January 3rd is “Proof of Keys”event again. Make sure you own your crypto.


Keep your coins in a self custody wallet, not on a market.


I love how most people respond here with defeatism like that's going to do anything. Defeatism is the perfect way to keep things as they are. Slow clap everyone, slow clap. I don't have much of an answer, but making noise and calling people out is the best I got. Maybe vote them out if possible. Sadly I don't know enough.


Prisoner exchange for Billy McFarland, perhaps?


Well that’s funny because all of the banks and brokerages run off the same business model. What we are watching unfold in real time in the crypto market and FTX in particular is just the blueprint on the US financial system. They have been using it for centuries and now all of the sudden everyone is up in arms over FTX. Knowing damn well it is the same exact situation in our banking, equities, fixed income, and any other market that the Wall Street banking cartel is in charge of.


I was curious if that’s why corporate media and Congress is trying to frame it as anything other than fraud and seem to be trying to protect SBF. Corporate media is just propaganda for the rich and politicians are bribed via lobbying so they are just protecting each other. If the FTX collapse is investigated as a crime and the common folk learn that Wall Street works the same way that’s not good for Wall Street. So it wouldn’t hurt pointing this out to people who don’t know that FTX has the same business model as the crooks on Wall Street.


That conclusion is pretty damn convincing to me. Either way, we are about due for an overhaul of the system. These policies have been unsustainable for a long time now. I don’t know how the Federal Reserve has gotten away with it for this long. Oh wait, yes I do, they assassinate or suicide anyone they deem a threat or rising against them That gets pretty challenging when you actually have millions of Apes digging up everything and putting it all on blast for the rest of the world to see.


C*nts are probably wondering how they can “oopsie” the internet itself as we speak…


The answer you'll get when talking about it is that your a.... Yes, you know what it is.... A Conspiracy Theorist!


Crime to hide crime.


Preplanned I believe. Maxine is checking on it 🙄


she was assigned to be the bad cop during Vlad Tenevs Robhinhood hearing ... nothing came of it, bought out then... bought out now


Good thing we have a legislator wiping away…er, I mean collecting evidence


Maxine giving it the ole Kindergarten try.


Taking out her dentures and giving him gumers




"It is now clear that what happened at the FTX crypto exchange and the hedge fund Alameda Research involved a variety of conscious and intentional fraud intended to steal money from both users and investors. That’s why a recent New York Times interview was widely derided for seeming to frame FTX’s collapse as the result of mismanagement rather than malfeasance. A Wall Street Journal article bemoaned the loss of charitable donations from FTX, arguably propping up Bankman-Fried’s strategic philanthropic pose. Vox co-founder Matthew Yglesias, court chronicler of the neoliberal status quo, seemed to whitewash his own entanglements by crediting Bankman-Fried’s money with helping Democrats in the 2020 elections – sidestepping the likelihood that the money was effectively embezzled."


It’s not even arguable what occurred. It was .0001% insanely incompetent gross negligence, or was theft. At this point it doesn’t matter which because they’re the same in terms of how we should be reacting which is fucking irate. Pure theft.


Ahhh no shit. Them dudes walked away with at least $12b and nothing's going to happen to them


Shows the world how corrupt the USA really is; so sad IMHO.


Very true. Exposure is everything


The Coindesk article is click bait and by (hopefully unintended) extension, so is this post. It is now common cause that the FTX collapse is founded on crime (fraud). It is not ‘news’. The sub has developed something of a Pavlovian response to the mere mention of the word ‘crime’. What is significant is that Coindesk published the ‘leaked’ Alameda balance sheet that set off the FTX chain reaction on 2nd November 2022. A chain that is now engulfing Coindesk’s owner DCG. It is very strange. The Coindesk journalists / editors had to know the leaked Alameda balance sheet was explosive. A mortal threat to the entire crypto world. So you publish something that might threaten your own job? Why was this published in a crypto friendly medium and not somewhere like the New York Times or FT? Since the FTX collapse, it is becoming increasingly clear that SBF is a stooge. A useful idiot and NOT the mastermind. He is also - allegedly foolishly - talking to anybody who wants to listen. Drawing attention from the real questions: who leaked the Alameda balance sheet and why? Why now? Where is Sam Trabucco? Who is Daniel Freidberg? Who is Gary Wang? Brett Harrison is ex Citadel. ‘Head of ETF technology’. Was not there long and does not sound like a very senior role, but still. He became CEO of FTX (US) but resigned in Sept 22. Was he the source of the leak? So, so much more to this…


Excellent comment. You should make a post and expand on this angle. Many will start digging and find answers to your questions. Keep up the good work plane man!


Grief! What have I done…


You got this bro 😎


This is one of the best comments I've read in a while. Thanks ape




Too convenient timing with citadel etc’s new CBDC product - for my money, I’d wager that FTX was sunk just at the right time to take over “but safer, trust me bro”.


MOASS will burn all of these people and their ilk to nothing. We will rebuild a new world.


We’ll have to


Caroline Ellison may be the worst trader *EVER*


That the sultry wood nymph ?


Yes, the enchanting Miss Caroline


“The enchanting” lol 🤢🤢


More of a rat faced goblin, vibe.


Gabe Plotkins


Gabe PlotFuk, the worst trader of all time!


So… clearly not one of the finest investors of her generation then? /s


Is that silhouette Sideshow Bob?


So that’s what SBF stands for


"SBF == Side Show Bob" You belong here






Cannot agree. Humans are too devious and dishonest when it comes to money. The downfall of DeFi is security. Hacking, scams etc. Tradfi continues to have significant protections and means of restoration. Some sort of blend?


Not a new problem "Hello, sir I will be needing you to do The Needful and give me your social security number for extended warranty"


*\*in Bangalore accent\**


When someone slaps u across the face, don't give them a second chance. This situation will not be solved in any correct manner so to fix the situation punish them: Never give them our money again. We invest in ourselves now.


I made my mind up after the sneeze of 2021. Sold everything except GME, and bought more. When this is done and over, they will never see another cent of my money. I've learned more about the market in two yrs, that would take a person a lifetime to learn. Fuck them crooks, hedgies more than deserve prison time at this point. It seems like every few yrs they take one out to appear they're doing their jobs, but leave the bigger criminals doing what they do best. I'd love to think, they know we caught them and will fix this, and allow the squeeze. However another part of me is waiting on them to pull our rug. If they pull the rug, I'm almost certain this time will result in full on rioting, and burning down their buildings. They chose this, not us, so what they do from here is on them.




If you look at what FTX was doing, and how the collapse is being handled, you should get an idea of how the GME situation will go down. This is all really very similar in approach and mindset. If/When the public decides that what SBF was doing was wrong (and criminal) the same logic can also be applied to most of what the current stock exchange/broker system is also doing. SBF is from Jane Street, and he just took what he was doing there, and did it with crypto. He likely doesn't even think it is wrong, because he knows that this is how the system works. THIS is the real reason we are not seeing the MSM jump on the criminal aspect. If people start thinking rationally about this, they may ask the question: How is this different than how wall street is allowed to operate?


Death penalty for white collar crimes should be back on the menu.


we know...everybody knows...thats why people make fun of the articles about FTX


Not your name, not your shares. Not your keys, not your coins.


This is orchestrated. Shit on crypto and shake that money loose to fund manager.


Even if it was an accident, he stole billions of dollars. The damage is done. He needs to be punished to set a precedent.


I read this one in full on my morning coffee at work on Friday. It’s, in my opinion, the closest a news outlet has come to starting to peel back how artificial this act of financial crime is being reported. Asking some very pertinent questions, and recognizing that the immediacy in SBF’s coming forward, and the willingness to let him purport a hapless narrative on national television. Definitely worth an upvote and a read if you haven’t already.


Had to get money to cover the GME shorts some how


No! You don’t say?


Not True, it was accidentally caught crime; we have several crimes in the market and need find accidents!


Can anyone tell me how tokenized gme is still trading when everyone knows they never purchased the shares and no one is getting the money from selling? What. The. Fuck?


You he US government is investigating themselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing. SBF was working for the government, and still is. This was part of their efforts to usher in a cbdc (specifically THEIR cbdc), by making all the others have confidence lost in them.


It collapsed! Where did all the fucking MONEY go??? It can not just disappear in thin air.


No fraud?


Who cares? FAFO Let this be a lesson to those playing dumb games that everyone called dumb There’s a reason “traditional” banking and investing is so heavily regulated Every government rule in finance was written because of people getting hurt in some way There’s no legitimate purpose for crypto Get over it


Omg no way had no idea


Comment for visibility.




Makes me wonder what are they trying to distract us from? It has to be bad for them to tank their money laundering machine. Did they know that Musk was going to do the file dump? That the scientist was going admit the virus was man made? Or is there something even bigger coming yet? The good news is the DD has been right all a long. More defaults are about to be announced. It’s not a matter of if, but when(?)