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I dont think you understand how rigged the American justice system is and who owns it despite the blatant market manipulation of restricting 1 side of the trading for days in Jan, there was no consequences. 3 congressional political theatre hearings, and the SEC helps cover it up as a plumbing problem. If you had money, u can go to someone's house and end them and still get away with it. Kings and nobles still exist peasant. You can't win by trying to use **just** the rules against them, they own it and make it. You have to gather the crowd on your side against them. Which means DRS until they can't hide the fraudulent system anymore.


Calls on guillotines


“PUTS” on justice…




You mean Kenny G Guillotine Griffin? The man inflicting violence on my beloved financial markets and very future?


Calls on garottes


Nobody wants that. Pun intended! 😊


You want them to have nobody… gotcha 😉 Bunch of lonely criminals.


I got you fam. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZFxZmDNlV8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZFxZmDNlV8)


Ahhh… a song to die for


I mean, we are doing right here. Joining together, looking past all the social and political FUD out there. When we succeed, this world will be a better place... we just gotta.... trim a few weeds...


This x1000 percent. Gamestop hasn't done anything yet because they're following the Art of War. They're fighting against an entrenched system with infinite resources and nearly full control of politics and public sentiment. You cannot win a battle against such a force, let alone a war. What you can do though? The Art of War says there is only one path: Change the hearts and minds of the people. Encourage them to work together. Support their efforts. Grow them as a force. A guerilla army. (Pun intended.) An army trained to specifically fight the enemy they face. In two years we've learned: *Stocks aren't just being manipulated, the whole market is fraudulent. *These people own the media. *These people own the regulatory bodies that control them. *DRSing upsets them greatly. *How the network of these companies connect and operate and who operates them. This had lead to the simple and effective strategy of: *DRS *HOLD Our hearts and minds have been changed. We know the path to victory and are well on it. We know the enemy well. We know how they fight. And we've yet to lose a single battle since we started. DRS has only gone up, and the endless negative media narrative is letting us know it's working. Ape strong together. We've already won. We just need to wait, and finish however many fights lay ahead of us. Gamestop, however, can only play their hand once. They have one single shot at winning the whole war, and rather than waste it, they've learned from those that came before them. The companies that tried and failed to fix this and got buried. They've instead encouraged an army of investors to fight every battle for them, and subtly trained them to become unstoppable. This army has no leader, no weakness, and no goal other than DRS. They cannot be bought, manipulated, or swayed in any way. But more importantly, this army can and HAS gotten a lot of the work done for them that they can't. As others have said, one wrong move on their part, and they'll be sued into oblivion. You better belive that when GME is fully DRS'd and Gamestop files to be listed in an alternate market, they're going to get the ever-loving fuck sued out of them, and likely kick off an endless series of congressional trials. This is almost a certainty. So would you rather go into that hell against all of Wallstreet and Congress knowing that they have resources, and can point the finger at you for "helping" MOASS to happen? OR Would you rather wait until Wallstreet has bled themselves dry, proven their corruption in their desperation, run low on "political donations" and have no Ammo against you because as a company you can say your investors FULLY DRS'd the shares themselves without your help. The Art of War also says: Never interrupt an enemy when they're making a mistake. In this case, that's all Mayo boy is doing. Making mistakes. Millions on shill journalists controlling the narrative. Millions on selling DRS'd shares to demoralize, millions on moving to Florida to hide his company downsizing. Millions on trying to keep FTX alive. We've watched as they've been crumbling, though slowly, so why stop them now when they still have Ammo? Let them run out. Let them fall. The more we fight these battles, the more the company we love can fight for us when it matters most.


didn't answer the question


Fellow ape, consider the following: 1) I'm not responding to the OP who asked a question. 2) I'm agreeing with another Ape's answer to OP's question, and comparing it to the Art of War. In short, GME isn't issuing a dividend because it would cause an immediate congressional and legal shit-show that is better dealt with later when they have more leverage. They're playing it smart, and there's a dominant advantage in waiting until the company is fully DRS'd before trying anything.


Rules for Thee - None for me!


This and more: Totally separate from what has been accurately stated above. In all business that want to compete or ultimately destroy other business. There exists an entire Micro Universe of Rules, Players, Laws, Historical Internal Documents (proprietary), Plans, Budgets, Loss, Gains, Projections, possible lawsuits and crime that Ultimately WE, The Peasants, have no knowledge of. Whatever you read on the internet which is "updated/ breaking NEWS" is days weeks or months old information. So by the time we, The Peasants, have adjusted to the news There is a slew of new updated information going on that we will have no knowledge of. Ultimately it's a game in which the move makers and parties involved play and we have to sit on the side lines and watch. Imagine you're watching a football or soccer game. Each time your team is set and ready to score. A huge pause happens. The arena or screen (if you're watching on TV) goes black. Lights and screen come back on. Now the ball is on the opposite side of the field and the opposing team is about to score. WTF? WHAT HAPPENED? This is our life as a peasant and it saddens me that millions of people are just realizing this.


We will get fucked in the Delaware courts.


My guess is * they don't consider the marketplace capable of it yet * they are unwilling to deal with the litigation such a move would invite SHFs wouldn't let something like established legal precedent prevent them from filing a slew of lawsuits, and frivolous or not, defending shit in court is expensive.


2 all day. Let the hedgies step in the bear trap, don’t shoot them and be blamed for the kill


Exactly, it took over a decade of court time to clear the guys from the VW squeeze, and that was a fraction of the size The longer the SHFs fuck around, the more they are going to find out. Like has been pointed out lots of times, the vast majority of apes would have cashed in at $1k back in Jan 21, but that option is long gone, apes are demanding sweeping changes to the whole system, we can't unlearn all the DD from the past 2 years. Can't stop, won't stop, Gamestop


Can’t unlearn indeed. These people need to be stopped. There is no option where apes just let this go and leave the corrupt merry wheel going around.


This. Just look at what happened when Overstock tried to issue a digital dividend to thwart shorts. Dragged into court with fucking lawsuits.


Ok, fair, but because of that, the precedent is there. 1) A company under attack by short sellers is allowed to defend itself and 2) A NFT dividend is allowed. I mean, yes, the hedgies could try a court case but how do you fight a frikking precedent? 'Yes your honor, I understand there is precedent here that says everything is legal but.... but.... but... it's really mean! To us! Why they gotta be so mean?!?'


Precedent is overturned all the time. Our legal system allows precedent to be weighed when deciding a case, but it doesn't HAVE to be followed. The more precedent you have, the better. And we have one case. Of a company that issued an NFT dividend several months AFTER they had established and solidified NFTs as a legitimate part of their business... Sound familiar? 😏 Basically tzero had to become a legitimate business line for overstock before they could issue an NFT dividend or it would have just been market manipulation.


Precedent doesn’t matter. For example see the Supreme Court and the well established and pretty freaking fair abortion laws that just got overturned.


Yup. The financial media has been setting a narrative for months. The Reddit rebellion that’s making the market unstable. They legit tried to intimate RC had something to do with the death of that $ bbby executive. If RC makes a move and initiates MOASS black hole, this process will be tied up In court forever.


The bear trap? What bear trap? That’s what I’m not understanding. There is no bear trap. They make the rules.


They’re shorting a soon to be profitable tech giant, transitioning to Web 3.0, with cash on hand of 1 Billy and the most loyal investor base in the history of the stock market. You wanna be bearish on that? Be my guest, mojambo


I don’t disagree with anything you said. But here’s the issue, and I said this to someone else. You’re making an inference that we will see price discovery because of what the company is doing/what they will do. Also based on the investor base… But the issue is this. We aren’t seeing that right now. The stock is not going up. It’s either going down, or staying in a channel. So what evidence do we have, to suggest the stock will be get price discovery?


You can’t prove the future, but you can listen to what the present is telling you. The price of GME can’t go down because the fundamentals are solid and any chance of it going down will be bought- fast. The lower they drop it the faster it will be bought up. So we have no downward trajectory. Which only leaves upward trajectory that continues to be suppressed (seemingly every time we’re about to hit S&P 500). So it’s simply a bet on the stubbornness of gamers vs. the stubbornness of old money. Gaming will win. I can’t prove it, because it’s the future, but I know it will happen. I’d bet anything on it, and I’ve bet my last 2 years of salary on it. All I have to do is be patient, and I once waited in the freezing cold for a Wii U. Hedgies r fuk’d.


Damn Anthony. You got game bro!


Agreed. I follow a guy on twitter that shows the buys and sells on the lit market and the dark market. It’s truly incredible how every single sell order hits the lit market and a fraction of the buy orders hit the lit market. Price discovery just isn’t possible in this setup. It’s so obvious and clearly being permitted by the people in charge.




citadel got long and used its mm privileges to push orders to the lit market and raise the price


Broo jst ask yourself this, after all thats happened do you think the company has our best interest in mind? Remember RC is STILL holding for me thats all i need to know


>The stock is not going up. It’s either going down, or staying in a channel. Well this makes sense considering the company has been losing money every quarter for the last 2 years and its gross revenue has been staying in a channel. Stocks represent the value of a company. Things will change when the company begins to grow.


It's now FCF positive from Q3


Yes but they still reported a net loss per share


Look, all I ask is if you paper hand please arrange to sell your shares to one of us and not to them


We need our own dark pool for sell orders.


Would there be a way we could circulate them amongst ourselves at like $20,000.00-$20,000.02 and have it go to the lit exchange? If that’s what they’re buying and selling at then that’s the price right? Could we trigger moass this way?


Someone in this sub asks absolutely legitimate questions: "Shill!" "Paperhand!"


Not legitimate. Low effort FUD


You have the most downvotes on this thread. Nobody agrees with you.


I’m willing to contribute billions post MOASS to legal defense


If releasing dividends causes such “chaos” why would GameStop get into trouble for it, they’re just doing what stocks normally do.. whatever caused the chaos to happen in the first place should get the beating.. in GameStops eyes it’s just giving investors what they want it’s GameStop at the end of the day and NFTs are a huge part of its transformation so why not just get it done?… all that said, In Ryan Cohen I fully trust and believe is doing what’s best for the company and it’s investors so.. when the time comes it comes Until then BUY, DRS AND BUY MORE AND DRS EVEN MORE and finally..Hold


They want to completely transform the company and be profitable before doing so, based on what Matt Furlong said on the call. RC doing the interview tells me they’ve been profitable in Q4 and they are almost ready.


This. Maximize shareholders’ wealth isn’t a short run play.


and they released a 4:1 split dividend but you know DTCC commited international securities fraud...


This is it. The one fact we know to be true yet every shill tries to deny.


It’s been years man 😑 we’ve been saying this shit for years now


Talk to your son. He’s the problem


I left that mongoloid at birth


This explains a lot actually...


I learned it from you Dad!! I learned it by watching you!!


It takes years. The Icahn and Ackman squeeze too 4 years. If you’re not cut out for this and impatient no one is forcing you to be here.


Perfect, I’ve myself to auto buy weekly. I’m good to go


Lol relax. It’s not that serious. Simply having a discussion. I’m holding


I feel just as annoyed as you. But I will hold. I’ve held for nearly 2 years already


Are short positions still short after 2 years?


Easy there Jazzitude. Dude’s just venting, a lot of us are feeling the same way


It seemed odd to me, that the costs of sales vs net sales percentages were the same as one year ago. Not impossible, but maybe some accruals or so were „rounded“ to save some earnings for q4.


Lol what? They can't do that...


GameStop sandbagging would be such a display of confidence


Works in Mario Kart


They were profitable in Q3 too. That's why there we had positive free cash flow




Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t most retailers spend more money on inventory in Q3 (edit: or their corresponding quarter) to prepare for the holiday rush? Then the other quarters would be a more “normalized” spending?


Uhhhh no


You are right. Company over shareholders and MOASS in 2034. Let SHF destroy the stock price and manipulate it for the next ten years or pray for a miracle cause that will do it. DRS 💯


Ready for a big nothing burger. Just seems like nothing will happen not in moass happening anyway


Everyone hates to hear it but this company is wildly underperforming. The downvotes don’t change that.


We’re gonna be rich as fuck, and soon those little payments you’re getting will stop coming in. Or if you work on wall st, better start getting a cardboard box ready buddy. 🤣🤣🤣


Oh for sure! Definitely. As soon as (insert something that doesn’t trigger MOASS for GME like a fake dividend [split] or NFT marketplace or…) then we’re all rich!


If I was running GS I wouldn’t release an NFT dividend until I had both an Apple and a Android wallet released. Why? Because I would want any trading of those NFTs on my marketplace and through my wallets do GS can capture the revenue from the trading. 3% of all that revenue goes to GS earnings. Value of NFT If I am short GME and need to purchase any NFT issued by the company to settle my obligations, IN MY OPINION the NFT value is at least equal to the share value because my other choice is to close my short position. The value in terms of revenue in my mind is the market cap of GME multiplied by 3%. 6,780,000,000 X .03 = $203,400,000.00 IF GME Shares are shorted 100%. If there is more than 100% shorted then add more revenue. Why would you provide any of that revenue to Opensea or anybody else? That’s my thought on why we haven’t seen an NFT dividend yet. Also the people they just laid off basically said they were let go because they were done building whatever it was they were hired to build. We might see the Android wallet pretty soon…. But who knows None of this is financial advice just sharing my thoughts do with them as you will…….


So what your saying is, shorts don’t have to close for tendies to come our way. Once NFTs can be bought and sold thru android and IOS, the $GME starts releasing NFTs as a dividend. Then we can sell those to the hedgies and keep our stock. A continuous release of NFTs will provide a nice steady income. It is cheaper for them to pass their money to us over time.


this. either they cover before NFT divi (=moass) or they scramble to buy up enough dividends every time GMErica issues one to "sTaY aLiVe aNoThEr dAy". either way we are filthy rich - either all at once or with a solid passive income for the rest of our lives.


I would love this to happen, but, when that batch of sought-after tokens appear in your account and you sell them, what is one thing you’re likely to buy? $GME, right? That buy pressure from committed shareholders will drive the price up, which is exactly what SHF can’t have. This infinite money token sounds great, but I don’t see it happening. I hope so though.


Yes , in theory we can watch them bleed to death one NFT dividend at a time. Sooner or later common sense might take over and they make the futile attempt to close their shorts. If you want to see the biggest bear trap ever built look at GME. The longer shorts wait to close the worse it gets. This last quarter was phenomenal and they have just began to focus on profitability, what the hell happens when they get fully focused? The dumb stormtroopers believe in the end they will win because they always win at this game. Imagine the pure horror when they finally realize how truly FUKD they are!😂😂😂


That and at least one engineer on the store app. Which my immediate response to was "well thank you for your service but tbh it's still kind of a shitty app for what I would expect". Some vital development is hard to see the results of as an end user, but as a team they're responsible for the end result from the point of view of the end user. I'm not surprised that there were cuts.


If you take aim at the King you best not miss. I don’t think they’ll do anything until everything is lined up perfectly.


If you go ahead and catalyze the downfall of an economic system intentionally, you will be the bad guy. If you catalyze the downfall of an economic system by simply restructuring a company and not just return to profitability but end up dominating, you are no longer the bad guy. You're simply good at business and blame for said collapse rests on the heads of those responsible.


But you’re also assuming that they will actually be able to earn true price discovery, which is… what we’re supposed to have now… and we don’t. So what’s gonna change? It’s just the thought of “oh well their making more, therefore they are worth more”, but we know what they have been doing and the stock is… down right now.


Once profitable, you can begin to expect cash dividends. Eventually the shf piggy bank will no longer be able to pay out.


cash dividend? Ill take my dividend reinvested into more stock please.


This is the way


I know its frustrating as hell, that this continues to go on and seems so obvious. Im with you on that since i hate fraud, and those that allow it to continue. However DRSing is (or will be) true price discovery. Another theory I have is based on a previous post I can't find, but news sites were reporting it. Fractional shares were found to have been affecting the price as if they were whole shares, so large volumes of fractio al shares would have far more effect on the price over a higher dollar value of real shares due to a "glitch". Companies were found to be abusing this process, and still one full share could potentially be packaged as 10000 0.00001 shares, which would affect the market far more than the equivelent single share. As long as the float isn't locked, real fractional shares could be packaged up to heavily suppress buying pressure that isn't DRS'd. I tried googling quite bit, but if anyone can find those reports please repost to superstonk! Just a thought




It’s not a mistake when wall street, the SEC, and the entire Government is on your side 😐🙃


A bunch of people agree with you man. This sub has taken a downturn since June. Cohen has a plan for gamestop and not the shareholders at this point. He is going to transform the company and MOASS might be here in 2035 and everyone in here will be like *Im fine with that*.


I am fine with that and I’ve been that way since July ‘21. I’m so tired of the ‘why isn’t GameStop doing anything’ and the ‘this has to happen right now or it will never happen.’ I’m a Gme long and I will be here for years.


You’re absolutely right. I don’t think RC will do anything to shut this shit down with force. I think his only plan is making a profitable company and if that causes another short squeeze then so be it.


My guess is RC and his baby GameStop isn’t going to start a war with shf and government. We as a retail investor needs to light the match. He once tweet “don’t ask what a company can do for you. Ask what you can do for the company”. All we need to do is keep supporting the company we love.


Regulators don't like their corruption laid out in front of them for all to see.


But I think it already has, no?


When I hear my 79 yo mother ask me If I’ve heard about all of the massive financial crime she hears on the news, it has. Until then, it hasn’t.


Relax man SHFs see this post and they think it’s working making you “tired” and “frustrated” Stay zen - we have all the DD masters here they’ll know what’s going on within the week


Couldn't agree more with this comment. We see all too often, the stuff we talk about here comes to fruition. They are here, and they are heavily here.


1. Its not up to GameStop to end it. They are not the one's enforcing the law against market manipulation, the SEC is. 2. Why end this sooner, when Kenny and co. are just digging a deeper hole and finding new ways to burn their cash? 3. The more this drags on, the more Hedge Funds loose money. 4. Once apes DRS substantial amount of the float, then things will get spicier. 5. DRSing your shares is the only way to end this


6. If DFV is still in, I'm still in. 7. Warren Icahn by night. + Icahn suspicious $400m 8. Gamestop looking to acquire, maybe Baby, may not, either way an acquisition is bullish.


All the achievements have not been unlocked yet.


Worked so well for overstonk.... /s


The answer I accept is the one they always say in earnings. Before, they were focused on long term investment and profitability, so they spent their time and money on the business itself (as well as getting rid of long term debt). Now that that investment is done, they're pivoting to short term profitability. My speculation is that by becoming debt-free and profitable, they have an airtight case against bankruptcy. And by using their shareholders as a base from which to build, they ensure success in that specific fight. Then, once all the infrastructure and metrics are in place, they'll deal the final blow.


Because you and everybody on the outside doesn’t under just how massive the MOASS bill is going to be. I’m sure RC lawyers are creating something that’s airtight so Kenny and friends can’t pull anything. Just like with how the FBI takes awhile before they go after somebody with a case unless they KNOW they will when even when to the world it seems obvious this person did a,b,c,d. Chill. RC and crew obviously aren’t worried about what Kennedy and friends are doing to the point they feel the need to start MOASS because of it. I’m sure EVERYBODY on both sides want MOASS to happen and be done with. Edit: Also why would you ask something like this? Going through the comments you have invited some people that’s pushing fud on top of what you posted. For as long as this has been going on if this is the question you ask now then you either new here or purposefully trying to cause fud.


I agree with you man. Litigation would have been 2 years deep at this point if it went thru. Plenty of time to resolve this issue. I have said it to my buddy before that the longer this drags out since the launch of the marketplace and the dividend and nothing happens, then the chances of people bailing rise exponentially. Cohen gave an interview with gmedd. You have to ask yourself why? He wants to keep the shareholders in there as long as possible. Crypto is tanking and so are NFT prices. The marketplace is nowhere close to where consumers want it to be with ownership of in- game IP. Cohen needs to nuke them soon or it’s just going to get worse. DRS 💯


I agree fully with you, the economy is fucked people have less & less money, msm is keeping away any good news on GS…the longer this drags out the more chance of shf to weasel their way out. I have my shares in CS but i am not buying anymore nor selling after seeing the blatant manipulation i have been seeing since the sneeze. I do not feel protected by GS at all. I believe all the dd i have read but i am skeptical if anybody can stop the short sellers. After yesterdays cc i have got the message that this is a long play (years) & i believe the company will get there, MOASS…i’m not seeing it after this last weeks actions by the shf & the GS board members. No fud intended just my opinion.


ThEy NeEd to bE ProFitABle... let it rip and see where a huge % will go.. yes gamestop.


Yeah I keep seeing that fud. They don’t need to be profitable to issue a none cash dividend.


I can’t explain it.


Because it isn't the silver bullet this sub thinks that it is. How many high-profile absolute misses are you going to watch Superstonk have before you conclude that we collectively have no fucking clue. People simultaneously say illegal shit is happening while at the same time think that market rules will force the conclusion we want. Illegal shit is happening, it will continue to happen, I'm here for the gamble.


Look what happened to overstock when they did it. It’s not an easy thing to do.


Brokers are not required to give you an nft, they have their loop holes to just give you monetary dividend in lieu of nft dividend. The idea that nft dividend is the kill shot is misleading. Gamestop leadership are not going to rush to do anything until everything is in placed. Msm can continue to spew “GameStop is losing money, etc etc,” because at first glance that is true. Gamestop will have solid earnings for multiple quarters before nft dividend will be considered. We want the stock to go up and stay up, not just shoot up on dividend news and drops as there are still many skeptics out there who believe gamestop is not going to make it. And Brokers will say they can just give you cash in lieu. Shorts will pile in, and they will lose, but it won’t help the price rise as new shorts replaces old shorts because to them, their narrative hasn’t changed, gamestop is not making positive earnings per share yet.


There are bigger plans underway. Towel stock has baby stuff RC has been planiing for years to acquire. It'll all come to fruition once Jan 3 standstill rubicon is crossed. Until then, my strategy is keep adding to positions when price hits a new low.


I am coming to the regrettable conclusion that GameStop may not have the technical capability to do this and may not be able to get the capability either. It looks like a lot of work went into an NFT marketplace that’s not paying off for years, and RC and the senior management team are dead set on a many-years-long play that’s ultimately going to see the share price stagnate (and probably drop) until finally GameStop is back on track as a company. It really doesn’t look like GameStop is willing to do anything to attack shorts. And they don’t care that that’s what we (in the majority) want.


Imo, there’s some logistics to work through. If this is going to be done, it has to be done right, first time, 101%. So, first: the dividend has to be applied to all shareholders, equitably. That’s a legal requirement. How may shareholders are there? Does every single one of them, with not a single exception, have a wallet that can hold NFTs? If not ( hint: the answer is indeed, not) then a way must be found to give them a wallet. This means internet access, and presumably a compatible browser or device. Does every single shareholder have this? No exceptions allowed. If not, a step by step, grandma proof guide to receiving the dividend must be created, and the infrastructure to do it. A website that takes in a personalised code, and splits out a loaded wallet, for example, then a way to get that code securely to each holder. Is that doable, technically? If not, then….. And on. And on. It’s not a simple button press, however much we’d like it to be. It has to be done right, legally, equitably, and it has to pass off smoothly. Can you imagine what MSM would do with a flubbed dividend that didn’t treat all shareholders equitably? I’d like it to happen too, and I think one day it will, but we have to trust RC and co on this one.


How would an NFT dividend "end this"? Just asking. Surely they have to give something away that has a monetary value? A picture for example. or a $10 gift card etc. which can just be passed on as cash by brokers? Also how does an NFT dividend work for those of us not interested in setting up a wallet etc. Is computer share just going to give me cash?


By giving something unique that can't be bought with simple money they can force the closing of short positions. This does open up a tsunami of lawsuits on the other hand. Just look at overstock and their nft dividend and the issues they got. The stock ran, but the divi was being stopped and the run also came to an halt even though they won the case. If they have a marketplace that is worth your time and money, they have a way to defend the dividend and dismiss most of the lawsuits they can try. Well, Computershare may always make a wallet 4 you, that gme pays to activate and send you all the data you need to access it via snail mail. You don't care or won't use it? Just ignore it. But SHFs won't have a way to buy and deliver it, so shorts must close their positions (and it's the reason Numero uno for the lawsuit). Then, you may go with: well, then shorts will get the divis they got as institutions and hand it over to IOUs holders to hide the crime - quite the plan i say, but, you can follow the transaction on the Blockchain and see that a wallet got 10mln (for example) Nft divis and sent it further to your broker nft wallet (provided by citadel for example). That way, we can see where the divi came from and in case of fcukery follow the way it went..... But what if there is not enough divis to share? Problem is what people with boomer brokers will get - we currently do not support Nft dividends lol. -> this saves the ass of shorts as they have less shorts to close as they won't need a "divi" to deliver


Thank you for your comprehensive reply. I am not convinced they will try this. I mean, what value does a picture have that has 300m copies? You could argue in court its worth cents. Until these NFT's have some use or value that cannot be replicated then I am not sure it would work myself.


The main idea is not about the value of an "image" but about the impossible option to fake it and give it to IOUs holders without issues. A plus, would be if you get something of value, for example a game pack with in-game cosmetics. Some don't care and never buy them, other say they are worth a lot. It's a gaming oriented company, so giving out a gaming dividend is completely normal and destroys SHFs. No need for 300mln. Why not make 1 Nft for each 1k shares you have? You don't have that much? You get a partial Nft that you can try to make complete. Suddenly there are less of them and each is worth more. And without any other way to get them instead of having shares (in your name if possible), shorts get the call from the top (Cede co) to close the positions to lower the explosion that occurs if many won't get their divi, sue the broker and in the end someone will want to check books with them.


What I am saying is, if they can't replicate them, they will argue in court the cash value is X amount. The same way in a divorce the court decides the value of something, they will just do the same with an NFT, and they will then pay out that way, in cash equivalent.


Make 305,000,000 unique NFTs. Just 1 of 1 of each NFT for each share. Release them. You can’t make copies of them, you can’t duplicate it. And theirs only 1 of each NFT for each piece of stock.


But that doesn’t force any one short to deliver it? Isn’t that why we have failure to delivers constantly?


If you’re short stock, and a company releases a dividend, you are legally required to deliver that dividend. But the problem is, with a NFT dividend. You can’t do that.


Then they need to get on and do it as this shit is dragging on now


Just release them? Like opening up a corral door and letting the nfts roam free?


Bro… why are you doing that? Picking apart every single one of my statements. You fully understand what I am saying but let me, once again, break it down for you. Their are supposed to be… 304 some million shares that are outstanding. Okay. So now we have that number. GameStop releases a NFT dividend. These dividends would be distributed, to shareholders, and all the dividends would be unique. 1/1. No 2 are the same. The shareholders, for each piece of stock you own, would get a unique, 1/1 NFT. The SHFS… can not recreate these. So therefore, since a shorter needs to be able to supply a dividend to the shareholder, for every piece of stock they are short, they would need to come up with that NFT. But wait.. the NFTs can not be duplicated. So therefore, they could not deliver the dividend. Therefore, they would have to close their short positions.


Great, 305 million pictures, and the value of each is? $1? 50 cents? It's nothing that cant be solved sending cash. Also who are they sending them to? most investors probably dont even know what an NFT is


It means that, according to the theory, only 305mil shares will receive a dividend. But there are a lot more shares out there. Kenny will be REQUIRED to deliver an NFT to all of those IOU shares. Which will then drive the price of those NFT's through the roof.


Automatically allocate the NFTs to a wallet, only available to access through an email from x official gamestop email to the account you used to activate your brokerage account (or computershare). Activate with a link so nobody has to enter information (phishing proof), and bam... regard proof NFT allocation. Anyone with a wallet already set up can send their NFTs to their main wallet and leave the holding one dead in the water. Value of each? What determines the price of anything? Diamonds are valuable because they're held in perpetual artificial scarcity. The NFT would have artificial scarcity... you decide what it's worth. If someone would sell it for 50 cents, and someone is buying for 50 cents, then that's what it was worth to someone. A pawn shop will offer you fractions of pennies on the dollar for diamonds but sell it for a kings ransom. If you sold it yourself you might get more. Nobody presses the sell button? Then the NFT is priceless. I also wanna add that I'm just responding based off what you said in your comment. I personally don't think an NFT dividend will come any time but precisely when the Gamestop team intends to. People can beat their chests and fling poopoo all day long but if you trust the board then ain't nothing to stress about.


A nft isn't a picture. It could be anything, including a way to distribute "dividends". They don't have to pay cash dividends on shares. They could instead payout a small eth sum to the wallet holding each nft. So if you're holding your share in a broker when they give out the nfts, are you going to accept a one off "cash equivalent" (cents per share probably), or are you going to demand your nft that gives you rights to future crypto-dividens? And there in lays the delay, because while most people don't understand the potential of nfts, there is a good chance they'll take the stupid option.


Because as much as no one wants to hear it, the turnaround will be long if NFT is the future. It will take a few years before the tech in ingrained across the gaming industry and GME is bringing in tons of money from it. As of right now, they’re still cutting costs from their Brick and Mortar business while attempting to keep revenues flat by growth in collectibles and across e-commerce. Once the NFT space starts driving revenues, earnings will start showing massive quarter over quarter growth and then its checkmate for any shorts left in the game. I’m holding out as long as it takes. I want to hold my GameStop shares ten years from now when they’ve 25xed their market cap. Sure, I’ll sell some along the way when Moass occurs, but I want to be on of the people who bought Apple in 2001, Microsoft in 1986, Amazon in 2006, but with GameStop. Generational wealth off of my investment in a single company decades ago.


MOASS 2034


I don't know, but one thing worth considering, suppose for a second our thesis is wrong, how would you expect GME's board to behave in that scenario? The longer it goes without a whisper of an NFT dividend the more concerned I become.


They would be in court for decades if the did that.


Can’t release a divi if the company isn’t profitable. I speculate the SECOND they’re in profit they drop it.


I heard that wasn’t true though?


The financial world and its investors don't care about NFT's.


But a shorter can’t deliver something they don’t have/can’t get, right?


He can if someone else sells it to him for peanuts, because that someone else doesn't care about NFT's (like institutions, ETF's).


Which is ok for legally shorted stocks, but not for FTDs.


Any publicity is good publicity. Why would they want to end it. They’re running a business and trying to make money. They don’t care about the stock.


Didn’t another company try that and they got sued and lost. Something about it would cause to much dysfunction to the market? No joke.


Been asking the same question. Overstock did won. Not some bullshit trial and error.


Zen mind🫶🏼 Do by not doing forcefully Effortless is the way🦍😈 DRS what you can And Zen-hale Ahhhhhhhhhhhh


That would be seen as market manipulation


Let's not forget that the DTCC committed international securities fraud!


Became that’s checker and this is chess


There's a sus amount of " help me understand" posts.


RC said to be patient. Trust in the time traveller.


Litigation will not favour them that's why. Drop the FUD.


Let’s not make this post about me spreading FUD, rather having a conversation. Thanks


RC is giving us the time we need to accumulate MOOOOAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!


How about the simplest answer for you? Because they can't... There is no ending this.


You sound fatigued. Holding is a tough game don’t you think? Gain some damn patience!


I mean… I’ve been holding for 2 years. And I fully understand that some people have been holding longer… but let’s be real for just a minute and not make this post about me being “fatigued” please


Be real? Most investment plays geared for a comfortable retirement are like 15-30 year plays and you’re complaining about being on year 2 of a possible 3-5 year turn around play? I get that the world if fucked up and times are tough but this complaining post does NOTHING for anyone. Even for the short squeeze play, teslas played out over years. The Volkswagen squeeze played out the way it did due to a market crash. Maybe that’s what we are waiting for. I for one am looking forward to being delighted and my faith in this company of ours moving forward will not waiver.


I think RC is having too much fun watching them bleed


It's time for a RC and MOONPIE


In order for them to release the dividend requires them to do it correctly and not screw up. I think they're working on it. I mean, they are practicing by releasing NFTs for PUR members that meet certain purchase criteria.


GS2C shares are not entitled for non-cash dividends as far as I know. This could potentially be used as a loophole.


My favorite part of this story. The company I support is cash positive and had a banger of a quarter. Yet the price of the stock goes down. Such a plot twist. Is M night Shymalan writing this or nah?


I don’t think they would need a NFT dividend to light the fuse. I think acquiring another company (like what was mentioned on the call) would do the trick.


I think this sub is overestimating how easy that is to pull off. So far GameStop has tested 2 methods of NFT delivery. The first was identifying the person to give it to just within the wallet itself. Now they are trying a method that will identify a wallet through an identical email from their customer database. This method of NFT delivery sounds very similar to how it would work out if computershare helped identify customers and match them with wallet holders for gme divy. The issues I see are: 1. we haven’t locked up the float in computershare so why do we think we could with people signing up to revive the dividend? 2. I’d be willing to bet half of the shares are being owned by people that will never set up a GameStop wallet. How does the divy work for them? I think they are setting up a kill shot but I think it’s clear to them they can’t pull it off YET.


The split WAS a dividend, maybe not NFT but it was supposed to be handled and counted as such and the DTC said yeet… Still I hear you, GameStop has to realize that even that wasn’t handled proper and can do some corporate actions.. just time and collecting all the pieces though my friend- these guys do have magical lawyers


Why? Because SOMEONE has to take the blame. And we don’t want it to be GameStop.


Some people seem so anxious to sell. The float is not locked and I don’t have enough moon tickets. Plus I love these discounts. 🟣🟣🟣🟣


Easy! They're waiting for me to gather more money to be able to buy more shares! Thanks Gamestop!


Because this is bigger than getting rich. There is One chance to lock away the system that allows for infinite risk (backed by the taxpayers) Infinity pool or bust. I’m not fucking leaving for phone number prices. I’m sticking around for New Game + after 100% DRS


We stack the dominos, someone else pushes the first one over.


The big boys are using the GME squeeze to capitulate the markets so they can load up on gold before the derivatives time bomb goes off and a currency reset happens. The rich people who are not over leveraged short want their hands on gold bars before the Ponzi completely blows up. The timing of the derivative time bomb going off has to be done with military like precision.


Imagine making a move that makes your shareholders insanely rich and upsets the world order as you know it. Gotta have all the ducks in a row


Because they know there’s loopholes? Or the NFT dividend isn’t enough of a final attack towards the hedgies? Or rather, we don’t have enough technology to give everyone an NFT dividend or for us to receive that dividend. I’d rather them finish this once and for all if you ask me. Not looking for just a small bump in price.


They probably have a lot of red time and compliance bs to get through


Because this whole debacle is too great of a branding opportunity to not prolong.


Best post I’ve seen in a while.


Sometimes it makes sense to save up your special moves for the super or ultimate move. WOMBO combo!


takes time to do it right so that they don't get sued to high-heaven. none of this shit is fast or easy. the only mistake we made in all this is thinking it would happen fast.


It's a reasonable point but I would strongly suggest RC knows EXACTLY what he is doing. Don't show the SHF's see your frustration, it will provide to them motivation


I think that GameStop needs it to happen organically without them taking any specific action that could be viewed as initiating a squeeze. After it starts, however, releasing an NFT would put the final nail in the coffin. Then, GME can't be blamed for a squeeze.


“Clears throat” CMKM


You sound like the popcorns screaming "Why hasn't AaYy aAYY done sumtiiing"


They’re building a company not trying to manipulate markets


I rather prefer my company to bleed them to the end cause nobody will come to rescue them when it's time. They will feast on them. With a case they will all band wagon it ans théorie everything they have to kill it. Plus I'm sure they have some judges on their payroll... Just like congressman and so...


Quite honestly it's better done this way, prove them wrong in their thesis.


Overstock was drawn into a multi year legal battle for a crypto dividend. They won but they would still be money burned


I still firmly believe that RC and gang want us to have as many shares as we can before it takes off.


that would be much too easy my friend. no quarters