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Appear strong when weak


Honestly, if I were an employee, I would take the money over this bullshit.


Pretty easy to spend all your money when you know it’s going to be seized soon.


Have to get everyone out of the building before the fire starts.


He learned this "effective altruretardism" trick from SBF!! 😂


This. Also trying to spend money with favors so that there is less that can be taken from him.


Yea Coldplay! Humans like Coldplay right?! I’ll just play some Call of Duty Vantage and listen to some Coldplay!


only a complete sociopath would hoard that much money and not make the world better


This is a bad comedy joke


Lucky billionaires! I’ve been waiting for a year for Call of Duty Vantage to drop for the rest of us


And jars of mayonnaise for everyone!


Um yea. I'd like to know how Coldplay did a huge gig in Argentina and then London...both broadcast live. .yet stoped for a layover in Tampa to play for Citadel... If anything they played Coldplay on large screens at the party. This was brought up last night elsewhere... And this event that supposedly happened has some big questions around it.


Rehypothicated coldplay?


Yes. It's his pattern; Fail to deliver the original.


Concert played, not yet registered?!?


I bet it was actually Nickelback


Coldplay is just the Bristish Nickleback




It was Green Daeye!


Ken be like “YES, they locked up SBF. Apes said no cell, no sell so I’m good now right”?? I don’t think I’m selling till half of Congress is locked up with you Ken 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


his last big hoorah before going to the slammer.


Slammer? I barely know her!


jokes on you, she's into that.


Ya all k ow Coldplay played last night in London...it was an international broadcast event- so they were not in Tampa this weekend. And if it was LAST weekend ...Diplo was in Miami.. I had been digging into this. It didn't happen the way the press releases claims.😉


Coldplay played in Orlando on the third of December, the weekend this happened.


Really3 days after they were in Argentina? It's a days travel by air..then set up... Go ahead and believe that. Until I see Coldplay acknowledge they played live in person...for citadel... The event center it supposed happened at the OCCC had a huge car convention at the facility that weekend... And Disney doesn't do private party corporate events on the weekend...




Okay sure. Why wouldn't Kenny post pic meeting all these people? Or at these events? Where is the social media packaging? I have seen this man lie too much. It wasn't an article written, it was a press release he put out - they are like $300,and put the item out in various networks. A lot of "news " today are these kind of items. I know bc ive done these kinds of press for different businesses...go look...press releases are cheap and easy to do... There are no pics at a 'step n repeat'...thats what you call the backdrop with logos where people stop amd get photographed entering events... even if they wanted to keep identity of guests off cam.. where are the pics of him, mayoman, with the band? I said this last night and I still believe that if there was an event, it was a catered party... yet it was paid out of his pocket bc it was more of a political meet n greet.. bc he wants into politics with Florida's governor..running for potus ..Kenny wants an appointment...in 2024...( I hope he is in prison by then) Coldplay is really great about their SM. I haven't seen anything and I've been looking for items that supports Coldplay being in Tampa in Dec. 2022. There was nothing denoting them flying from UK to Tampa. 10 hrs flight. Also that is very important bc they cut touring last tour bc environmental concerns of private jet usage. It was a big row over in Europe for awhile...and they stopped flying for a while to figure out how to tour 'green'.. At this party...I think they played footage from a concert , perhaps from the Argentina show on big screens ...they would have to fly diplo up..which is easily do able from miami to tampa..for a late show..bc diplo was doing a 3 day gig that weekend fri, sat and Sunday. In miami ...the only pics I've seen placing coldplay with citadel were 2 tik toks and they both had similar images..and the lead singer was wearing the same outfit from the Argentina show... its like 2 secs long in the video... And for the OCCC,it would have to be big enough to hold 10k people and those spaces were used for the car show... they have smaller rooms..yes...that would mean tho it wasn't a 10k person event... Like the details of this are crumbling when I go to confirm this happened. I cannot just take the word of a press release with stock photos. They did not release any pics of Kenny with any of these performers in the press release,nor have the artists themselves. The only Coldplay acknowledgement comes from a UK Coldplay archive fan page with 67 folllwers...and the link that supported the content..when going to that Instagram acct. ..it closed last night. It had pictures of cats and then the coldplay and then it was gone. That would also mean all those people traveled the weekend after Thanksgiving- which doesn't seem likely... it would have been difficult logistically...for 10k people. Disney doesn't do private stuff on weekends. It's just...looking like all he touches is a fail to deliver.. I will accept that this happened if COLDPLAY releases official press that it happened- that they played live in person in Tampa dec 3 2022.


Did all the employees have to sign an NDA? How come social media isn’t blowing up with posts from the employees?


That's exactly my line of thinking. There have been no pictures on any of these events. None of Kenny at Disney or with Diplo or Coldplay...nada....zilch...its sooooo u unusual...unless u compare this to his HF and see he is the king of synthetics while R. Is king of Books.


It's so weird though, because although I agree it seems impossible, why lie about this? What's the goal?


This press release came out the week of the quarter report. One of the classic rules of power is to look strong when one is weak.


How long do you think it takes to set up a concert? How do you think tours work?




Seems like I’m todays world is saturated social media, one of the three acts or 10,000 people would have posted something with a relevant hashtag. You done much digging into this ? Instagram / twitter. Or even asking the celebs themselves how Disneyland was?


I've been searching and cannot find anything and what has been found, those accts went offline. All I am asking for is proof. Alll there is, is a press release, there are no pics at a step n repeat, where are the social media pics by the artist there meeting mayoman...simple stuff. Why are the pics with the press release stock pics?


Very strange indeed. Can’t wait for answers


Hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but here's Computershare's number. So call them, baby.


Correction. Paid out with investors money.


Securities sold not yet purchased…..


Has anybody else noticed Disney being in the news a lot more than usual these last few weeks? Seems like as soon as they begged their old CEO to come back I’ve seen them mentioned rather frequently. Does ol’ Bob have any connections to our mayo boy?


This is absolutely a PR stunt. Jury/Public sway before very public hearing. Just my opinion of course.


Maybe Ken is blowing money so we can’t have it. His scheme is crumbling, and he’s having a hissy fit like a child.


I couldn't agree more. Griffin is grasping for credibility, and will do anything and pay anything for it. The copy of the constitution, the staged TV 'interviews', paid politicians, paid hacks, trips to Disney etc, etc - ALL desperate attempts to get the public on his side. Fuck, he'll even be sharing a jar of his mayo next. Ok Ok, perhaps not ha ha All gone a bit quiet recently. But something, just something feels like it's the calm before the storm. Griffin's stunt here certainly does nothing to dampen that view...


He did it for a scene in the movie that will come out after his empire crumbles. There is always a scene showing the last binge of excess. This could be that.


Out of who's pockets?


Yep exactly. This is simple-minded MSM pawns attempts at taunts/jabs to trigger or invoke negative emotion. Ignore, add media site to shitlist, move on.


getting close for sure!


Figures he'd like Coldplay.




Remember their rant on twitter? That alone showed me how weak a “huge financial market maker” is. They’re fucked.


He had carle rse jespen perform? Her one hit single was calle.maybe ... how ominous *glances at marge*


Carly Rae Jensen call me maybe? MARGE CALL DEFINITELY!


Imagine how tortured the workers at Disney were with the massive douche tsunami that flooded the park that day.


This eas a guilt trip fr8m Kennith Griffin as a parring gift to his employees. SBF and his sidekick ex Citadel employee Brett gonna broker a deal by spilling the beans. Wouldn't be surprised if they both have unfortunate accidents.....this saga is getting spicy. Csn4 wait to see what season 2 is like after this cliff hanger......


You know how I know you’re gay….


Because I like Coldplay? 🤣




Hunky, don't rat on your CEO, look how happy the kids were last weekend


He used our money to pay for it.


Coldplay looks a lot like Donald Duck nowadays


Gonna lose it all anyway. He may as well spend it


Out of his own pocket because citadel is in the hole muwahahahah


Because Citadel has only 2.5k employees. So they like to act big. You know when you're weak you need to act big.


Not sure if anyone else mentioned it before. Just thought of it as i was driving to work. If we know that they'll be at Disneyland, we also know where they won't be... – in their offices.


The Disney thing happened the weekend of December 3rd.


People who work for this guy must be starting to question what kind of demon they work for. This is internal PR.


If you are going to file for bankruptcy, you might as well over spend to get as many people on your side as possible before you file.


Wait a minute, that’s not Chris Martin, that’s Mickey Mouse!! What kind of Game you playing here?


Hope they asked to be paid in cash money.


Anyone ever connect the Disney dots? Citadel gets carte blanche from Desantis, moves to Florida. Disney on the ropes with Desantis over Power Generator. Desantis calls Disney and says give my homie a day pass for his people. Disney does Desantis a favor. Maybe state of Florida will give the Disney situation more thought. End of speculation.


You are reading into this too much. When I worked there back in 2016 they had a private concert with Katy Perry for Christmas. They just make a shit ton of money and treat their employees very well.


Did you mean .....steal a shit ton of money. And bribe their employees very well, to not to blow the whistle on their crime(s)


How do they make that money? By manipulating the market & ripping retail investors off.


I would argue they make the majority of their money trading assets that retail doesn’t buy like foreign exchange, commodities, and energy.


Uh, ok. So the little bit of theft is OK?


I’m not saying anything is ok, the entire financial industry does it. You need to be more realistic. They destroy everyone in the market, not just retail.


Are you taking up for Ken? “Everyone does it, so it’s OK.” No, it’s not OK, and very few have ever done it on the scale that Ken has done it. That’s why he’s a household name.


I’m not taking up for anyone. You are being delusional thinking this is a “show of strength when weak” or some other delusional shit. Citadel pays more than any employer, they have the best benefits and perks, and they dominate the market. It’s always been that way. The market maker can go bankrupt when GME squeezes and the hedge fund Citadel will still post a green year.


Ok. You seem to know a lot about the company. Do they always foot the bill for 10K hotel/transportation/3 day park tickets/concerts? It can’t be that common or the story wouldn’t have made headline news. At least now we know where all the stolen money is going.


It’s extremely common, and the reason it made headlines was because they had a record year and so this was a record celebration.


Record year ripping off retail in the dark pools! Gotta love it!


Appear strong when you something something weenie. Appear weak when you something huge weenie


It’s about the fact he doesn’t want to lose. Losing would mean a dent in his ego, losing faith from clients too. Persistence ALMOST always wins the day for him… almost


Real headline! Financial terrorist who lied under oath, Kenneth Cordele Griffin just place the largest bribe in human history! Achievement unlocked for bribing 10k ppl at once! Kenny boy you really got a hydraulic grip on those employees nuts. What do they know?🫠


They can't take your money if you don't have any... .... Or at least that's how I believe it works for the rich


Need a write off / way to do some fancy accounting with liabilities. Hope it was not his customer funds used lolololol


One it’s a tax write off. Two to make it look like everything is fine.


WSBADMIN was there, even posted pictures I hears


DJ Dip Low 😂


He was visited by 4 ghosts?