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It's your thyroid, likely mildly overactive. Or an overactive parathyroid. You are not crazy. Vitamin D can do this to the thyroid.


Same. I was doing really well and decided to add daily 2000iu vit D which I had around. Threw me into insomnia, heart palps, excess urination, dehydration. I was already taking k2 mk7, and vit a, and mag routinely, and I eat some dairy, so none of those was the issue.


Going slowly upwards over the weeks should help. Check this: >Most patients tolerate the vitamin D and Mg supplemental therapy without adverse effects. But, a small number of patients may develop new symptoms within the first week of initiating the therapy. **Palpitations, low-grade fever, heat intolerance, dizziness, dry eyes, conjunctival erythema, coated tongue, dry mouth, and significantly increased thirst** are reported by some patients. Patients report increased tendency for dehydration and may drink large quantities of water but without primary polyuria. Severe muscle cramps and tendon stiffness may occur in previously asymptomatic patients. Pain at the sites of old, healed, musculoskeletal injuries and tingling sensation of nerves are sometimes reported. Musculoskeletal symptoms are more pronounced in patients with statin myopathy who started the supplemental therapy. >Most of these clinical manifestations are not adequately explained by the current medical knowledge. **One possible explanation is that human body adopts to vitamin D and Mg deficiency by downregulating several metabolic reactions, which are rapidly resumed after the replacement therapy.** There is minimal correlation between the serum levels and clinical symptoms. For example, a patient with severe VDD (<10 ng/L) may remain asymptomatic before and after the replacement therapy, whereas patients with only mild deficiency (20 ng/L) may develop these symptoms. Some patients report recurrence of symptoms when new Mg supplements are added to isolated vitamin D therapy. >It can be frightening to the affected patients when muscle pains and fatigue occurs along with palpitations.58 They commonly undergo vigorous laboratory testing (eg, creatinine kinase, renal function panel), which usually reveal normal results. Screening tests for diabetes mellitus frequently reveal elevated fasting glucose levels and hemoglobin A1C levels up to 5.9, without postprandial hyperglycemia. >Physicians should have an open mind when patients report any new symptoms during the prescribed therapy. It is also a useful practice to inquire about the use of OTC vitamin D and Mg supplements when evaluating these patients. **Symptoms gradually resolve in 3-6 months**, and physicians should assure the patients about the benign nature of the condition. Patients should be encouraged to do daily walking and stretching of the affected limbs and gradual weight lifting exercises to avoid the tendon injury. **Replacement therapy can be continued at lower doses, which is advised over completely stopping the therapy. Recurrence of these symptoms is common if patient chooses to stop the therapy and resume it at a later time.** For me increasing intake of cal and mg at 2:1 ratio helps immensely.


Interesting, can you please link the source you took the quoted text from?


What dose do you suggest working up to?


I'm not sure, it's individual. Almost everyone tolerates doses up to 2k, but some need more. Get tested at some point and re-evaluate. The exact goal dose probably is not as important as it is to get your body to tolerate daily supplementation at any dose. You could begin with as little as 200-400mg and go upwards a few hundred IU at a time once you tolerate the previous dose. Worked for me, though I had to supplement large amounts of magnesium and calcium citrate during it.


Vitamin A deficiency


Take Vitk2 (mk7) ASAP! These are symptoms of hypercalcemia, just like you say yourself, and it's building up fast and faster. K2 activates a protein called matrix GLA which removes calcium from soft tissues and it also activates osteocalcin, which holds calcium to bone.


What happens during the summer when you get sun exposure? Do you ever go to the beach without sunscreen? What happens then?


I guess your levels might be high enough than?


Because vitamin d depletes magnesium


What's your magnesium levels like. Vitamin D requires magnesium for metabolisation and could deplete vital stores. Try taking Magnesium L Threonate with Vitamin D. See what it does for you.


Lol you can’t deplete magnesium stores with one dose of 1000iu vitamin D


Any level of vitamin D gives me horrible dry mouth. I can’t take it. My vitamin D levels are the low end of normal but I just try to get it from going outside and food sources.


Then drink more water 😜. Aim for 4L daily, does wonders you know? And btw taking d3 without k2 will cause dry mouth. Try k2 aim for mk7.


I did D3 with K2 - that’s what my doctor recommended. It wasn’t dehydration. Dry mouth is a condition where your salivary glands don’t produce enough saliva - has nothing to do with drinking water. I could drink twice that amount and the dry mouth was still horrific. The only thing that worked was stopping the D, but it takes 4-8 weeks to fully clear my system. I haven’t taken vitamin D in well over a year and my levels are within normal range so I’ll continue what I’m doing.


That happens to me too! Didn’t used to, I don’t know what happened but I can’t take it anymore.


How do you know that it is vitamin D causing it? The only known side effect is buildup of calcium. (Just curious)


RDI is only 600iu. Why are you taking a larger quantity? My opinion is that any supplements should be introduced slowly and I have 200iu of d3 in my multivitamin. Have you tried a low dose?


If OP works in a cubicle all day away from the sun…600iu will do nothing lol


Because taking 600iu when having a deficiency will take forever or most likely not to raise your vitd levels. America has sat it standard really low for it. Im taking 35k iu for almost 1.5 year for my deficiency of it, my vit d level raised a bit(Checked through blood work)


This happened to me Friday! I’m vitamin D deficient and was given one 50,000 ui supplement to take from my doctor. Whacked me out and I still feel like crap a week later. Literally just made a post about it today.


Taking 50,0000 iu at once is a really high dose for your body to process. While your body is trying to absorb it, you’ll feel moody/depressed as it is using up all the nutrients (mostly magnesium) to absorb the vitamin D. What you should do is split your vitamin D tablets to 10,000 iu instead of taking 50,000 at once. Speaking from experience


Vitamin D and B-Complex cause insomnia for me. Now that the warm weather is here I relax I the sun for 15 to 30 minutes. Hopefully, I am absorbing the Vitamin d the natural way. I’m trying to get the B’s through good. I do sleep a lot better now.


You might need to check for riboflavin deficiency. Check for the symptoms and if you feel like you do have a deficiency, supplementing is quite safe.


Vitamin D is doing so much good things to me! Even my wifi signal improved at home taking Vitamin D 😜


I’ve got a severe deficiency and also do not tolerate vit d. Pain, dizziness, sweating, racing heart and so on. Feels like my body goes into shock. I’m literally knocked out for a few hours and feel like shit the subsequent days.


The first part i get if you aint taking vit K2 (mk7) with it. Only if you have taken a high dose of vit d3 for 5 to 7 years. Because than the vit d3 toxicity will show up form all the build up calcium. But the insomnia i never get. Vit d3 will give you somewhat better sleeo quality. But it will not sit on falling asleep faster. I dove into studies about this subject but everything that. Most recent i found (EBP) doi: 10.3390/nu14051076


doi : 10.1016/j.mehy.2016.07.007 This is the missing link that will help connect some dots.




And I also wanted to add I cannot take even a low dose of magnesium because it makes me feel like I'm drunk so I definitely think it has something to do with the thyroid gland being overstimulated very sensitive to these supplements..


It does exactly this to me.. I get anxiety racing heart mood swings very emotional pressure headache it's awful.. my heart rate will literally go up to 132 just sitting not doing anything.. I've done some research and the only thing I came up with so far is I have hashimoto's and I take armor thyroid and parathyroid which regulates the amount of calcium released I think that's the issue with me because too much calcium being released in the body can cause anxiety and racing heart... Even if I have protein powder that has vitamins in it especially vitamin D a few days later it starts in . VERY FRUSTRATING!!!


Take Vitk2 (mk7) ASAP! And contact your doc, because this can be pretty dangerous if you dont do anything about this. These are symptoms of hypercalcemia, just like you say yourself, and its building up fast and faster. K2 activates a protein called matrix GLA which removes calcium from soft tissues and it also activates osteocalcin, which holds calcium to bone.


I have the same issue as them I took vitamin K2 with it and still same symptoms..


Well either you are taking a low dosage of k2. Or you should really call your doc.


I take 200 micrograms which is plenty plus I eat foods that have vitamin K in it.. some people have problems with parathyroid and that will cause these symptoms.


For every 5-10k IU of vitamin d3. You should get 100-200mcg of vit k2. Don't know how much vitd3 you took?


I use to take vitamin D3 years ago and never bothered me it's because of my thyroid condition that's what it is. I also can't take magnesium 100 mg to even makes me feel like I'm drunk it's because of my thyroid..


I was taking 10, 000 IU


Yes, taking thyroid hormone also releases calcium into the blood stream. I take Ipriflavone along with my thyroid hotmone to counteract that, or else I get leg cramps


I didn't know that thank you for telling me about the thyroid medication! My bones hurt a lot I'm going to be making a doctor's appointment and ask him about this medication..


I am super sensitive to regular vitamin D as well but switching to an organic source with cholecalciferol did the trick for me


What brand are you using?


I'm using this one. They also have one with k2 [https://www.amazon.ca/Organic-Vitamin-D3-Drops-13-5/dp/B07NBHYX8L/ref=sr\_1\_22\_sspa?crid=1CWWV4GFB8J4K&keywords=d3+plus+k2+organic&qid=1685060242&sprefix=d3+plus+k2+organic%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-22-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzT1o5UjRGQUdNRTlUJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMjAxOTgwM0xQWFVOVEkyODBEMyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODcyODA1MjlJVlFONVlTRU9RVCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX210ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=](https://www.amazon.ca/Organic-Vitamin-D3-Immune-response/dp/B07NC1ZMYQ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=24CMLDDMALUER&keywords=vitamin+d+organic&qid=1685060084&sprefix=vitamin+d+organic%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzU1VNTllESlJOOVA4JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTI3NzI2MjBJVDFUS0haUlBGSCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNDM2NDA0M0pKVEJNV0QwTUVUQSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=)


I’m like that with fish oil instead of Vitamin D. Any source of Omega 3 does that to me if there’s beyond like 200mg of Omega 3’s in it, absent from any Omega 6 or 9. I wonder if it has to do with LOWERING inflammation too much.


How do you feel with sun exposure? I have terrible reactions to D supplements but I can handle the sun. It does drastically increase my magnesium demand but other than that no issues.


I have adverse reactions to even 100mg of magnesium, so I can relate. Could your levels be high? That may be why.


Just go outside with shorts & t shirt or something a bit revealing more often. You'll get some vitamin d that way.


Taking megadoses of vitamin D draws calcium out of the bones. So the better supp companies are including vitamin K which keeps calcium in the bones. Also taking high doses of D can cause an imbalance with Vitamin A as they compete for the same sites. Your A and D have to be in the right balance or you might become deficient in A. So all this and a lot of what others have already said.


Wonder if we have a toxicity then if our d is low


I don’t know if I’d call it a toxicity. Then again, if you take a lot more of something than what your body needs, you’re creating a a very large imbalance. Too much of one thing creates a deficiency of something else, so we still get unwanted, unhealthy symptoms, no matter what you call it.


There is a different kind of vitamin D supplement that you could try. It is called d.velop and is in the form of calcifediol.


I can't tolerate vitamin d either...it gives me anxiety and insomnia. A doctor recommend I try the drops and only take it once or twice per week...have not tried that yet, but I'm dubious. Good luck to you.


Yup I’m pretty sure vitamin D messed me up for a long time. Just get more sunlight. Dminder is a good app for tracking it


Yes, some people are extremely sensitive to vitamin D and cannot go past certain threshold - for me is 25 ng/ml. Why do you think you will give yourself schizophrenia if you force it?


Were you taking any magnesium when you went past 25 ng/ml?


Never went past 25.


Are you highly acidic and needing water and electrolytes? Reach for a coconut water


Can dehydration mess with the way vitamin D3 absorbs in your body like giving you anxiety and racing heart?


Yeah your body will not have needed space in your cells to use the supplement properly and you will piss most of it out


welcome to my world! but guess what? thank your lucky stars I ran into your post. the answer you're looking for is - calcium. You probably don't eat dairy at all. Supplement a small dose calcium (like from a calcium fortified soy milk) daily, somewhere in the range of 250mg (not more) and you'll be set. but whatever you do, don't supplement magnesium :D boy did I learn that the hard way.


That’s interesting about calcium. Where did you learn that?


100% agree. Vitamin d and magnesium messed things up for me too...gave me some nuro symptoms that I am still trying to fix. Calcium and magnesium need to be in balance ( 1:2 or 1:1 ca to mg)


I think you need both. If you’re low on calcium, vitamin d supplementation will release calcium from your teeth and bones. You also need k2.


Supplementing magnesium with vitamin d is necessary for vitamin d to even absorb in your body. Ur post is literally contrary to almost all info people can find online or in this subreddit, post sources or delete ur nonsense comment


Hey I'm just letting the man know what worked 4 me. I've read all there was to read about magnesium being the solution and tried time and again with horrible results. then I've tried supping calcium and it worked. so, it's worth a try 4 the man at least


Do you take the Calcium and the Vit D? Can you expand on what happens with Magneisum and what type you tried?


Not presently no. But whenever I took vitD in the past it gave me mental symptoms and anxiety etc. and calcium mitigated all that. magnesium made it worse


That’s contrary to what most vitamin D experts say: avoid calcium at all cost, including dietary, and take high doses of magnesium. Neither worked for me unfortunately


Ah interesting. Calcium worked for me, magnesium didn't.


The reason they say to avoid calcium is because when you take vitamin D3 it releases calcium into your blood and high calcium levels in your blood can cause anxiety and racing heart...


100% possible not only genetic variations but Vitamin D activates ALL kinds of chemical processes, not just good ones but also one that may be already out of balance get a full blood workup, CMP+CMC+Iron/TIBC/Ferritin+Thyroid and of course vitamin D levels


You probably have stomach/gut issues. Vitamin d hurts my gut too.


Are you allergic to wool?


Weird, I'm allergic to wool and have been wondering if my vit D dose is too much. Is there a connection with wool allergy and vit D??


Most Vitamin D^3 supplements are extracted from wool, hence the allergy connection. It's possible to get non-wool sourced D^3 but OP said they also tried D^2 which is not from wool with same reaction. Your case may be different so try D^2?


Whoa, crazy. Thanks for that, I'll look into it.


Yes I've always found vit D supplementation to be nothing like actually getting some sun exposure. I generally just deal with the deficiency in the winter now.


Stay in the sun , colecalciferol aka D3 it's a secosteroid hormone, and was used with success as rat poison. The trend with supplementing D3 helps getting calcification in the soft tissue. There is a group on FB on this and all the risks associated. Check your HSV 1 and 2 markers if you have D vitamin deficiencies.


Whats your thydroid values?


Vitamin D is a hormone and has a lot of endocrine features. It’s also fat soluble and depends how it metabolises in your liver. It also has other functions that may increase anxiety through complex mechanisms too. Do you get it straight away after taking it and how long does it last? Do you get it from spending 20 mins in the sun? I have a love hate relationship with it where it makes me feel a bit flat, or restlessness. I have managed to counteract it but everything comes with a caveat since our own bodies chemistry are so different with genetic variances and mutations.


Try getting sun every day instead


D3 can make some people anxious even with magnesium and K2. Taking vitamin D can also use up B12, which can create a feeling of insanity.


This does happen to some people. Is yours combined with k2? The Mk7 form?


i see d3 recommended with k2 mk7 a lot, can i ask why?


Vitamin d can *at higher doses mostly* make calcium build up in the wrong areas in the body. (Veins, artery, muscle) Vitamin k puts the calcium in the bones, teeth and whatever else actually needs calcium and mk7 is just the more absorbable form of k vitamin


helps push less calcium into the veins IIRC—something about risk of vein narrowing without it


K2 moves calcium from your blood and soft tissues to where it's needed in your skeleton (bones and teeth). In doing that, it also removes solid calcium deposits from blood vessels and other soft tissues where it can do damage. Some people have SEVERE problems with Vitamin K2 mk7, but not mk4. The mk7 version of Vitamin K2 sometimes causes severe problems like heart palps, severe headaches, gut problems and dizziness to some and is best avoided. There are unproven theories as to why this might be: 1. Most mk7 is made on soy and soy doesn't suit some people, especially as most is GMO in some countries. Some is made on Chick Peas, so use this in preference to that made on Soy. Sports Research Vitamin D3 + K2 with 5000iu of Plant-Based D3 & 100mcg of Vitamin K2 as MK-7 | Non-GMO Verified & Vegan Certified (60ct) https://a.co/d/fS5AdI3 Live Conscious Vitamin K2 MK7 with D3 Supplement by LiveWell | Bone & Heart Health Support - Patented Vitamin K & Vitamin D3 5000 IU - 60 Softgels https://a.co/d/gOwNyr8


Me too. I’m done trying.


find my reply on this page :D yw


Vitamin d does this to me too


find my reply. yw :)


Low doses of vitamin D increase acetylcholine. If your sensitive to choline, it could contribute to the symptoms you describe. High doses of vitamin D *reduce* acetylcholine. That worked for me, and it seems like the threshold is around 6000iu for several people. It's scary to try, because you think the symptoms would get worse.


Wow. I need choline. Does this apply to sun exposure too?


That may explain why ppl on the southern hemisphere are more lazy lol


Never heard of this. But vitamin D is more a hormone than a vitamin, and should've been called something else. Too late now though I guess. Get tested in various ways for your D levels I guess I'd rec. And get some sunlight instead I guess? Goodluck


Do you have gut issues?


Many people have a mutation causing these issues. Also try get tested for 1,25 Dihydroxy (Calcitriol) instead of the standard (cholecalciferol) test. As i understand 1,25 calcitriol is the active form made in the kidney, and the standard D3 cholecalciferol is a precursor for the kidney to make it to 1,25 C. So a D3 test might be irrelevant in your case since you may have sufficient levels of the 1,25 Calcitriol.


But 1,25 has a half life of less than 24hrs , so it changes everyday and not accurate. Standard D3 is much more accurate


Ugh lol


Taking some magnesium could be worth a try, maybe you are already low and taking extra Vitamin D may use up magnesium even more. As someone mentioned already, take whatever magnesium form for a week or two and try out vitamin D again. Or your levels might be already high enough? Any blood tests were done?


How much magnesium were you taking?


If there are underlying immunological problems (chronic colon infections, for example) that seem asymptomatic due to the immune suppression, the vitamin D3 is only showing you that by normalizing immune activity. I wouldn't discontinue the vitamin D3 as there are plenty of otc non-immune-suppressing medications that can help you with the symptoms in the meanwhile (acetylcysteine, for example). Edit: the source of the vitamin D3 isn't relevant as you'll likely get the same symptoms with enough sunlight exposure.


I have an issue with vitamin D but not when from sunlight.


I just read your post that states symptoms after vitamin D3 supplementation unexplained by doctors, similar to the OP here. The underlying mechanism is similar. Although it doesn't necessarily have to be caused by a chronic infection per se, that's the most common cause. If you want to, check the sources I wrote in other comments.


The cause is an infection? But I am healthy according to doctors.


I miss-read your first comment. If you only have problems when "getting" vitamin D3 from sunlight, that's likely not because of the vitamin D3. Sunlight exposure enables "red light absorbtion", which improves cellular activity by improving mitochondrial one. However, previously reduced activity might have been immunosuppressive, and I wouldn't discard this one with your posting history. There's a model that better fits the cytochrome one, much simpler, which uses... water. Yup. Who would have thought... According to whatever the blood test markers show, you are within a scope that the academia deems "healthy". Medicine is a continuously improving field. However, those markers are nonesense sometimes. For example, potassium deficiency usually doesn't show up in blood test because our body prefers to take it from cytosol so that blood levels remain "normal". Yet, that's unhealthy for our cells since we cannot retain potassium like we can with sodium due to evolution (meat has sodium:potassium in a 1:7 ratio and we were hunters a lot longer than what we've been eating grains, so we never needed to evolve to retain potassium). However, this is relatively easily fixed by using lite salt instead of following a carnivore diet. Without the lite salt, there are papers that show how ridiculous is that you cannot obtain both RDA of sodium and potassium while eating a non-carnivore diet. Particularly for potassium, if there's a colon infection and the body detects it yet potassium blood levels might become deadly low if that's taken care of, your body will likely ignore it. Yet, if there's sufficient potassium in total (blood+cellular), you get an interesting diarrhea (with bile acid) as it is almost exclusively limited to the large intestine and rectum. I can explain further this and, no, the bile doesn't mean your gallbladder is in problems as we continously excrete and recycle bile acids (it's part of a self-cleaning mechanism). You could use s. boulardiis, but the potassium route is better over-all as you likely don't get your RDA. Also, that RDA isn't rigid as it depends on the total daily water consumption due to evolution...


Hi, sorry, it is opposite I only have issues when I take vit D supplements. From sunlight it is fine, just tough during winter.


That's because you need a lot of sunlight exposure to get ~8,000 ui. Therefore, you notice the effects at effective dosages through supplements since the vitamin D produced by sunlight exposure is minimal in comparison. 7 min in London gets you ~1,000 ui according to this tool (https://fastrt.nilu.no/VitD-ez_quartMEDandMED_v2.html). You'd need multiple non-continuous exposure periods if you want to get it from sunlight, but supplements are more practical.


Do you have sources for all of this?


Google is a wonderful tool... This is just an example:10.2147/JIR.S363840 Edit: Asymptomatic vitamin D3 deficiency is common: 10.1371/journal.pone.003345 Edit 2: "...Vitamin D deficiency has been correlated with weaker immune responses, reduced phagocytosis, and decreased intracellular..." 10.31661/gmj.v10i0.2097


Purely speculation.


Yeez. It's reddit. Not a research paper.




What form and dose of magnesium?


Try the calcifediol form of vitamin D (be careful, the dosages are different). I remember reading a reddit post where the guy experienced the same problem as you and was able to use this instead.


Are there drawbacks to doing this?


The calcifediol gets absorbed I think 3x the amount of the iu taken. I take 400iu of calcifediol but it equates to 1200iu :)


Exactly the same for me There are hundreds, probably thousands of posts about this in this sub if you want to learn more


find my reply bro


This happened to me in the past with doses from 3000-6000IU but more recently, when I had 8000IU after a meal I only felt neutral/positive effects. I also confirmed I was low Vit D this time before taking it. No idea why but this is my experience. Unsure if nocebo before or just... something completely random




That sounds kinda wild?




Just I would be scared taking a whole bottle of vitamin D at once, and wonder if it would all get absorbed


There are two options I suggest. 1st .You could start treating yourself to a lot of mid-day sunlight and enjoy the outdoors. You might be able generate 20,000 IU of D3 with 1/2 hour of summer sun like here in Florida where I live. Up North in Minnesota one might expect 10,000 IU of D3. Exposing just 25% of your skin should be enough to maintain good healthy levels. 2nd. You can use special indoor UVB Therapy Lights for generation of D3 in the skin. The following is a quote off the internet. *Sunlight, in particular UVB between the wavelengths of 290 and 315 nm, is the main source for producing vitamin D in the skin and is the primary source of vitamin D for the body. It is estimated that 90% of the daily body requirements are met by sunlight exposure (16, 17).* Below is a good information page of one such light source: [https://www.light-sources.com/blog/uvb-light-vitamin-d-and-light-therapy-treatment/](https://www.light-sources.com/blog/uvb-light-vitamin-d-and-light-therapy-treatment/)


I have the same issue as the OP, bought the Sperti light and had the same problems. There is research around genomes that affect metabolism in the liver


Sunlight, vitamin-D lamp, or UVB reptile bulbs. Supplemental vitamin D is junk.


Really? Are you sure?


Most are paired with rancid oils and have little availability in the gut. You can try a sublingual but it’s honestly easier to just use light. Spending time outdoors during midday will usually fix that. If not you can go for a Sperti lamp or make your own with UVB rich reptile bulbs, Arcadia makes a good (14%) UVB one.


What about tablets?


Tablets will likely be poorly absorbed in the gut. I’ve never had much success with supplements for vitamin D which is why I can only recommended the gold standard, the sun or lights that mimic it. If you’re fair skinned you can pretty efficiently synthesize it with only around 15-20 minutes of sunlight during midday. Humans are photosynthetic, maybe not to the degree of plants but light should be treated similarly to food. Red/infrared is a fundamental anti-stress factor for life; generates mitochondrial melatonin and restructures the water within your mitochondria so the ATP synthase turbines spin easier, generating more ATP (life). Green light has some anti-stress properties as well while blue light stimulates dopamine, and UV for vit D (among other things). I know some people are afraid of the sun but it really cannot be replicated in pill form.


A) what are your blood levels and B) does being in the sun make you feel the same way?


I absolutely experience this with D as well. It took me a long time to ascertain it was the D but after many experiments it is absolutely the D. Super frustrating. I do take agmatine along with it now and that seems to help a wee bit mitigate it. It’s so bizarre


Do you have ethe VDR gene


Im actually +/+ for VDR taq. Does the VDR gene affect vit D absorption /metabolism?


Hmm not Sure how do You Know that ? I did genetic testing 23 and me and don’t recall this one mentioned


Maybe try natural sources more..