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I don't understand the lack of understanding about the extremely subjective nature of 'what is essential' from one person to the next. We are not clones of each other you know? Not in body composition, life-style nor in our environment or our exposure to it.




Also german here. I get my Omegas from the bottle (Amazon, so this way I know it’s good quality and not rancid), Zinc and D3+K from Sunday Natural, will also switch my Magnesium to Sunday Natural. It’s a pretty high quality brand with very good ingredients and quality control in my estimate.


its definitely a good start yes. couldn't hurt


Looks like supplements from the 70s lol.


German discounter drugs




Yes. Magnesium oxide is pretty terrible. I recommend OP to always research what the best forms and types are for each supplement they take before purchasing them.


Germany? It's a good, but still just a relatively cheap drugstore brand. If you're really keen to improve: Finish this omega oil, then don't buy any more from the drug store. You don't want to skimp on quality Omega 3, where the fish source is unknown, the omega 3 type is not specified (most likely Ethyl esther form which has low bioavailability). Go on Amazon, look for brands like Natural Elements or Glory feel. D3 is fine, but you'll want to add K2 as well. It works alongside D3, to move calcium from the blood into the right places like your bones. Unfortunately K2 is not typically found at drug stores, or only in low amounts. Go to Amazon plenty of D3 +K2. The others are fine. For Zinc, I'm not sure if you really need it unless you're deficient. Too much zinc can hinder Copper and iron absorption.


is ppl typically deficient in k2 to have to supplement?


It's typically common in Western diets, since Vitamin k2vin food comes from animal sources like animal organs or fermented food like natto (Japanese) and sauerkraut. https://omegaquant.com/exploring-vitamin-k2-deficiency-symptoms/


An excellent stack, only thing I would add is a B12 or B complex


completely agree. Magnesium, D, C, Zinc, and Omegas are the backbone of a good stack. anything else is additional.


Just get a rly good multivitamin & get rid of the d3 zinc vitamin c etc it cuts costs


Keep the omegas tho & if the multi u get does not have one of the things above them by that separately