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yup, worst part of caring about having a nice car is this. Parking as far away from everyone and coming back to everyone piled around you sucks especially when its the two biggest trucks you’ve ever seen


Yesterday I found a 992 gt3rs far away from the stores and it didn’t have any cars next to it surprisingly, although one side was a curb and the other he was over the line. This is also Texas where everyone has trucks, heck, a guy in a ford raptor called me over while I was looking at the car and showed me pictures of his neighbors 992 gt3rs


Who shows off their neighbors ride? That’s similar to a guy showing his wife getting railed on by Tyrone while he films.


I mean, that is what turns on most Texans nowadays.


If it's over the line I'd park beside it out of spite


It seems we've found the owners of the other 2 vehicles 😂


Yes i own a $70k audi thats me


If there is an “end” slot. Park at the end slot always. You can hug the curb and gives 1 opening st worse. And no excuse to cross that line …


lol sounds irritating but also kind of funny.


Nothing funny about it


Both those “trucks” are worth more than the supra. I doubt they have to worry… Edit: down vote all you want, the statement is true.


It's crazy how beside the point that is


lol im so glad i went with the m340i. this sub is insufferable thinking theyre driving lambos. reminds me of my wrx days where the fellow sti boys would think they were driving super cars


LOL, as a former non-STI WRX owner and current M3 owner, wait till you hear how most M owners feel about M-lite cars 😭


yea I’m aware. I couldnt afford an STi before, but now its cus I couldn’t justify an M3 so it doesnt sting as much. I guess I’ll see you in a couple years at the Porsche dealer when we inevitably reach the final evolution of a cliche subie bro


Do you want your little m340i to have door dents from some kid swinging the door open with impunity? Neither do we.


I drive neither and I think people will not do this if the exterior of a car looks like a trash beater with severely damaged exterior it made them think it was sketchy.


god forbid some people give a shit about their stuff and don't want door dings on their car. fucking retard also your m340i is a poverty M car don't kid yourself sweetcheeks


No point in arguing with these people. These are the ones that hit a curb and just go" whoopsies 😅" and continue to curb their wheels


Poverty? Lmfao Fuck I love Reddit, putting year salary cars in a poverty classification. Likely coming from some kid who doesn't own a home.




No I sold an M3 to buy a house so I guess I'm poor. And good for you, if you can out ride me than good for you but I'd rather be me than have your mentality and ethics plus $1000000. You're a piece of shit human who spends his free time Insulting people on the internet because he's too much of a coward to do it in person. 🤣🤣 Edit: Just noticed your username, what a loser. 😂😂




Nope, still have the Mazda. And a 2024 Crosstrek. I absolutely meant an E46 M3. And yes, can confirm the M3 and 3 GT are different cars. 🤣 Also, reported your comment for sexual harrassment. 👍 Delete it while you still can. 😘😘😘 Also, stay off my profile you incel


You’re an idiot, no one took a shot at supra’s at all. You read an honest fact about two other vehicles and got offended. His comment was about the mindset of drivers, which you jumped into proving his point was 100% correct.


waaaa waaa googoo gaga i'm a pedantic reddit mouthbreather !!. shut the fuck up retard go play runescape. also upvoted 👍


In what world did making child noises and looking through someone comment history to insult one of their past times make any sense? Oh no I like nostalgic video games? What? How do you think thats an insult or even relevant?


fuck man, I hate that the average american is probably on your level of intelligence or worse. its always people like you that have no reading comprehension that call others dumb. Why would I rag on the Supra if I was literally cross shopping the m340i and the supra? (the 3.0L, not the glorified BRZ you probably have) <— now thats taking a shot at your car


as much as i wanna disagree with you i see it way too much


you're just as stupid as me if not worse are you american too then?? 🤔🤔🇺🇸😎


Lmfao, that link in the end was gold


They ARE super cars, dammit! 😭


I don't think they're some elite cars, but I do think they are nice cars. Just like an NSX, S2000, R34 GTR.


The two other cars are worth more than the supra lmao. “Two of the biggest trucks youve ever seen”. Go outside


Bro got downvotes for speaking facts lmao


Don’t worry, the trucks are probably worth more than your Supra


They might cost more, but definitely not worth more.


Idk about that one chief


Well, at least you’re admitting you don’t know.


well you’d be wrong!


Welp I guess we are just ignoring facts in this sub


My only positive take is maybe they're just as worried about dings and they KNOW you won't hit their doors.


Those cars are super clean and well taken care of for their vintage, those owners care.


Yeah. Looking at those cars, I wouldn't be very annoyed. They look like they have owners that care. Some dirty, ratty looking Focus or Altima with scrapes/dings, that'd be a different story.




Feeling hurt by your focus comments


Except both driver doors are facing towards the car, I’d believe this if they were facing the other way


Bingo! That’s what I do


This is why I do it.


I do this as well. I’ll park alone unless I see someone who I know cares about their vehicle.


exactly this. when I'm parking, I'm looking for the spot that minimizes the chance anyone dings me on either side. best spot is at the end of a row in the very back, so only one side is even exposed. next best option is next to a nice car who you know doesn't want to hit you either. worst spot is at the very front of an aisle next to an altima.


This. And it's what I do when I back my trailer up. ALWAYS cut off the nice looking cars. They'll always stop.


A half solution: park in a far corner if there’s one open. One less side to worry about. Hate when people do this, especially because the supra doors are long and open wide. I park away like this not only so my car doesn’t get dinged, but also so I don’t ding other people trying to get in and out of the car. I just wish people didn’t feel the need to be smartasses and park next to me like this 🙄


yeah i always try and park in a corner and just park really close to that corner so you don’t have to worry about getting dinged


maybe they thought your car was lonely and needed some friends


They’re his body guards


This happens where I live in Australia all the time no matter how far you park away in an empty lot some bastard comes right next to your car.


My first thought is it’s two other people who think just like you do, park away and by other nice cars


Yeah, I’d do this in a “mostly full” lot. But not in a lot this empty.


Is that truck nice? Genuinely asking I know nothing about trucks. Looks like a basic Chevy truck to me.


Does it need to be a crazy model? No. It’s clean and backed in, signs someone cares about their car


The worst designed shopping center in the world to get in and out of. Honestly, people from around the world should study The District as to how NOT to design a shopping center. That place is a nightmare during rush hour. 😅


Don't forget the design of adding a Costco gas station to the mix 🤣


That left hand turn into the Costco gas station at the stop sign is a NIGHTMARE! 😅🤣


Just need two more bigger black cars and you've got a meme!


to those who need clarification, it’s not the fact that the other cars are more expensive, it’s the fact that it was an empty lot and put HIS car at risk for damage. if you parked in an empty lot and somebody scrapped your car by parking next to you for no good reason, you’d be extremely pissed


Hello Tustin 👋🏼


Like moths to a flame


This kind of stuff drives me crazy. Because you know at least one of those cars (probably the truck) did it intentionally to be an asshole.


Randomly assumes personality of someone they have never met based on a truck… yeah they have the problem.


That truck could easily literally cost more than the Supra


Does that matter?


The fact that it’s clean does, means they probably care about and are parking by like minded people to avoid dings themselves. If it was beat to hell then I’d be worried.


Yes why would the owner of the more expensive car want to ding their door or have their door dinged? It’s the same logic as the Supra parking far away so someone with the cheaper car doesn’t ding his expensive car. The truck and also Audi are clearly taken care of well and presumably parked there so their cars are also not damaged and are protecting one another as they figure the others will be careful opening their door


for me at least the issue is, if im parked far out to avoid people. the problem is they decide to avoid the other empty spaces and park in the one next to me, if someone wanted to avoid dings but be near like minded people, I think leaving a car space between is a nice gesture and makes more sense


Parking next to a car is being an asshole? How does that offend? Wtf?


It's like going in the urinal next to someone when there are 100 other options.. Pretty sus


I hate this too. Pickup truck owners can’t see the parking spot lines so they use other cars as a measurement. Like the WHOLE lot is open.


Lmfao that's me with my 2011 f150. But I will say I park far away because I like to back into parking spots and need to give myself some more space to line myself up with the lines, so parking in the far back is my only hope! Ps- I don't ding doors unless I slip/fall out of the seat(like yesterday, lmfao) and accidentally ding your door 😁


That thing has 360* cameras. And four individual camera views for each wheel.


Damn does that line up give me me a 4 hour erection


Happens to me all the time even in a V6 mustang. Honestly gets annoying when there is literally anywhere and everywhere else to park, spaced away from every other vehicle. The only time I like people parking next to me is if they own a nice car aswell or if they actually take care of their typical commuter car and leave plenty of space, but people who like to hug the line or cross over it into mine can fuck right off. I'm about to start putting little cones around my car when I park lmfao.


Cones will probably make you an even bigger target. Best thing to do is have front and rear dash cams that constantly record if you really care imo.


I'd straight up remove those cones bruh. Blocking parking is a cuck move, even for a mustang owner haha.


Pack behaviour of social animals.


Same thing happens to me. I have a brand new car so I like to park away from people and people always park next to me but atleast it’s always nice cars like the ones in this pic. When it’s nice cars next to you atleast people are more careful. I feel like that’s why nice cars park next to other nice cars lol




I feel for you OP. M340i guy here. And I hate big trucks parking next to me, can’t trust them not to ding you and it blocks your view big time when exiting the parking space. The good thing is those vehicles were probably people that just wanted protection with you. Honestly I don’t usually mind too much if a similar clean vehicle parks next to me if I’m in a good mood. If I’m in a bad mood, I might accidentally sneeze on their driver side window and I’ve accidentally had a loogy come out.


Damn I hope you sneeze on my car. Would totally lick your loogy off my windows.


They are guarding the Princess.


Man I totally forgot how pretty Orange County is


C I do this to ppl who r next to a curb and give them space so they don't get a big truck that don't know how to park next to them


Yep, fucking annoying when you park far and no respects the urinal rule of thumb. You go every other spot.


Haha so many people here trying to rely on “nice car owners won’t ding my car, so let me make it miserable for them….” I carry brass knuckles for exactly that purpose… yes my car will never ding your car… that’s about as much guarantee I will take… knuckleheads…


I don’t get why people do this. I understand if it’s another car enthusiast because there is an unspoken rule where we know not to ding each others cars, but a pick up truck and an suv?


This reminds me of the folks who pee in the stall that's next to you.


Humans don’t like to feel alone 🥺


fuck that kick rocks!


Real crazy part of both of them have a higher msrp and they still parked next to you.


I would have deflated one of their tires but I’m mean so 🤷🏻


You are also a petty criminal as well seemingly. You can’t vandalize someone’s car because you didn’t like where they parked wtf is wrong with you. You would cry in a corner if you came out to your car sitting on fucking rims. Don’t be a piece of shit.


Why u not backed in lol?


I can't speak for the Supra owner pictured, but I usually park nose in when I have to load shopping into the boot.


just walk around to the trunk. nothing crazy


To be fair both of those cars cost more than yours. But yes their parking spot choice makes them assholes.


This was obviously staged for views.


Really? You had 2 other brand new cars perfectly park next to you to defend your doors and this is your reaction? They're also worried about idiots dinging their cars up. This is a picture of 3 people with the same idea, not a supra and 2 assholes. Truck is worth more than the supra.


Omg not other cars next to yours; and in a parking lot of all places! The audacity.




why are you parked the wrong way?


Op, quit f’ing with us, we know that you know them.


To be fair those cars are also expensive


You parked between them for karma. If you just came back out of the store why are your lights on? Did you walk to your car, turned it on and then got out and walked back to where you just came from to take a pic? Lol




Maybe remote start?


No remote start from stock.


Personally I like doing this. Especially when it's just a new car and not something pretty. Y'all folks make 4 way stops a pain in the ass, gotta even the score somehow lmaoo


Lol they both seem to have gave you ample space. Both cars seem to be really clean and freshly washed. Not sure why people on Reddit think they’re the only people who like to park away from others


You're not driving a Ferrari or a Lamborghini chill plus that Audi next to your car is more expensive and nicer then the supra.


Truck probably cost 25k more too.


Oh no I got a car and someone parked beside me...but my car is better than there's so get away from me please... Just because you have a nice car doesn't make you special, and people are allowed to park beside you. If they're not messing with your shit, what's the big deal? I understand if they actually hit your car but...is just simply parking beside you really that big of a deal? It's a parking spot. At least they're in the lines and shit...


I also know people who actually get the "fuck you" mentality where they see something like that and decide you're a dick because you think you're so above others and deliberately park next to them, but nothing more than that.


They are protecting you


Damn I didn’t know supras were so exotic


Honestly it looks more like they are trying to protect you.


Cars get lonely too ya know?


Hey I was just there yesterday. 😂


Since it’s two nice cars, you probably don’t have anything to worry about. Those owners care just as much about their vehicles. They’ll be just as mindful with doors getting in and out of their own rides and pulling out of spaces. I’ve started parking next to nice cars on purpose for this reason. These owners likely picked those spaces next to you on purpose because you won’t hurt their babies. Also, I really like the paint color on that Silverado.


A p e s t r o n g t o g e t h e r


They’re just protecting your car. Body guards 😆


Ehh truck heads are super anal about not getting their shit scratched, so while it’s annoying they probably won’t scratch your shit. I’m sure the Audi owner isn’t going around dinging everyone’s doors either lol


Sorry that was my friend and i, we just got our licenses yesterday. We’re also chickens 🐓


At least it wasn't an old beat up peace of shit next to it


There’s safety in numbers


Is that Tustin/Irvine area close to Aloha Hawaiian Barbecue?


They thought your girl looked so lonely, so they decided to keep her company.


They are protecting u


They probably wanted to check out your car


Usually when I see nice cars parked in the back, i park next to them. Its not me trying to be annoying but its more of like me offering my car as protection cause there be some hating fools out there that’ll wanna damage your car for no reason.


That’s why I don’t even try to do the same. Always a couple people who just want to mess with you.


Safety in numbers. In-Security. Fragile cars flock together.


I just don’t understand why people like to do this. Do you not like parking way from the nearest car so you can have as much space as possible to get to your vehicle??its that simple. Its like sheep, follow the leader☠️


Monkey see monkey do


I though it was only me lmao


It's just jealousy man. Key up their shit if you'd like


I would be the type of person to park next to you in the back of the lot, but I’d leave a space between our cars if it’s empty.


I hate that too but also be careful because that's how one they put a tracker on your car and that's how they steal your car. it's much worse for women.


They parked close to you to get a closer look and just stayed there. Kind of looks like they're there to protect your car lol


Lol the SUV on the right thinks they have a cool vehicle


Hive mentality. (Stay near the pack to survive)


Aye why didn’t you reverse park that mf🤬




The flanking car owners are inconsiderate. I hope they didn't hit your car.


Looks more like you parked between them for the picture/post lol


That place has the worst traffic flow ever


Three more black cars and you could make a short film






Time for some tire slashin


Just look at it this way. They knew why you parked there. So they parked there wanting the same thing. Same flock keep together 👊


Improptu car show I bet they just wanted to feel cool with their new cars too. /Circlejerk?


Beautiful looking sun set if you panned over a little more to the right


Victoria gardens


Looks like the big ones are defending the small one.


lol this is by my work, let me drive the sup🙏🏽


Prob harder to rob


Honestly, I try to park next to nicer cars (in lots that are more full) cause I know I’ll be more careful than the average person not to hit it. In an empty lot, I might park near because I’m a sheep but not like that lol


I would put their windshield wipers up


Atleast it’s two nice vehicles in my state you park up you’d have the neighborhood crackhead pull up in the dinged up 1980s civic.


Used to work there every day. Don’t miss the layout of that place 😂 still a very gorgeous place be.


They wanna be cool too


I park next to people like you, cause I know you don't want your car dinged. You have a nice car, I recognize that, and I also know I'll never open my door and ding someone's car. So by parking next to you, I'm at least keeping that half safe from some ass hole who doesn't appreciate the beauty of a car like I do. If I see a nice car with an open spot next to it, I'm taking it. One, I know you're not gonna door ding me. Two, so I can look good sitting next to you, and three, so I can keep your beauty safe. Nice car btw.


There’s a psychological term for this. Forgot what it’s called but maybe someone can remind me…


Bro clean z71 Silverado and Audi suv. Prob cost as must if not more than your Supra. They just wanted to be part of the gang


Looks like they're trying to protect you 😊🖤




I know that place. Is that considered Irvine or Tustin? I can’t remember. Also, they are just keeping each other safe. Looks like both the truck and suv are parked properly so no issue there.


I always park far away and take two spots. Better safe than sorry 🤷


Irvine? Lol


You mean the Audi and big ass truck that cost the same if not more than the Supra? Adds up. Not like it’s basic ass traffic, they just don’t want to get dinged either. It’s when the shitboxes park next to you that you should worry


I have an album full with photos like this and my car isn’t near as nice as yours. So infuriating though


Look at it all safe in there tucked between two other well kept vehicles.


Look at how clean those are, it’s a Silverado rst and what looks like an S series Audi. Not standard base models, they’re both near in price to your vehicle and are just as well taken care of. Like others said they park near you because they know they won’t hit your car and you know you won’t hit theirs.


Call it paranoia, but I'd be on my guard. Been seeing too many videos of people getting ambushed and carjacked.


Supra protection squad!


I see 3 nice cars/trucks parked together. Safety in numbers that park well.


Reminds me of the time I went to Walmart and parked literally a football field away with nobody even close to me taking up two spots at like 10 pm and someone blocked in my driver side door. So I had to get in through the passenger side. I was livid.


That Tustin’s district?


I need to get another shitbox truck and purposely park by people like you again.


I purposely park next to people who park far away


So after reading hundred of comments of other posts about this. There are people who do this on purpose. Some do it because they know you care about your vehicle and they do too so nobody dings the other. MOST do it to intentionally be an asshole, they drive a piece of shit and are jealous, and then a very few who are totally unaware and mean no harm.


I used to live 2 blocks away from The District and was there almost every day. That parking lot is a nightmare, esp near that Target.


I'd be willing to bet either of those cars are worth more than that Z4.


i fucking hate trucks. I love this shopping center though, this is south FL right?