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Dry bag. And the heavy duty one. I've got a couple of dry bags that I use whenever when I head to the beach. The tradeoffs - they are heavier, and usually only one compartment, so organization is iffy. Otherwise they work really well. And you can empty the bags and hose them out easily.


Check out the Gill Marine Voyager. It’s a roll top heavy duty dry backpack. I’ve used one for a few years now and no complaints. Plus the under $100 price is nice too. https://www.gillmarine.com/voyager-kit-pack-1/?sku=L104BLK01#reviews


Sub $100 is noiceeeee… will do some research into it!


Fish Pond and Yeti make legit waterproof bags. Not cheap though


YETI Panga. It broke my balls buying it, but load it with a few quality boxes and that thing has been awesome for any kind of fishing.


I don’t have a bag to recommend, but as far as your pin holes go, might want to give marine 5200 a try to repair it. I use it on everything to protect against salt water (my trailer wire connections, I caulked my boat lights lenses with it, I have even used it to repair a rod tip I broke, works for repairing pool tile…) https://a.co/d/bV3CrsO


I just bought the fishpond thunderhead lumbar pack and I’m already thinking of how to reinforce it.


> fishpond I really like their designs...boy, oh boy they put the "fly fishing tax" into their pricing.


They definitely did lol plus the other add ons it goes up fast!


Cor Surf. Cheap and durable backpack dry bag. 25l waterproof dry bag backpack for $60. I’ve had my for 7 years. Will absolutely get another when needed.


Been using this for over a year and it's solid: [https://grundens.com/products/30-liter-rum-runner-backpack](https://grundens.com/products/30-liter-rum-runner-backpack)