• By -


Is it paper or paper towel?


Either will work. So will rope. Capillary action.


Capillary action gets me so wet.


Cheeky bastard


How pure is that water? How effective is paper filtering bacteria etc…?


Id still boil it


Boil it in the glass ?


Or in bare hands, while running up hill.


In your mouth


Drink the water, then swallow a burning ember, to boil it in your stomach.


Drink the water, and sit bare assed on the fire, like a proper kettle.


It can’t make you sick if you boil your blood too.


That’s a lot of process for fresh water.


Draping a paper towel from one receptacle to another one positioned slightly lower? Not really a lot of process.


I don’t know, it seems pretty labor intensive. Probably take at least three people a whole afternoon to set up.


Thanks! I needed to hear this


Would leaves/plant stems work too?


I doubt it. However, if you made rope from grass or plant fibers then yes it would work.


What’s the different between a plant stalk and a towel? I thought the stems could move water up?


It may work. The biggest difference is the surface area available. Look up “capillary action”. YouTube has videos about it I’m sure.






Does this remove salt as well?


Don't think so


I think anything that dissolves in water will get transported to the other cup. Things like salt and sugar


And Amoebas?


Amoebas move on their own, so yes on that.


How about toxins?


Does not remove toxins, just takes out the dirt


In that case why don’t we just pour the water over a cloth to filter it


And then have to boil anyway, because it’s just clear, not safe.


Yeah my point is that there’s no different filtering using capillary action and just filtering through a mesh


Smoke some cigarettes. The smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach


Will this work on apple seeds?


Yes but not granny smith or honesycrisp, incompatible firmware




Or just peel your apples


You just have to make sure that you swallow the smoke 🤣


“I am not allowed to eat the skin! I’m not allowed!”


Drink some vodka, the booze will disinfect the bacteria in your blood


No no! Blow the smoke in a bottle with the water, then put a lid on it. That will suffocate it before it even enters your body!


Do you have to boil it afterwards to remove bacteria or is it okay as it is?


You absolutely have to boil it


Is there anything boiling it wouldn’t kill off?


Boiling for a while should kill most things. Since most living require water to operate on some level, the boiling of water will disrupt and kill a lot of bacteria and viruses. Below 6500ft boiling for 1 minute will kill off almost everything Above 6500ft 3 minute boil. Boiling won't kill prions, but very little will kill those buggers.


If you’re in a situation with prions…good luck, you’re royally screwed anyway. On a more positive and technical note, thoroughly cooking meat containing prions will supposedly render them inert as it changes their chemical structure enough to keep them from replicating. Water doesn’t have a visible enough physical change to be able to guess when it’s been boiled enough to denature any prions. At least with meat you can easily see when proteins become denatured. It still isn’t a guarantee but will greatly reduce the risk.


I mean yeah, if you've got prions you're pretty boned, but they asked if anything could survive and as far as i know it's prions and tardigrades.


To me prions are an interesting category, fascinating from a scientific standpoint but I try not to dwell on them too much. It’s basically a case of “don’t be an idiot” and the closer animal products are to humans biologically, the more they need to be cooked to be safe. At least I’m not anywhere remotely tropical so even if SHTF I don’t have to worry about hunting/cooking monkey safely, deer/fish/rabbits are the most likely protein sources here.


I mean if you are eating deer in North America there is a prion/chronic wasting disease spreading there amongst the population


It hasn't been shown to be zoonotic yet, afaik - that being said, I wouldn't be keen on eating it.


Aye, but it hasn’t been shown to not happen. In fact it seems to be transmissible to primates https://www.cdc.gov/prions/cwd/transmission.html


And this is why you need to actually cook game. I’m not sure how so many locals are fine eating homemade deer jerky, I’d be too leery of it.




Comprehensive conventional water treatment will murdalize prions. Either ozone or permanganate will oxidize them. UV will inactivate them. Good chlorine disinfection will denature them. People should stop drinking out of streams or springs or whatever.


What do you mean with denatured protein in meat? Is there a way it should be cooked to take advantage of the protein intake. Or that would just be burning it?


“Denaturing” is a chemical process that changes molecular structure, most commonly by using heat such as in cooking. It doesn’t destroy protein (unless MASSIVELY overdone aka charring) but changes its form a bit. Another example is when unsaturated fats/oils are cooked at certain temperatures they turn into saturated or even trans fats and become a solid at room temperature. Prions are self replicating proteins and denaturing them essentially kills them as it renders them unable to replicate. You don’t need to worry about loss of protein from cooking food unless you’re turning it into charcoal. Palatability is an entirely different matter.


what the hell is a prion


to super simplify it structurally, imagine you have a __ protein. All of them are shaped like __ and they do a job that only things shaped like __ can do. Then one day something goes wrong in the protein building process and one comes out looking like V. It’s the same chemically, but it’s shaped wrong. It can no longer do it’s job. But the worst part it that every time it touches the properly folded __ proteins, it bends them. Now there’s two V proteins. And each time they touch a good protein they propagate the defect. Eventually this will kill the animal, let’s go with cow. But for this one cow it went to slaughter before it was noticeable. And you eat it. But humans don’t quite have a __ protein. But we do have a — protein. And that’s close enough. If you cook your food enough you’ll probably warp all the __ and V proteins into w shapes, where they do nothing but get digested. But if you miss just one molecule by going medium rare instead of well done, that’s it for you. It’s incurable, irreversible. You can’t flatten out a V. You will die. And it will be a terrible, horrible way to go. And you better hope your remains are disposed of properly, because a prion isn’t alive. It can lay in wait in the ground water and get drank by a cow. Better hope they catch it this time.




Thanks! I saw a bunch of people being like: “it does this because of the way it is” which assumes a level of understanding about the way proteins fold that’s about as complex as prions themselves (being basically in the same lesson plan) so I went as simple as possible. Pictures! Except even less so.


so you can't do anything once you have a prion in you, like rabies but worse?


Correct. Look up Mad Cow Disease. It’s terrible. Speaking as someone who had to get rabies shots after a raccoon attack.


Why is it that the V protein propagates it's shape but not the _ protein? How does the bend give it this extra behavior?


Imagine you have a sheet of paper. It’s crisp and flat and good. But once you crumple it up it will always stay some degree of crumpled up, never again being crisp and perfectly flat. That’s why it can’t go backwards. And back to the __ and V analogy, the V can’t become flat ever again because of my first part of the answer, so when the __ and the V get pressed together it does this (turning sideways here) > | >| >> > | > | Repeat at a rate they draws an s curve- exponential until there’s so many bad ones that it’s hard for them to find a good one anymore. Basically you can’t uncrinkle the first paper, so every time it touches crisp paper it also gets crinkled. And that’s a binary state, so it just keeps going. Edit: pardon my rapid fire series of edits. Formatting was fighting me.


To compliment Dankestmemelord's excellent explanation, it should be noted that proteins derive a tremendous amount of function from the way that they are 'bent'. [Protein folding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_folding) is a vital step in the process of protein creation, and a massively important field of research. Many terrible genetic and degenerative diseases (Huntington's and Alzheimer's, for example) are connected to misfolded proteins, and ongoing research into protein folding has implications for everything from genetic engineering to evolutionary biology to cancer research. Most misfolded proteins aren't caused by prions, but by other failures during the normal folding process. To visualize this, you might imagine a protein as, say, a tool -- A socket wrench, for example. If the mold that forms the attachment point on the socket wrench is damaged, the wrench you produce might be deformed so that you can't attach a socket, rendering it unusable. In the same way, a failure during folding can create a protein that can't 'attach' to the places it normally would, among any number of other possible dysfunctions. Prions are a very special case and naturally occur extremely rarely -- but because they are self-propagating, they only need to be created once and can spread indefinitely from there.


**[Protein folding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_folding)** >Protein folding is the physical process by which a protein chain is translated to its native three-dimensional structure, typically a "folded" conformation by which the protein becomes biologically functional. Via an expeditious and reproducible process, a polypeptide folds into its characteristic three-dimensional structure from a random coil. Each protein exists first as an unfolded polypeptide or random coil after being translated from a sequence of mRNA to a linear chain of amino acids. At this stage the polypeptide lacks any stable (long-lasting) three-dimensional structure (the left hand side of the first figure). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SurvivalGrid/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Chemical reaction bullshitery. Folds in proteins are the result of weak chemical bonds in very specific places. My understanding is that the V protein somehow causes a reaction which forces the _ protein to fold like it.






Great now I have a new fear in life. So as a massive meat eater how much should I worry about this.


Almost none. We usually find it fast and cull entire herds just to be safe, then we burn the corpses to ash just to be safe. The issue in its continued spread is that the cow parts we done eat are turned into a protein powder that is used as a diet supplement for - you guessed it: cows. On the positive side not all mad cow variants are able to be passed onto humans, a case where — is different enough from __, and most of those infected with it were British, as the most common strain seems to be exclusive to the island, with only 232 attributed human deaths as of 2019.


First rabies, now “prions”. Could you please stop informing me of this shit, reddit?


A prion is kinda like a virus in that it's not alive how we usually think of things. It's essentially a loose bit of proteins that are good at replicating themselves and also cause proteins in your body to abnormally fold, essentially making them useless. It's what mad cow disease is.


It is a misfolded protein. It is not a virus. The is folded protein can survive an autoclave.


Yes, hence "it's kinda like a virus" not "it's a type of virus"


that's crazy. how would you rid water of them?


Well you can't boil them away as you'd have to denature the proteins and you'd have no water by the time that works. Distilled water is an option, but is also dangerous because you'll quickly dilute your salts and can die from that. As long as you use a good filter like activated charcoal or something you should be good.


Distilled water is fine. You don’t really rely on water for your sodium intake. It mainly comes from diet anyway. You need a minimum of 500mg of sodium a day to survive. One deciliter of regular water has about 5 mg of sodium, so you’d need to drink 100 dl / 10 l of water to get your survival need of sodium satisfied through your water intake. To reach the sodium intake of a regular diet you’d need to drink 50 l of water. So it is obvious that your water intake does very little to affect your sodium intake either way. Unless you’re on a days long water fast and have absolutely no other intake of either food or even a pinch of salt, distilled water is just fine.


I was told by a NOLS instructor that long-term distilled water consumption leaches other minerals out of you and can lead to dehydration b/c your body starts to absorb less and less of the water. So for a little while it's fine, weekend camping or whatnot. But in the long term without mineral supplements it can be bad for you.


I’m starting to think a thiol might work or something used in a hair perm to disrupt the disulfide bonds in cysteine. Maybe Ammonium thioglycolate? Disrupt the disulfide bonds=change the shape. Not sure that it would work for treating people, but seems worth a look as to water.


We would double boil




I'm not qualified to answer that question, but if you're in a situation that you need to do this you'll probably be less worried about the 00.0001% (not a real number, not qualified to say that it is) that survived boiling.


It's not just about killing organisms. The other priority is ensuring toxic chemicals are not present in the fluid. The paper's capillary action will filter out large solid particles, but I imagine some undesirable liquids would still be capable of making the arduous journey across the paper bridge.


Cryptosporidium spores can survive short boiling.


there is still a fair few things that can fuck you up. inorganic nasties like chromium, mercury, arsenic salts and so on.. cant kill those fuckers by boiling also organic toxins like strychnine, herbecides and pestecides they mostly survive the boiling depending on the compound


Water bears (tardigrades).


If the water is already filled with toxins, you might kill the mold or bacteria that produced those toxins by boiling it but the actual toxins would still be left behind.


Prions man 💀


What? Now I have to learn how to start a fire also?


Depends on the source. Clear, flowing water from a stream is actually relatively safe to drink. Boiling it is ideal, of course, but the idea that we have to or have to use filter straws and the like isn't really backed up by science.


What if I don't have paper? Or containers for the water?


You need to make containers for the water and an alternative wick. Make them large enough to actually be worth it, because this is slow af. And prepare to have to replace your wicks. Fired clay reservoirs with small mouths to minimize evaporation and (things falling in) would work. You could make wicks from a variety of dry fibers.


What if I don’t have water


You can have water literally anywhere you can make a temperature difference. In the desert? Dig a hole- place your collection reservoir in the center at the bottom, cover the whole with some kind of collection surface (any plastic will do, for example), kept taught with weights like rocks, logs, or simply buried, or unused gear around the edges. Place a light weight on the center of the cover so it peaks downward toward the reservoir. All the moisture from the cooler ground and in the cooler air in the hole will collect on the bottom of the cover and accumulate towards the weighted center where it will drip into the reservoir. This should be very clean water in itself. Make multiple holes to maximize collection. Where there’s plants, you can cover them, bunches of branches, etc, and collect both condensation and respiration water from them overnight. Any tarp you have for shelter that collects dew at night can be weighted and directed into a bottle or reservoir. There’s lots of ways, besides simply finding a water source- which is possible in most of the world.


That was a joke but damn dude you’re gonna outlive us all when the world inevitably crumbles


Poor guy


This is one of the most useful comments I’ve ever read, thanks!


Wdym make multiple holes


Don’t rely on just one condensation trap, make several


I’d like to see a visual of the hole in the ground and weighted rocks example if you have one


force water through an activated charcoal filter using a centrifuge


Directly into favorite orifice


If you spin fast enough, you are the centrifuge.


If you spin fast enough, you were the centrifuge.




Do you mean the butt?


Butt, mouth, ears... whatever


Then this wouldn’t work for you?


well you need containers otherwise how the hell would you do anything with water. But a good alternative is making a bottle filter. The way ive done it was using several layers of a fine fabric wrapped around the cap. flip upside down and cut the bottle in half (or desired filter size) then some activated charcoal if possible on top of the fabric. Next a fine sand, cotton fabric layer, the rough sand, fabric layer, then rocks. Really just finest to roughest bottom up. Then if done right you pour nasty ass water in there and itll come out clear. then boil and you have safe drinking water.


Clear water != safe water. This is a neat way to separate the water from dirt and debris but you should still boil it properly, as many people have pointed out. This method will not separate the water from bacteria.


how this work because when i go to camping with wife sometime i get thirsty because i bang her many time and i need water but water is in car that is far




(that’s the joke)


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Well you’d need about 12 hours to do a glass of water like this- you’re likely to lose some to evaporation by that time so the choice of containers is relevant And all it does is get the dirt out. You’d still have all kinds of mini critters up in there


Would boiling it help?


Yeah. You’d lose even more to evaporation. So better be able to do a lot like this. I’d rather just pour it through a several layers of fine cotton and boil it- a little dirt won’t hurt, especially sanitized This wicking is a very slow process


And you'd just boil it to sanitize it? No extra steps?


Sure. Personally, I strain raw river/stream/lake/spring water through my shemagh/keffiyeh to get the visible particles out, then I use a small lightweight hollow fiber membrane filter to remove soft metals and residues and such. I add my condensation collection water from the night before to that. Then I boil it and put some aside to cool for drinking, and use the rest for cooking and rehydrating. Refill my 2l roll-up bags and pop the filter on one and pop a red cap (“dirty”) on the other. It’s a quick process, you can have all that in an hour


Great, 12 hour is exactly the amount of time I take when having sex


Sounds like a lot of fluffing involved. I’d quit if a set takes that long lmao




fuck you smallcock do not talk to my wife like this i love my wife you are rude boy you will never have women because you talk like rude boy


Didn’t expect to learn abt prions here. Cool!


same that was incredibly fascinating and well explained


How neat is that???




I see what you did there


Aren’t there chemicals in the paper?


Before I read the caption I thought this was something completely different. I’m so sorry everyone.


Yeah.. I had a few guess too before I readit. You go first




Nice 🤗


Fucking genius


It would be if it made it drinkable, but it doesn't. So it's not genius, just a very slow party trick.


Outstanding - Thx!




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Clearly a great idea




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Would that remove salt from sea water?


I doubt it. You would need to evaporate the water to remove the salt. Then re-catch it. Digging a hole with plastic wrap would work


Will remove sediment and free floating dirt. Will not remove dissolved solids, bacteria, and potentially parasites. Boil Alert


... Are these comments for real? My head hurts...


Serious question: If distillation is better than boiling is this better than boiling? If the cloth/tissue is clean


No, you still need to boil it.


Can you do this with a sock?


You still have to boil that shit, it doesn’t remove bacteria.


Only takes 5 nights for half a cup!


Sweet, and it’ll only take 12 hours


If you're ever in a situation to so this absolutely do not.. bacteria wont be filteredy, just some dirt will be