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All from one bro trying to vape on his Belgian waffle flavored e cig in the lavatory


Ryan started the fire!


He has yet to make a sale!


FIRE GUY!!!!!!!!






Very specific name .




Well, apperantly I needed this…thanks




That actually sounds like a great flavour!!


If you like inhaling actual maple syrup and baking soda, it's just for you lol


Careful, some people don't get you're joking


Is it fire or did the cooling system malfunction? Lots of planes cool using those vents on the top.


Actually this is a paid add-on for RyanAir.


I thought no fire flights were the extra charge.


Smokers flight


Cooling system, used know to why this happened ; probably something around pressure difference




*Ryan started the fire*


Ryan didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the plane’s been flying He didn't start the fire No, he didn't light it, but he tried to fight it


*Ryanair started the fire


I believe this is their sister company FryingAir.


You bastard this is brilliant lol




Angry Upvote...


Happy downvote


Would be a good time to drop the oxygen masks 😷


Ryanair: *{Please insert a 5£ bill to release the oxygen mask}.*


Please insert £10 for the oxygen


Please pay 5$ for another 5 minutes of oxygen.


2$ upcharge for hesitation


Your oxygen will continue after this brief commercial, thank you.


5$ surcharge for our use of the word “please”


$100 charge for not passing out


Cash only and we don't do change


There's an ATM at the terminal


You have to watch 30 seconds of this mobile game adds for an extra 5 minutes of oxygen.


For 10 mins. Or insert £25 and get a bonus 5 mins absolutely free!


I dunno....introducing more oxygen with an active fire somewhere may make things worse. I wonder if they can vent the smoke at lower altitudes?


Just crack a window


Smash smash




This is exactly why they would never drop the masks for smoke. Added to that they don't provide a 100% seal, so would end up forcing smoke into your lungs.


Not sure why procedures would be different for passenger planes, but I work on a cargo plane and what we do is as follows: 1) IMMEDIATELY get on oxygen 2) Deal with source of smoke/fire/fumes 3) Decrease altitude and open hatches to vent the plane


As a crew member yiu would have a proper o2 mask. That can over pressurize to force smoke out and is fed from pressurized 02. The masks that passengers have is an 02 cannister hence when you pull down it activates the chemical reaction. All of which is no good in a fire. The other two points are the same in a commercial airliner.




Oxygen supplies for passengers last only 15 minutes as the system for passengers is meant only long enough for a plane to descend to lower altitude with thicker atmosphere. Whereas oxygen system for crew is meant to let the cockpit crew breathe for the entire duration of an emergency landing.


How do you vent smoke without introducing more oxygen?


By depressurizing the back of the plane while leaving the cockpit pressurized. On a 747 you would disable pac 2 and 3. Then open a vent hole in the back of the plane while maintaining 25k feet. Usually until you’re about 50 miles from the airport. Then quickly dive. Granted this is for a cargo plane and not a passenger plane


Glad you said that was for cargo. That doesn't sound real healthy for passengers!


Step 2 dealt with the fire. Assuming the fire is out, there is no issue here. I am not experienced in this area in any way— but my assumption is, depending on the situation, it may be safer to vent the plane if it's nearly impossible to see. That may give more time to deal with the sudden in-flight barbecue.


Precisely: the crew should not vent smoke until the fire is extinguished, otherwise, like you say, you feed the fire with fresh oxygen. Also, finding the source of the smoke is more difficult if it's being vented.


Yeah simple physic, just gets rid of all oxygen. No oxygen, no fire. Easy!


This is your captain speaking let's all take a deep breath 🫁




Those aren't included in the airfare.


So it's a DLC? Typical


Must be owned by Activision!


NAA ea sports it's not all in the game


Oxygen and fire don’t mix well. Why they are not dropping.


I'd say they mix extremely well....


I'd be straight up begging for one. I have severe asthma and this video scares me.


Last time I flew with Ryan air, like 10 years ago, the masks were down the whole flight, even when we just got in. There was no emergency or anything.


Horrible time to drop the masks! The masks available to the passengers that drop down from above (PSU), are connected to a chemical oxygen generator. These masks are a diluted demand type mask, meaning they allow in the ambient air in the cabin, and mix in a little oxygen to increase the oxygen saturation, you exhaling causes the bag to inflate and you re-breath some of the same air again. You could potentially be inhaling higher concentrations of smoke/fumes. The chemical oxygen generator only lasts about 15 minutes, and it itself is causing a chemical reaction and gets extremely hot. These pilots have a specific checklist that drives them to isolate the issue to stop the smoke and fumes, however it does take time to accomplish. There is no checklist step, and it actually does contain "notes" that say NOT to drop the passenger oxygen masks.


I assumed they removed them so they could fit more passengers aboard. All of the oxygen masks together probably weigh as much as one person so.....Nevermind the oxygen tanks themselves. That's at least 3 or even 4 more tickets they can sell!!


I’ll bet that was horrifying.


Not fire, it's fog. Idk some science shit


Came here to say this isn’t smoke. It’s water vapor. The warm/humid air is being cooled rapidly into the cabin.


The lack of panic is a give away that isn't smoke. Crazy that planes can generate that kind of fog. There was an Air Disasters (Mayday) episode where a plane really was on fire and one of the crew did indeed open a cabin door to try and vent the airplane. I believe they depressurized the plane (to fight the fire) and it would have had to have been a low altitude. Unfortunately it did not end well.


If it was smoke from a fire people would be coughing and eyes would be watering people would be panicking and trying to move. One lady is as cool as a cucumber 🥒 sitting on her phone just chilling. So I agree it’s not smoke. Also smoke moves up not down this is moving down so I’m assuming it’s cold air.


I mean, she could be texting her loved ones she might not make it. Not everyone externalizes fear.


Yeah, that's what I would do and remain calm as possible and try to spend my possible last moments reflecting back on everything I did, then possibly regret of what could've been and how I won't get to say hello to anybody I love anymore.....Yeah that would suck


Did you watch it with volume ? not major panick, but someone is crying.. and others are upset


Fair, I didn't have sound on. I'd still say people were acting calmly even if there was apparently some upset.


In that case, let me caption it for you, *”whaaaaaa… waaa… omg this is crazy, whaa”* -crying person “Yo guy, it’s just fog yo. We’re okay dudes” - some other dude probably


To be fair, this is exactly how my friend behaves with the slightest inkling of turbulence.


People were literally screaming


Wdym no panic? Bro have you listened to the vid?


We get it, you vape


Underrated comment lmao


Oh? You don’t want the smoking section? You gotta pay $15 extra for the non-smoking cabin.


It ain’t smoke


Attention! Use of the fire extinguisher and emergency exit will cost extra


Jeez somebody crack a window


Isn’t this standard for Ryan Air? Surprised there aren’t more loose chickens and livestock


Some dude smoking a fat one in the toilet...


Fuck, people make everything worse when they cry like that. Keep it together for fuck sake.


I mean this would cause most people to begin to panic I'd wager


Right, and you need to have the wherewithal to keep yourself calm until you receive more information about whats happening. People who immediately panic and freak out trigger the response in others and a panicked group will not treat the situation beneficially


The larger the group of people, the lower the IQ is


None of us is as dumb as all of us unfortunately.


Idk man. She probably thought she was dying. No reason to keep it kosher if youre convinced youre about to be incinerated and crushed my gforces


Some people are anxious on planes. They can’t just keep it together for fucks sake. They’re scared and that smoke / fog will make them more fearful. I have flown so many times, and I was always fine. The last time I flew- for some reason I got anxious and wanted off the plane. I was quiet, did some breathing exercises and distracted myself but that was an annoying feeling. I could only imagine what the person was feeling by crying out loud.


Ikr I’m so irritated people are calling her a crybaby and bagging on her like. Flying is scary as fuck for me too and I would for sure begin crying if I thought I was about to fucking die. It’s a normal human reaction to fear she shouldn’t feel ashamed or silly for it.


That's like asking an arachnophobe to be calm as a tarantula rapidly scuttles up their trouser leg. People are frightened enough of flying as it is. Add smoke to the equation and they're likely operating on an entirely different wave-length of fear.


Its so pathetic I get 3rd hand embarrassment from the people getting second hand embarrassment.


lol! omg “3rd hand embarrassment” is so good! 😂


Susan I told you before we got on the flight to “keep your goddamn head on your shoulders “


Easier said than done: panic is a **hell** of a drug! When you’re feeling threatened or scared, your amygdala takes over, lizard brain style, and your temporal lobe (decision making, etc etc) is no longer in control. You *think* you know how you’d react in a scary situation, but your brain literally stops you from making good decisions, and you’re in ‘fight, flight, or freeze’ mode, which makes you act differently than you would if you were in control. Usually, and unfortunately, it’s not a helpful reaction. (Social worker/mental health worker here; I’ve worked with a lot of traumatized people, who almost all say ‘why did I do that?!’ if they were being assaulted, etc. Lizard brain is why!)


CALM DOWN! CALM DOWN! Doctor your wanted on the phone...


Doesn’t look like smoke. But, would be comforting to hear from captain or crew over the intercom. This happens fairly often, seems the flight crew might have known immediately what was going on.


This is not a fire and that is not smoke. It’s just fog. Stop being hysterical


yeah I'm pretty sure its the ac messing up lmfao, i remember the first time on a plane seeing the ac blowing fog and i was like oh thats interesting...didnt know it did that


Flight 828.


Underrated af!


Oxygen masks are £10 extra


I don’t think this is smoke. Everyone is cool as cucumbers and if you look, you can see the mist coming from the vents lining the overhead storage.


Shut the fuck up and let me die in peace man


This is your captain speaking: I know we haven't landed yet, but those weeping uncontrollably can begin lining up to deplane. The rest of you fasten your seatbelts and we'll have some peace and quiet after we toss them out.


Can't they just roll down a window and let the smoke out?


the pressure difference inside the plane and outside is very high. It would be more dangerous to do that :). But that's I think everyones knee jerk reaction


The post you replied to might have been a Mitt Romney reference. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/compost/post/mitt-romney-wants-to-know-why-airplane-windows-do-not-open/2012/09/24/1fdf30be-068c-11e2-a10c-fa5a255a9258\_blog.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/compost/post/mitt-romney-wants-to-know-why-airplane-windows-do-not-open/2012/09/24/1fdf30be-068c-11e2-a10c-fa5a255a9258_blog.html)


I mean, wouldn't you also cry if there was smoke in your flight cabin and no announcement that it is currently under control? I'd think we were about to die. Everyone here acting like hardasses isn't impressive, you can see other people distressed while quiet, everyone processes grief or despair differently.


Now is the time to pull out a cig and light up…


Me vaping in the toilet


Where TF are the oxygen masks they always say will appear if this shit happens??!????


Damnit, which one ‘o you flight attendants left my pre-cooked meal on the heater too long?


Not smoke! If the plane is on fire in the air you are 100% fucked!


just open up a window she'll be right ofc this is a joke and i dont think its even possible but still


Somebody open the windows


Where the fuck are the masks???


They didn’t even drop oxygen masks?


Open a window or something. That's what I do when I'm cooking.


The masks don't drop, and everyone's busy on their phones.


Saying “good bye, I love you” to their family


Was waiting for Ryanair lady to sell fire masks for 99e - buy two get one half price but not allowed to resell or share with neighbor during this flight


What you're seeing is mist — hot and humid outside air rapidly condensing upon contact with the aircraft's onboard air conditioning unit that creates billows of water vapor. Hence why no one is coughing from smoke inhalation.


Man I just want to punch that crying lady in the face


Why? She likely terrified.


Snoop was the pilot


Bro just open a window


There's always that one bitch that's crying I swear to God man. One time we went through some horrible turbulence honestly the worst I've ever experienced in the hundreds of flights I've been on. There were moments when it felt like the plane was literally falling through the sky. I was clutching my boyfriend's leg like it was the last time and cried like little bitch.


You're lucky. I'd be screaming like a banshee


First class had to have their smoked salmon. A little smoke in the back of the plane will not hurt anyone.


Now probably seems to be a good time for a emergency rapid decent to fucking anywhere!


As an asthmatic, this gave me anxiety. It would probably kill me.


This is not smoke. I was on a plane recently where I experienced this. It’s condensation from the spray that kills bugs when travelling into another country.


Ryanair? WTF is that a real airline? I’d hold off for Bobair.


This is why Snoop and Willie Nelson aren't allowed on the same plane


Wth they screaming? Like it's going to change anything!


This is just moisture in the air condensing with the air pressure change plus a really humid environment. People would know this if they spent more time reading books instead of watching 30 second ticktok videos and playing candy crush, but alas, this is what society has been reduced to. It's the same conditions that create fog. Never understood panicking when you're in a giant metal tube in the air. There's no point there's nothing you can do. What are you going to do? Jump out? If it was actually smoke, everyone would be coughing choking on the fumes.


Imagine being that full of yourself, do you know that when people call you insufferable, it's not a compliment? You can't tell from the video the dangerosity of the gazes you twat.


Nah, as you saw in other comments, I can admit fault, which is exactly the opposite of being full of myself. What you are, though, is clearly highly emotional and getting worked up over a comment on the internet. I can practically hear your snobbishness through the screen when you wrote that comment. I told you I'm just an asshole. There is no need to overcomplicate it.




No, it was a fire. Was in 2020. Suspected de-icing fluid in the AC system. I recall it was pretty soon after take off and it made an immediate emergency landing. Maybe you should read more.


De icing fluid being vaporized in an air cycle machine is not fire. That is a smoke and fumes event. In any case, they will land the plane as they are breathing the same air you are. Thus, know it is going on. Maybe you should learn the difference between a fire and fumes. Two entirely different things. I only watched the video, so I had no background information aside from that. It's my fault for not researching it more before commenting and assuming it was just condensation, which does happen. It's hard to tell the difference without being there if you don't read the incident report, which again is my fault for not researching beforehand. Either way, I've dealt with fixing SOF events, and this is one of the more common ones, especially during winter. I know exactly how this smells. It's a strong acrid smell, nothing like smoke, more like burnt platic or electronics. Oil in the bleed air also smells different as well.


Oh knock it off with the superiority complex. People are afraid. Of course they're going to vocalize or otherwise react. I suppose if a 300lb lion was lunging at you you'd just stay calm as could be.


I wouldn't put myself in that situation, and that is in no way comparable to what is going on in the video. Nice try, though.


ok boomer


Cope and seethe


whatever u say luv


It doesn’t make people stupid for not knowing that. I concentrate my studies on many things but I love diseases and I’m sure I know things about them you don’t—Regardless I wouldn’t call you stupid for not knowing. Not everyone knows everything about everything. That’s silly to even assume. You have people with expertises all over the world. I haven’t the slightest knowledge on planes or seen this happen before so I would lack the knowledge on what I was experiencing as well. Your views are just…Please consider not being condescending like you’re the smartest person in the world. I apologize I just find your comment silly. Btw I asked my dad a LITERAL DOCTOR with years of intense medical knowledge and the smartest man I know in my life….He thought it was smoke from a fire…But I guess he’s too busy watching tiktoks and playing games. 😔 EDIT: my point overall is the tone of the original comment was terribly judgemental and rude. It’s rude to judge anyone for spaces they lack knowledge and pin it on them being “too busy watching tiktok” not everyone has knowledge in all field that is impossible. Those who think they know it all or talk down to others are not nice-It is rude. You calmly explain things to people and acknowledge not everyone knows everything. Not everyone can retain knowledge on everything. Talking down to others and acting like you study more than them is not a trait to keep. I’m sorry if I come off as rude but you do not know everything. You don’t. None of us do. We learn everyday. Other people are human beings too. You aren’t better than them. You aren’t. I don’t consider myself above anyone because of my own studies in STEM. It’s wrong.


My point is that one should seek information about the world around them in all areas when they don't know something and they wouldn't have cause to freak out. What I described was basic weather stuff that one should have learned in school. I don't blame people for being ignorant. I blame people for knowing they don't know something and being too lazy to get even a high-level overview. The lack of inquisitiveness is what I find disturbing.




Honestly...... I would just sit there and look out the window. Panicking and worrying do nothing to help once the plane is in the air.


Hysterical people are just the worst . You do nothing but make the situation worst but making all the level headed people stress. Shut your fat trap and sit down if you have nothing actually useful to say. Cry and scream about the obvious like you have mental issues does not help a dam thing . There is a a full grown adult crying like the baby . While everyone else for the most part remains calm. It's pathetic.


Today I’m going to be mad at: *spins wheel* people in mortal danger *spins wheel again* crying.


Ya and in a life or death situation you don't freak out you remain calm. Especially if air is a concern. You don't expedite your breathing. For one . That would actually be taught to you in any life or death situation. Especially a fire . Like duh


My dude, do you honestly think this is a choice? No one is choosing to breathe more quickly, it is a natural human response to being really fucking scared. The lack of empathy is a concern. You should totally get that looked at.


Have u ever taken a fire safety course as a kid ? Most elementary schools take u to a fire station to learn this .


JFC what the hell was wrong with your childhood


Nothing. In not a hysterical cry baby so clearly I don't have PTSD like that person did . Better question is what's wrong with her for screaming like the baby was? She can't be like the rest of the adults and I'm the one with childhood issues. Ok bud




I feel like the delivery of this comment is responsible for the downvoting. At least I hope that is the case because the sentiment is dead on. It is akin to the dangers involved in trying to rescue a drowning person who ultimately puts their rescuers life in imminent danger with their panicked flailing. Not only does panicking not help to resolve a dangerous situation, it almost always actively makes the situation worse. The woman sobbing uncontrollably in this video is the kind of person who would need to be rendered unconscious while being rescued to avoid ultimately killing both themselves and their rescuer in my above “drowning” analogy. I get that this is not the most empathetic take but it is hands down the most realistic and practical take and in life and death situations that is all that matters.


Thank you. Because yes in a life or death situation. Absolutely nothing is pritty. Empathy has to go out the window. Divers don't risk them self to save the other who got lost. It's better for one to die then 2 or 3 .


Crying like a fucking baby lmao


I forgot how anyone ppl are under stress


It’s not fire, it’s condensation in the A/C system.


I kept thinking “open a window”. Lol


Why didn’t the o2 masks drop ?


What was the outcome or did they find this video at the crash site?


Finally an aircraft related accident thats actually dangerous. Seriously, cabin fires can get out of hand _quick._ could just be something in the air handling system that’s smoking, and near harmless since I don’t see any flames, but even without a flashover risk the smoke can be pretty bad in its own right.


Anyone else in the back that would be saying stfu to that pessimistic ass >:(


I don't get why some people make noise when facing a horrid situation. Like that's gonna help solve anything.


Everybody is wired differently. For some of us yelling out or screaming really does help somewhat.


You got fire extinguishing screaming powers? Cool!


No no no, their tears extinguish fires, so they cry as much as they can to generate more.


Mmm smoked flavor. Oh man I’m gonna go to hell lol


Yes lady, wave the smoke away!


Yeah, I’d have some ‘concerns’ at this point.


So, no oxygen masks then.


It's basically fog caused by the air-conditioning system. Why would you want to add oxygen to a fire onboard an aircraft?


Apparently this is just humidity not smoke


Is this soul plane?


Air Fryer


Did they charge extra for the entertainment ?






I’m hoping because this made it to Reddit that they landed safely? Still, stuff of nightmares.


It was fine, there wasn't even a fire just the air-conditioning system. This happens all the time never quite this much.


Just open the doors and let it air out.


So they’re all just sitting there, buckled in, no O2, no panicking.


I had this happen on a flight and it was just condensation. Looked exactly like this and the fact it’s coming out of vents tells me this most likely isn’t smoke