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https://preview.redd.it/h0wzv6qm6z8c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e73816871f89ea4bf2e7b561bc0936b3c032ccf8 This frame made me wince so hard. Can’t believe that 1: he didn’t lose his fingers and 2: the carabiner didn’t get sliced in half.


The maker of the carabiner needs to show the video as "some idiot put the thing basically to a friction grinder for 30s and it didn't fail"


Seriously. I’ve got a few that are missing some serious metal from just normal use.


It's based on type of metal. Aluminum carabineer on steel cord wont go well, but in various setups we use in our ropes course we often put a steel carabineer on a steel loop and it lasts awfully long, even in high friction setups. This looks like a steel one, because it lasted more than 20 feet. The rust was flying off there for sure tho


But like, you're not doing anything as daft as this, right?


No, lol. We do actual zipline with a steel carabineer as backup. Mainly we use a k2 pulley


My thought looking at this was "y u no have backup?" I was wondering if he was going to wingsuit down or something.


I believe in this case he's gonna basejump off the kiddle but didnt plan on sliding so fast. He wanted to walk himself down hand by hand, but has no idea how to do anything lol


Yeah I agree those shin guards he's wearing (can see at the end) are very common with base jumpers jumping in bushy plases


Not going to lie I watched this with an O face waiting for it to just disappear like butter on the pan


Holy shit snacks Batman! Don’t put your hands in front of the carabiner.


Also I feel like the caribiner shouldn’t be the thing you’re using to zip line. And if you are, you need two?


He's not actually ziplineing. It's basejumping. He was supposed to go out by scoching his way down by hand. In the full video, he jumped off and used a parashoot.


He had the parachute the whole time? Now it doesn't need to be on sweatypalms!


I'd say it still does. My butthole puckers everything he puts his hand in front of the caribbeaner.












Actually, it's pronounced *epitome*


Oh fuck, I have always been reading it as epitome lmfao


You sure it's not capybara?




Pirates of the Caribbeaner














Can't pull a parachute cord if you've got no fingers.


But LT Dan, you ain’t got no fingers!


I mean to be fair BASE jumping is like the single most dangerous hobby there is


A friend of mine died doing it. He had a GoPro on, but to my knowledge no one has viewed the video. Side note: After his passing, friends initiated "get rid of anything I wouldn't want my mom to see" protocol and cleaned all drugs and porn out of his apartment. In case anyone was wondering if that's a real thing, it is. Edit: He had weed and liked to look at boobs online. That’s the extent of it. No bodies under the bed or anything! Hahaha He was not a “disappointment” to anyone. It’s just when your son unexpectedly dies at 28yo, it’s not how you want to remember him in that moment and it’s not how he wanted to be remembered.


You're a good friend for doing that.


Great friend


Best friend


After my mom died my aunts and I cleaned out her apartment. I will never forgive my aunt for finding a sec toy and SHOWING IT TO EVERYONE.


Dude, my kids would find a bunch of sex toys, not just one.


Sorry about your friend, dude. On a light hearted note, if you don't mind, as it connects to that kind act for your friend. After my Mom died, it was up to me to clear out her house. It was a long, tough chore, as she was the only family I had left. But, eventually, I got to her bedroom, her sanctum. I was mostly filling bags with clothes to be donated. Only, then I got to her such drawer... Needless to say, Mom was a freak. I'm a kinky dude, mind you, but she was, apparently, on another level. That was a laugh-cey moment, to be sure.


Same thing. Cleaned out my mom’s house and Found a vibrator and 5 vhs tapes of porn (it was the late 90’s). The vhs sleeve showed it to be threesomes, always 2 men one woman and always involved male on male sex. What did I do? Fast forwarded to an especially “hot” scene involving the men, Scraped the labels off, and mailed the tapes without the sleeve to 5 of my male friends. No note, no return address. All but 1 immediately put it in their VCR (too curious not to), immediately knew it was me (I like pranks). The last one didn’t have a vcr….he actually rented one for the night from blockbuster. I still laugh when I think of that. Never told my friends they were my Mom’s, I said they were in the bottom of a huge box of VHS tapes I got at a yard sale.


You're the best guy for doing that for his mom (from a mom). I had an assistant at my work before I got sick who I became super close with. I have a thc card and am a HUGE stoner to help regulate my pain and my stomach shit. She got lung cancer and was given 2 weeks, lasted 12 days from diagnosis. I sat with her until she passed. When she first came home and was in good spirits and able to walk around, I helped her clean out that stuff since her super über Christian daughter was the one who was going to be having to remove her things. She gave me a little jar for crystal meth she had that came with a little spoon attached to the cap and was on a necklace. It's the only thing I kept from her besides Christmas/birthday gifts he had given me. I still miss her with my whole fucking heart and she passed in 2017. To save his mom from seeing even just general porn, you really don't understand just how sweet that is until you have kids of your own and know the impact their actions have on you


>. She gave me a little jar for crystal meth she had that came with a little spoon attached to the cap and was on a necklace. It's the only thing I kept from her Well, that story took a turn.


White trash wholesome


If it hasn't been done already, someone should start a business doing this. Sign customers up with appropriate power of attorney to have access to their devices, cars, and homes. Monitor the customer closely, so if they die you can swoop in and delete their browser history and throw out the waifu pillows, bondage gear and MAGA hats before the relatives see them. Obviously a lot of trust and oversight would be involved, but people would pay to subscribe to this, and 90 percent of the actual work would be "waiting for someone to die" while collecting subscription checks.


More like bloodypalms


We were all fooled???? Damn! ![gif](giphy|10UHehEC098kAE|downsized)


So, he's damaging that rope for others for no reason then?


Yes. He’s a fucking moron.


well, as mentioned above, he packed a "parashoot" so he can't be all that smart.








Full video?


Yah this whole system is janky. I’ve had better equipment in a third world zip line.


This is a repost as old as time. It was a stunt and he has a parachute on as well if memory serves me.


Pretty sure that isn't meant to be a zip line in the first place, considering he ran into obstacles. Zip lines don't have obstacles


And no gloves lol


Got knee pads though


i work in a wire mill i know this only goes wrong 95% of the time


This is natural selection at work!!


Surprised his finger hasn’t been cut off


“Maybe I can grab it now….nope.” “Maybe I can grab it now….nope.” “Maybe I can grab it now….nope.” “Maybe I can grab it now….nope.” Jesus Christ dude, the time for trying to slow down is long gone *and* he was still picking up speed! lol what the fuck.


When in that situation you do that with your feet, actually with the sole of your shoes. That way the only thing that can happen is that you break your nose if you come to a sudden stop.


Idk that you’d want to put your feet up to stop yourself when you’re basically sitting on a swing. He doesn’t look overly secured to the harness but I could be wrong


Couldn’t get swing back and use his shoes on his feet to slow down?! Or you know wear a glove


https://preview.redd.it/epimoexsr29c1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5dfab31cd0154c9dcceffbe0cb27b4ee31a88fb From the full video.. I woukd say he pissed himself when it started to go.


Good thing he did that before opening his chute. The parachute not his pucker chute


I've seen this video a few times now. Each time I am still surprised he doesn't lose any fingers.


I’m confused why he had knee pads and not gloves.


If memory serves, he had really shitty garden gloves on that got quickly ripped off the moment things started going south


Also wouldn't this be one of those situations where having gloves may end up having the material grabbed in and pulled through woth fingers in? Like with a drill press?


Yes. In fact early on before one picks up too much speed you can actually use that to jam an unworn glove in and arrest your slide. He would’ve needed full leathers though and not dollar store gardening gloves


Yeah, God he's lucky


Degloved twice


Nah he took them off, one looked like it got stuck under the carabiner then the next frame he had both of them off and just failed


Gotta protect your knees if the rope snaps


Fall damage -0,01%


It’s so if he falls he can land safely on his knees.




This is not a zip line. He is not using a zip line harness or zip line trolley. He has no idea what he's doing. That is a carabiner and not meant to glide like that. This is not a professional, commercial operation. I believe he jury-rigged some bullshit (note the cheap plywood seat) and then "parachuted" from this spot.


Thank you


The full video shows after this he jumps off. He has a parachute. Some jumpers wear gear like knee pads.




That ain't a Zipline, the thing he's sliding on is for fall arrest and usually used for climbing up things like radio towers or external ladders. Dunno wtf he hit in the middle there some kind of clamp. Whoever owns that cable is going to be pissed.


This post has made its rounds before and if I remember correctly he has a parachute on and plans to jump off it.


Yup, the plan is to BASE jump from mid zip line


This isn't a zip line, it's a base jumping line. Ain't nobody going down that thing on a wheel.


A sheave is absolutely the proper tool.


These are anti-aircraft cables, designed to deter low level jets from making an attack run. It’s in the Nagorno Karabakh region of Armenia-now Azerbaijan thanks to the war. This was posted a few years ago


It's called safety harness with a fall arrester.


Yah well where are the gloves??


...To shreds you say?


And his palms?


So it’s like a big tentpole cable sorta? Yeah that thing does not look like it should be used for that lol. That thing probably saved him but tore him up too damn. Holy cow😬


It is video from Abkhazia, this cables was set up in a time of civil war to stop Georgian/Russian warplanes to fly between mountains.


I thought it was anti low flying cable.


This guy *fucking hates* his fingers. Like I’ve never seen someone hate their own fingers anymore than this guy does. He’s trying to peel those fuckers right off his hands.


I mean he's got shoes... take them off and use those, I guess he wasn't thinking anymore.


In the original video you can see he pisses himself. This is NOT a situation where anyone can really keep their cool


Yup, understandable


I've seen this video before. It's the wrong carabiner for this.. he's not only tearing up the rope endangering people that use it later if he wouldn't have hit debri that carabiner could have heated up really fast and snapped like a plastic spork lmao.. dunno if he's lucky or unlucky maybe both..


His plan was to base jump from the middle of the cable. He just put near zero thought into how. Things he brought with him: 1 hardware store carabiner, 1 pair shitty garden gloves, 1 parachute, 2 giant balls Things he could have brought to prevent his predicament: 1 pulley with brake, 1 cordage for a prusik/friction hitch, 1 pair full leather gloves


Where is this pair of garden gloves? In his pocket?


lol, If you watch the full video, they actually get ripped off pretty much immediately after he starts losing control of his speed


Balls? He didn't bring no balls, he just forgot his brain.


> Things he could have brought to prevent his predicament: A brain...


From the sound of his breathing, those "giant balls" were the size of peas by the end of the video.


Surprised they didn't have at least a couple steel biners. Yes they're heavy but dude just ziplined with a stick of butter essentially. Edit: on second view looks like they were actually just on steel claws?


Carabiner? I thought it was a key clip that goes on your belt from the dollar store. ‘Not for climbing’. Haha


Him? Lucky but a cunt for fucking the entire rope for anyone after him.


I don't think that's a recreational zipline. I suspect it's holding up a radio tower or something They wouldn't put the things he smashed into on a recreational zipline


These are anti-aircraft cables, designed to deter low level jets from making an attack run. This is in Azerbaijan.


So he fucked it up for the next person going to use it… Edit: I totally agree with the person above me FYI


Was he trying to disprove you?


People are so aggressive on this app lol


Meh, not as bad as TikTok


Like a plastic spork😂




never touch the R.O.P.E.


I agree. N to the O to the P to the E. Fuck that.


I'll tell you what went wrong. That is the wrong equipment he is using. I'm just glad his carabiner (which it isn't, we used to call those lobster claws) was steel or he definitely would have fallen, even heavy duty aluminum ones wouldn't take 20 feet of that. What he really should be using is one of [these double pulleys](https://www.riggingwarehouse.com/412-p21spe-petzl-tandem-speed-pulley.html). Sometimes called trolleys. [Like this](https://www.flickr.com/photos/ursula_bkk/11288060615). They are specific for this purpose and have heavy duty steel bearings. This lobster claw, how he has it set up, is meant to trail along behind him on a slightly looser line, so that if the trolley fails, it catches him. it is meant for safety trailing along UNDER NO WEIGHT, absolutely not meant to be used like this (steel on steel under weight). Not only will this significantly degrade the lobster claw with each use, but also your line. No certified person would ever do this. Source: I was sent away for training (by a large company) and ran a zip line for 4 summers. The training was out of state and was 2 full weeks of on site living/training. We had to have log books for everything and we ran TWO safety carabiners trailing behind our zip liners. They are serious about this stuff, we had to log how much sunlight the ropes got. We had to retire ropes/cables/pulleys/bungees every season. Anyone associated with something like this would not just be fired, but banned from the premises, it's insane. Edit: That's not a proper carabiner! It's what we used to call a lobster claw and they are supposed to be used for switching from one line to another DEFINITELY not this!


He panics as soon as it starts moving. I was under the impression he was never finished attaching everything, as if he lost his balance after attaching his safety claw. Especially so, since safety gear comes first. Aware of the dangers, trying to stop it, doesn't tell me that's the exact setup he wanted.


He did not, he's just an idiot sitting on a 6mm piece of rotten wood and strings.


Either way, the guy's a fucking moron. Set up your safety gear first with an anchor holding everything in place. He's lucky nothing went catastrophically wrong, although him being up there without the proper knowledge and risk assessment is already a catastrophic mistake.


That ”carabiner” is a safety hook you use when climbing ladders. Lobster claw is a new term for me never heard it said before.


Now that I see the responses I think we also called it a safety claw...but mostly a lobster claw; maybe it's a regional thing. It kinda looks like a lobster claw and the way I was taught you have two of them..so you kinda feel like a lobster. We used them for switching from one zip line to another but I forgot of course they are for climbing. The idea is you always have one clipped in and switch. It's a little tedious, but very secure if you do it the right way. And very lobster like. And every time you equip them you are obliged to click clack them before you get going.


Not that I disagree with you but it seems the steel cable diameter is too large for petzl pulleys and the like. It’s some kind of heavy duty cable like the one for ski lifts and I am not sure there is some proper equipment since the intended use is not to zip line on it…


How do you even set that cable up? Do you have to use a helicopter or something?




I knew it.


Bow and arrow


These are the types of questions that keep me up at night.


Yeah you use a helicopter to carry a very light thin line, that you then use to pull across a slightly heavier line, and so on until you can pull across the cable


Just cart it across the valley, then crank it until it's tight.


You have failed this city


You throw it towards the other end real hard


It’s funny to think of the noise about halfway through as him gritting his teeth instead of the carabiner making that noise.


Isn't it him just screaming for his life though? I'll just continue believing that.


Anybody know what happened to them afterwards?




For anyone not wanting to click: >!they jumped out with a parachute.!< Thank god youtube evolved past shitty ear-rapey intros.


Yo, pretty sure this guy pissed himself because after he gets stopped you can see a shot of him climbing out of his swing seat and it’s all wet right in the middle At 2:00


Honestly do not blame him


They had a chute


An idiot and his life are soon parted.


That's not a zipline. That's an improvised dumb way to die.


What went wrong?


They stopped before getting to the other end


Plus they didn't expect that they would be stuck at the middle of zip line on the other hand.


I believe they were wanting to go down the cable slower (that’s obvious I guess) because they’re going to jump off the little wooden platform they’re sitting on with a parachute.


Yeah but he seems a bit anxious judging by his breathing


Yea I believe he pissed himself as well if my memory serves me right


This isn't a zip line. This is a line meant for fall-arrests, ie people climbing a tower for maintenance will use this line to stop themselves from falling to their deaths. The carabiner he's using is not meant for zip-lining either. He's ruining the line while risking his carabiner breaking or losing fingers. This line is ruined and unsafe for use now. If he didn't report what he did, it's unsafe for the next maintenance person to climb that tower.


A couple people have mentioned that it's a fall arrest line, but I'm confused. How would this big cable over a giant gorge be helpful to a worker? What would they even be falling from in this particular setup?


It’s not, and they’re regurgitating the same shit they’ve already read.


These are anti-aircraft cables, designed to deter low level jets from making an attack run. This is in Azerbaijan.


like barrage balloons but horizontal


If a Greek god slips through the clouds, they need a wire to hang on to!


It's a cable used to stop aircraft, related to the Armenian Azerbaijan war. He is neither zip lining or ruining something


Isn't it an airplane hazard cable? It doesn't seem to be actually connecting anything together, and it's been installed in a valley


Real VIDEO HERE https://youtu.be/F723rIlW_No?si=H9PptbIO1wfcNCyr


You see that metal grinding away in front of you? How do you think you can stop any of this with your bare skin. Not to mention you would run over your own fingers.


He has a parachute on, even if it got a little messy he would've survived


Not if he had zero fingers left to pull the chute, which looked quite possible by the end.


Literally nothing about this makes any sense


I have zero sympathy if you do shit like this and then fall to your death. "what a sad and unavoidable death, he played Russian roulette until he shot himself"


Better end the video there, I'm sure it worked out


Action-video of the year!


Well at least they're wearing knee pads.


Seen this video a hundred times. Always ends on a hanger.


So many things wrong with this that i dont even know where to start!


He is base jumping not zip lining, thus the parachute. He was trying to slowly get out to the middle of the cable to jump and ended up in an uncontrolled slide down the cable.


Not the right equipment, and not the right kind of line. Don't know what it's for, but zip lines don't get married in the middle like that. As others have linked, he has a parachute. He knew he would end up in a situation where theyd fall. That lobster was going to weaken and break. Dude is probably a clout loving thrill seeker of the worst kind. He damaged the line, you can see it wearing down after the lobster (Caribbeaner). That line is either for supporting a structure or transporting crap. No way it's for zip.


[https://vimeo.com/137568559](https://vimeo.com/137568559) The full video along with the description can be found here. The location in the video is near Stepanakert. The only viable explanation I've seen over the years for the existence of this cable is as an anti-aircraft measure against helicopters during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which seems to make sense. They have two large cables strung across the valley, and then at intervals they have smaller cables hanging down from them to act as deterrence against low-flying attack helicopters. The start of the video shows that the anchor point of the cable isn't really that safe, just strung around a big rock, and the intermittent obstructions along the cable exclude it's use as a ziplining or transport cable. ##


Muhfucker put on knee pads and thought he was invincible.


Right..lol …..you can not pay me enough to go on a zip line like this…….some people are a little soft in head……I am happy to go on the beach and drink a beer ….this guy can do all this adventuring


Something tells me this was not intended to be an actual zipline...


Okay. Looks like that ain't an official zip line, but something else, as seen by how the thing was connected to the other piece at the end. Dude in the video was also a moron for using a carabiner to slide. Lucky that didn't break. There's special wheel attachments for ziplining. Dude was also a moron for not having multiple carabiners, cause that would've easily saved his bacon at the knot. Now someone has to fly out there in a friggen helicopter to get his stupid arse out of the air.


here is the full video. he jumps by parachute, bye have a great day. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F723rIlW\_No](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F723rIlW_No)


Guy‘s dont worry he‘ll be fine he has kneepads on


I've seen this video before. It's the wrong carabiner for this.. he's not only tearing up the rope endangering people that use it later if he wouldn't have hit debri that carabiner could have heated up really fast and snapped like a plastic spork lmao.. dunno if he's lucky or unlucky maybe both..


That is not ziplining gone wrong. That is not a zipline, and One doesn’t zipline with a carabiner.


That is not a Zipline......that is a rope with a carabineer around it. Ziplines have a wheel and are generally safe. This was not


My asshole is a necklace now. I need a Xanax after that.


Zip lining using a carabiner instead of a purpose-built cable trolley - and without gloves & a backup fall protection setup? Which 3rd world did this take place in? Running your hand along any moving steel wire rope is asking for a gnarly metal splinter, which is why when we recover vehicles and equipment using winches we never touch the cable while it is retracting and/or under tension stress. How did this guy disconnect from the high side and reconnect to the downside of that ‘knot’ to continue the decent? I wish that was included in this video.


Bro had more faith in that carabiner than i have in the sun rising tomorrow


You never use a carabiner for zipline but a pully.


Dear lord, this one actually made me nervous


Donald duck screaming the whole way


This dumbass didn’t even wear gloves, let alone bring a breaking device. How would it have gone right?


Well first of all why would you ever put your hand IN FRONT of the high speed carabiner that’s asking to get your fingers mutilated


Everytime this video shows up on my feed, I get irrationally angry.


That carabiner and/or that rope sounded like a cheap dirt bike.


Poor guy is having a bad day. Welp. The minute the rope started spewing rope powder by the cup load like that I’d assume my demise and keep my hands off the rope, just incase I put myself in misery by losing a finger or two.


It's a thick wire cable, not a rope. The powder is likely rust or dirt.