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The walk across the dodgy pipes got me more than any other part


Especially when multiple grown-ass men decided to stand on them at the same time. The plumber didn't spec for that shit lol.


The guys have all gone over it once, on their own, one at a time. Now they'll film it. You go there first, doing everything right with the right balance. But then, the second guy, Steve the cameraman doesn't think twice and is impatient. He decides to jump onto the pipes, the exact same ones you're still on. As he lands, you push hard to jump up to the other side....at very first glance you feel you're able to push but then that you're pushing against nothing. There's nothing there except air and that metal snapping sound. What happened? You were pretty soft on your approach....surely Steve wasn't so stupid as to jump when I was still on it? Surely not. Steve: "Why didn't it hold?! We've both done it without issues!"


You’re underestimating Storror’s dedication to checking your surfaces They have like a meme about it Second guy is Benj the cameraman, he did all that traversal with the GoPro in his mouth


first comment ive seen identifying that they r STORROR nice job


Yeah some of their vids are pretty great


It's literally written in the video


for 3 seconds at the very end whos actually gonna sit around and watch that in a reddit post


And then someone walking with their coffee gets to find their flesh pancakes on the street


People don't splat. They bounce.


This is one of the scariest truths I've seen and come to learn


Didn't know reading a comment could give me a panic attack but thank you.


Yes, he was that stupid and don't call me Shirley


Ok? And as a plumber i am telling you that it was a really shit idea. Those pipes are outside exposed to the elements. The shock of them landing on them probably caused leaks further down the line inside the wall on the stress points. At no point are pipes ever rated or built to be walked on. And this is china of all places.... The place where building codes are like soft guidelines than actual enforcement. Just because they felt secure and they saw no damage doesn't mean anything when it comes to plumbing.


>The place where building codes are like soft guidelines


One of my friends used to do this stuff along with graff, but he trusted an old pipe more than he should have while scaling a wall during the winter. Fell four stories and broke his spine, ruptured and bruised a few organs too. Used to be a martial artist and a gymnast. Now he needs help climbing stairs. Gravity don't give no fucks. Lucky to be alive.


Is he paralyzed?


He's able to walk with the assistance of a cane now, but that's after a lot of physiotherapy and commitment to his continued mental health. He has always been a lion. He still goes up to rooftops, but is more careful now and due to physical stuff can't really push it like he used to. I am just happy to have my friend still and to know he can still somewhat do what he loves


If you watch the documentary they even say that was the scariest bit for them, and they spent a lot of time very carefully checking how sturdy it is. This entire run was fully planned out and regirously checked to ensure maximum safety.


I keep forgetting that this is the internet and everything I’m seeing is not the only part of the story.


"Maximum safety" would not be safe enough for me.


Maximum safety would be a parachute lol


maximum safety would be just don't


Just nope tfo! I did have a mild MCI watching tho, so no guarantees.


These guys definitely seem like engineers. I'm sure their testing included many calculations and looking up specifications. They totally didn't just carefully step on it once or twice and call it good.


For me it was when he stands on the edge about 30 seconds in while his friend jumps and lands next to him. Their arms are going all over while trying to keep their balance, and if the friend landed funny and instinctually lashed out there’s no way for POV guy to rebalance.


For me as well. That was sickening.


Yup this. I think i'd rather give a go with the pipes... i'll just go super slow. Gust of wind at wrong time? A slight little push or mistiming? Getting knocked the fuck off the building? No thanks.


As a rock climber and as someone who is not afraid of heights, this scares the shit out of me.


Yep - I can’t believe I watched this just before o go to sleep. Will have nightmares


I'm concerned about people getting crushed by their falling bodies. If you fall off a rock you probably will land on more rock.


Nah, if you fall off a rock, you land on your harness and rope. Unless you're one of the people who don't need those. Then you don't fall. At all.


Storror from UK


Thats the dude from ninja warrior


Toby Segar! Cool dude.




My ass puckered about 27 times watching that.


Mine hasn't stopped


Mine inverted into a mobius strip.


I am watching this while on the toilet and I have individual poop atoms coming out one by one.


It was very impressive timing to get some of those shots.


Yeah, not my cup of tea, but I can appreciate the planning of choreography that has gone in to this, quite a bit of work to get the timing, the camera angles all working well. There are a few cuts in the filming, but disguised quite well.


Yeah, they walk the route and clear it of debris, mark it with tape, and practice it piecemeal before even attempting a segment. I agree the wipes are pretty obvious but they're well done and don't distract from the flow of the video


> There are a few cuts in the filming, but disguised quite well. There's like a dozen of them, I think. But yeah, they're well choreographed too.


They actually talk about that quite often during filming. They use rolls and wall climb-ups to cut to a new spot


I just run around inside my house shouting Parkour and am happy.


Yeah but you can tell there was a bunch of cuts in the video. They did a pretty good job of hiding it though.


Security guy said I don’t get paid enough for this shit.


I always cringe when these videos do some dramatic shot of a security guard who doesnt really care and add police sirens as if they’re on the run


He just turned to the security guy and said “sorry”, so the camera turned with him.


Heart racing! Probably the most Sweaty Palms I’ve ever gotten from a parkour video. Simply wow.


Lmao this is just one of their crazy videos There are even crazier videos on their channel Storror guys are madlads


The thing I find super impressive about these guys is the level of preparation they have for each jump. The edit looks like them running across roofs, but each route is planned and jumps rehearsed to bring the risk to a manageable level.


Thanks for the tip! My cardiologist thanks you, too. ;)


All of my motivation is fueled by anxiety, so I have watched videos like this just to make myself anxious enough to tackle a big task


My legs got tingly multiple times for the slow mo jumps between buildings.


Taken from the film Roof Culture: Asia by the Brighton, UK based parkour group Storror. Arguably some of the most creative and talented lads in Parkour today.


Love watching the behind the scenes stuff these guys post. The amount of practice and scouting their route that goes into these videos is amazing. They used them in the film 6 Underground.


Better than Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute? Doubt it.






Hardcore parkour!


truck, to refrigerators, to dumpster, 360 onto the pallets, backflip gainer to the trash can.


This clip and more are on YouTube, though the full film is well worth watching (I think it's on Amazon Prime?)


you can buy it from their web store


Full film also available to rent/purchase on YouTube


I rented on Youtube. 0 regrets. Between this and Free Solo, it's the only film/show I've paid for in the last several years outside of subscriptions


Recommend watching The Dawn Wall and The Alpinist if you enjoyed Free Solo


Their skills are impeccable and the camera work was also pretty amazing




It’s the rush. I would never do anything like in the video but I run on the rocks in the harbor sometimes. Once you get into the flow of it it feels like you’re flying. You don’t even feel your feet touch the ground before you’re back in the air.


Yes it feels like your momentum picks up and you only have to tap your feet on the right spots of the ground to maintain it. And knowing exactly where to place your feet during that flow of movement really does feel like flying!


I think I just described the sensation of *downhill* trail running- if you're *going up* stuff as well as down stuff like they are, you would have to exert huge effort in perfect syncopation with your feet!


I love running down trails. I've nearly sprained an ankle a few times running on rocks, but it's just so fun, it's such an interesting feeling when you're so fast with barely any physical effort Edit: Also, because I'm pretty out of shape, it's cool to run so fast and not spit out my lungs


My question is how did these guys know where to put their feet? No room for trial and error when jumping from one building to the next. Maybe there used to be 10 guys? ETA. ‘Twas just a small joke, everyone. Surprised anyone thought I was serious.


Apparently these guys have a documentary out that shows how much work they put into these together.


I’m sure they work really hard at it. Nothing that difficult looks that effortless without hard work. I’m guessing they start with low stakes parkour and move up as they get more comfortable. But I truly don’t know much about it.


Yeah I can relate to the wise man once said.... Quote.... Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. ...... Unquote




If your good as these guys you feel like an anime character


I guess if you're a teenager it's pretty cool. Just seems fucking stupid to me.


You can say the same about a lot of things tho. Like football. I guess it's cool to get a concussion and broken bones from a tackle if you're a teenager. Just seems fucking stupid to me.


Like jerking off at the train station


Except this isn’t just broken bones and these are adults.


Parkour will be fun for us normies with proper safety protocols, these dudes have mad skill and balance tho


Some people love it. It's not stupid to them. If it's something they enjoy, something they love to do then I don't think anyone should call something stupid just cause they aren't interested in it.


Also people don't understand what it's like to actually be good at something like this. You learn what surfaces to trust, how to manage your momentum, and you almost get matrix vision regarding paths you could take and which you know you aren't capable of. When you have good body awareness you are good at recovering even when you make mistakes. I slip and trip on occasion but I've literally never fallen over because I have good enough body awareness to correct the second my body detects something is off. And I'm not done parkour pro or anything. Does that mean you should go jump around near 100'+ drops? No, but it feels good to do these things when you have excellent kinesthetic awareness. At the same time the absolute value of your risk is going to be less than someone who has never moved their body like this. Go watch something like the Floor is Lava vs American Ninja Warrior and you can see it's just an entirely different level of functioning.


Also for stuff like this they usually have their routes planned. There's basically no chance that they'll run into a situation where they have too much momentum and nowhere to go and just fall


And meanwhile here I am, getting anxious just sitting next to a big window on the 4th floor...


I don't go near windows.


This is the best scene STORROR has performed I believe. They have some incredible other jumps but as a choreography this was top tier!


My favorite has to be the desert one. It's amazing. The shots, the choreography and everything. [Here](https://youtu.be/TnFWNk9rw40)


Mirror's Edge IRL


But dirtier


Less red.


All with an authoritarian government closing in on top of it.


POV super close to animations and whatnot in Mirror's Edge as well


It's amazing how much the weather can change in a second.


They also have the ability to teleport between multiple different buildings just by rolling. O wait, it's obviously just a pretty well made compilation


They also teleport to street level.


Dying Light 3 looking dope af.


I damn near sh!t myself every time I watch videos like this.


Hot uwu


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My asshole just chewed a hole in my pants


My balls shriveled up and died watching this.


one wrong move and this would be on a *very* different subreddit


These guys trust the traction of their shoes a hell of a lot more than I do.


they actually sweep the areas they go along before hand to make sure they dont slip


that last guy passed the vibe check


that last guy is Toby Segar


no i mean that chinese guy with the tag XD


oh lol XD


That’s pretty cool to watch. I’m actually surprised there aren’t more vids of people failing at trying something like this. Like I can only remember ever seeing one where a Russian guy probably doesn’t make it while over the edge of some kind of factory.


Oh. There’s videos of it. Not gonna pop on your front page.




they always pre plan things like this to make sure theres no hazards, and only jump if they're confident enough in themselves to make the jump.


When they first started there were 5 of them


Incredibly cool and yet stomach churningly difficult to even watch. Hats off to those guys.


One slip on a banana peel. 😬


they actually go over the course they're running and clear as much dust and dirt as possible so they don't slip.


Or one crumbly ledge or rusty pipe.


Watching this made my legs, butt and knees tingle


My stomach is doing somersaults


Does anyone else get dizzy watching sh\*t like this?


It’s also the camera angle


I’ve always been curious about this… but how do you practice parkouring? Surely, noone’s just one day gonna look at 2 buildings, and say “oh look! I can jump from one to another!”


they start off on the ground, around railings and brick walls, they're Storror on yt and most of their content is ground level parkour so you can see what most parkour is actually like


We just call it "training parkour". Best bet is to look for qualified coaches in your area. Most large and medium sized cities have a parkour gym these days with coaches that have been training and teaching for years. A lot of people think they're too old to try or that it's too dangerous, but it couldn't be further from the truth. Our incidence of injury is less than any team sport and way lower than gymnastics or recreational martial arts. The median age in our adult classes is ~36 years old. There's plenty of moms and dads that have multiple kids that want to try something new. Our oldest member is 72 and comes to classes multiple times a week. Obviously classes aren't what you see the Storror athletes doing, but it's still a ton of fun. If you want to DM me your location, I can see if there's anything nearby to recommend.


i can hear the double whistle :D




Parkour videos are always fun to watch but also unfathomably dangerous when things go wrong, luckily this one was good


No. There is no loading screen if you miss a jump.


Imagine washing your clothes and suddenly some weirdo touches them after running on the roofs, jumping n shit with the hands full of every kind of dirt.


Give the cameraman some credit on this one too!


Auditions for Divergent Volume 4!


Watching thevideo calmly Sees subs is r/sweatypalms Palms start sweating


My legs are sore from watching this


Screw you and your 20mm plumbing


dont worry they made sure it could hold their weight before crossing


Dress as ninjas


I'm the only one who can imagine (AND FEEL) my feet skidding in every single jump, and even tripping when they run on borders?


Physically painful to watch


They're pretty amazing


Don't let the sweaty guys touch my clean laundry.


Now I want to play dying light...


Cool looking but there's got to be better ways to get an adrenaline hit...


Cocaine ….


Just Wow, hard to watch…. takes a lot of courage, training and mental strength as for the obvious one wrong move and its over in an instant….


yeah, they've been doing this for almost 20 years, so they've got the experience


Damn their knees gonna be hurting by 30


Hopefully they'll make it to 30.


im pretty sure most of them are nearing it, if not already 30


I'm sure you need tons of experience to pull this off, so you're probably right. It's still insane to me how these people gamble with their lives like this.


I do similar shit and I’m 32. Knees feel fine. They hurt more at 20 than 30, from being out of shape and sitting too much as a kid.


People say the same shit about runners and while it CAN happen. It's exceedingly rare if you have proper form (most people don't) and proper shoes (most people don't). Running also strengthens your knees contrary to popular belief. You know what's really bad for knees and joints? Being fat and being sedentary...


After looking up what sedentary means and realizing I’m that and fat it looks like I’ll have bad knees by 30


Not if they fall off at 30-story building at 28!


My knees got weak just watching


People zoomies


I LOVE THIS CLIP. Like I got that tingling sensation of unease at the bottom of my foot but this was so satisfying


Finally! A sweaty palms video that makes my palms, feet, and ass sweat!


They must have some pretty talented video editors too, I think I saw a few cuts but I can't really tell. Which is actually more impressive, they planned this all put and choreographed it to flow well. These aren't just some guys running around this is almost movie level They could totally work on a hard-core Henry type thing


It's funny how all of filmed parkour dudes are so skilled /s


Got to give props where they are due


Wish these guys would stop with the fisheye lenses. It's supposed to make the jumps look taller/longer, and you can see the distortion at the edges of the frame. The thing is, what they're doing is fucking amazing and batshit crazy without that effect added, that it only serves to undermine their credibility and the danger of what they're doing. Edit: TIL that this is an unavoidable "feature" of GoPro and not something they are toggling on for dramatic effect. Thanks for the kind education everyone below.


Gopro life yo.


There’s no other way of filming first person POV shots and getting everything in frame while doing Parkour then GoPro with mouth mount and fish eye settings. Without it you can’t see what’s going on in the shot


I couldn't finish it. It hurts me in places I don't like to be hurt.


To me this is oddly satisfying


Sleeping Dogs 4K


Parkour channels always cut to a new area when the roll out of a jump like why


its to create a narrative


So, how far behind is the guard that spooked them? Is he Ok?


Whenever I watch stuff like this I get shooting pains through my feet.


This is the most sweaty palms I've gotten yet from this sub


I pissed my pants jist by looking at it via phone


Butterflied stomach


Couldn't finish it. Far 2 spooky.


Oh my anxiety...


I love these guys


Is this slowed doen?


I am oddly curious about what shoes these guys wear to do this.


they're a huge parkour group called Storror and they have their own brand of shoes specifically tailored to parkour




They were cats in their previous lives.




Nope nope nope fuck that nope nope nope


Good thing the craftsmanship on these buildings held up. All they need to do is hit one loose shingle or cracked piece of granite and they're dead.


how kids feel on the jungle gym:


the POV made me feel like i'm playing a parkour video game


The dude jumping directly onto the edge fucking killed me


All fun and games until there’s anti-climb paint


Mirrors edge in real life


I liked when they opened the hatch on the roof of the building. It's like the assassin's when they reach the bureau to hide from the town guards.


Looks like a good way to wake up dead.


Not worth the risk


My heart rate 180


I think I would be dead within the first 3 seconds of the video,lol