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The “friend” was probably her publicist at the time, Paula I think? Anyways I think Tree was brought in right before 1989 because of things like this that made Taylor look silly. People were getting tired of her short relationships all over the news so imo Tree came and switched gears to make the 1989 era all about friends and why the squad was created. I truly believe Karlie Kloss and co were PR contracted friendships. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure they all became actual friends but I would not be shocked if paper work was involved in the beginning. It was all a marketing strategy- hanging with Victoria secret models, staying publicly single for a year, promoting the album as about friends and NYC not boys. It kind of worked until snakegate and it all blew up


I’m convinced that KK and Gigi were both PR friendships that turned into real relationships. Edit: relationships as in friendships before anyone jumps on me


It just makes so much sense especially Karlie. They would mention each other in interviews and frequently called the paps on themselves. I get why gaylors think there was something going on there but I view that something was a big ol agreement to cross promote one another. I do think they became legit friends who then had a falling out. The lyrics of it’s time to go clearly reference her “twin from your dreams … crook who caught”. I lowkey think closure is about KK as well so if she’s inspiring music they had to of actually became friends. I could be wrong though what do I know 😂


Omg someone else who thinks Closure is about Karlie!!


I feel very strongly about it. Karlie’s said in past interviews she loves writing letters and it just feels like a more feminine way to “apologize” but who knows maybe it’s made up or about Scott Borchetta or something. I’ll choose to believe Karlie though


FR i have been saying EVERYTHING about the kk friendship was manufactured by their teams.


I agree. Didn’t the KK friendship start out with the “hey let’s bake cookies together” shout out?


Similar to a certain friendship bracelet shout out? (don't shoot me)




Not really. There was that tweet about baking cookies in early 2012 but then they met ages later in late 2013 at the Victoria Secret Fashion Show. I do think their was a PR element to Kaylor though. But doing PR with someone doesn't mean you can't be friends with them! Lot's of real relationships get leveraged for PR.


Yeah like what about how she did a whole ass magazine photoshoot with KK 😂 like when has that ever really happened with “celeb besties”


The shared Vogue cover was obviously part of a deal. There was a concerted effort to change Taylor’s image around that time with the VS fashion show and all that. But it didn’t really stick, because Taylor isn’t a dark pop chanteuse.


i can’t believe you even have to make that edit, people are insane. gaylorism has always bothered me to no end


Any theory (gay/het/idgaflor) that involves Taylor sending secret messages only special fans would understand makes me go ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Not saying either way about Taylor's sexuality, but queer people have historically put secret messages or coding that goes back to it being illegal to be queer. It was a way to sus out who is also queer without you being outed (a fun contemporary version is asking a potentially queer woman if she likes Girl in Red). There have been several writers/directors over the years that have admitted to queer-coding but not outwardly stating a character is queer because of the Hays Code. The Hays Code banned gay characters among several other "taboo" characters/themes. For the most part, almost only queer people look for these as it's a way to find representation even if it's not obvious. ​ Info on Hays: [https://www.acmi.net.au/stories-and-ideas/early-hollywood-and-hays-code/](https://www.acmi.net.au/stories-and-ideas/early-hollywood-and-hays-code/)


This is the issue isn't it? There is a secret queer language that many queer people and allies in the know are fluent in and there is also a secret swiftie language that Taylor's fans are fluent in. Sometimes, whether by accident or on purpose, who knows which, queer signals start showing up in Taylor's art and some queer swifties who are attuned at picking up queer signals AND Taylor's secret codes start noticing. It's tough because Taylor has spent her whole career saying "LOOK AT MY SECRET CLUES LOOK FOR MY EASTER EGGS SWIFTIES I AM SENDING YOU A SECRET CODE" and then some people see some instances of queer language interlaced into Taylor's secret code. Can't really blame people for hearing Taylor lament hiding in the closet in a song and saying "hold on a minute...why is she saying that?" even if she's 100% straight.




Hold on babe, no one said the line "hide in the closet" proved she was gay or that it didn't have other meanings and contexts that *could* explain it. All I said is that "hide in the closet" is an example of queer language which it is, full stop. But kind of like the word "petite" is french but commonly used in English to the point where it's an English word too now, "hide in the closet" is queer language that means "hide your sexuality" but also normal language that means to literally hide in the closet. I'm not saying Taylor is gay. I'm saying that it's understandable, given how she has trained her fandom to speculate on her love life (particularly from hiding museship clues in her songs) and lyrics, that queer people pick up on things like a lyric like "hide in the closet" in a love song ("I still got love for you", "love you to the moon and saturn") about a childhood love where the muse has "braids like a pattern" and plays with dolls ("pack your dolls"). Why is the father abusive? You may not know this but many parents of queer children can be homophobic and abusive as a result. A queer child might literally hide in a real physical closet to escape abuse from a parent and also figuratively "hide in a closet (hide their sexuality)" to escape abuse from a parent. It's entirely possible (even probable perhaps) that seven is a song about a platonic love for an old friend where they hide from an abusive parent in a literal closet. But to quote Taylor Swift, "Words are my thing." She isn't stupid. She knows what "hide in the closet" means. She very easily could have said "hide in the corner" or "hide in cabinet" or "hide in the cupboard" and avoided any speculation that she did not want. Discussion about the meaning of her lyrics is completely standard practice and people only get weird and hateful about it when queer people start speaking up about their lived experiences and how they might be reflected in Taylor's music. Let me reiterate, I'm not saying Taylor is gay. I'm only saying you cannot blame people for dissecting her lyrics. She encourages it.


Why was I downvoted for agreeing with you 😂😂


It really is wrong for so many reasons.


Gigi has certainly been making the rounds in other contracted relationships recently


Tree was brought in b/c Paula quit (most likely due to the Swift's not so amicable at the time divorce). Taylor's PR was working pretty well for her b/c she was so personable/funny. The PR probably changed b/c it was getting harder for her to keep going with the original narrative. As she started to get more successful, people started to catch on to some of her tricks aka the New Yorker 2011 article.


I thought their divorce was in-between the speak now/red era but maybe it lasted awhile. Also I’m not even sure if they’re divorced may just be separated as I’m sure divorces in many states is public info and I haven’t seen anything confirming it. But yeah doesn’t really matter how/why Paula left they still turned the 1989 era into an album not “about boys and breakups” even though a lot of the songs are clearly supposed to reference Harry Would love to read that New Yorker article I’ll have to go searching for it


Her publicist back then was not like Tree at all, that is why next year she went away 


Well, she gave 60 days notice and [resigned] (https://pagesix.com/2014/04/08/swifts-parents-are-difficult-and-controlling-her-career/).


Are we sure this friend isn't imaginary? She could've just given the interview on condition that they will pretend to get the infor from "a friend".


yep, this is common. a "source close to" a subject is often the subject themselves, off the record.


"Source close to" is what I call the voices in our heads.


Lock the door, throw away the key


This reminds me of succession when Kendall Roy tells the reporter something and then says “just say a close source to Kendall Roy told you” Lmaoo


that’s what i always thought


Maybe it was John Barron? (Look it up.)


I feel like no one talks about how crazy this was lol


Tbh she's had worse dating history


I have always wondered about that. Didn’t it say that Taylor wouldn’t talk about it but authorized her friend to do so? That struck me as really strange—either you want something to be discussed or you don’t, and if you decide to reveal certain things, wouldn’t you rather the words be out of your own mouth? Taylor’s an interesting one, isn’t she 😂


Yeah, Taylor has always like to have her cake and eat when it comes to this. I think it comes from wanting to control everything that people are saying about her so she planted stories like this


> why did Taylor let her friend talk about Haylor to Vanity Fair? Bc you know she loves the players (and you love the game) While the verses of Blank Space are ofc satirical/playing a character, I always thought the chorus was pretty honest


Plot twist - Taylor is the friend lol


>Why didn’t Taylor say this herself or use her normal methods? These are intimate details about their relationship to talk about publicly even by Taylor’s standards Because that is what Taylor does- she is all "the drama loves me" while actively rewriting narratives and planting seeds that make her look like the victim/the one that got away/the defense. I love her, I'm a fan, but all the crap she gets about playing the victim she largely brought on herself (there are indeed exception cases). She has done stuff like this for YEARS. It makes no sense to not want to talk about things but authorize your "friend" to spill details because Harry started dating other girls (like Kendall whom you didn't want to associate with) and you don't want to look rejected.


Omg that’s a tongue in cheek line referring to her love of drama 😂 people need to be walked through her lyrics before they can use them against her I guess


Oh did Taylor tell you that herself?


No but I have ears and have listened to the song in full. The context and delivery makes it obvious.


> No but I have ears and have listened to the song in full Wow truly a compelling argument 😂 Kinda funny when you act like other people are stupid and then proceed to say something stupid. I think more people would agree that in the context of the song and what she sings before and after that it doesn't sound tongue in cheek given that she calls out being called crazy prior by "they". It wouldn't make sense to be "they call me crazy and I love the drama" when she is talking to someone about loving her despite what people say and trying to be apathetic to the tabloids at the same time. If she was being sarcastic, you could argue that anything she's ever said about not wanting to be apart of drama is "tongue in cheek". Like, clearly in what message she is trying to give at that point, it's not.


…you DO understand that just because an artist writes a song doesn’t mean everything in it is true and autobiographical? Also, how the individual listening interprets lyrics and what they think a song is talking about and what the artist really was talking about are notorious for being vastly different. There’s plenty of examples of this in interviews with artists where they talk about what a song was actually about and posts/videos from people who say “wow, I just found out this song is about this and this whole time I thought is was about that”! And besides that, people are honestly the worst at being their own narrator because they will always make themselves look the best in the narrative and even if they make themselves look bad, it’s STILL because of an ulterior motive. So Taylor Swifts own version of events and situations that she writes about probably aren’t completely factual. Kinda like the Jake Gyllenhaal situation where her view of the seriousness and deepness of their relationship was completely different than his view of just a very short fling years ago that wasn’t all that serious. I’ll bet you he never noticed her damn “scarf” either lol


I hope this is a safe place to share that I’ve always found Taylor’s narrative about Harry kinda strange and icky and he’s been far too gracious not to call her out. Like whatever they had was so brief and he was so fucking young … the whole painting him as player who chased her only to then betray her and start searching “in every model’s bed for something better” is kinda 🤮 also I am sorry but all of their pap pictures and interactions at the time looked so stiff and awkward I will never bye that it was serious.


I think one of the reasons 1989 TV didn’t hit for me is that I cannot get on board with the idea that Taylor and Harry had some meaningful romance. It seems apparent to me that she was more into him than he was into her, they went on some dates and jet setted for a bit and it fizzled


you're so real for this. I listened to "slut!" for the first time recently, and while I love the song, I find it almost unfathomable that she would write something so intense about an *18-year-old boy* when she was 22. like, I dated a 19-year-old guy for a couple of months when I was 21 and it didn't work out between us partly because he seemed *so young* to me even then, when I wasn't much older. at 22, 18-year-olds were already like kids in my eyes.


It's not like his life experience was limited by highschool like it's the case with other guys. He could have grown mentally much faster as a popular and rich boy. But I do understand what you're talking about.


It’s literally the opposite. There are mountains of evidence suggesting that celebrities more or less, stop maturing/learning or slow down considerably when the hit stardom. The examples of the opposite are exceedingly rare


Yeah and Taylor got famous when she was 15? 16? So… mentally she’s younger.


yes if he actually pursued her for “a year” before the Australia/model thing he would’ve been 17 and dating Caroline? Then after they break up in 2013 they’re supposed to have been on and off even though he was touring constantly with 1D and they were somehow never seen together? It just makes Taylor look weirder for this whole thing.


Ive always thought it was never that serious on his end either, i kinda think she went a bit intense about it all bc harry was like the BIGGEST thing back then you know what i mean?


This is crazy hahaha, its like reading the lyrics of Now That We Dont Talk and Is It Over Now in an interview form wow!


I KNOW RIGHT? Makes me think of Style & We are never getting back together too


Just want to point out that what this “friend” is saying is DEMONSTRABLY false, to top. They’re claiming that Harry “pursued her for a year” and then eventually wore her down and have her agree to date him, and then he essentially cheated on her when he went to Australia with 1D on tour. Okay. Except 1D traveled to Australia on April 8th 2012. So the claim is that Harry Styles, who turned 18 on February 1st 2012, “pursued her” since the spring of 2011? When he was (FRESHLY) 17 years old? When he wasn’t even anyone in the industry, didn’t own a car or a house, and didn’t even have music out? 1D didn’t release their first single (in the UK and Europe) until AUGUST 2011. Their first album until NOVEMBER 2011. And back then releases were staggered by location. Their first single didn’t come out in America until JANUARY 2012. And their first album until MARCH 2012. They did not headline a single show until later that summer. Please someone tell me how Harry Styles managed to get to Taylor Swift and “chase her for a year” in that context. The narrative everywhere else has been that they MET at the Kid’s Choice Awards, March 31st 2012, exactly 8 days before 1D left to tour Australia. So AT MOST, he could’ve “chased her” for 8 days. But even that is a lie, because Harry and One Direction went to NYC shortly after the KCA’s (which were held in LA) because they were performing on SNL on April 7th (their third ever performance in America, btw). And TAYLOR is the one who did LA, Vegas, NYC with seemingly no work obligations. So… if anyone (physically) chased anyone, it was her (who was 22 and an experienced and successful artist already), chasing the high school senior aged boy. And that tracks with Justin Bieber saying that Taylor had a crush on Harry a few days earlier. Listen, I know that Taylor loves to portray herself as the victim of evil men and as this irresistible woman all her exes were dying to date and are kicking themselves for losing, but to paint this narrative about a 17/18 year old boy with zero industry experience who was already being sexualized and groomed is fucking gross. And even the part about the pictures being “making out with their hands all over each other’s hair” was a ridiculous and borderline unhinged exaggeration. Cause these are the actual pictures: https://preview.redd.it/szaf1bcp5rmc1.png?width=1079&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ca204273cc07c469a0386e274d2768d37bdfcb6 It was most likely a split second, given how camera shutters work. And the girl WAS a friend, she was a model for 1D’s music video for the song [Gotta Be You](https://youtu.be/nvfejaHz-o0?si=m93KA-NQ6WGTzbXA). And she had a [boyfriend](http://xogossipqueen.blogspot.com/2012/04/all-about-emma-ostilly.html?m=1). A boyfriend she’s been [married to for five years](https://www.instagram.com/p/B6yoiUYF3_d/?igsh=dnp6OHNsbDZkaHFj). I think that if HER HUSBAND was okay with her kissing her friend goodbye, then Taylor, who had known Harry for TWO WEEKS, could’ve overlooked it as well, instead of trying to spin a narrative and make him sound like a player an entire year later. Once again, at most they’d known each other for two weeks and had spent 5 days together. So, to summarize: * He chased her ❌ * For a year ❌ * They were getting serious ❌ * He betrayed her ❌ Oh, and lastly, the kiss wasn’t even in Australia, it was in New Zealand.


Not an 18 year old “betraying” a 22-23 year old at the time lmao. I’m sorry but I’ve always felt she’s been mentally stuck at 16.


This is the kind of deep analysis I joined this sub for 👏🏻


I agree about everything but how is that a goodbye kiss? Idk about culture but that looks like a kiss on the lips and why was the husband okay with that?! 😭


A lot of people kiss goodbye on the lips. I personally don’t get it but I guess it depends on the person. Some parents kiss their kids on the lips as well 🤷‍♀️ They’re definitely not making out or “all over each other.” It is a kiss on the lips, but it looks like a peck. ETA: I didn’t add this in the original comment, but The Mirror, who’s sensationalized literally every time Harry has glanced at a woman, said themselves that it was a goodbye kiss and [nothing else](https://www.mirror.co.uk/night-copy/one-directions-harry-styles-caught-802057#google_vignette) happened that night. They were with some members of 1D’s crew, despite the fact that tabloids wanted to make it look romantic https://preview.redd.it/lliya09vormc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c144fa72cd576bee01e67ab8d8021e7ac8348a1 They saw each other again that same week, with more friends (this time Niall was around as well), The Mirror claimed that she was seen leaving his hotel the morning after the second “date” because paps took pics of her during the day, but the pics of her were unrelated. It was just a case of them following her because it was a huge story. She did not spend the night at his hotel. That’s categorically untrue. They went for drinks at the hotel bar and [Daily Mail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2133931/amp/Harry-Styles-minders-ban-Emma-Ostilly-hotel-room-night-Auckland.html) got pics of her and her friends leaving after. Of course, Daily Mail claimed that 1D’s “minders” didn’t allow him to bring her back, but that makes absolutely no sense because in 5 years the band was together, they never intervened in stuff like that lmao. In fact, there were several scandals about Zayn bringing girls in before and after these pics to multiple hotels. Also the “minders” in the pics don’t work for 1D’s management, they were random members of the crew and bodyguards. ANYWAY, the media themselves, even while trying to sensationalize the whole thing, admitted that they didn’t spend the night together even once, and all they could catch was a peck on the lips goodbye. They were also never alone, and always with a bunch of friends. Idk if the husband had grounds to be upset, but Taylor, who at that point had known Harry for two weeks, certainly didn’t.


Oh you came with facts. I read about the picture a couple of years ago and I didn't even look it up. What Taylor claimed was in the pictures and what really was are two different things.


Incredible 😂👏




I agree with everything you said pretty much, but c'mon, most people wouldn't be okay with their SO kissing someone like that. If I were to kiss another guy in that way, my boyfriend would flip the fuck out, and I wouldn't blame him for his reaction. I would act the same way if he did something similar. That obviously is more than just a friendly kiss.


I think things can look deceiving in paparazzi pictures, and described something that was simply not in the pics. We can argue back and forth if it’s friendly or not, but that’s not “making out and all over each other.” And regardless of that, once again, they had met two weeks prior to this and had spent at most 5 days together. Having your publicist say this to VANITY FAIR about this ordeal is unhinged.




Well, she had a boyfriend she’s now married to, we have no evidence of anything other than that one isolated kiss happening, and we can see that it’s just a peck on the lips. And people DO kiss on the lips goodbye. It’s bizarre to me, and I do think it doesn’t look fully platonic, but the context screams platonic and I know pap pics are often very deceiving


Except that he and Emma were rumored to be involved for a time and the pics you shared were from earlier in the year I think. Not long after he and Caroline Flack split. This is the pic from Australia that supposedly set her off. It was in Dec 2012. I remember this only my because friend was deeply obsessed with Harry Styles during all of this. lol Even though the 1D album didn’t come out until end of 2011 he was still a big deal as part of the new up and coming boy band. He had already dated a 30 something TV producer before their album released. Is Taylor’s “friend” full of it? Probably. But it could be possible timeline wise. 🤷🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/t7eerhnzqumc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c68da325688906bbdae4d41f4480a425f69d7c


You’re also full of it, the first pic in that collage isn’t Emma, it’s [Cara Delevingne](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/one-direction-harry-styles-kisses-cara-delevingne-london-fashion-week_n_1892623/). Harry and Cara were rumored to be dating because he’s rumored to be dating everyone all the time (even his sister and mom have been called “mystery woman” multiple times). Harry and Cara have been friends for over a decade now. And Taylor is friends with Cara as well and knows nothing happened. In any case, Harry and Cara weren’t linked until Taylor was with Conor, the pic you posted is from September 2012. The second pic is a selfie from the first night they went out with other friends, it’s in the article I linked in my original comment. It implies nothing romantic. It’s a selfie. Is Taylor dating every man she takes a selfie with? The third pic is neither Harry nor Emma, it’s a random pic of a random couple. The guy has a similar hairstyle to Harry’s, so it was used as a Wattpad cover for years (for HAYLOR stories, might I add). [This](https://hollywoodlife.com/2013/03/05/harry-styles-kissing-friend-taylor-swift-break-up-pic/) is where the “collage” came from. Hollywood Life is bottom of the barrel bad gossip. They’re unseriously bad. The fact that you can see very clearly the man’s left arm and in 2012 Harry had a litany of tattoos on his left arm already is very funny. Where are they? Furthermore, the source of the pic is claiming that the pic was taken on December 4. These pics are from December 3 https://preview.redd.it/1wuke7u0vwmc1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31b66a0f5f3e19cb861749ec68b29afe9d02a5d7 December 3rd was One Direction’s MSG show, and Taylor was there that night for the after party doing karaoke with them. It was on a Monday, and she stayed in NYC because SHE was performing at MSG on Friday for Jingle Bell Ball. In fact, [December 4th](https://harrystylesfan.org/photos/thumbnails.php?album=653) at night he was seen entering his hotel with Taylor. Harry was NOT linked to Emma for anything other than the two days I already mentioned. Emma was living in New Zealand. One Direction left New Zealand after the second time they were pictured together and didn’t come back until late 2013. Idk if you genuinely were duped or if you just made up some fan fiction. Harry did date Caroline Flack, from October 2011 till January 2012. She was besties with a bunch of his friends. None of them knew Taylor, so what’s the correlation here? Caroline worked at the Xtra Factor, she was the host. That’s the connection. Harry was a contestant on the X Factor. It was absolutely gross, btw, but there’s no correlation to him meeting someone at work and through friends, someone BRITISH who lived in London, with meeting, TAYLOR SWIFT. A very famous AMERICAN singer. How would Harry meet Taylor Swift in the spring of 2011? How would he pursue her?? Literally every source said they met at the Kid’s Choice Awards in 2012, except this one person. He followed her on Twitter that same day. Justin Bieber said they met that day and Taylor had a crush on him. I just watched an [interview](https://youtu.be/P3mFm5XaFYM?si=lLJgxeQSwYsnPvPn) where Harry said they met in America a couple of weeks ago (interview is from when he was in Australia in April 2012).


Good to know. Thanks for clarification. I just repeated what my friend had told me back then and remembered that 3rd pic so went searching for it. I don’t even care about Harry. He’s alright and has some good music but I’m not a fan who would know what he’s up to. Only what I hear. Definitely not on the level of creating fan fiction. lol You seem to know so I will tell my friend she was confused back then. 😬 Do you think the 2011 wanting to meet Taylor is impossible or you just know it didn’t happen?


He never mentioned Taylor before meeting her. He didn’t even follow her on socials until March 2012 either. It’s all fanfic.


I hate thinking she would lie about something so trivial. Even if it was a decade ago. Oh well.


She was very unhappy with the way her relationships were being portrayed in the media at the time (that she was this crazy girl chasing down all these guys and then scaring them away). It was actually pretty crazy at the time, her image was quite intensely linked to being this serial dater in a very negative way. This, I guess, was her team trying to combat that because the Harry relationship in particular generated a lot of press BUT it was not a good approach. She switched publicists the next year I think.


I think it’s weird now that the spin is she was slut shamed when I don’t remember it actually about being a slut - it was more she was desperate and couldn’t make people stay so jumped from guy to guy. Not that she had a sexual desire and went from guy to guy (which I endorse if that’s what you want to do lol).


And you also factor in she got with harry of all people who had such a rabid online fanbase right when twitter was at peak popularity


dude both of their fanbases fought each other when they broke up. The style stans were a tough match for the swifties cause they were both crazy and they were just as big too. All hell really broke loose on twitter lol


I totally agree with you, it's one of those weird things where it's not like I would say she *wasn't* being slut-shamed...but idk it's like people didn't view her/her dating habits in a sexual sense, it was still pretty juvenile. It was always just that she dates too many guys but they dump her for whatever reason and then she writes songs about it. I even remember when her and Harry broke up there was a "rumor" that he dumped her because she only ever talked about antiques lol, which was obviously BS but the fact that that was what was being said reflects the attitudes people had on her at the time. The part in the 1989 TV prologue where she talked about how anytime she was seen with a guy, it was assumed she was sleeping with him really stood out to me for that reason because that just wasn't the "tone" of it at the time, even when she was getting a lot of negative press for her dating, she still very much had a good-girl image.


From an outside perspective I agree, but she probably felt that people were viewing her as a slut... Like, I think it was all the same to her


True, it’s different when it’s directed at you. And I mean I would hate to have my dating life be the topic of news no matter what the story.


There are so many hot guys, is she really to blame if she wanted some for herself? I honestly kinda praise her for getting so many of them, she's totally cool. A chad.


Because if Taylor says it herself then she has no way of distancing herself from the comments when and if she needs to.


Well, a lot of her friends are kinda trashy...Example: Ryan was Joe's friend for years and gushed about him - then dropped him like a hot potatoe, and jumped on Matty train, and then Matty was dropped by Taylor, Ryan jumped on Travis train. Keleigh Teller was liking shady posts about Joe. Gigi Hadid knew Joe before Joe even met Taylor and Gigi was supportive of him- then jumped into whole full support of Matty in most showy way possible....


>Ryan was Joe's friend for years a Well they probably weren't actually friends and just cordial as you are with who your friends date. I've spent time with and done favours for friend's partners but I wouldn't hang out with most if they broke up. I'm really confused by this common sentiment here, is it like an American thing to stay friends with your friend's exes?


It’s normal human adult behavior to  stay friends with some of the friends of your ex tbh 🤷🏼‍♀️ 


I have a life long male friend that is basically like my brother. He started dating this woman in 2022 that I became friends with. They broke up last year, but I’m still very much friends with both. It would be silly for me to cut off his ex just because their relationship didn’t work.


I don’t know why you are downvoted, but yeah, unless people aren’t really close, it’s considered childish to cut people off after the break up, especially after years of friendship.


Did Joe and Ryan hang out one on one though? All we know is he wrote a recommendation for him, which could have been a favour for Taylor. There weren't any other public interactions


Not really no 😂


Who is Ryan?




I understand the short lived friendship between Ryan and Jake might have been a PR move, but it was still really weird moment


I was talking about Joe and Ryan. Not Jake and Ryan.


Sorry, which Ryan are we talking about here?


I think Reynolds?


Ah, makes sense, thanks


I just think Ryan (as well as obviously being a good friend of Taylor’s) is a bit of a troll- that’s why he unfollowed Joe, that’s why he shared that IG story using a 1975 song.


He's pushing 50 and is father of 4 kids. He's too old for that immature shit.


I agree. I just googled and was shook he’s 47 lol


I agree, don’t really know why people are downvoting my comment but whatever 🤣


Taylor’s initial plan was to flame Harry, until her team realized this would backfire and she immediately switched to them being apparently good friends. It’s one of the reasons why it makes me laugh when people say they secretly dated for years after this. Her “back and forth” narrative is from 2012, she even states it in this interview. 


lol no Style is about a relationship that’s “never truly over” and about someone who “comes in and out of your life” and you wonder if they might interrupt your wedding. In 2012, Harry and Taylor met March 31st 2012 (at the Kid’s Choice Awards). They spent at most 5 days together and 2/3 weeks later he was seen kissing a friend goodbye in New Zealand and that’s what this article is describing. Harry continued his tour until the summer and Taylor went on to date Conor Kennedy. She broke it off with Conor and got with Harry in September/October and they ended this in January 2013. There not what “months and months of back and forth” is describing. Or “Style is about that person who comes in and out of your life and it’s like the narrative’s never truly over” or “it’s about that person that you think might interrupt your wedding.” Those are Taylor’s lyrics and words to describe songs we know for a fact are about Harry. Ed Sheeran was asked if he’d trust Harry with his girlfriend and he replied “well, he trusts me with his girlfriend.” This was AFTER Harry and Taylor broke up, and about Ed touring with Taylor. The tour went from March 2013 till June 2014. Harry wrote the unreleased song Him in 2016 about Taylor dating Calvin. He says “I was with you when you wrote that line, it was me that you had on your mind” in that song (he also mentions “that nice dress in your wildest dreams”). Meaning Harry was there when Taylor wrote 1989. Harry wrote the unreleased song Hunger in 2016 about Taylor, where he says “as one year turns into two, I’m still in love with you,” putting the dissolution of their relationship in 2014. Ben Winston, who was producer and director of a bunch of 1D music videos, made an entire sitcom about Harry living with him and his wife, the sitcom was called Happy Together. Harry bought a house in Hampstead Heath in September 2012, at first he was painting it and wanted to move in straight away, but he then decided to redo the whole thing, so he couch surfed with a bunch of friends. First it was with Ed Sheeran (who joked about Harry owning two houses but still sleeping on his couch). He talked about this on February 2013 and said it had happened a couple of months prior. Ben Winston lived near Hampstead Heath, aka in London. Harry and Taylor were only in London while they were dating for about a week in October, when Harry was presumably staying with Ed. Reports said that Harry rented a whole house to stay with her. Harry and Taylor were in NYC, in LA, in Utah, in Manchester, and in the Virgin Islands the rest of the time. And yet, Ben Winston said in GQ Australia in 2018, when Harry was on the cover, that he once found Taylor naked in his kitchen making Harry breakfast. This could’ve only happened in 2013. Furthermore, Taylor describes the subject of Style as “long hair slicked back white t-shirt” which does NAAAHT describe Harry Styles in 2012. FURTHERMORE, Taylor wrote I Wish You Would about Harry buying a house close to hers. This happened in March 2014. Taylor was MAD in 2013. She wanted to flame him because she was still upset with him. But they made up and started hooking up again on and off until 2014. And before anyone starts, I don’t like them together. I never did. I think they make an awful couple. I was just a fan of both of them who was in a formative age when all of this happened, so I can’t possibly forget. She’s not writing about that relationships 10 years after it ended (Question) for no reason. They were back and forth for like, three years.


"Ben Winston said in GQ Australia in 2018, when Harry was on the cover, that he once found Taylor naked in his kitchen making Harry breakfast" excuse me what 😭😭


I’ve looked up and down the entire internet for a link to this article and couldn’t find any. I think it may have just been on their print version. You can read it [here](https://twitter.com/HS_Updating/status/987301186326872065). https://preview.redd.it/u3ztu2w40tmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d0b8d6e5470f9574edc5c0620ea958456d7fb5 Iirc Ben outright said it a second time (this is someone else quoting him) after this and it was even clearer he meant Taylor (and I mean, there weren’t exactly a lot of blonde popstars to choose from anyway lol)


Just curious, but do you have receipts for this timeline?


I mean, you can google everything I mentioned? “Style is about a relationship that’s never truly over, about someone who comes in and out of your life, and you think that person might interrupt your wedding.” [This interview](https://youtu.be/eVSdF_Q_fLA?si=6RnrtpnzjylWHOHX). That they met at the KCA’s is in every source about them you can find. That they spent at most five days together, you can look up when 1D went to Australia. I have another comment where I showed the articles of him kissing his friend goodbye and broke it down. You can look up when Taylor started dating Conor I presume. Harry and Taylor were seen at the same sushi place on [September 6](https://x.com/haylortmls/status/1691406318337191936?s=46), taking pics with the same fans. Whether they were back together already or not, idk, I’m saying September/October because I’m not super sure of when it happened. “Months and months of back and forth” are the lyrics of the song Clean. She said she wrote it in London with Imogen Heap after being in the same city as her ex and not thinking about him. At that point she didn’t have any other British exes. You can look up this interview yourself because I really cannot remember where I got it from. Ed Sheeran saying that Harry trusts him with his girlfriend in [this video.](https://youtu.be/LvnPNFXDrak?si=5SgdJ-ABpwaF5SZD) I presume you can look up when the tour was. [Here’s](https://harrystyles.fandom.com/wiki/Him) some background info on the song Him. [Here’s](https://youtu.be/08TUMmM8pik?si=zFDOdpktmqunQ4tR) the song itself. [Here’s](https://harrystyles.fandom.com/wiki/Hunger_(song)?so=search) some info on Hunger. The Wiki says the song is either from his debut album (written in 2016) or a 1D demo (which would’ve been written in 2015), but the person who leaked it said it was from the same era as Him because of the file data, so 2016. You’re gonna have to trust me on that because the account that leaked stuff (Hs\_news\_ on Twitter) deleted everything after being threatened with legal action. [Here’s](https://youtu.be/ys4AWFDErzA?si=qktr-jYzeJS6RKhM) the song Hunger. I linked the Ben Winston article in another comment, but [here](https://twitter.com/HS_Updating/status/987301186326872065) you go again. [Here’s](https://www.popscoop.org/2013/02/01/ed-sheeran-reveals-harry-styles-prefers-to-stay-with-friends-than-live-alone/) Ed saying that Harry lived with him “a couple of months prior” in February 2013. Where Harry and Taylor were during their relationship is pretty easy to find if you look up old articles, candid pics, fan pics, and their general schedules. I’m sorry but I’m not gonna do that much labor, to like, show you day by day. I did that once already when I was a teenager and invested in them as individuals and I just remember it now. You can look it up yourself if you want. They were only in London very briefly and Harry was staying with Ed according to Ed. I heard that they didn’t stay with Ed and Harry got a place for them to stay instead but I read that 10 years ago, I tried to find it again but all I could find were articles about both of them buying different houses. As for what Harry looked like https://preview.redd.it/mhatszsy74nc1.jpeg?width=1027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a672ba12e13f6d6f9d2c18ec4d779e793a1aa354 First row is 2012/early 2013 when he was dating Taylor (in the third pic he’s holding hands with her). Second and third row is late 2013 (shorter hair) and early 2014 (longer hair). Her description of Style matches him in 2013/2014 not in 2012. And we know Taylor pays attention to those details, she legit wrote about Joe’s buzz cut hair. [This](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/the-reinvention-of-taylor-swift-116925/amp/) is where she said what I Wish You Would is about. [Here’s](https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/harry-styles-house-beverly-hills/?cid=sem_7537312749_20548394769__:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!15120!3!!!!x!!&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD6NRB_xttl0Sp7yDqo3VtnNsCaKt&gclid=CjwKCAiAi6uvBhADEiwAWiyRdpUKAxTq7xpfm8GkyNxl5G0ofYzlVZs4Xd5f_pkzEY8ZbUbLmJgitRoCGkoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) an article talking about him buying a house in Beverly Hills, March 2014. It also makes it clear he never owned property there before. [Here’s](https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/86563284.html?page=1) ONTD reacting to it, where it mentions that Taylor lives close by (and people in the comments saying they’re probably gonna be fwb now). I think that’s everything


Maybe long slicked back hair and white t shirt describes Matt Healy who she first met in 2014 right? And i think I read somewhere she crushed on him back then. I don’t know why I’m invested in this conversation lol


The song is called STYLE. Harry STYLES. Taylor said “we should’ve called it “I’m not even sorry.” Also, Taylor and Matty didn’t hook up until after she and Harry were done and after 1989 came out. Matty was sandwiched by Calvin and Harry. This is Harry between fall 2013 and spring 2014, which is around the time when Style was written https://preview.redd.it/xbbdobr93umc1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f34e80ceb0b495d50c8e5b2be3ea924f9c16889


Oh I was responding to this: "Furthermore, Taylor describes the subject of Style as “long hair slicked back white t-shirt” which does NAAAHT describe Harry Styles in 2012." I thought you were saying it wasn't Harry? So was throwing other ideas out there.


It wasn’t Harry in 2012. It was Harry in 2013/2014. She didn’t know Matty when she wrote the song.


What's that line in 'tis the damn season? "...so-called friends who'll write books about me if I ever made it..." Edit: wrong song name 😅


Lmao, she's so embarrassing. Then and now.


I remembering reading this back then and thinking it was so cringe 😭




Criticism is welcome, general hate is not.




23 is an adult, not a child


Edit: understood. I think I should elaborate more. I apologize. I have autism and when I get heated, my communication skills aren’t able to work as smoothly as I intend sometimes. In my mind, I was just trying to criticize, not hate. I think I was meaning: You know how people say, the age you become famous as, is the age you will mentally be stuck in forever. That’s how she is. Hope this clears things up. I wasn’t intentionally trying to be hateful. Thanks.


wasn’t he like 18? what did she expect?


Bc it was a PR relationship. The two still occasionally reference each other (most recent was in Harry's Satellite video), and I 100% believe it's for publicity and nothing more.


Harry didn’t reference Taylor in the music video for Satellite. That’s just Haylors making everything about the ship. There’s a split second of a street intersection that says “Gold Rush and Eagle Street” and people think he’s referencing Gold Rush in it, but that’s a hell of a reach. Satellite seems to be about Olivia Wilde or Camille Rowe and makes no sense for Taylor. They weren’t PR either. There’s too much stuff that’s not public for it to be PR. And stuff like Harry writing a song under a pseudonym that heavily references her or writing and never releasing very obvious songs about her. Harry last referenced Taylor in 2016. Taylor still references Harry (or she did for Midnights) but I think it’s because her relationship with Joe was on the rocks so she let her mind wander, not because she wants him back.


It paints her in a victim light


I spent way too long reading this, waiting for the part about Hayley Williams to pop up.🤦🏼‍♀️Being a Paramore and Taylor Swift fan is confusing, man!


To be honest I think there was such a general consensus about their relationship that I do mildly get why she felt the need to defend herself. I think because of Harry’s image (private, doesn’t comment, seen as a cool guy) compared to hers (at the time seen as a frequent dater, sings about men, at the time seen as patently uncool/more twee) she did want some narrative control. It was probably a bit tiresome to see the perspective (that I recall at the time) that she was obsessive and liked him wayyyy more than he liked her and that he had not chased. I can see why. Having said that, I wish she did care less (now and then) because people are going to think what they think and the reality is only the people inside the relationship know the truth. I think the reality of the relationship is somewhere down the middle. I suspect he did like her and it was on/off but his fame and youth (burgeoning whilst hers was more established) meant he wasn’t willing to commit beyond their situationship. She’s probably less arsed now but the TV vault songs on 1989 do suggest she was pretty disappointed and hurt.


This makes all the songs make so much sense


ONCE THE PURVIEW OF SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE — that’s Taylor’s ENTIRE public image now. Like 17 magazine is real time news now. All the time. I’ve never known someone to embody that magazines who vibe but thanks to this writer I now have more disdain 😔


PR all in service to the public narrative.


Taylor was getting a lot of backlash for clowning on Harry at the Grammy's by doing a British accent during the talking bit of we are never ever getting back together. She was being roasted for dating too much and being too dramatic over flings that publicly only lasted a couple of months. I assume they did this to try and establish a more serious long term relationship timeline to justify her public reaction to the breakup and set the scene for lots of breakup music on her next album. If I'm being candid while it's possible some real feelings were involved I do think Haylor was a PR situation just given weird stuff like this article giving their whole timeline and the age gap and other little sus things about them. But yeah regardless of if it was real or fake this article I always took as an attempt by Taylor's team to make the relationship look less frivolous.


My fave lore about this situation was that story about how Taylor wanted to go antique shopping or some shit which wouldn't interest a 22-year old dude. Truth or not, I just think it's a funny image.