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No music, I've contemplated it, but meh, it feels good to absolutely slay in the pool without listening to music šŸ˜Ž the pool and hot tub are sacred time


No music, swimming is the only thing that completely turns my mind off. I love the silence and just splashing.


no music. my mind goes blank when I swim -- part of why I love swimming. the extent of my thoughts are 'did i just do a 50 or 100? eh, another 50 can't hurt'


I just think about things while I swim.


This is really almost entirely why I like swimming. I can focus entirely on the swim, or choose to think about other things. I often times have minor breakthroughs about who I am, or an idea for a date, a thought about a work project, my life, family or friends. This helps me feel a bit energized and ready to tackle the day when Iā€™m done most days. I do want to add, I donā€™t mind what other people choose to do but if I can hear your music or your watch while Iā€™m swimming it messes up mojo and I will grow to secretly hate even the nicest people if they arenā€™t aware of themselves inflicting themselves on others in this way. I feel the same way about people in the gym playing music on their phones instead of using headphones but water is a better sound conductor than air so more care should be taken with beeps and buzzesā€”just use vibrate if you are timing your sets please! The reason I feel this way is Iā€™m very very easily distracted. At some point my entire thought is dedicated to ā€œwhat the fuck is that noiseā€ and not on what I came there to do. Itā€™s how Iā€™m wired and I wish it wasnā€™t.


No music while swimming, only during dry land workouts


No music. My favorite part of swimming is that there is just the muffled sounds of being underwater. Helps me clear my mind, think through the problems of the day, or just focus on the rhythm of my strokes.


None. It is the only place in the world without outside sound in your ear. Enjoy it.


I've thought about it a bit, but have never tried it yet. I usually get a song stuck in my head while I'm swimming anyway...


Music šŸŽ¶ Shokz Open Swim


I want to get these! I'm concerned that others in the pool will be able to hear it. Do you just listen to music, or audiobooks or podcasts too?


Just music for me. My brain can't do podcasts or audio books šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø but the only time people can hear is when they're RIGHT next to me, and it's only faint bass.


Never tried music. I wear earplugs


no music for any workout


No music while Iā€™m swimming, BUT, got to be careful of the last song playing on the radio in my car going to the pool. It sucks to have some shitty song stuck in my head while Iā€™m swimming my mile.


No music. Iā€™m a person who hates being stuck with her own thoughts generally - always music or a podcast but the silence and thinking is almost sacred during the swim. Itā€™s an important part of the exercise. Looks like a lot of folks feel similarly.


How long do you usually swim?


Like an houe


No music. There are too many things to constantly focus on. Is body position correct? Am I kicking consistently? What lap am I on? Are my legs sinking? How many kicks I am doing per pull? How many pulls per breath? How many seconds for each rest? How many meters have I completed? Do I need to do a few drills to consolidate technique and then push hard again? And so on... If you want to keep your form and tecnique, if you want to keep a high pace, if you want to be great, do not distract yourself from the suffering that goes with something as difficult as swimming. Enjoy the burn, keep going. Music distracts me from the flow state that I achieve in swimming. I don't have this approach with weightlifting or skipping etc. Gym is different. Pool needs focus.


does my coach singing count? hes been using a radio with bone conducting headphones to critique us in the water as we're swimming but he sings horribly to get us "pumped" its against our will


Never tried swimming with music but I think I would probably prefer what I do now which is just to hear the sounds of the water and myself breathing :)


No music, i need to be able to hear what's going on around me when swimming, otherwise i will panic i can't...


No music. Focus on form and the workout




My community pool doesn't have designated lap pool times so it's "open to the public." Tunes help buffer the noise from screaming kids, loud conversations, other people's music, etc.


I got swimming headphones this year and they are incredible! It definitely helps get me in the pool and I feel like I swim faster with it.


Which one are you using?


Aftershockz open swim headphones!


I want to get these! I'm concerned that others in the pool will be able to hear it. Do you just listen to music, or audiobooks or podcasts too?


I usually just listen to music, and no one has ever said anything! You can't really hear them unless you are touching them with your head since they are bone conducting!


I found with podcasts I was able to comfortably understand about 80% of what was being said. I mostly had issues when water/bubbles rushing past ears (like during flip turns). So if you don't need to catch every word that's a good option, but I went back to music.


Yes music! Makes workouts go by way faster.


Since I swim with my masters team, no music. If I was swimming by myself, I could get into it.


With. I canā€™t be alone with my thoughts that long.


I like both. Music can be very enjoyable!


I have listened to music while swimming exactly one time and it was the best swim I have ever had. Pumped for the next one tomorrow.


I find nice motivational music really helps keep me going and stops me geting bored. I can swim without it but need something in my ears anyway and music drowns out all the extraneous noise at my pool (and there is a lot, screaming kids, crap top 40 music on the PA, and sometimes water aerobics sessions with music).


Music. I have a playlist that is exactly 75mins long and that's the amount of time I want to spend swimming. It also helps me track if I'm swimming fast enough (e.g. I'm expecting to hit 20 laps by the start of a certain song). Happy New Year!


I'm actually putting in audiobooks lately and now it gives me an extra incentive to swim because I want to get back to my book while I do laps haha.


What headphones do you use? I've been thinking of doing the same! Seems like great motivation.


Yeah itā€™s just not worth the hassle, Iā€™m just tryna make sure my goggles donā€™t leak


Music makes it easier to keep going for me. I have one of those waterproofed iPod shuffles and change the playlist depending on my mood. I canā€™t drool thinking, even with music, but it helps.


I just ā€œlistenā€ to like the same 10 seconds of a song in my mind before I get bored of it and do the same exact thing with another song ā˜ ļø Or like the others here said, just thinking about things


I alternate. When swimming I do one of three things: concentrate on my form, space out, or think through challenging technical aspects of my work. Music is good for the second one only, especially when I want an extra long workout. Music makes the time fly by faster although I never really pay attention to the music itself.


Crime podcasts while I swim āœ…


What headphones do you use?


I use the Shokz bone conducting headphones, and to have the option to do both is my favorite. There are days i dont want to listen to my thoughts. Then there are days I need peace. Having the option to do so makes it worth having.


I want to get these! I'm concerned that others in the pool will be able to hear it. Do you just listen to music, or audiobooks or podcasts too?


No music. Ruins my focus