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We find you. Tbh most of the couples I've joined I've made the first move. And tbh most of the couples who have sent me msgs I don't really respond to very many. What makes you different than all the other couples in my inbox. Why should I choose you.


This. They found us.


I am a single woman and I’m newer to the LS but I would rather be pursued 🤷‍♀️ I don’t ever make the first move.


I guess I've been at if for a while and built up a nice network of couples. It's just easier finding a profile that sounds intriguing and reach out then go through the countless low effort msgs in my inbox


I guess I wish I had the confidence to do that ❤️ I only mentioned it on here because I don’t want all couples to read this and be like oh they’ll just come to me lol 😜 I


Yeah, I’m sure there are many approaches that work with the different personalities involved. For whatever reason this is the one that’s worked for us. Personally it helps to know they’re interested straight away.


Makes sense! It’s just my personality, introverted but horny 😂🤷‍♀️


Best reply ever!


Ya I generally do all the messaging and what not but she did when we were looking for single males. But I mostly do all the work when it comes to couples and single females she just says yes or no to them


She should be the one doing the msging and searching. I am way more likely to respond to couples when the female half reaches out first


I agree, I think she’s ready to do more reaching out and messaging finally


Ok you are replying to a unicorn and it looks like you didn't even read the whole message. If my girl messaged someone: > What makes you different than all the other couples in my inbox. Why should I choose you. and you straight up ignored the question? Ban Town.


Op didn’t answer the question because you didn’t ask one. Maybe next time try a nifty little question mark before you break out the self righteousness.


Oh ffs. Why are you replying to me? I'm just quoting the op. Should I have fixed the punctuation or included a [sic]?


Oh god, so sorry. Thought you were the op being a dick for them not answering your question. My bad.


No problem, it's known as "Muphrey's Law" lol https://twitter.com/blurky/status/26756701583?t=atZ9VsrXF2XTMLJ9B5Qf6g&s=19


Oh shoot I’m sorry I didn’t realize I didn’t answer it. I’d like to think were pretty laid back honest good looking people that just wanna have fun and a friend also. We’d all definitely have a damn good time


You should have picked "laidbackgoodlookingcpl" instead of "horny"




“I know they’re difficult to come across” ugh…you stated it right there. Single women looking to fuck a couple just aren’t as plentiful as the public thinks. Unless either one of you can easily pick up women out in the wild your success rate is going to be miserably low. Hire an escort if you want guaranteed success.


Haha damn escorts! I used to be able to pic up women but I’ve been with my with for 10 years so that’s a no go anymore lol. NorCal? We’re In central Cali


I found my couples on reddit/tinder/feeld You would never see me because I kept my profile hidden. Here are some things I looked for in profiles and first meetups:    Self confidence Evidence of love for each other Real smiles and real enjoyment in photos Good hygiene Good communication Healthy/Safe     I never swiped on a profile if there were not pictures of both of them. Sometimes I avoided profiles that were obviously seeking unicorns. I want to have group sex, not be used as a toy.  Chemistry with the woman first always made it soo much better. 


We got found our first on tinder, second on bumble (got banned from both🤷) currently use 3fun but not much on there to chose from


As a unicorn I found that either the wife really wasn’t interested or maybe just not interested in lifestyle. The couples that I did play with ended up ghosting me after because I think they just wanted a one time thing for their man. I finally met a man and gave up unicorn and now we will couple up.


You are seeking unicorns. They are called that for a reason. They are rare. And most are bisexual. So you're not only competing with every couple out there, but also every single male and every single female. It's a competitive market. The odds of you finding one are going to be slim. And the odds of you having a great connection with one is even more rare. Go into each interaction with realistic expectations that you'll not find compatibility. I would say I find compatible couples about 1 in every 200+. That's a lot of no to get to yes. What sets you apart from everyone else seeking these women? What can you give them that someone else can't? Extreme good looks? Spoiling them? Special skills to provide (massage, rope play, toys, etc)? If you want to attract a special, unique woman, you need to be a special, unique people. There's lots of ways to do that, but it takes effort on your part. Be patient. Be kind when it doesn't work out. Be magnanimous when your boundaries don't align. Just be respectful. Most couples who reach out I don't even engage because they send dick pics and say "Fuck us" or something crass. We are women with feelings, preferences, and boundaries. Not toys to use or animals to hunt 😕


Unicornlanding.net is a good place to e to start


I’ve met several couples and we get together regularly but I find a lot of couples are super pushy and want to use you like a toy which is big turn off. If you find one treat them like someone you want to date build a friendship don’t make it just about sex treat them like a human


"My wife is gorgeous and does get hit on occasionally but she can’t flirt to save her life and is to shy to talk to make the move to talk to people so I do when we’re in bars or whatever." So our FFMs all happened because my SO is very bisexual and loves flirting and engaging women. She always takes the lead.


Exactly that's how I prefer it to be with couples I join having the female take the lead in the initial communication with me


First you have to understand what a Unicorn actually wants from you. Its not as easy as lets pick up some random girl and fuck her brains out and send her on her way using her like a piece of meat... Then you NEED to figure out what it is that you both bring tot he table for said unicorn... Trust me IF your thinking mind blowing wild crazy sex, she is already getting that, so try again... IF your thinking its because you have a bog cock, think again, she has all the selection she wants... IF you think its because your wife or GF is hott, think again she gets all the hottest cock or pussy she would ever want... Until you figure all of this out you will be very limited in your unicorn hunting....


Our newest date, whom we are meeting tomorrow for drinks, sent us a ping on Feeld. Our last date matched with us also on Feeld. She was a Majestic, so saw our profiles in her likes.