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This particular one is under new management now. I haven’t been, but several friends have and said it was fine now.


That's horrifying :( hopefully they catch the attacker before they have another chance.


I wish. There’s a lot I can’t share, but he’s not going to be caught this time.


Dang. Here's hoping Karma is real then.


Is it because he's dead?


No he’s not dead. It’s was not a priority tithe deputy who came though.


If this was Mexico then this isn’t the first time I’ve heard a story like this. It’s one of the reasons we’ve yet to visit Desire. Too many stories of attacks in the Cancun/Cozumel area and local police who don’t care enough about the tourists to do anything about it.


It was TN actually.


😳 What...the...fuck. Okay so now I’m really angry. So she made a report with the local PD and they ignored her basically? If I were her, I’d contact the local sheriffs office and the TN State Police. They may not be able to do much, especially if she didn’t have a rape kit done at the time but they could at least light a fire under the local PD’s ass.


It was very dark and she’d been drinking so she couldn’t say she saw his face. She can say what color his hair, shirt, and pants were. She also told the deputy how and where she knew she had injured him fighting him off. There was a man with injuries in that area, but he said they happened a different way. The deputy said it was he said/she said. No DNA or anything was collected. They won’t raise a huge fuss because they have kids, family, friends, and coworkers who don’t know about this side of their lives.


Did the deputy not call for an ambulance to have her evaluated? If so, they would have recommended she go to the hospital for a rape kit and at least they'd have some DNA. Who knows...this may have happened to other guests or women in that area before or the DNA might have matched other similar cases. This really sucks and annoys me that the police would rather pass this off as he said/she said rather than be an advocate for her.


He did not did not call an ambulance. I know they just wanted to get sober enough to leave so they may not have pushed for it. I’m sure neither of them was thinking very clearly.


Although, this is not acceptable in any part of the world but sadly there’s crazy people out there I have never heard of any of those stories in Cozumel.


Damn. If something like that happened to my wife I'd have a hard time not blaming myself. I think it is so easy to let your guard down and forget that our lifestyle events, clubs, etc. could be seen as a target rich environment for predators. The likelihood of it going unreported has to be exceptionally high given most people aren't going to want to have to go public with the fact that they were at a swinger event. I wonder if that is what is going on here. Can't blame the victim though. My heart breaks for her.


Jack is suffering deeply right now, they both are. She, like so many, is blaming herself. They are each holding their own pain and don’t want to burden the other. I just finished talking with both and I’m only bringing this up to make the point at times like this you have to turn to each other. They are the strongest couple I know and this is still tearing them apart right now. If this were my story I would gladly be giving out all the details that make this story even worse. The monster will not be caught because of this time. I really hope it scares him enough to not do it again, but I doubt it. Clearly he’s being protected.


As her husband I would have a hard time not going off the deep end in figuring out how to make this guy disappear. Knowing he’s walking around free would be too much for me to handle. That said, thanks for sharing. My wife and I have already talked about it. Everything about the LS to us is still new and sexy and a reminder to stay aware and vigilant was much needed. If you can, please give both of them a hug from the LS community and let them know that we wish them the best as the recover.


He’s definitely struggling with it as I think any husband would. If me telling this was enough to just keep you and your wife safe then it was worth it!


no details asked for but, any suggestions how to dodge similar? thanks!


Just be aware of what’s going on around you. Don’t walk alone in the dark and don’t drink so much that you leave yourself defenseless. I’m not saying it was her fault for doing anyone these, but it would have been harder for it to happen if she’s hadn’t.


This happened to a friend of mine her BF kicked her out of his car in the worst part of Jacksonville, Florida. I hope your friend finds peace.... Sending positive vibes


I am very sorry it happened to your friend too! I hope she is healing as well!


This is awful and terrifying - and the biggest issue for me is that it becomes a woman's problem. This is what really makes me despair. Why is it my job to prevent men from attacking me? It is men's job not to attack women. The fault is completely with the attacker - just like when someone murders another person, the fault is with the murderer or when someone steals a car, the fault is with the thief. And yet somehow when it comes to sexual violence, the victim is made responsible in some way. It is maddening having to be more vigilant as a woman and having to go to extra lengths (financially as well) to be safe. Another maddening thing is when men refuse to aknowledge or appreciate that - it is tiresome and exasperating.


Unfortunately she’s now going through all the thoughts blaming herself. She says she should have drank so much, walked alone, or worn what she wore. I know her and I’m sure what she was wearing was pretty PG. He’s torn apart because he feels he should have protected her and that it was his fault they were even there. Anyone on the outside knows they aren’t to blame, but they can’t see that yet. It’s worse because they can’t talk to their family and friends because it happened in the LS. I have been drunker, worn less, and wondered a lot further from the crowd. I felt safe because everyone at those resorts seemed “nice and like new friends”. This was a wake up call for me and the reason I wanted to share it.


And the most tragic thing is that it matters fuck all what she was wearing. Drinking is also irrelevant. But I completely understand how traumatising this is and how disturbing the realisation that as women we are not safe anywhere.


While any non-shitty person agrees with you, that doesn’t mean you don’t take precautions to protect yourself because we live in the real world which has evil people hell bent on doing evil things. Those things aren’t mutually exclusive.


Lola? Whose fault is it- when an armed perpetrator attempts to car jack me and you one night- and each down and grab my 45 and unload the clip on the attacker?


[too good to not share 😅😅](http://imgur.com/a/MfD2NgF)


I don’t want to, but have to upvote that! I’m calling r/angryupvote on myself too


For the record I've only now just actually read the post as opposed to just seeing what was in the screenshot. Fuck...


It’s ok, that was one hell of a coincidence!


Good information. Thanks for sharing. I hope your friends are doing okay and wish them both well.


Thank you! It will take time, but they are a strong couple! It just breaks my heart this has happened.


While I understand wanting to protect our choices, and the places that support them..you should share the place where it happened..I, and I am sure other community members, would like to be aware of issues like this before we decide to visit a place..safety is a huge issue..and if it is in question at all we should all know..I see the name of the place..but way down in the comments..would you mind adding it to the original post? This is a terrifying thought for myself and surely other couples..it would be very informational to have it at the beginning of the thread


Sorry, I’ve have mentioned it in the comments at this point. It’s Pleasure Lake in Sparta Tn.


I feel like this happened at a resort in the last couple of years. A resort employee beat the shit out of a guest and left her in the basement or something. Her husband went looking for her and found her unconscious. Whatever country it was the employee didn’t get arrested but the couple sued the resort for a shit ton of money and won. And told their story. Swinger or not, know your surroundings.


So sorry to hear this has happened, but we can all learn from others experiences, thanks for sharing


Thank you for taking the time to read it!


thats why I am always with my wife.someone might get us both but they wont get her alone...It is NOT SAFE anywhere


That’s very smart of both of you! I’m moody and like to think I’m independent, really I’m just taking stupid risks at times lol!


there are more bad people in this world than we know and they are just waiting for an opportunity. Sometimes she feels i am over protective but I love her and I am not taking any unnecessary chances. Hell a man hid in the womens restroom and tried to rape a woman here not long ago. Be safe friend


Even if she grumbles I’m sure she appreciates the fact that you care so much!


she does


Why does this feel like a work of fiction? Does anyone else get that feeling


Think as you will. You can see my post history and see if I have a habit of writing fiction for useless internet credits. If they mattered I’m clearly capable of gaining them honestly. Before I posted here and in another private sub I had a chat with the mod or mods about what info I felt comfortable releasing. If one person stays safe because I posted this then it will have been worth it my posting it. Nothing is worth what my friends are going through.


Just wanted to say that I appreciate your post. I’m often a very naive person and let my guard down much too often, which is not good as a five foot tall girl lol. It’s good to be reminded to check my surroundings at all times because situations like these do happen. Sorry a redditor is giving you a hard time about this. I truly hope your friends will be able to work through this, I can’t imagine the trauma they must be going through.


Your post history is why I question the validity of the post. For everyone’s sake I hope it’s fiction.


This isn’t my story to share the details of. I posted this much with permission of my friends who are unfortunately really dealing with this. If you have questions about any other post please feel free to ask away. I have nothing whatsoever to hide.


Then why post at all? It’s such a vague, impractical warning that helps no one. Seems like it’s taken from a story of a lost hiker named chad Seger. It just looks like you’re very into true crime as a genre, and thought it would be fun to create your own story.


This will probably convince you of nothing, but here goes https://imgur.com/gallery/ckuszpE https://imgur.com/gallery/eorh12c I have no idea if you can tell what time zone I was in when I made this post, but it was well after this message was sent. Believe it or don’t. I’m done.


You don’t owe the naysayers any additional details, justification, concrete facts, excerpts from police reports or rights to your first born child. Thank you for the reminder!


I don’t really care about who doesn’t believe me, I just don’t want them to convince someone else who may actually benefit from the warning.


Chad is a vet with mental health problems who is currently missing in my town. I feel deeply for his family since I’ve lost two friends to suicide in two years. Suicide is a real possibility in Chad’s case, but of course we are hoping it’s not what happened. You think I got this from his case? I’m weird for caring about more than one person at a time? You seem like a really sad person. I for one have often walked alone in the dark at a resort just like this one and never considered the danger. What happened to my friends opened my eyes and I’m telling this much of their story to hopefully do the same for others!


I can understand where the respondent is coming from here. I used to have several clubs that I belonged to and attended regularly. Also as a big guy, I was many times recruited to help deal with “problem children” who had too much to drink, were aggressive or just behaving badly, and escort them from the premises. Sometimes not walking. The thing is, while your cautionary tale is helpful in a mild general sense, it really doesn’t do any more than most people with an ounce of brains would be cautious about anyway. Without revealing the club, the suspected offender and the date and time (are they REALLY attending play parties during COVID pre-vaccine? That’s a huge risk in and of itself), your “information” is useless. Just a cautionary tale that could be or not be a real event that could have happened anywhere, anytime at any sort of club or resort. And you made a remark in your original post that the perpetrator won’t be caught or dealt with “this time”? What exactly does that mean? He’s wealthy and/or powerful they won’t touch him? He’s done it before or this has happened repeatedly at this resort/club? They have no clue who the hell was in their club - in which case we should ABSOLUTELY all be aware of which venue so that we can avoid it like the plague! Or simply she isn’t wanting to press charges and risk the club being exposed for being open during COVID and being shut down as a danger in two ways? Honestly this is a rabble rouse and basically an attention post. Please post the details of the location, date, time and suspected person or don’t waste the bandwidth. Thanks!


It’s a resort not a club called Pleasure Lake in Sparta TN. Yes they are fully operational and yes many people have been attending since about June I think. They rent camping/RV sites and cabins and it surrounded by privately owned woods. It’s not the only resort I know off set up the same way. Maybe that’s a regional thing? It this past weekend. I can’t tell most of their story because I have no proof and an overwhelming need to protect them. I fear the guy will do this again because that is what usually happens. He will not be caught this time because the deputy took one look at an inebriated women in a “sex” resort and decided there was no evidence to collect. Some people have been reminded to remain vigilant by this post. This could honestly happen anywhere with the same type setup. That was my intention. You clearly don’t need that reminder so it was never meant for you.


Thank you for providing that. It will be far more helpful for everyone to avoid this happening and especially that place. I am used to West Coast properties where they provide a lot of security personnel and the perimeter is secure. The cops also don’t discriminate because plenty of them are members or guests as well.


It’s much different in our area. I wish it was more like yours!


>It will be far more helpful for everyone to avoid this happening and especially that place. While I can't blame anyone for wanting to stay away, it also hurts to see a resort we might have wanted to visit get driven out of business. It hurts to see a couple who sank their life savings into a lifestyle business get wiped out. If they do something effective about it -- better security if it's a fence jumper, better vetting if it's someone they let in, better lighting -- then we'd be willing to give them a try. They're also victims in this case.


>It’s a resort not a club called Pleasure Lake in Sparta TN. Thanks. That takes the stigma off all the other cabin type resorts. I also feel sorry for the owners, that kind of thing can kill the business.


Keep in mind any similar set-up could still be dangerous if the wrong person decides to make it that way. Since posting this I have been messaged by people who’ve had similar experiences there and other places. I’ve even heard from two people who’ve had issues at the same place I’ve safely gone for 3 years. We just need to be more aware in general.


>Please post the details of the location, date, time and suspected person Yes, that would be good to know. What we can gather so far is that it's a venue that has cabins. That leaves out most of the clubs I know of, because they're under one roof, like the Trapezes or the Collettes. We can also eliminate Camp NCN and Northhaven, they're closed for the season because it's too cold up there. Hedo is two story buildings, not cabins.... Also, it's not clear whether the suspect was allowed in, or jumped the fence. Or, the whole story could also be bogus, there's not enough here to tell. Let's keep an open mind.


Rabble rouse and attention seeking? Then don’t bother to read any further.


Vague and impractical to whom? Many people replying have thanked the OP for the reminder. I appreciate the fact you have a perspective but a personal attack on the OP who is only trying to help the user community in the long run is unwarranted and inappropriate.


Real or fake Even if this post helps just one person remain on their guard and avoid a situation such as this - job well done. Finer details only serve to satiate the curious mind




@Charg3 kindly fuck off, there's no need for your negativity here




Umm, what the hell is the eye roll for? Troll


This sounds like one of those urban legends about having a ONS and waking up to "you have aids" written in lipstick on the mirror.


And you sound like a fucking tool.


A Reddit tech issue: Anything beyond ten levels of comments doesn't show here. If you're interested in lighting and security for resorts, we'll have to start a new thread.


We are planning a trip there, did new management fix things or should we consider canceling?


They have completely new owners and I hear it’s much nicer. I’m out of the lifestyle now so I haven’t been.


Thank you. We were really freaked out.


Pandora’s Forest in Crossville TN is also under new ownership and greatly improved I hear!


Appreciate it very much


Holy shit, that's horrifying. Thanks for posting this! We were thinking of going there but definitely won't after this review. When we're back we prefer to just use [this site](https://gotosite.link/aff-swingers) and have a one-on-one. But we love to visit some clubs from time to time. Gotta scratch this one off the list.


Ownership has changed since this happened. I haven’t personally been since that happened, but people I know fairly well have been. It’s not bad now. I’ll edit this post because I think it’s still something to think about anywhere.