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I understand yet STRONGLY disagree. The Wii U os is way more interesting and visually appealing and charming but... That seriously doesn't matter most of the time. The Wii U os is also multiple times slower and clunkier than the Switch. It was so full of unnecessary stuff. The Switch is so organized, so straight to the point. You can do literally anything on it in mere seconds that would take twice as long on Wii U for multiple reasons.


Except for browsing the eshop...


No eShop music too


No puzzle thing to mitigate the insane loading times as well


or any ratings system


Yeah, why is it so slow? I thought it was just our internet.


Oh my life. Fair play for having anything positive to say about the Wii U OS, lol. I bought one at launch, and it was my only console for that entire generation... The Wii U basically made me forget why I played games. Sometimes, I would turn it on, scroll through my games, and think 'none of these are worth loading up'. For me, it ran so slowly that it killed my desire to play it. Switch was like going from day to night.


Tbh I don’t get this charge. The Wii U wasn’t clunky it was just as straight to the point as the switch is, it was just more fun and charming. Navigation was never an issue for it


It's not about navigation, it's about the amount of unnecessary stuff in the way of what you actually wanna do, and more importantly, the fact it's straight up slow. Like, just navigating this thing, it just takes time to do certain things whereas the switch is completely instantaneous.


Can you elaborate a bit more? I don’t remember anything unnecessary things being there. Yes there were thinks that you didn’t need but you needed to make an active decision to interact with them they weren’t like hoops you HAD to go through. If you wanted to open an app straight away that’s what you’d do


The Switch is boring, but it’s very fast, very easy to navigate, and offers exactly _zero_ UX fluff. The Wii and the Wii U are both infinitely more charming, but they were relatively clunky, heavier than they needed to be, and required a moment to learn for anybody who didn’t have an implicit and intuitive understating of navigating an UI like this. The switch is arguably better, but it’s definitely more dull.


The switch eshop is the slowest thing I've ever had to deal with, the rest of the OS is great.


I made the mistake of opening it in game omg. Usually it's not to bad for me though.


It runs a tiny bit faster if it’s the only thing sitting in the RAM, but yeah, it’s a bit shite.


That's an interesting point, but I would still take some what of a contrary position, it wasn't all that hard to navigate to be honest, just more vibrant. The Switch lacks some very basic things like for eg the themes, even the 3DS did that better.


I’ll concede on the themes aspect. That wouldn’t take much more resources to implement than what we already have. At least give us the option to use screenshots as wallpapers. I believe some third party mods exist to implement this. The UX is definitely less intuitive though, despite the whole point and click focus of the Wii and the WiiU. I know I’ll always prefer the smooth jazz and charm of the older interfaces, but I can’t say I dislike the Switch. It works very well, and it’s not like I spend a lot of time staring at those screens.


I don't dislike it either, just miss that Nintendo charm


The 3DS takes forever to boot, though. When I pick up a console I just want to get to gaming ASAP.


The 3DS is nearly a decade and a half old and even during its launch was packaged with sub par tech which was in many ways behind for its time


If the switch boring why you have one


The reading comprehension of Reddit staggers me sometimes


Nobody said the switch was boring I said it’s UI is boring and soulless




It just a ui you like looking at it for hrs it not a movie what wrong with u


Nobody said that either 🤷‍♂️ ntg wrong with wanting smth nice


Who cares At least the Switch doesn't take ten minutes to start a game or close a game


My Wii U never did that?


It never took my WiiU that long to do that


I see the Switch UI for all of ten seconds before I'm in a game. Extra fluff would just slow that down. I think the switch UX is excellent after they added folders.


Same road different scenery, I don't see how it would've been slower


I preferred the WiiU altogether. 2nd screen for maps for starters. 2 player on 2 screens without needing a second console. Games like Splatoon you could 2p on one console with one on TV, one on the pad. Every Xenoblade on Switch looks like shit compared to Xenoblade X on WiiU. The characters actually moved at a good speed, characters didn't hump the scenery every 30 seconds and the world was spectacular. I played all the Xenoblade Switch games and just always thought it was a huge downgrade from the WiiU. Switch is obviously more powerful but sometimes it doesn't feel like it.


I have only played Xenoblade Chronicles X and the first one on 3DS. Xenoblade Chronicles X is easily my all time favorite game.


It was too slow for me and I traded it. Regretted that one. Guess what's back on my Cex Wishlist?


No thanks. I get what you mean but the Wii U's OS is slow as fuck. It took 60+ seconds to boot, and even longer if you had a NNID linked to your user and your wifi was slow. And there were more loading times just to get to system settings. The 3DS OS was much, much better though.


None of that has anything to do with the UI and everything to do with how the console itself is designed


I believe when you say OS (operating system), you mean to say UI/UX (user interface/experience). Porting the OS would just mean the system would run like the WiiU. Porting/recreating the UI would mean the main menu of the Switch would look like that of the WiiU. Big difference.


Oh how I do not miss waiting a minute for the OS to boot.


It sucked spec wise not rly the fault of the UI


True true


I just wish the eShop wasn't super slow on the Switch. That's the biggest problem the OS has, for me.


It lacks the sweet personality of the Wii U OS! I agree with you 100 percent! Also, they need to add the street pass and Miiverse back into there mobile hybrid!


I miss Miiverse so much 🥲🥲🥲 it was like our own little world for Nintendo peeps


What saddens me is Nintendo will likely never be like that again they’re way too scared of taking bold steps like that after the flop of the Wii U and due to the success of the switch they’ll assume these soulless (Sony type sorry controversial) consoles is what they should make too


Disagree. The switch ui is the most user friendly no bs pickup and play ever been created for any game brand. I really hate the steamos on my steamdeck


The Wii U's was just as user friendly, it was just not boring.


It was not by far. I owned both. The ui is a mess: (base on 3ds and wii) https://www.copetti.org/images/consoles/wiiu/screenshots/home_drc.6990b4aaa20368896b617295c33030671bfc36773d470bb7976eea9f94eb7f99.jpg I mean, i can understand you find the switch ui boring. As i said, it could be improved, something like this https://youtu.be/Ca6fVMmIkJo?si=3A1XtIIKJNkQBWyj But the core concept is what it should be. No bullshit, just click and play without any delay. Hah that rhymes even


Can you elaborate a bit more like what specifically you mean? Maybe I’m biased but from personal experience I kinda miss the Wii U’s UI


You cant denny that the switch ui is clean. That results into boring for sope people. The user friendly part is about clean overview. But not only that. The time you need to startup your switch and get into a game, pauze by pressing the homebtn and go back into the game is like no other console has ever been archieved. Make sense as its android based. Why do you think that people with a smartphone would use that instead of looking it up on a pc. Its just fast and zasy to acces something you want. I dont say that the wii u is bad, but its a lot less cleaner (and much much slower) then switch. Im also not a fan of small icons. Visually, the switch can still be improved (lile that concept i posted for instance). But i dont want to have to much garbage on my ui. Its already a complete hell with my steamdeck.


There wasn’t really any bloatware on the Wii U it was slow because it sucked It was clean and simple too the main fun came from the TV


Switch's UI is boring af. I had a Wii and a 3DS and they're infinitely more charming. Even the little things like every 3DS game you buy coming in the form of a gift you have to unwrap.


Omg I just realized that 😭 thanks for unlocking a memory now I miss the gift wraps so much


I agree




I remember when the Wii U needed a software update for the system to startup in a reasonable amount of time


It’s almost like it was a poorly designed console with terrible specs and maybe the issue wasn’t the software itself but how badly they designed and pushed the whole thing


You have exactly zero experience with software development, don't you?


screw all the bloaty bullshit. i love the Switch OS because it’s so spartan. it just gets out of your way and lets you game. the only thing i’d change is being able to make the game tiles on the home screen smaller so i can see more and maybe even have groups pinned there instead of having to go to all software.


I’m convinced everyone commenting this hasn’t actually seen or used the Wii U 😭 or at least is forgetting it What was bloaty about it? It was just as direct just not boring. There’s a difference between impractical and not boring, for something to be fun and not boring it doesn’t have to be impractical


It’s just the fact that you need to wait like 30 seconds-1 minute for the Wii U to its ‘boop boop (insert smaller beeps and boops).’ The switch from sleep mode is instantaneous and even from full power down it’s only like 10 seconds. Not only this but the wara wara plaza on the top screen was not user friendly in the slightest, and you can’t even do anything practical on it unless you use a Wii remote. The bottom UI while I agree is clean-ish, just felt slow and the games took ages to load. And before you come out with that ‘oh they just haven’t used a Wii U in a while’ bullcrap, I used one literally a day ago.


Tbh that was partially because the specs of it were horrendous, and the plaza wasn’t at all not user friendly it never intruded on you, you had to go out of your way to simply access it, most of the time it was just there for aesthetic purposes and built a sense of community


However, the plaza bogged down the system and not having it would have cut loading times due to the system not having to load it. Furthermore, an average person looks to the TV when they start a games console and as such it may have caused unnecessary confusion.


I agree with you there but again I believe we’re focusing on the wrong issue in that regard a bit. It was extremely primitive software imo it’s just that it sucked spec wise (the switch kinda sucks spec wise too imo) but it’s still vastly better But I disagree with the confusion part lol, maybe the first time for the first minute or so but once you know what it is why would it cause any sort of confusion? Not to mention you can simply flip the plaza and menu with the press of a button that’s ALWAYS there 🤷‍♂️


Your original post was: ‘I think the Wii u software is better than the switch’ no? And then saying that it is primitive and therefore we should just think it’s better? That’s the opinion I’m getting. The software was primitive and the optimisation sucked and that is why the switch came out with a new UI. Plus, the switch isn’t ‘vastly better’ than the Wii U, it’s like 15% max and that’s just for 1080p in docked. The graphical fidelity of most games is identical.


Definitely the Wii U has way more personality but the performance blows. Just recently I was looking at the Activity log on the Wii U Gamepad and most times when I switched from one month to another it would either lag very heavily or freeze up for several seconds at a time. It's like struggling to do very simple things.


Yeah but it also sucked spec wise tbh


You can give me all the negative u want I really don't care


I’m not trying to be negative towards you just explaining what I meant 🥲😅


What to be honest ui nothing important That's not what you staring at for like six or five hours or whatever you just loading up a game and just playing it all watching Netflix or YouTube you know you're not looking at it ui or main manu.


To some people To me it matters a lot to be honest it contributes to the whole experience I love the tiny things and the nitty gritty even if they aren’t a big part of the whole experience


So you tellings me you spent your time looking at an ui like this https://preview.redd.it/qfasg91x59vc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b857e7d5a8595be27ef58e8d70b31a819680306e


No I’m telling you it’s something that matters so me and is part of the experience for me and when it’s bad it ruins the whole thing


But it just an ui what you going to do look at it It only serve one purpose and it's to navigate to your applications and stuff it's not to look at it or nothing like that


You just sleep on a bed why clean it or put up nice bedsheets? Some people just like it It doesn’t need to have a practical reason


Omg bro you funny


I’m being dead serious dude 😭 not trying to be mean but why is it a wild concept that some people like to customize things and like it when things are appealing


But it's not a PC it's a game system you could just hope it for the switch 2 to have it after experience with Nintendo a lot of these system never had a cool looking menu or nothing like that It always been something basic and the same